Entries by admin

Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between the two types of genetic disorders?

Two health care workers are comparing the etiology and incidence of multifactorial inheritance disorders and single-gene disorders. Which of the following statements best captures the relationship between the two types of genetic disorders? Answers: A. “A couple with a child with a multifactorial disorder has a higher risk of having another with the same disorder.” […]

The nurse knows which of the following medical diagnoses listed below may be associated with these clinical manifestations?

A teenager, exposed to West Nile virus a few weeks ago while camping with friends, is admitted with headache, fever, and nuchal rigidity. The teenager is also displaying some lethargy and disorientation. The nurse knows which of the following medical diagnoses listed below may be associated with these clinical manifestations? Answers: A. Spinal infection B. […]

Which of the following individuals is likely to have the best prognosis for recovery from his or her insult to the peripheral nervous system?

Which of the following individuals is likely to have the best prognosis for recovery from his or her insult to the peripheral nervous system? An adult Answers: A. who had nerves transected during surgery to remove a tumor from the mandible. B. who developed rhabdomyolysis and ischemic injury after a tourniquet application. C. who suffered […]

Which of the following is his most likely diagnosis?

A 4-year-old boy presents with a chronic cough and swollen lymph nodes. His records show that he has been given antibiotics several times in the past year with limited success, most recently for a liver abscess, and that he also has a recurring fungal skin condition. Which of the following is his most likely diagnosis? […]