Computer Science homework help

Linux Implementation Proposal: Migration Proposal Presentation
Faster Computing has contacted Go2Linux and requested a brief proposal presentation for migrating its systems from Windows to Linux. The company is specifically interested in seeing the following information:
(10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.)
Based on your current understanding of Faster Computing’s business, what are some potential benefits of Linux?
The company is aware that many different Linux derivatives exist. Be very specific and choose only one version (e.g., Ubuntu, Mint, Zorin, Redhat, CentOS, Kali). Which would Go2Linux recommend, and why? Give specific reasons for your choice (e.g., security features, support, updates, user interface).
(10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.)
What steps will be required to migrate the systems from Windows to Linux?
Are there graphical interfaces available for the Linux workstations that would provide similar functionality to Windows? Some users are concerned about working with a command-line interface.
(10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies.)
What tools are available on Linux for the servers to provide file sharing, Linux services, and printing? (e.g., Apache/Nginx, Samba, CUPS, SSH/SCP). Ensure you identify what the functions/services are used for (e.g., Samba is used for file sharing).
(1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.)
The deliverable for this phase of the project is a three- to five-slide PowerPoint narrated presentation.
An introductory slide
A summary slide
Voice narration on every slide
For each slide, you will embed your own audio recording as if you were presenting the content to the Faster Computing team. Faster Computing has not yet committed to the project, so this should be presented as a proposal. The presentation should be visually appealing; the inclusion of at least one image that supports the content and adds value to the proposal is required.
(1.3.3: Integrate appropriate credible sources to illustrate and validate ideas.)
You must cite at least two quality sources.
You used at least 2 references and your references were cited properly following an accepted style. Ask your instructor for clarification.
Use the Migration Proposal Presentation template to get started.
(2.3.1: State conclusions or solutions clearly and precisely.)
You should present your proposal as if you are selling to the company. Revisit all of these important reasons in the summary slide.
How Will My Work Be Evaluated?
As you progress in your IT career, you may find yourself making presentations to customers, client audiences, and professional peers. By creating an effective presentation, you are showing how you use your technical knowledge and convey your ideas to others in a professional setting, an important workplace skill.
The following evaluation criteria aligned to the competencies will be used to grade your assignment:
1.1.3: Present ideas in a clear, logical order appropriate to the task.
1.3.3: Integrate appropriate credible sources to illustrate and validate ideas.
2.3.1: State conclusions or solutions clearly and precisely.
10.1.1: Identify the problem to be solved.
10.1.2: Gather project requirements to meet stakeholder needs.
10.1.3: Define the specifications of required technologies.

Nursing homework help

Week 4
Nursing 350
All the Information
This week, you will submit summaries of quantitative and qualitative studies. The purpose of this assignment is to become familiar with published research, research designs, and methodologies. For the assignment, you will select two original or primary research studies: one quantitative research study and one qualitative study related to the field of nursing. You will write an abstract of each study.

  • The selected articles should be original research studies.
  • Review articles, concept analysis, meta-analysis, meta-synthesis, integrative review, and systemic review should NOT be used.
  • Mixed-methods studies should not be used.

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Your abstracts should begin with the APA Style reference to the research article that is reviewed
  2. Your abstracts should be written in your own words. (The abstracts within the studies your choose will not answer all of the assignment questions.)
  3. Your abstracts should be accurate, brief, clear, between 150–250 words, and include only the most essential information.
  4. Use current APA Style to format your paper and to cite your sources.
  5. You are required to attach both research studies (the full articles) that you use to write your abstracts.The original research study articles may be copied onto a Word document or saved in a PDF format.

NOTE: Because submission of the original articles is part of the assignment requirements and is necessary for grading, any assignment submitted without the accompanying articles will be considered incomplete. An incomplete assignment will be initially assigned a zero. The student has the opportunity to submit articles to complete the assignment. However, if these are submitted after the due date and time, the late penalty will apply. After five days, submissions will not be accepted per University policy, and the grade will remain a zero.
Address the following questions in each of your abstracts:

  1. What type of research is it (quantitative, qualitative)?
  2. What was the research question(s) or hypothesis?
  3. What is the sample (population), the sample size, and sample attributes (characteristics)?
  4. What is the setting (facility type, location, and country) of the study?
  5. What were the researcher’s results and findings? (Identify one that clearly measures the dependent variable or objective of the research.)

Review the rubric for further information on how your assignment will be graded.

Computer Science homework help

Executive Program Practical Connection Assignment
Course name: Application Security by Third Edition Michael G. Solomon, PhD, CISSP, PMP, CISM
Book name: Security Strategies in Windows Platforms and Applications
This course has weekly Lab session and lab assignments and weekly Project.
Please do mention what I have learned from above sessions and applied in Senior Admin job.
It should Not be plagiarized.
Submit in APA format
It is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.

English homework help

The Crane Wife
Base on the story CJ Hauser is taking about her relationship with her fiancé. She talks about how her fiancé treated her poorly while she stayed in the relationship, she talked about how she stayed with him and endure his lies and cheating. She talked about how she suspects the relationship between her fiancé on one of his close friends to be more than friendship and how jealous she was of his friend. She even gives example of how she would have conversation with him in regards to her concern of the nature of their relationship but her fiancé would make her feel stupid for thinking something was going on, but later confess that he had cheated some years back with his friend. The more she talked about her relationship she would give details on how she settled for less and never asked for more, but her biggest reasoning is she felt that there are bigger problems in the world that is bigger than hers.
The writer CJ Hauser also talking about another story by making connection between the two. CJ Hauser pointer out that ten days after she called off her engagement, she had plans to go on a scientific expedition to study the whooping crane on the gulf coast of Texas. She thought about cancelling the trip due the her calling off her wedding. She thought about sitting at home and not doing anything, but she realizes that she wants to go on this trip to study the whooping crane. While making a connection between calling off her wedding and the preparation to go on the expedition she gives detail about the whooping crane. First, she talked about shopping, then she gives background detail on every person on the expedition, she gives detail on what the expedition was about. CJ Hauser transition into the expedition and then back to calling off her wedding. She was kind of going back and forth between both stories, she would give a little explain why she called off her wedding but never the full truth just in parts. She would then go back to detailing how the expedition was to save whooping cranes one of the oldest living bird spices by collecting data. She would give details and information about what she is doing on her trip, but then she would go back to her fiancé, while on the trip she realize that her breaking point should have been, and how she has settle for less and became good at it. While she was in a gift shop, she found a copy of “The Crane Wife” a Japanese story she thought was related to her own relationship with her fiancé. She explains why she called off her wedding and reflects on being afraid and not wanting to ruin herself. When she said “what I learned to do, in my relationship with my fiancé, was to survive on less” hit home for me. CJ Hauser hit a personal never in my own life because I too have that needy feeling while I feel like I am stuck with a verbally abusive partner.
Thesis Statement: The Crane Wife by CJ Hauser is about a woman who stayed in a mentality abusive relationship, canceling her wedding 10 days before her wedding date while planning to go on a scientific expedition to study the Whooping Crane on the Gulf of Texas.
  • attachment


English homework help

  • Rules.docx (1-2 page instruction guide for your original game)
  • Game.jpg (photo of game, its board, cards, pawns, arranged for play)
  • Analysis (5-7 paragraph analysis of game)

Using all that you have learned thus far, create an awesome analog game.  Can take whatever form you like (card game, board game, dice game, etc…)

  • Develop A Game…
    • Must have a theme
    • Must provide an instruction guide.
  • Play Your Game…
    • Take photo of your game during play
  • Analyze your game…
    • 5-7 paragraphs
    • Give a summary of your game
    • Identify your games strengths (what worked)
    • Identify your games weaknesses (what didn’t work)
    • Explore changes you would make in the next iteration and why

Information Systems homework help

Explain what you take to be the strongest argument in defense of an employee’s right to participate in managerial decision making. Explain what you take to be the strongest argument against such a right. Which argument do you find more persuasive?
It is often said that business can be like a poker game. In what ways is that true and in what ways is business different from a poker game?
In a local or national newspaper, find an article about a topic related to business ethics. Read the article. Then, write 3–5 paragraphs that answer one of the following questions:
introduction paragraph (mandatory)
abstract paragraph (mandatory)
main body 3 pages

English homework help

Interpersonal Paper Assignment
After watching a film from the attached list, you will write a 2-3 page paper (typed, double-spaced, one inch
margins, 12 point font) discussing the communication concepts found within the movie. Please answer the
following questions in paragraph format.
In addition to the 2-3 pages, include a cover sheet with your name, class day, and class time.
1. Choose two concepts from the list below.
2. First define and explain in your own words your understanding of the concepts AND their sub-categories.
3. Next, use specific examples from the movie to further demonstrate your understanding of the concepts
and their relation to individual characters or relationships.
Chapter 7 Concepts
1. Social Penetration Model
2. Johari Window
a. Open
b. Hidden
c. Blind
d. Unknown
3. Relational Spirals
a. Positive
b. Negative
c. Cyclical
Chapter 8 Concepts
1. Types of Friendships
2. Parenting Styles
Chapter 9 Concepts
1. Stages of Romantic Relationships (include all relevant stages you saw in the movie)
2. Love Languages
3. Dialectical Perspectives
4. Deception in Romantic Relationships
5. Conflict Expression Styles
Sample format for paper:
I. Introduction
A. Attention- Getter
B. Thesis
C. Preview
II. Body
A. Concept 1
a. Definition
b. Examples
B. Concept 2
a. Definition
b. Examples
III. Conclusion
A. Review
B. Effective Last Statement
Extra Credit (up to 10 points) – Choose another concept listed on this paper to examine and write a one-page
response that answers the questions listed above. Please label this section EXTRA CREDIT on a separate page.
When Harry Met Sally
Office Space
Remember the Titans
Mr. Holland’s Opus
Steel Magnolias
You’ve Got Mail
Dead Poet’s Society
Almost Famous
Fried Green Tomatoes
Good Will Hunting
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
Knocked Up
Shallow Hal
How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days
Love Actually
Mona Lisa Smile
The Notebook
Garden State
Shawshank Redemption
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Forrest Gump
Little Miss Sunshine
Walk the Line
Chasing Amy
8 Mile
The War
Fight Club
40 Year Old Virgin
He’s Just Not That into You
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Slumdog Millionaire

Operations Management homework help

Week 5 Assignment 3
Assignment 3: CH 12: Inventory Management – Due Week 5
You can Choose earlier companies or another COMPANY((Nippon Steel Corporation Group
• Your objective is to assess the Inventory management in the company – I assume you have had enough experience by now.
1. Introduce your business briefly – a paragraph or two
2. List down all different types of inventory– as discussed in the chapter. You will need to explain what type and why you believe it fits into the category
3. Remember – “how companies use their inventory” – how does yours use them?
4. Do a ABC Analysis of the types of inventory(from the listing in # 2) and explain why you believe the inventories fit into a particular category. You don’t need to do a quantitative analysis – as this will be difficult for you. However, you could use a spreadsheet (or a graphic) without the numbers
• I expect 3-5 pages – add graphics/charts/tables to support your analysis
• APA Citation Format – this will be checked using Turnitin

Operations Management homework help

Week 5 Assignment 3
Assignment 3: CH 12: Inventory Management – Due Week 5
You can Choose earlier companies or another COMPANY((motor company)

  • Your objective is to assess the Inventory management in the company – I assume you have had enough experience by now.
    1. Introduce your business briefly – a paragraph or two
    2. List down all different types of inventory– as discussed in the chapter. You will need to explain what type and why you believe it fits into the category
    3. Remember – “how companies use their inventory” – how does yours use them?
    4. Do a ABC Analysis of the types of inventory(from the listing in # 2) and explain why you believe the inventories fit into a particular category. You don’t need to do a quantitative analysis – as this will be difficult for you.  However, you could use a spreadsheet (or a graphic) without the numbers
  • I expect 3-5 pages – add graphics/charts/tables to support your analysis
  • APA Citation Format – this will be checked using Turnitin