06.06 Make Your Argument
Using the ideas you previously wrote in your Argument Organizer and introduction, you will write the body paragraphs of your argument.
Important note: You will submit your introduction and body for this assignment.
View the grading rubric as you complete your work. This is your guide to a super submission.
- You have previously written the introduction to your argument. Now you will write the body paragraphs to continue your argument.
- Be sure to use the information you previously wrote in your Argument Organizer.
- In three body paragraphs remember to include:
- BODY PARAGRAPH 1: a strong reason for your claim and researched fact to support your claim
- BODY PARAGRAPH 2: another strong reason for your claim and researched fact to support your claim
- BODY PARAGRAPH 3: a counterclaim against your argument, a rebuttal, and a researched fact to support your rebuttal
- Transitions
- Direct quote in your article
- Indirect quote in your article
- Technical language
- Signal phrases to indicate quotes or facts that are not your ideas
- Write three or more complete sentences in each paragraph
- Write in formal style using the third-person point of view.
- Use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
- Add your introduction to the body.
- Save your work to your computer or drive.
- Submit your work in 06.06 Make Your Argument.
Posted Mon Feb 8, 2021 at 9:56 am
CriteriaGrading ScaleCriteriaGrading ScaleIdentified with Heading
Assignment is identified with heading including name, date and assignment
Advanced: Heading is complete and easy to read.
Proficient: Heading is missing one element
:Developing: Heading is missing several elements
Needs Improvement: No Heading
Responses follow grade level conventions. Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation.
Advanced: Responses use correct sentence construction, spelling and punctuation.
Proficient: Response is missing one element
:Response is missing several elements
Needs Improvement: Poor use of conventions.
Use of Evidence
Response includes evidence from text and explanation to support the answer.
Advanced: Presents and explains well chosen and sufficient evidence that shows a clear understanding of topic and task.
Proficient: Presents and explains adequate evidence that shows an understanding of topic and task.
Developing: Presents relevant but insufficient evidence that shows only partial understanding of topic and task.
Needs Improvement: Presents irrelevant or no evidence. Demonstrates little understanding of topic or task..
Use of Language
Response uses grade level vocabulary
Advanced: Shows sophisticated command of precise language, varied transitions and formal style and tone
Proficient: Shows sophisticated command of precise language, varied transitions and formal style and tone
Developing: Shows inconsistent vocabulary and basic or repetitive transitions.
Needs Improvement: Shows little to no grade level vocabulary or sentence variety. No transitions and informal tone.M