200 words questions

In this week’s discussion, we will discuss disease prevention and ways to keep children healthy.

I have included some websites you may find helpful as we journey through this week.



Be sure to include references from the unit reading and or web resources to support your discussion.


Points to Discuss

  1. Describe a condition or illness that is specific to exclusion.
  2. How would you handle an experience with a conflicting opinion on exclusion between the Early Childhood Care Professional and the parent/caregiver?
  3. After viewing the Cengage video, “The Quality of Childcare”, please share at least five components of a quality, safe, and healthy learning environment.

Web Resource #1

Source: Nutrition and Food Service: National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care. Retrieved from: http://nrckids.org/CFOC3/HTMLVersion/Chapter04.html

Web Resource #2

Source: DHEC. (n.d.) Official Child Care and School Exclusion Lists of Contagious or Communicable Diseases. Retrieved from: http://www.scdhec.gov/health/disease/exclusion.htm