Education homework help

Education homework help. Great! If you are right in coding and crossed every level of self-evaluation in coding. But your job is incomplete! You are loaded with coding assignments assigned by your professors or lecturers. Now you might feel a burden on yourself. So share your workload with online coding experts who are ready to do this job with you. But before starting the coding assignment, which topic should you choose? You can pick anyone from down below in this article.
Coding assignment experts bring excellent project ideas for coding connoisseurs.
Below we outlined a few exciting project ideas that can make you a coding connoisseur. Let’s have a look.
Build a responsive website
Have you ever visited any site? If yes, then you might have observed multiple pages on it. If you are an aspirant of a website developer, this project will deliver fruitful results for you. A responsive website with multiple carriers can work on many gadgets like computers, mobile phones, tablets, etc. As we have entered the tech era, the public view regarding the website is also changing. Hence, building it will keep you ahead of your competitors.
Develop a JavaScript game
For a new developer, designing a small JavaScript game is a good test. Here you will get a chance to express and showcase your skillset. When creating a JavaScript game from scratch, there is no current framework to build, so you will learn an incredible knowledge in the process, which will help you become a better developer when faced with challenges. Once you are done with the JavaScript game, you will have great fun to display in your portfolio!
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Education homework help

Education homework help

Education homework help.
Only $2

  • Free from Plagiarism in Matter of Seconds
  • Instant Plagiarism Reduction
  • 100% Proven Algorithm
  • Easy to Use
  • Undetected in New Turnitin Integrity Feature
  • No Quotations
  • No Hidden Characters

Student-centered Plagiarism Solution
Every now and then, several students around the world are faced with the risk of plagiarism. It has become increasingly challenging and every student faces the difficulty of overcoming plagiarism in their projects, essays, or theses submissions. Students are not to be blamed entirely but their professors as well. A student is always uncertain whether their work will be accepted by the professor even after complying with all the complex writing guidelines, formatting, and laws of citations. Plagirazor does not breach the academic institutional standards. We try to help students that spent hours completing their assignments but struggle to overcome the high similarity barrier in Turnitin.

Education homework help

Education homework help

Education homework help.
Only $2

  • Free from Plagiarism in Matter of Seconds
  • Instant Plagiarism Reduction
  • 100% Proven Algorithm
  • Easy to Use
  • Undetected in New Turnitin Integrity Feature
  • No Quotations
  • No Hidden Characters

Student-centered Plagiarism Solution
Every now and then, several students around the world are faced with the risk of plagiarism. It has become increasingly challenging and every student faces the difficulty of overcoming plagiarism in their projects, essays, or theses submissions. Students are not to be blamed entirely but their professors as well. A student is always uncertain whether their work will be accepted by the professor even after complying with all the complex writing guidelines, formatting, and laws of citations. Plagirazor does not breach the academic institutional standards. We try to help students that spent hours completing their assignments but struggle to overcome the high similarity barrier in Turnitin.

Education homework help

Drama, ,Film and Mass Communication homework help

Write a 7 page essay on Keeler v. Superior Court, 2 Cal 3D 619 (1970).He insisted, upon viewing her pregnant form, the he would “stomp it out of you”, then pushing her against the car and driving his knee sharply into her abdomen (New York State Bar Association, 2010, p.623). After striking his wife in the face several times, she eventually fainted. Upon awaking, Robert Keeler had left the scene of the crime.Her first move was to return to Stockton where she approached the police, who summoned medical assistance. She was discovered to have significant facial injuries and extensive bruises on her abdomen (, 2010). Upon the advice of medical practitioners, a C-section was performed in which the fetus was discovered to have a fractured skull and was delivered stillborn. Under Penal Code § 187, Robert Keeler was charged with murder as it was determined that the damage caused to the fetus could only have been sustained through external force.The Supreme Court of Amador County ruled that Robert Keeler could not be held on murder charges or convicted of the crime. The judge in the case cited Penal Code 187 that provides “murder is the unlawful killing of a human being, with malice afterthought” (, 2010, p.2). At this time, in 1970, most of the laws pertaining to murder and identifying what constitutes a human being was related to very old common law from the 1850s. There were no precedents set that clearly indicated fetus rights and such rights in relation to classification as a human being. This common law involved protections for individuals who had been born alive, and Teresa Keeler’s child had been stillborn. The judge had no legal viability by which to uphold murder charges.The judge further ruled that citing other relevant laws other than those spelled out in Penal Code 187 would deny Mr. Keeler due process afforded him by law ( Though Robert Keeler’s domestic assault charges were upheld, there were absolutely no

Operations Management homework help

 The results from a variance analysis are important for helping managers control costs as well as identify areas were organizational performance and efficiency can be improved.

review  and reflect on how actual costs, standard costs, and variance analysis will contribute to your current or future role as a manager or in decision making. Consider the role of variances when engaged in decision making and how variance analysis might help contribute to improved organizational efficiency.


Describe a scenario in which there are both highly favorable and highly unfavorable variances. Be sure to include the actual and standard costs in your scenario.

  • Analyze how and why you, as a manager, would prioritize the variances for analysis and how knowing these variances might help you improve efficiency.

Criminal homework help

What is the UCR? What are its major components? Where can this be located online? What are the major components of the crime index? How can this be useful to the Criminal Justice researcher?

Education homework help


Create a PowerPoint presentation for new early childhood teachers within your district to be shared at a professional development seminar. Be sure to include the following:

  • Explain how early childhood education theories help teachers to understand the early childhood learner. Provide specific examples for your audience.
  • Indicate how teachers can utilize specific theories during instruction (e.g., how can teachers utilize Piaget’s cognitive development theories to better design instruction for their age group).
  • Use a minimum of three theories for this assignment.
  • Use the resources listed above under videos and book(s) for this week to provide support and evidence for this assignment

Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists. Keep in mind, the purpose of this assignment is to help teachers better understand how to utilize theory in order to better design classroom environments and curriculum tailored to their age group.

Support your presentation with at least two scholarly resources (i.e., journal articles). In addition to the journal articles and specified resources for this week, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)

Notes Length: 80-100 words for each slide

Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style where appropriate. Save the file as PPT with the correct course code information.

Education homework help

Understanding the development and individual differences of students with disabilities allows special education teachers to respond appropriately during instruction, utilizing supportive instructional strategies and technologies to meet student needs. Using assistive technologies, such as alternative and augmentative communication systems, to support instructional assessment, planning, and delivery, is essential to the language development and communication of students with disabilities.

Read the case study below to inform the assignment.

Case Study: Stephanie

Grade: 5th

Age: 10

Stephanie is a fifth grade student who is intellectually disabled and also has a severe language disorder. She is 10-years-old and spends a great portion of her day in self-contained settings. She receives speech therapy from a speech pathologist for a minimum of 30 minutes, four days a week. The rest of the time her language needs are supported by the special education teacher. She does attend a general education fifth grade classroom daily for 60 minutes for English language arts instruction, per her parent’s request. An instructional assistant accompanies her to class.

Stephanie’s oral expression skills are in the below average range. She struggles with oral expression speech, expressive language, and meanings of words. Her speech is limited and she usually has poor decoding and reading comprehension skills. Her reading level is at a low first grade level, reading simple stories with a Lexile level of 275-400. Her favorite book is If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff. Stephanie writes very little and relies on the Picture Exchange System as her primary form of communication.

Stephanie attends the fifth grade English language arts class for exposure to more appropriate grade level content and socialization. She requires frequent breaks and one-on-one support from an assistant when participating in the general education setting. The special education teacher and assistant work with the general education teacher and follow the modified curriculum from the state department of education.

For standardized grade-level testing, Stephanie participates in the yearly Alternate Assessment. The assessment is administered orally by the teacher and a proctor is present. The assessment is multiple choice and the administrator can accept eye gazing, finger pointing, and verbal responses to answer questions. The assessment is not timed and the teacher can apply the 10 response rule: If the student does not respond after 10 questions, the teacher can end the assessment.


Use the “ELA Mini-Unit Template” to complete this assignment.

Part 1: Student Goal

Write a measurable reading comprehension goal for Stephanie’s IEP. Within the goal, incorporate an alternative and augmentative communication system to support her communication and learning.

Part 2: Mini-Unit

Compose a mini-unit of three ELA lesson plans for the general education classroom that incorporates your ELA standards for teaching reading comprehension to fifth graders.

For each lesson plan include differentiated activities and assessments for Stephanie that use the AAC system identified in Part 1 to allow her to access the curriculum and address her measurable IEP goal.

Part 3: Rationale

Provide a 250-500 word rationale that explains how your mini-unit instructional choices are developmentally appropriate for teaching the content standards, and how the differentiated activities and assessment will allow Stephanie to meet her goal and fully access the curriculum. Address how your accommodations and differentiation create a supportive learning environment that encourages self-advocacy, increases independence, and emphasizes safe and ethical use of information and technology for Stephanie.

Support your rationale with 2-3 scholarly resources on best practices regarding semantics/language disorders and the use of assistive technology.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

College of Education (COE) program competencies and national standards assessed in the benchmark assignment:

COE 2.4

Create a supportive learning environment that encourages self-advocacy, increases independence, and emphasizes safe and ethical use of information and technology. [CEC 2.1; ICSI.2.K1-K4, ICSI.2.S1, ICSI.2.S3, ICSI.2.S4, ICSI.2.S8, ICSI.2.S9; IGC.2.K2, IGC.2.K3, IGC.2.S2; InTASC 9(f); ISTE-T 4a, 4b, 4c; GCU Mission Critical 4, 5]

COE 3.3       

Modify general and specialized curricula to make them accessible to individuals with disabilities. [CEC 3.3; ICSI.1.K3, ICSI.3.K2, ICSI.3.K3, ICSI.5.S15, ICSI.5.S21; IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 3(a); GCU Mission Critical1, 2, 4, 5]

COE 5.2       

Use technologies to support instructional assessment, planning, and delivery for individuals with disabilities. [CEC 5.2; ICSI.5.K2, ICSI.5.K3, ICSI.5.S7, ICSI.5.S14; IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.K3, IGC.5.S1, IGC.5.S7, IGC.5.S23-25, IGC.5.S29; InTASC 6(g), 6(i), 6(r), 8(b); ISTE-T 2a, 2d, 2c; GCU Mission Critical 1, 4]

COE 5.3

Evaluate and select appropriate augmentative and alternative communication systems and a variety of assistive technologies to support the communication and learning of individuals with disabilities. [CEC 5.3; ICSI.5.K2, ICSI.5.K3, ICSI.5.S15, ICSI.5.S19, ICSI.5.S20; IGC.5.K1, IGC.5.S7, IGC.5.S21; InTASC 3(h), 8(g); GCU Mission Critical1, 4]

COE 5.4

Use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills of individuals with disabilities. [CEC 5.4; ICSI.5.K2, ICSI.5.S19; IGC.5.S13, IGC.5.S14, IGC.5.S16, IGC.5.S17, IGC.5.S18, IGC.5.S19, IGC.5.S23, IGC.5.S24; InTASC 2(e); GCU Mission Critical 1, 4]

History homework help

Now that you have read Jonathan Edwards, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (1741), viewed at least a portion of the “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” video, and read Benjamin Franklin, “The Way to Wealth” (1758), please write a short paragraph.

Which individual, Edwards or Franklin, best exemplifies the spirit and essence of British North America during the middle years of the 18th Century?  Your response should be about a double-spaced typed page (about 300 words) in length.  As you compose your answer, make certain to include specific information from the readings

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