How is the information system designed to contribute to safety and quality in the care of patients?

PLS Read the competencies !


Write 3–5 pages in which you discuss how a current information system used in the delivery of patient care contributes to improved patient outcomes.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

  • Competency 1: Describe the importance of effective scholarship and evidence-based information to advance the profession of nursing.
    • Describe how an information system used in nursing contributes to evidence-based nursing practices.
  • Competency 2: Identify strategies and best practices for using informatics in nursing and health care.
    • Describe how a nurse researcher uses information technology to define patient safety within the context of outcomes.
  • Competency 3: Explain the use of information management tools and technologies to monitor and improve health care delivery and patient outcomes.
    • Describe how nurse leaders and nurse informaticists use technology and evidence-based practice to contribute to improved patient outcomes.
  • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is consistent with the expectations of a nursing professional.
    • Write coherently to support a central idea in appropriate format with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics.


Write a paper in which you analyze an information system for its effectiveness in improving patient care.

Select an example of a current information system used in the delivery of patient care. Note: Ideally, select a system from your workplace to examine. If you are not currently working, select a system from an organization close to where you live. This technology should be used for data management designed to improve patient care.

Familiarize yourself with the technology. Do some personal research to gain a deeper understanding about the technology. Visit the Web site of the company who markets the technology to familiarize with how the company positions the technology in the market. Read articles online and in the library related to your chosen system. Remember to take notes to keep track of what you discover. Examine the following aspects of the technology:

  1. How is the information system designed to contribute to safety and quality in the care of patients?
  2. What types of data are tracked, monitored, stored, and trended in the system?
  3. How well does it accomplish what it is designed to do in your chosen real-world setting?
  4. How is this information system used to support research or action by nurse researchers, leaders, and informaticists? If it is not currently being used to support research, how could it be used in the future?
  5. What types of opportunities are available for nurses, in any scope of practice, that gives them the chance to participate in the design and testing of this system?
  6. How might the technology be enhanced so it better meets the needs of the professionals currently using the system?

Compare what you learn with how your chosen technology is being used in the workplace. Think about your own workplace and consider speaking with other professionals who currently use the system.


Write an paper in which you discuss and apply what you have learned about how your chosen information system is used in the delivery of patient care and how it contributes (or does not contribute) to improved patient care. Include the following categories:

  • Describe your chosen information system used in nursing and how it contributes to evidence-based nursing practices.
  • Describe the types of data that are tracked and how the data are monitored, stored, and trended.
  • Describe how a nurse researcher, nurse leader, and nurse informaticist use information technology to define patient safety within the context of outcomes.
  • Describe how nurses can enhance the technology through participation in design and testing of the system.

Additional Requirements

  • Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to current APA style and formatting guidelines. Include the following:
    • Title page.
    • Running head (a short title that appears on every page).
    • Title on the first page of text.
    • Level 1 headings for paper sections.
    • In-text parenthetical citations and a reference list.
  • Number of resources: Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed resources.
  • Length: Submit 3–5 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

Consider the following questions from the point of view of a specific organization:

  • Technologies used for direct care:
    • How are data used to improve patient outcomes?
    • How does technology contribute to safety and quality of care in this setting?
  • Technologies used for data management:
    • How are data tracked, monitored, stored, or trended in your data management system?
    • How is technology used for data archiving and retrieval?
  • Reliability and safeguards:
    • How do you know your data are reliable?
    • What types of safeguards are in place to protect patient data?
  • Research:
    • How are data extracted and used for research endeavors in your organization?
    • What are examples of how nurses at the bedside are involved in technology design and testing in your organization? In other organizations? How might you do it differently?
  • Technology and professional development:
    • What are the challenges for successful implementation of new technologies in health care environment and nursing practices—in general? Specific to your organization?
    • If you had the power to improve the way technology is used in your organization, what you would like to see changed or enhanced?

What is the etiology of cystic fibrosis and Bronchitis?

Below I will include 2 posts that need to be done. Please make sure that every question is answered.


  • 300 words min — each
  • min, 1 scholarly source (no older than 5 years)
  • APA format
  • no grammatical errors, PLEASE!



A five-month-old Caucasian female is brought into the clinic as the parent indicates that she has been having ongoing foul-smelling, greasy diarrhea. She seems to be small for her age and a bit sickly but, her parent’s state that she has a huge appetite. Upon examination you find that the patient is wheezing and you observe her coughing. After an extensive physical exam and work-up, the patient is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis.

1. What is the etiology of cystic fibrosis?

2. Describe in detail the pathophysiological process of cystic fibrosis.

3. Identify hallmark signs identified from the physical exam and symptoms.

4. Describe the pathophysiology of complications of cystic fibrosis.

5. What teaching related to her diagnosis would you provide the parents?

In addition to the textbook, utilize at least one peer-reviewed, evidence based resource to develop your post.


Tammy is a 33-year-old who presents for evaluation of a cough. She reports that about 3 weeks ago she developed a “really bad cold” with rhinorrhea. The cold seemed to go away but then she developed a profound, deep, mucus-producing cough. Now, there is no rhinorrhea or rhinitis—the primary problem is the cough. She develops these coughing fits that are prolonged, very deep, and productive of a lot of green sputum. She hasn’t had any fever but does have a scratchy throat. Tammy has tried over-the-counter cough medicines but has not had much relief. The cough keeps her awake at night and sometimes gets so bad that she gags and dry heaves. Through and extensive work-up, she is diagnosed with bronchitis.

1. What is the etiology of bronchitis?

2. Describe in detail the pathophysiological process of bronchitis.

3. Identify hallmark signs identified from the physical exam and symptoms.

4. Describe the pathophysiology of complications of bronchitis.

5. What teaching related to her diagnosis would you provide?

In addition to the textbook, utilize at least one peer-reviewed, evidence based resource to develop your post.

describe the dataset analyze and interpret information


In this assignment, you will be expected to utilize a data set to analyze and interpret information. Select a data set that you find interesting


Part one – visit and select one of the data sets that you find interesting. In one paragraph, describe the dataset. The dataset you choose must contain at least 3 columns of quantitative data with at least 30 data values in each column. If it doesn’t, you won’t be able to complete some parts of this assignment.

Part two – in a Word document, using current APA formatting, complete the following:

1. Identify the variable names and whether they are the dependent or independent variables.

2. Create a histogram for two of the variables. Comment on interesting patterns you see. Is the data normally distributed? Why or why not?

3. Create a scatter diagram for any two of the independent variables and the dependent variable. You should have two scatterplots. Is there a strong relationship between the independent and dependent variables? Explain your answer. What can you hypothesize based on the relationship you see in the graphs?

4. Using statistical data, discuss the probability of other nurses seeing this as an issue in their practice. Discuss how sample size may affect these numbers.

5. Compute the mean, standard deviation and the estimated standard of the mean of one of the variables. Include the Stat Crunch output table in your document.

6. Using data in number 5, above, compute a 95% confidence interval (showing all the work) and describe the central limit theorem.

Part three – in 2-3-paragraphs please provide a written proposal to senior management, using the information in part one. Select three analyses to describe the data.

Your paper should be double spaced, 12-point font, and all references and citations should follow APA format.

Part four Create the histogram in the statistical software of your choosing and while verbally explaining the process and interesting patterns you see. Verbally explain whether your data is normally distributed. This process should be recorded while inputting, computing and discussing.

Create a scatter diagram in the statistical software of your choosing for one of your independent variables. Verbally explain whether there is a strong relationship. This process should be recorded while inputting, computing and discussing.

importance of being able to measure health behaviors and methods to assess health behaviors in a target population.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). Developing process evaluation questions [Evaluation Briefs No. 4]. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). Evaluating your strategic plan [Evaluation Briefs No. 5]. Retrieved from

Chriqui JF, Schneider L, Chaloupka FJ, Gourdet C, Bruursema A, Ide K & Pugach O. (2010). School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating Progress and Potential for Improving Childrens Health Three Years after the Federal Mandate. Health Policy Center, Institute for Health Research and Policy,

Mokdad, A.H. & Remington, P.L. (2010 July). Measuring health behaviors in populations. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4), A75. Retrieved from

Optional Readings

Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health (2001). Organizations, communities, and society: Models and interventions. Health and behavior: The interplay between the biological, behavioral, and societal influences (pp. 241-264). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from

Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health (2001). Evaluating and disseminating intervention research. Health and behavior: The interplay between the biological, behavioral, and societal influences (pp. 274-309). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from


According to Mokdad & Remington (2010), “health behaviors are a leading cause of illness and death in the United States” (p. 1). Reflecting on this statement, write a paper (3 pages) discussing the importance of being able to measure health behaviors and describing methods to assess health behaviors in a target population.

The following items in particular will be assessed:

  1. Discuss reasons for measuring health behaviors.
  2. Identify at least two methods to assess/measure smoking behaviors among adolescents in your community.
  3. In your opinion, do you agree or disagree that measurement of health behavior is useful for program planning. Defend your position by providing empirical evidence.

implementation procedures to address the health behavior and methods to evaluate your program/intervention


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). Developing process evaluation questions [Evaluation Briefs No. 4]. Retrieved from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009). Evaluating your strategic plan [Evaluation Briefs No. 5]. Retrieved from

Chriqui JF, Schneider L, Chaloupka FJ, Gourdet C, Bruursema A, Ide K & Pugach O. (2010). School District Wellness Policies: Evaluating Progress and Potential for Improving Childrens Health Three Years after the Federal Mandate. Health Policy Center, Institute for Health Research and Policy,

Mokdad, A.H. & Remington, P.L. (2010 July). Measuring health behaviors in populations. Preventing Chronic Disease, 7(4), A75. Retrieved from

Optional Readings

Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health (2001). Organizations, communities, and society: Models and interventions. Health and behavior: The interplay between the biological, behavioral, and societal influences (pp. 241-264). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from

Committee on Health and Behavior: Research, Practice, and Policy, Board on Neuroscience and Behavioral Health (2001). Evaluating and disseminating intervention research. Health and behavior: The interplay between the biological, behavioral, and societal influences (pp. 274-309). Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Retrieved from

Optional Resources

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2018). General format. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2018). In-text citations: The basics. Retrieved from

Purdue Online Writing Lab. (2018). Reference list: Basic rules. Retrieved from


For Module 3, conduct a literature search utilizing peer-reviewed journal articles, books, professional organization Web sites and articles, etc., to continue working on your program/intervention plan (which you started in Module 2) and propose appropriate evaluation measures to evaluate effectiveness of your program.

Write a paper (3 pages in length) including a complete workplan that shows your implementation procedures to address the health behavior and describing your methods to evaluate your program/intervention. A workplan sample can be found at

The following items will be assessed in particular:

  1. Use the feedback I gave you in the previous module to refine and update your goal and objectives.
  2. Include a complete workplan with the following components: goals, objectives, activities, data measurement tools, timeframe, responsible person, and measures of success.
  3. Describe how you will evaluate the effectiveness of your program. Make sure to include information on what evaluation tool you plan to use (e.g., questionnaire and survey).
  4. Discuss how you will know if your program or intervention is effective. Refer back to your program goal and objectives.


  • attachment


write a scripted dialogue in which you provide Sallie Mae with education that describes her problems and the interventions identified to improve her condition

This is a CLC assignment.

As a group, observe the simulated “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” video (

Refer to “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders” for specifics related to the case study used to inform the assignment.

Using “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher” and “Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders,” complete the following components of this assignment:

Essay Portion

After viewing the home visit, write an essay of 500-750-words in which you do the following:

  1. Identify, prioritize, and describe at least four problems.
  2. Provide substantiating evidence (assessment data) for each problem identified.
  3. Identify and describe at least four medical and/or nursing interventions.
  4. Discuss your rationale for the interventions identified.

Prepare this step of the assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Scripted Dialogue Portion

Utilizing the information learned from the home visit, health histories, and discharge orders, write a scripted dialogue in which you provide Sallie Mae with education that describes her problems and the interventions identified to improve her condition. Consider Sallie Mae’s physiological, psychosocial, educational, and spiritual needs when developing your dialogue.

Your dialogue should resemble a script. The following is an example of a few sentences from a scripted dialogue:

Nurse: “Good morning, Salle Mae, my name is ______ and I will be your nurse today. I understand you are experiencing problems with ________.”

APA format is not required for this part of the assignment, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher Grading Criteria.”

Entire Assignment

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to LopesWrite.

Describe the Cultural Empowerment

Continuing with the same cultural group and health issue for the Session Long Project that you began in Module 1, write a paper to address the following:

Describe the Cultural Empowerment of the group you chose. Specifically address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors within the dimension of cultural empowerment applies to your group, and provide examples.

Use subheadings to clearly show that you have addressed each of the three factors. Support your discussion with references from scholarly and professional references (not just your opinion).

Length:  2-3 pages, excluding the cover page and the reference list.


factors that impede the adoption of a desired health behavior

Your comments will be graded on how well they meet the Discussion Requirements posted under “Before You Begin.”

The icebreaker for this Discussion is as follows:

Ice-breaker: “If I had the power to change a (negative) cultural practice, I would choose_______. I chose this because__________.”

After answering the icebreaker question above, please answer the following question in your Discussion response:

According to Airhihenbuwa, “negative enablers” are sociocultural factors that impede the adoption of a desired health behavior.

Please share with the class which cultural group you chose for your SLP and provide some examples of negative enablers that might influence the health behaviors of members of that cultural group. How might they lead to health disparities? Be specific — provide an example.


What does the statistical analysis of cardiovascular health tell us about the health disparities in this country (USA)?


1. What does the statistical analysis of cardiovascular health tell us about the health disparities in this country (USA)?

2. a) What does the educational level of the client tell you about their health status?

b) How could you address this situation in (a)?

3. What can you tell about the prevalence of hemoglobin A1c in a population? What conclusion  can you draw from this data?

4. What is the difference between male/female and the Hispanic and Black American population? Can you draw