Research Paper Instructions In this assignment, you will build upon your Journal Article Reviews and/or may build upon a topic or chapter from the Linebach & Kovacsiss text. In other words, as noted in the constraints above, you will have some limited flexibility in choosing your topic. The Research Paper must be a minimum of 8–10 pages. The project must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. You must incorporate a Christian worldview throughout your paper or have a specific section of your paper dedicated to Christian Worldview. You must use a 10–15 recent, relevant, and academic (peer-reviewed journals preferred and professional journals allowed if used judiciously) sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than 2 sources being books. This paper must reflect graduate level research and writing style. Reference the Research Paper Grading Rubric when creating your Research Paper. Microsoft Word is the only acceptable format for submission.

Research Paper Instructions
In this assignment, you will build upon your Journal Article Reviews and/or may build upon a topic or chapter from the Linebach & Kovacsiss text. In other words, as noted in the constraints above, you will have some limited flexibility in choosing your topic. The Research Paper must be a minimum of 8–10 pages. The project must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. You must incorporate a Christian worldview throughout your paper or have a specific section of your paper dedicated to Christian Worldview. You must use a 10–15 recent, relevant, and academic (peer-reviewed journals preferred and professional journals allowed if used judiciously) sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than 2 sources being books. This paper must reflect graduate level research and writing style. Reference the Research Paper Grading Rubric when creating your Research Paper. Microsoft Word is the only acceptable format for submission.

Research Paper Instructions In this assignment, you will build upon your Journal Article Reviews and/or may build upon a topic or chapter from the Linebach & Kovacsiss text. In other words, as noted in the constraints above, you will have some limited flexibility in choosing your topic. The Research Paper must be a minimum of 8–10 pages. The project must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. You must incorporate a Christian worldview throughout your paper or have a specific section of your paper dedicated to Christian Worldview. You must use a 10–15 recent, relevant, and academic (peer-reviewed journals preferred and professional journals allowed if used judiciously) sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than 2 sources being books. This paper must reflect graduate level research and writing style. Reference the Research Paper Grading Rubric when creating your Research Paper. Microsoft Word is the only acceptable format for submission.

Research Paper Instructions
In this assignment, you will build upon your Journal Article Reviews and/or may build upon a topic or chapter from the Linebach & Kovacsiss text. In other words, as noted in the constraints above, you will have some limited flexibility in choosing your topic. The Research Paper must be a minimum of 8–10 pages. The project must use current APA style, and the page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. You must incorporate a Christian worldview throughout your paper or have a specific section of your paper dedicated to Christian Worldview. You must use a 10–15 recent, relevant, and academic (peer-reviewed journals preferred and professional journals allowed if used judiciously) sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than 2 sources being books. This paper must reflect graduate level research and writing style. Reference the Research Paper Grading Rubric when creating your Research Paper. Microsoft Word is the only acceptable format for submission.

Mathematics homework help

Combinatorics and applications
Problem Set 3
1. Let an be the number of ways to tile a 1 × n board with 1 × 1 squares, 1 × 2 rectangles, and
1 × 3 rectangles.
(a) Find a recurrence for an.
(b) Find a simple expression for the generating function P
n as a quotient of two
2. Consider the recurrence an = 3an−1 − 4an−3, with initial conditions a0 = 1, a1 = 2, a2 = 6.
Find a simple expression for the generating function P
3. Let an = 5 · 3
n − 2
for n ≥ 0. Find a simple expression for the generating function
n as a quotient of two polynomials.
4. Find a generating function A(z) such that the coefficient of z
100 is the number of ways to
give change of a dollar (that is, 100 cents) using cents, nickels (5-cent coins), dimes (10-cent
coins), and quarters (25 cent coins).
5. Find a simple expression for the generating function P
n≥1 nzn as a quotient of two polynomials

Mathematics homework help

Combinatorics and applications
Problem Set 3
1. Let an be the number of ways to tile a 1 × n board with 1 × 1 squares, 1 × 2 rectangles, and
1 × 3 rectangles.
(a) Find a recurrence for an.
(b) Find a simple expression for the generating function P
n as a quotient of two
2. Consider the recurrence an = 3an−1 − 4an−3, with initial conditions a0 = 1, a1 = 2, a2 = 6.
Find a simple expression for the generating function P
3. Let an = 5 · 3
n − 2
for n ≥ 0. Find a simple expression for the generating function
n as a quotient of two polynomials.
4. Find a generating function A(z) such that the coefficient of z
100 is the number of ways to
give change of a dollar (that is, 100 cents) using cents, nickels (5-cent coins), dimes (10-cent
coins), and quarters (25 cent coins).
5. Find a simple expression for the generating function P
n≥1 nzn as a quotient of two polynomials

Sociology homework help

Assignment 1 Instructions

Assignment 1 is due in Week 4. The link below to submit your assignment will be available in Week 2. Review the assignment instructions below, and then come back to the link to submit your assignment.
Assignment Help

Completing Your Assignment

  • Step 1: Download your Assignment 1 instructions (PDF).

Download Instructions

  • Step 2: Read the Research Article (PDF).

Download Article
Note: If you are having difficulties opening the article link use the link here:—majority-of-online-adults-say-the-internet-has-been-good-for-society/ 

  • Step 3: Download the Assignment 1 template (MS Word) that you must complete and submit for a grade.

Download Template

  • Step 4: Complete the assignment, and then click SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT 1 below.

Sociology homework help

Assignment 1 Instructions

Assignment 1 is due in Week 4. The link below to submit your assignment will be available in Week 2. Review the assignment instructions below, and then come back to the link to submit your assignment.
Assignment Help

Completing Your Assignment

  • Step 1: Download your Assignment 1 instructions (PDF).

Download Instructions

  • Step 2: Read the Research Article (PDF).

Download Article
Note: If you are having difficulties opening the article link use the link here:—majority-of-online-adults-say-the-internet-has-been-good-for-society/ 

  • Step 3: Download the Assignment 1 template (MS Word) that you must complete and submit for a grade.

Download Template

  • Step 4: Complete the assignment, and then click SUBMIT ASSIGNMENT 1 below.

Government homework help

Presentation –  – Policy Proposal PAPER:

  • 2 – 3 double-spaced pages, with reasonable (12 pt.) font and reasonable (1 inch) margins;
  • Concentration to any/all of the social, economic and environmental sustainability issues as identified by the global community ~
  • Themes/topics selection should be based off each students personal/professional interest(s) and observations, but designed to address at least one concern associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’s) [~source listed above~].  Focus can be concentrated on Foreign Policy -OR- Domestic Policy proposals.  More information will/can be found via eCampus.
  • Citations are required; in-text citations are preferred (MLA style);
  • Assignments should be turned into eCampus (for collection of artifacts for scoring).

Encouraged expectations that students include outside sources to support positions they would develop when thinking deeply about their specific areas of concern.
Concentration to any/all of the social, economic and environmental sustainability
issues as identified by the global community ~ ~
Please use this Link above and tie your policy to one of the issues
What I would like for this paper to cover

  1. What is the policy’s goal
  2. Who would promote your policies proposal
  3. Who would benefit
  4. Who would absorb the accrued expenses

Also connect these 5 steps into this paper

  1. Agenda setting
  2. Formulation
  3. Adoption
  4. Implementation
  5. Evaluation

I have included a picture from my textbook on the 2nd page to help with the 5 steps
** please put your best effort into this paper Its very important for my grade, thankyou**

Government homework help

Presentation –  – Policy Proposal PAPER:

  • 2 – 3 double-spaced pages, with reasonable (12 pt.) font and reasonable (1 inch) margins;
  • Concentration to any/all of the social, economic and environmental sustainability issues as identified by the global community ~
  • Themes/topics selection should be based off each students personal/professional interest(s) and observations, but designed to address at least one concern associated with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG’s) [~source listed above~].  Focus can be concentrated on Foreign Policy -OR- Domestic Policy proposals.  More information will/can be found via eCampus.
  • Citations are required; in-text citations are preferred (MLA style);
  • Assignments should be turned into eCampus (for collection of artifacts for scoring).

Encouraged expectations that students include outside sources to support positions they would develop when thinking deeply about their specific areas of concern.
Concentration to any/all of the social, economic and environmental sustainability
issues as identified by the global community ~ ~
Please use this Link above and tie your policy to one of the issues
What I would like for this paper to cover

  1. What is the policy’s goal
  2. Who would promote your policies proposal
  3. Who would benefit
  4. Who would absorb the accrued expenses

Also connect these 5 steps into this paper

  1. Agenda setting
  2. Formulation
  3. Adoption
  4. Implementation
  5. Evaluation

I have included a picture from my textbook on the 2nd page to help with the 5 steps
** please put your best effort into this paper Its very important for my grade, thankyou**

Law homework help

IRAC Scenario
Every year the City of Zion celebrates the New Year by having a New Year’s parade. Approximately 100,000 people line the streets of downtown Zion to view the parade. During the parade, vendors and businesses advertise by passing out thousands of flyers and brochures. The day after the parade the Zion city streets are lined with a clutter of paper and trash. The City of Zion is a growing city and the city officials are concerned with creating a clean, safe and inviting image of Zion, in order to attract new residents. In an effort to limit the amount of trash on the streets after the parade, the City of Zion passes a law (restriction) prohibiting the distribution of business promoting flyers and brochures, throughout the Downtown areas of Zion.
Rule for this IRAC (Only use this rule)
The government restriction must seek to implement a substantial government interest, it must directly advance that interest, and it must not go further than necessary to accomplish its objective.