Computer Science homework help

User Interface Design Document
Approach to User Interface Design Document
In your final project you will design a user interface from scratch using all that you have learned in the class.  Think carefully and leverage all aspects of the course.
You are going to design a multi-platform application that has a desktop, and a web and mobile interface for a property rental company, called UMGC Property Rentals.  Property owners pay UMGC Property Rentals to find tenants for their apartments and houses.  Each property has:

  • Address
  • Square footage
  • # of bedrooms
  • # of full baths
  • # of half baths
  • Photos (1 or more)
  • Features (1 or more and the application needs to be able to add/update/delete the list of possible features for a property)
  • Rent per month

When property owners contact UMGC Property Rentals, all of the information about a property will be entered by UMGC Property Rentals office staff.  This should be a Desktop application.  People looking for a place to rent, should be able to search for rental properties using the Web and Mobile applications.
Make sure that you review the sample User Interface Design Documents.  You can use one of those as example.
Using Pencil, a Rapid Prototyping Tool
For developing the design, you will be using the Pencil software. There are many tools used to create user interfaces.  Pencil was selected because it is free, downloadable, and multiplatform (running on Windows, MAC and Linux).  You can download Pencil at
The deliverable for this assignment consists of your design of the UMGC Property Rentals user interface. Submit a Word document, in which you must include the UI screen shots. Use the provided User Interface Design Template.

Education homework help

We have conflict all around us. Refer to the concepts in Looking Out Looking In (LOLI) and Becoming a Critical Thinker (BCT).  For this assignment, you will take the social issue you wrote about last week and turn it into an 11 slide PowerPoint Presentation.
·  For this presentation, you will select one slide design in PowerPoint that you like.
·  Use only the fonts, font sizes, colors, and background/background color provided in that template.  Let Microsoft be your slide designer!
·  Each slide should have 6-8 bullet points of text used to describe each of the concepts you wrote about above.  There should be no long paragraphs of text copied and pasted on the slides.
·  Notes need to be included with each slide. This will help to communicate an understanding of the context shared.
·  Limit images to the cover page.  It would make sense to use an image on the cover page. That would be fine.
·  Remember, the task here is to provide an informational summary of your paper in the form of a presentation.
·  The last slide should list References. In-text citations and References should always be included in your PowerPoint.

Operations Management homework help

One major problem with time series analysis and forecasting  is that the past is not necessarily a good predictor of the future… A more serious flaw is that sometimes things happen which have little or no CAUSE relationship but seem predictive. Despite this is it often possible to construct a convincing scenario for things such as skirt lengths or sunspots and the stock market. These are called spurious correlations.
Go to the spurious correlation site and produce one chart and short explanation of why (despite everything) one might convince another person it is true.
Feel free to have a little fun with this.
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Computer Science homework help

Q1 (10 marks) Explain the following:

  1. What is the rationale for refactoring in agile development?
  2. Is refactoring just cleaning up code? Explain your answer
  3. The key motivations for Iterative Development.

Q2. (20 marks) Find your own example of where a refactoring to patterns was be used (For example the Move Creation Knowledge to Factory) refactoring would be used. Please explain the following

  • Explain the details of the scenario
  • Explain the pattern your trying to implement and justify your changes
  • UML / ER diagram
  • Before changes – code snapshot of the skeleton of the classes/methods
  • After changes – code snapshot of the skeleton of the classes/methods
  • Risk assessment of the changes
  • Test Analysis

Q3 (10 marks)

  1. Explain any 3 refactoring techniques in detail?
  2. Discuss reasons for technical depth?
  3. You identified dirty code when working on separate task, detail your plan of action?


Financial markets homework help

Ethics and Legal Adherence on the Job
Introduction: Agents are supposed to treat everyone the
same. They are also supposed to be obedient and follow their
clients’ requests. What happens when these two duties
collide? In this Assignment you will analyze a scenario, assess
the problems and implications, and find a resolution.
Assignment Details
The following Course Outcomes are assessed in this
MT431-6: Evaluate the legal and ethical concerns in a real
estate transaction.
GEL-1.02: Demonstrate college-level communication through
the composition of original materials in Standard English.
Read the scenario and based on your assigned Reading and
Assignment content, address the checklist items and
Broker Bob recently sold land to a Chinese company to build a
new production facility in his community. Company
representatives told Bob that they would like him to find
housing for their new management team which would oversee
the construction of their new facility, the assembly lines, and
would eventually manage the company as a subsidiary of the
parent company in China.
Bob picked up the first referral from the company, a Mister Ji,
at the airport and had prepared for the meeting, by having a list
of homes throughout the city, in the price range he had
discussed with the client on the phone. The client told Bob that
he did not speak English well and wanted to be in a
neighborhood where the majority of the population was
Activity Details
4/2/2020 Sample Content Topic 2/3
Chinese or at least where the area had a heavy concentration
of Chinese speaking people.
Based on this directive from his client, Bob quickly produced a
second list of homes available in the Chinatown area of the
city. Bob also referred Mr. Ji to a mortgage broker who pays
Bob $100 cash per referral. Mister Ji successfully purchased a
home from Bob’s second list using Bob’s broker friend to help
with the home loan. Bob felt that because Mister Ji liked his
new home so much, going forward he would only show homes
to the new management team in the Chinatown area.
In a 600-word expository essay in APA format and citation style
with additional title and reference pages, address the following
checklist items and requirements.
Evaluate Bob’s actions with regard to his ethical conduct and
adherence to federal laws in this scenario.
Explain how Bob might have responded and acted in a legal
and ethical manner without alienating the client.
Assess the legal complications Bob may face in the future and
what, if any, laws Bob violated that could cause him future
legal troubles.
Make sure to also address the following requirements:
Use APA format and citation style and include an additional
reference and title page.
Limit the use of direct quotations; instead, paraphrase and cite
the author’s work.
Use Standard English and demonstrate superior organization,
communication is highly ordered, logical, and unified.
Use of correct spelling and grammar.
Reinforce your personal opinions with outside viable
references and cite all works using APA citation style.
Read the realtor’s code of ethics.
Access the Unit 10 Assignment grading rubric.
4/2/2020 Sample Content Topic 3/3
Submit your response to the Unit 10 Assignment Dropb

Law homework help

Study Questions
1. What countries score high in integrity according to Transparency International?
2. Describe several types of economic corruption and abuse of authority corruption.
3. What are the arguments for and against the acceptance of gratuities?
4. List and describe the three categories of explanations for police deviance and an example of each category.
5. Describe the benefits and disadvantages of body cameras.

human resource management

Task: to present a Human Resources Change Report with 11 sections, each dealing with a different critical task for the success of the change program.
Attached is my Part 1 of this Assignment and also the Case Study article. I need help with Part 2 which requires to cover point number 7 to 11 in the table on the last page of the case study.
Would appreciate if you could include visuals like tables or graphs in the report as well.
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Criminal homework help

Choose one work (assigned in the course) from any of the poets or authors: Eliot, Auden, Hughes, or Hurston.  For your essay post, explain why people today can relate to the poem or short story.
Reading Assignments (Choose One )
1.  T. S. Eliot’s “Hollow Men”:
2.  “Two Songs for Hedli Anderson” on the National Public Radio website:
3. “After Reading a Child’s Guide to Modern Physics” on the BBC’s Poetry Outloud site. If you have Real Player installed on your computer, you can also listen to Auden reading the poem:
Post Requirements
1. 350 words in length
2.Cite your sources
3. Do not plagiarize

Human Resource Management homework help

Read the attached article  “Elements and Benefits of Mindfulness”  and watch Teaching Excellence- MIT with Amar Bose.
Write a 1 page. Use some or all of the following prompts:
•  How do you think the concepts in this article (and the video) can apply to your experience on your internship? in the internship search?
•  Can you think of a past experience where you practiced mindfulness effectively, to the benefit of a personal, professional, or academic goal?
•  What are your impressions of the 2 students in the Bose video. What are the take-aways?
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