In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1" margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote "Resistance to Civil Government" ("Civil Disobedience") and "A Plea for Captain John Brown." As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In "John Brown" Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder). Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change? Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression? Why? What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1″ margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote “Resistance to Civil Government”  (“Civil Disobedience”) and “A Plea for Captain John Brown.”  As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In “John Brown” Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder).  Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change?  Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression?  Why?  What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1" margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote "Resistance to Civil Government" ("Civil Disobedience") and "A Plea for Captain John Brown." As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In "John Brown" Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder). Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change? Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression? Why? What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1″ margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote “Resistance to Civil Government”  (“Civil Disobedience”) and “A Plea for Captain John Brown.”  As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In “John Brown” Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder).  Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change?  Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression?  Why?  What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1" margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote "Resistance to Civil Government" ("Civil Disobedience") and "A Plea for Captain John Brown." As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In "John Brown" Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder). Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change? Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression? Why? What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1″ margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote “Resistance to Civil Government”  (“Civil Disobedience”) and “A Plea for Captain John Brown.”  As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In “John Brown” Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder).  Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change?  Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression?  Why?  What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1" margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote "Resistance to Civil Government" ("Civil Disobedience") and "A Plea for Captain John Brown." As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In "John Brown" Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder). Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change? Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression? Why? What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

In a 3-5 page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, 1″ margins all around), I want you to write a paper that discusses the changes of philosophy that Thoreau went through between the time he wrote “Resistance to Civil Government”  (“Civil Disobedience”) and “A Plea for Captain John Brown.”  As you know, the former essay is contextualized around passivity while the latter essay is contextualized around aggression (In “John Brown” Thoreau, some have said, argues for the morality of murder).  Why, in your opinion, did Thoreau go through such a dramatic change?  Use both of these essays to help argue your point(s), and discuss the specifics of both–that is, did the happenings in the first essay deserve passivity, and did the happenings in the second essay deserve aggression?  Why?  What was happing in America that made Thoreau act as the social activist in these specific, and differing ways?

Education homework help

Professional Development Resources

This week you will add to your list of resources that you began last week for supporting teachers and staff in a variety of content areas. You will only focus on one core standard this week which is composed of several elements. Read NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs (Links to an external site.), focusing on Standard 5: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum.  In your group divide the categories so that each member contributes one resource to their assigned curriculum content areas. (If you are a group of 2 each member will provide one resource for their five assigned areas, the larger the group the fewer areas each member will have):

  • Language development
  • Literacy
  • Science
  • Physical development
  • Evaluating curriculum for children

Each group will compile and submit a total of ten resources for this assignment. Include the APA citation (article), or (a) organization name, (b) contact information (address, phone number, website), and (c) a brief description of their services in supporting early childhood professionals in their own growth and development, as well as any other relevant information. INFORMATION IN MIAMI, FLORIDA
This week you’ll be working with your Discussion Group partners to complete another professional resource which you can take with you to use throughout your professional career. As indicated in the assignment directions, there are 10 elements within NAEYC Standard 5 and each of you has been assigned the task of gathering EITHER a scholarly journal article OR the name, contact info and brief description of services for a professional organization which supports your assigned standards….you each will  locate 5 resources.
For example, one of the elements is Language Development. So one acceptable resource would the University of Arizona’s Speech, Languages, and Hearing Sciences Department, which contains a wide variety of resources for teachers and parents on promoting language development:

Education homework help

Professional Development Resources

This week you will add to your list of resources that you began last week for supporting teachers and staff in a variety of content areas. You will only focus on one core standard this week which is composed of several elements. Read NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs (Links to an external site.), focusing on Standard 5: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum.  In your group divide the categories so that each member contributes one resource to their assigned curriculum content areas. (If you are a group of 2 each member will provide one resource for their five assigned areas, the larger the group the fewer areas each member will have):

  • Language development
  • Literacy
  • Science
  • Physical development
  • Evaluating curriculum for children

Each group will compile and submit a total of ten resources for this assignment. Include the APA citation (article), or (a) organization name, (b) contact information (address, phone number, website), and (c) a brief description of their services in supporting early childhood professionals in their own growth and development, as well as any other relevant information. INFORMATION IN MIAMI, FLORIDA
This week you’ll be working with your Discussion Group partners to complete another professional resource which you can take with you to use throughout your professional career. As indicated in the assignment directions, there are 10 elements within NAEYC Standard 5 and each of you has been assigned the task of gathering EITHER a scholarly journal article OR the name, contact info and brief description of services for a professional organization which supports your assigned standards….you each will  locate 5 resources.
For example, one of the elements is Language Development. So one acceptable resource would the University of Arizona’s Speech, Languages, and Hearing Sciences Department, which contains a wide variety of resources for teachers and parents on promoting language development:

Education homework help

Professional Development Resources

This week you will add to your list of resources that you began last week for supporting teachers and staff in a variety of content areas. You will only focus on one core standard this week which is composed of several elements. Read NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs (Links to an external site.), focusing on Standard 5: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum.  In your group divide the categories so that each member contributes one resource to their assigned curriculum content areas. (If you are a group of 2 each member will provide one resource for their five assigned areas, the larger the group the fewer areas each member will have):

  • Language development
  • Literacy
  • Science
  • Physical development
  • Evaluating curriculum for children

Each group will compile and submit a total of ten resources for this assignment. Include the APA citation (article), or (a) organization name, (b) contact information (address, phone number, website), and (c) a brief description of their services in supporting early childhood professionals in their own growth and development, as well as any other relevant information. INFORMATION IN MIAMI, FLORIDA
This week you’ll be working with your Discussion Group partners to complete another professional resource which you can take with you to use throughout your professional career. As indicated in the assignment directions, there are 10 elements within NAEYC Standard 5 and each of you has been assigned the task of gathering EITHER a scholarly journal article OR the name, contact info and brief description of services for a professional organization which supports your assigned standards….you each will  locate 5 resources.
For example, one of the elements is Language Development. So one acceptable resource would the University of Arizona’s Speech, Languages, and Hearing Sciences Department, which contains a wide variety of resources for teachers and parents on promoting language development:

Education homework help

Professional Development Resources

This week you will add to your list of resources that you began last week for supporting teachers and staff in a variety of content areas. You will only focus on one core standard this week which is composed of several elements. Read NAEYC Standards for Early Childhood Professional Preparation Programs (Links to an external site.), focusing on Standard 5: Using Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum.  In your group divide the categories so that each member contributes one resource to their assigned curriculum content areas. (If you are a group of 2 each member will provide one resource for their five assigned areas, the larger the group the fewer areas each member will have):

  • Language development
  • Literacy
  • Science
  • Physical development
  • Evaluating curriculum for children

Each group will compile and submit a total of ten resources for this assignment. Include the APA citation (article), or (a) organization name, (b) contact information (address, phone number, website), and (c) a brief description of their services in supporting early childhood professionals in their own growth and development, as well as any other relevant information. INFORMATION IN MIAMI, FLORIDA
This week you’ll be working with your Discussion Group partners to complete another professional resource which you can take with you to use throughout your professional career. As indicated in the assignment directions, there are 10 elements within NAEYC Standard 5 and each of you has been assigned the task of gathering EITHER a scholarly journal article OR the name, contact info and brief description of services for a professional organization which supports your assigned standards….you each will  locate 5 resources.
For example, one of the elements is Language Development. So one acceptable resource would the University of Arizona’s Speech, Languages, and Hearing Sciences Department, which contains a wide variety of resources for teachers and parents on promoting language development:

Biology homework help

Lab Report Format (I) Abstract (10 points) Give the specific enzyme, chemical equation, parameters (values), tool and actual results in one paragraph (II) Introduction (30 points) (enzyme) What specific enzyme was used? What was the specific chemical reaction did the enzyme work on (need actual chemical equation)? [Biological background] Which organism has this enzyme? [Biologic What valuable function did this enzyme provided to the organism? What instrument did you use to measure the enzyme activity? How exactly did you use this instrument to measure enzyme activity? {parameters} What are the four main parameters and all specific values(of those parameters) that you’re going to test in terms of the enzyme? What specific value for each parameter did you predict would be best for enzyme activity? (III) Materials & Methods (20 points) Explain why you have 2 test tubes to start the experiment Why did you preincubate empty tubes at different temperatures. Was the inhibitor competitive or non-competitive? What wavelength you used? List the specific values for each parameter. List all the step-by-step instructions. (IV) Results (20 points) What is the main title of your graph? Label the X and Y axes of the graph. Label the actual graphed lines Give a short description of what values and condition you are measuring. Give the highest and lowest absorbance values for each specific condition for each graph. (V) Conclusion (15 points) What are the specific conditions that gave the best peroxidase enzyme efficiency? Explain why those conditions were best for peroxidase. Explain why the other conditions did NOT work. How do they compare to your predictions? (VI) References (5 points) List your textbook, lab manual and other sources, such as websites