Management homework help

For this assignment, you will watch a series of short video segments from the film Business Ethics: A 21st-Century Perspective. In combination with the assigned reading, provide a response to the questions that follow. In order to access the video segments, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the Films On Demand database within the CSU Online Library.
Daly, F., White, T., & Vogel, D. (Writers). (2000). Business ethics: A 21st-century perspective [Video file]. Retrieved from
After locating the video, complete the steps below:
Watch the video segment titled “Business Problems/Ethics.” How does the globalization of business affect how you would analyze the ethical issues surrounding the use of child labor around the world?
Watch the video segments titled “Temptations vs. Ethical Dilemmas” and “Resolution Principles.” Discuss the difference between a temptation and an ethical dilemma in the context of an experience you have had, and describe how you resolved the matter.
Watch the video segment titled “Future Business Dilemmas.” Identify and discuss an issue confronting 21st century businesses today, and explain how you would analyze and resolve the issue. For example, what questions and/or research would you employ, and on what basis would you make your determination?
The Unit I Essay should be at least 500 words in length, double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12-point font. Be sure to cite and reference all paraphrased and quoted material using APA style.

Operations Management homework help

Put yourself in Sue McCaskey’s position and prepare a detailed report to Dan Block and Ed Spriggs on managing the inventory of the EG151 exhaust gasket and the DB032 drive belt.
Create a 10-14 PowerPoint slides with speaker notes (Note: cover/title page and reference page is not included in the slide count).
Discuss Parts Emporium supply chain and possible remedies for its supply chain problems.
Present a proper inventory system and recognize all relevant costs.
Discuss how your recommendations for these two items will reduce the annual cycle inventory, stock-out, and order costs.
Include strategic and tactical changes that might improve the company’s inventory performance, reduce variability, and improve customer service.
Provide at least two (2) peer-reviewed academic references.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Information Systems homework help

As the final step to your proposed database, submit your Project Plan.  This document should communicate how you intend to complete the project.  Include timelines and resources required.
Be sure to include:
a. Analysis – how will you determine the needs of the database? Who do you get input from and how?
b. Design – what process will you use to design the database (tables, forms, queries, reports)
c. Prototype/End user feedback – Will you show users a prototype before building the system?  What feedback are you looking for?
d. Coding – what process will you use to build the database?  Staff or consultant, how will you manage the process?
e. Testing – How will you test it?
f. User Acceptance – describe the final step of determining if you met the user’s needs?  What is success?
g. Training – what is the plan for training end users?
h. Project close out – what steps will you take to finalize the project?  Are there any more activities to consider after you are done?
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Information Systems homework help

Read the Project Management at MM Case Study on pages 324-327 in the textbook.
Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study
Discussion Questions
1. Some organizational factors increase a project’s likelihood of success. Identify these “facilitators” for the Green project.
2. Other organizational factors decrease a project’s likelihood of success. Identify these “barriers” for the Green project.
3. Outline the things that McCann needs to do right away.
Text pages 324-327 are attached to this post.
Word count must be 700 – 900. Please attach the plagiarism report with an answer.
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Management homework help

Writing Assignment:

Summarize the information on the sculpture of Maya: The Yaxchilan Lintels.
Writing Assignment with TWO summary Paragraphs of the 2 Topics from the reading assignment. (2 paragraphs required)
Relate important points topic-by-topic.
Each summary paragraph should have space between paragraphs.
A run-on paragraph cannot be graded.
Do not use headers or ‘quotes’ from the reading assignment.
Do not cut and paste or copy any of the text in the reading assignment and then change it.
Summaries that are too close to the original text will receive little or no credit.


Computer Science homework help

This task relates to a sequence of assessments that will be repeated across Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Select any example of a visualisation or infographic, maybe your own work or that of others. The task is to undertake a deep, detailed ‘forensic’ like assessment of the design choices made across each of the five layers of the chosen visualisation’s anatomy. In each case your assessment is only concerned with one design layer at a time.
For this task, take a close look at the composition choices:

  1. Start by identifying all the applications of colour deployed, listing them under the headers of 1) project composition, and 2) chart composition
  2. How suitable are the choices and deployment of these composition properties? If they are not, what do you think they should have been?
  3. Go through the set of ‘Influencing factors’ from the latter section of the book’s chapter to help shape your assessment and to possibly inform how you might tackle this design layer differently
  4. Also, considering the range of potential composition approaches, what would you do differently or additionally?

Assignment Link:

Government homework help

Democracy Paper Instructions
Write a 3-4 page essay (800 words, not including the title page and bibliography) that answers the following questions:
1. Compare and contrast the elements of American democracy with the critiques or support of democracy presented by ancient and classical political theorists. How was the American Founding influenced by ancient/classical political theory when establishing our democratic republic?
2. In light of America’s influence by ancient and classical political thinkers, should a Christian support or critique democracy as a political regime, and why?
Formatting Requirements:
1. Include a title page in current Turabian format.
2. Font should be double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12. All margins should be 1”
3. Use current Turabian Author-Date style for all citations (i.e. parenthetical citation only—no footnotes). Paper must include a properly formatted bibliography in current Turabian Author-Date style.
4. Paper should be between 800 words (3-4 pages), not including the title page and bibliography.
5. Page numbers should be included in the upper right-hand corner.
6. In addition to referencing the textbook and Scripture, paper must include 2-3 secondary sources to justify the student’s argument and/or conclusions.
7. Refer to Democracy Paper Rubric for other formatting requirements

Computer Science homework help

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Analysis Assignments
For this assignment, you will need to perform a quantitative analysis on the below scenario.  Please write your response in a brief APA formatted report.
Quantitative Analysis
You are the manager of desktop support for NASA.  You are responsible for purchasing and managing all of the laptops NASA distributes to employees.  There are 700 laptops currently in service.  All of the laptops randomly leave the building and serve a mobile workforce.  Read the following articles your CIO brought to you for consideration:
Compute the SLE, ARO, ALE and safeguard value based on the information in these articles for a report your CIO plans to submit as a solution.  For the safeguard value, find and price an appropriate physical and software solution(s) to safeguard theft and data loss.  Once you pick a product, include a link to the page for pricing and item description.  Present the realized savings in your report and the benefits of the solution you choose for safeguarding the laptops.  Don’t forget to include your equations for ARO, ALE, safeguard value and realized savings calculations.

Biology homework help

Topic – DNA sequencing
Biotechnology is the use of living organisms or their components to perform practical tasks. The scientific principal behind biotechnology has been around for centuries in early practices of food production and preservation (wine, cheese, and meat curing), selective breeding of livestock and field crops, and the production of antibiotics and holistic medicines from microorganisms. Today, biotechnology is used to manipulate genes, isolate DNA, and discover the genetic code of countless organisms, including humans. Currently, the practice of biotechnology is revolutionizing biological research, human medicine, criminal law, and agriculture.
Each individual student will need to write a short synopsis of the chosen topic (1-2 paragraphs) adequately describing the topic as thoroughly as possible.  Do not focus on a specific event or type (I.E. Lupus for autoimmune disorder) describe “all” autoimmune disorders.
Items to address in the DB:.

  1. Describe the topic by listing when it came into being


  1. what is the technology?


  1. How does it work?


  1. What are the positive/negative aspects of the topic?


  1. What are the current and potential uses of the technology?


  1. What is its application to modern science, technology, industry, business, and/or government.


  1. How does this technology relate to modern society?

If applicable, describe how this biotechnology has evolved.  Some topics are very new whereas others have been around for some time.  Some have limited applications while others are global.
Research the topic, then write about it in your own words.  Do not copy and paste information from the internet or other sources.  This is to be your own original work.
*Please do not include personal opinions about any of the technologies.
**Don’t forget to cite all sources using MLA documentation.