Business & Finance homework help

Activity 4: Recruiting and Measurement (100 points)
Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.)
Part A
The Johnston Manufacturing Company, home-based in Atlanta, Georgia, has just opened a new division in Birmingham, Alabama. They are looking to hire a number of middle management personnel to staff this facility. You are the Manager of Recruiting at the corporate office in Atlanta and have been asked to develop the external recruiting effort. After completing the organizational and administrative phases of the project, you are ready to begin looking for applicants. Answer the following questions related to this project. (A 2-page response is required for Part A.) (40 points)
1. Discuss whether you should use an open or a targeted recruitment strategy, giving your rationale for your choice. What impact will the demographics of the group and geographic location of the new division have in your decision?
2. Discuss three (3) recruitment sources available to you and identify the most appropriate source for this project.
Part B
The Johnston Manufacturing Company is completing an internal recruitment project. They have finished the planning and strategy phases of the project and are looking to develop the communication message for attracting internal candidates to the open positions. Answer the following questions regarding such a communication. (A 2-page response is required for Part B.) (50 points)
1. Compare and contrast traditional, realistic, targeted, and attractive message formats.
2. Which message format would be the most effective in an internal recruitment initiative? Why?
3. Once the format of the message has been determined, discuss the various communication media available and identify the most appropriate or best medium for this internal recruitment project.

Business & Finance homework help

Activity 4: Recruiting and Measurement (100 points)
Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.)
Part A
The Johnston Manufacturing Company, home-based in Atlanta, Georgia, has just opened a new division in Birmingham, Alabama. They are looking to hire a number of middle management personnel to staff this facility. You are the Manager of Recruiting at the corporate office in Atlanta and have been asked to develop the external recruiting effort. After completing the organizational and administrative phases of the project, you are ready to begin looking for applicants. Answer the following questions related to this project. (A 2-page response is required for Part A.) (40 points)
1. Discuss whether you should use an open or a targeted recruitment strategy, giving your rationale for your choice. What impact will the demographics of the group and geographic location of the new division have in your decision?
2. Discuss three (3) recruitment sources available to you and identify the most appropriate source for this project.
Part B
The Johnston Manufacturing Company is completing an internal recruitment project. They have finished the planning and strategy phases of the project and are looking to develop the communication message for attracting internal candidates to the open positions. Answer the following questions regarding such a communication. (A 2-page response is required for Part B.) (50 points)
1. Compare and contrast traditional, realistic, targeted, and attractive message formats.
2. Which message format would be the most effective in an internal recruitment initiative? Why?
3. Once the format of the message has been determined, discuss the various communication media available and identify the most appropriate or best medium for this internal recruitment project.

Business & Finance homework help

Activity 4: Recruiting and Measurement (100 points)
Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required.)
Part A
The Johnston Manufacturing Company, home-based in Atlanta, Georgia, has just opened a new division in Birmingham, Alabama. They are looking to hire a number of middle management personnel to staff this facility. You are the Manager of Recruiting at the corporate office in Atlanta and have been asked to develop the external recruiting effort. After completing the organizational and administrative phases of the project, you are ready to begin looking for applicants. Answer the following questions related to this project. (A 2-page response is required for Part A.) (40 points)
1. Discuss whether you should use an open or a targeted recruitment strategy, giving your rationale for your choice. What impact will the demographics of the group and geographic location of the new division have in your decision?
2. Discuss three (3) recruitment sources available to you and identify the most appropriate source for this project.
Part B
The Johnston Manufacturing Company is completing an internal recruitment project. They have finished the planning and strategy phases of the project and are looking to develop the communication message for attracting internal candidates to the open positions. Answer the following questions regarding such a communication. (A 2-page response is required for Part B.) (50 points)
1. Compare and contrast traditional, realistic, targeted, and attractive message formats.
2. Which message format would be the most effective in an internal recruitment initiative? Why?
3. Once the format of the message has been determined, discuss the various communication media available and identify the most appropriate or best medium for this internal recruitment project.

Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements: An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies. 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a screenshot image of each social media post. A summarizing paragraph. References with links to your sources. attachment assignment.docx

Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements:

  • An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news  with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social  media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a  screenshot image of each social media post.
  • A summarizing paragraph.
  • References with links to your sources.
  • attachment


Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements: An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies. 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a screenshot image of each social media post. A summarizing paragraph. References with links to your sources. attachment assignment.docx

Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements:

  • An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news  with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social  media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a  screenshot image of each social media post.
  • A summarizing paragraph.
  • References with links to your sources.
  • attachment


Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements: An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies. 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a screenshot image of each social media post. A summarizing paragraph. References with links to your sources. attachment assignment.docx

Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements:

  • An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news  with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social  media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a  screenshot image of each social media post.
  • A summarizing paragraph.
  • References with links to your sources.
  • attachment


Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements: An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies. 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media. Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a screenshot image of each social media post. A summarizing paragraph. References with links to your sources. attachment assignment.docx

Your blog post should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs that includes the following elements:

  • An introduction to the topic of logical fallacies.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in the news  with a clickable link to the articles inserted in the blog post.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience.
  • 2 examples of audience manipulation in social media.  Explain each fallacy example and how it is being used to manipulate the  audience. The two examples can be from the same or different social  media sites. Example: One from Facebook and one from Twitter. Insert a  screenshot image of each social media post.
  • A summarizing paragraph.
  • References with links to your sources.
  • attachment


Need 3-4 Full Pages of an Argumentative Essay. The paper contains a fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic. Transitions between paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the argument. Paper is virtually free of grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various sentence structures. Paper meets or exceeds page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including citations and the integration of sources. attachment ArgumentEssayGradingRubric.docx

Need 3-4 Full Pages  of an Argumentative Essay.
The paper contains a   fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical   appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses   outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic.
Transitions between   paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the   argument.
Paper is virtually free of   grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various   sentence structures.
Paper meets or exceeds   page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including   citations and the integration of sources.
  • attachment


Need 3-4 Full Pages of an Argumentative Essay. The paper contains a fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic. Transitions between paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the argument. Paper is virtually free of grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various sentence structures. Paper meets or exceeds page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including citations and the integration of sources. attachment ArgumentEssayGradingRubric.docx

Need 3-4 Full Pages  of an Argumentative Essay.
The paper contains a   fleshed-out topic, a convincing argument, properly utilizes rhetorical   appeals, and introduces a counterclaim and promptly defeats it. It also uses   outside sources to support the argument and flesh out the topic.
Transitions between   paragraphs are clear and it is obvious how they connect to build the   argument.
Paper is virtually free of   grammatical errors. The writer shows a strong command of language and various   sentence structures.
Paper meets or exceeds   page count requirements and correctly utilizes MLA style standards, including   citations and the integration of sources.
  • attachment
