Write a Personal Response Paper  (750 words) on the movie Rashomon(1950).


Your thesis statement should center on your opinion of the movie (did you like or dislike the movie?)

Support your thesis by giving examples from the movie to explain your assessment of the movie.

Things you might consider in formulating your opinions are:

What are the reoccurring themes?

How do you feel about how women are portrayed in this movie?

How was “Man” (humanity) portrayed in this movie?

Aside from the obvious age of the movie, are there aspects of the movie you liked?  i.e. Narrative style of the story?; Cinematography?; Special Effects? etc…

Remember that you may still like a movie while disliking certain themes or content of the movie.  Was it well directed?  Was the story line compelling?  Does its message transcend time?

100 points          25pts.=Content, 25pts.=Organization, 25pts.=Style, 25pts.=Correctness