Computer Science homework help

Read the case study titled, “Carlson Companies” found at the end of Chapter 12 and also linked here as a PDF.
Write a fully developed paper in which you:

  1. Assess how the Carlson SAN approach would be implemented in today’s environment.
  2. Compare the pros and cons of consolidating data on a SAN central data facility versus the dispersed arrangement it replaces.
  3. Evaluate the issues raised from the Carlson SAN mixing equipment from a number of vendors and determine the management options for dealing with this type of situation.
  4. Justify the reduction of administration and management of storage networking through Carlson’s IP SAN.
  5. Assess how cloud computing could be used by Carlson instead of a SAN. Create a diagram using Visio or its open source alternative software to illustrate the use of cloud computing. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
  6. Use at least five or six quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  7. 4 to 6 pages

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the roles of the Internet and the basic protocols that are the foundation of the Internet and address the critical issue of quality of service (QoS).

Computer Science homework help

Read the case study titled, “Carlson Companies” found at the end of Chapter 12 and also linked here as a PDF.
Write a fully developed paper in which you:

  1. Assess how the Carlson SAN approach would be implemented in today’s environment.
  2. Compare the pros and cons of consolidating data on a SAN central data facility versus the dispersed arrangement it replaces.
  3. Evaluate the issues raised from the Carlson SAN mixing equipment from a number of vendors and determine the management options for dealing with this type of situation.
  4. Justify the reduction of administration and management of storage networking through Carlson’s IP SAN.
  5. Assess how cloud computing could be used by Carlson instead of a SAN. Create a diagram using Visio or its open source alternative software to illustrate the use of cloud computing. Note: The graphically depicted solution is not included in the required page length.
  6. Use at least five or six quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  7. 4 to 6 pages

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

  • Analyze the roles of the Internet and the basic protocols that are the foundation of the Internet and address the critical issue of quality of service (QoS).

Marital status, relationship with the family, employment, and prior drug or alcohol abuse are considered indicators of social stability, or whether the accused would be returning to a stable environment if put on probation. However, parental status (i.e. single parenthood) and the presence of other dependents are not considered mitigating factors during sentencing. This often results in the breakdown of family life and contributes to the family cycle of criminal activity. Low-income minorities, particularly women, are disproportionately effected. Should dependents be considered during the sentencing process? What sentencing options could be considered? How would this fit in with sentencing guidelines?

Marital status, relationship with the family, employment, and prior drug or alcohol abuse are considered indicators of social stability, or whether the accused would be returning to a stable environment if put on probation.  However, parental status (i.e. single parenthood) and the presence of other dependents are not considered mitigating factors during sentencing.  This often results in the breakdown of family life and contributes to the family cycle of criminal activity.  Low-income minorities, particularly women, are disproportionately effected.  Should dependents be considered during the sentencing process?  What sentencing options could be considered?  How would this fit in with sentencing guidelines?

Marital status, relationship with the family, employment, and prior drug or alcohol abuse are considered indicators of social stability, or whether the accused would be returning to a stable environment if put on probation. However, parental status (i.e. single parenthood) and the presence of other dependents are not considered mitigating factors during sentencing. This often results in the breakdown of family life and contributes to the family cycle of criminal activity. Low-income minorities, particularly women, are disproportionately effected. Should dependents be considered during the sentencing process? What sentencing options could be considered? How would this fit in with sentencing guidelines?

Marital status, relationship with the family, employment, and prior drug or alcohol abuse are considered indicators of social stability, or whether the accused would be returning to a stable environment if put on probation.  However, parental status (i.e. single parenthood) and the presence of other dependents are not considered mitigating factors during sentencing.  This often results in the breakdown of family life and contributes to the family cycle of criminal activity.  Low-income minorities, particularly women, are disproportionately effected.  Should dependents be considered during the sentencing process?  What sentencing options could be considered?  How would this fit in with sentencing guidelines?

Marital status, relationship with the family, employment, and prior drug or alcohol abuse are considered indicators of social stability, or whether the accused would be returning to a stable environment if put on probation. However, parental status (i.e. single parenthood) and the presence of other dependents are not considered mitigating factors during sentencing. This often results in the breakdown of family life and contributes to the family cycle of criminal activity. Low-income minorities, particularly women, are disproportionately effected. Should dependents be considered during the sentencing process? What sentencing options could be considered? How would this fit in with sentencing guidelines?

Marital status, relationship with the family, employment, and prior drug or alcohol abuse are considered indicators of social stability, or whether the accused would be returning to a stable environment if put on probation.  However, parental status (i.e. single parenthood) and the presence of other dependents are not considered mitigating factors during sentencing.  This often results in the breakdown of family life and contributes to the family cycle of criminal activity.  Low-income minorities, particularly women, are disproportionately effected.  Should dependents be considered during the sentencing process?  What sentencing options could be considered?  How would this fit in with sentencing guidelines?

Government homework help


  1. Go to the website page for bills that have been made into law (链接到外部网站。) for the current Congress. (Note: This is not a government website, you can also go to (链接到外部网站。)). Click on a title of a law that interests you.
  2. Create a short summary of the goal of this law in your own words.
  3. Use the following following questions to summarize how your legislation got passed:
    1. Who introduced the legislation? What party do they belong to?
    2. When did it go to Committee? What Committees did it go to? How many Democrats or Republicans are on each Committee? (Check out the Committees link).
    3. When did it pass the House? If the information is available, how many Democrats and Republicans voted for or against this legislation? How many didn’t vote (abstained)? (Check out the House Votes on Passage link on the bill overview page.)
    4. When did it pass the Senate? If the information is available, how many Democrats and Republicans voted for or against this legislation? How many didn’t vote (abstained)?
    5. When did the President sign it?

Management homework help

In order to evaluate what is an effective or ineffective strategic leadership approach, one must first understand the essential components of strategic leadership approaches. While there is some debate about one set list, the course materials provide an overview of some of the more prevalent ones. In this discussion, you will synthesize your learning and critically analyze how they contribute to the effectiveness of a strategic leadership approach.
Respond to the following questions in your response:

  • In your materials and in related research you have found, what are examples of effective and ineffective strategic leadership approaches?
  • Explain why they are effective or not.
  • What are specific critical components of a strategic leadership approach?
  • Be sure to identify the critical components and discuss their use and their importance in global organizations today.


Management homework help

In order to evaluate what is an effective or ineffective strategic leadership approach, one must first understand the essential components of strategic leadership approaches. While there is some debate about one set list, the course materials provide an overview of some of the more prevalent ones. In this discussion, you will synthesize your learning and critically analyze how they contribute to the effectiveness of a strategic leadership approach.
Respond to the following questions in your response:

  • In your materials and in related research you have found, what are examples of effective and ineffective strategic leadership approaches?
  • Explain why they are effective or not.
  • What are specific critical components of a strategic leadership approach?
  • Be sure to identify the critical components and discuss their use and their importance in global organizations today.


Management homework help

In order to evaluate what is an effective or ineffective strategic leadership approach, one must first understand the essential components of strategic leadership approaches. While there is some debate about one set list, the course materials provide an overview of some of the more prevalent ones. In this discussion, you will synthesize your learning and critically analyze how they contribute to the effectiveness of a strategic leadership approach.
Respond to the following questions in your response:

  • In your materials and in related research you have found, what are examples of effective and ineffective strategic leadership approaches?
  • Explain why they are effective or not.
  • What are specific critical components of a strategic leadership approach?
  • Be sure to identify the critical components and discuss their use and their importance in global organizations today.