English homework help

Topic: Sufficient reading can help to improve psychology health
Find 2 or 3 literate review articles to support how sufficient reading can help to improve
psychology health
Deliver on time, APA style and citation. Do not plagiarize, turn it in required.
600 words

Economics homework help

By using the data (Up to the year 2008) for Euro zone countries (excluding Malta and Cyprus) from “OECD fact book” discuss the impact of the following factors in bringing about the “Euro crises”:
1- Budget deficits and national debt
2- Balance of payments
3- Social expenditures
Using graphs compare the above factors for the countries in trouble, PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) vs. other countries in the Euro zone like Germany and France that fared well and contrast which of the above factors may have contributed to the crisis.
The fact that all these countries were using a single currency and did not have the power to devalue their own currency could be another factor you need to consider when analyzing this issue.
Provide your explanations and definitions in detail and be precise. Explain in your own words. Provide references for content when necessary. Support your statements with peer-reviewed intext citation(s) and reference(s). 

Social Science homework help

Assignment Content
Review the scenario outlined in the Week Two assignment, Hospital Merger and Culture Considerations: Part I.
Evaluate the solutions your team proposed in Week Two to address the challenges that could arise during a hospital merger, and work together to create a communication strategy to implement your solutions.
Create a 1-slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft® PowerPoint® or websites such as Google Slides™, Adobe® Slate, or Prezi.
Answer the following questions about your communication strategy:
What modes of communication will your team incorporate?
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Computer Science homework help

CSCI100 Final Alternative
In this very difficult time, we will do anything to fight against COVID19. Therefore, we are not going to have an in-person exam, but an online alternative. The alternative includes two components, the take-home work and the interview. With the overall performance of your take home and interview, I will determine your final grade and overall course grade. It may not sound very traditional, but it is indeed a better and more fair assessment of your true ability.
For the take-home work, complete the following questions and submit them via C4 before April 5, 2020 midnight.
Just submit the solutions are NOT enough, you have to show all the “thinking” and you should expect questions in detail during the interviews. You may use any resource to study the question, but you must fully understand why.
You may receive ZERO if you can not explain the solution.
Question 1:
Use ACCESS to build a small database called Library, which has two tables, the book information and the CSCI100 reserved books list. The book information contains book title, ISBN, author name etc. and the reserved list contains ISBN, expiration dates etc. Design the database and write the query that find out if book “Introduction to C programming” is reserved by CSCI100.
Question 2:
Write the html and css to introduce your favorite place of interest (a place you visited or want to go). The technical correctness and color theme design will be both considered.
Question 3:
Design an online Parking reservation system using Python. The park takes the name of the booking person, size of the part, type and number of sites, type and number of vehicles, and duration of the stay (beginning to end dates). The camping sites are priced based on size, 2 person sites are $10 per day, 4 person sites are $30 per day, 6 person sites are $50 per day, and RV sites requires a RV in the reservation. One vehicle is included in the price and any additional vehicles are $10 extra. Party over 6 person must book at least two sites. RV sites must have at least one RV. After successfully reserved the site, print the receipt with all the information listed and the total cost with 12% tax included.
For the interview part, here are the instruction:
The interview would be individual basis about 15 minutes average.
Each student would arrange the time with me after April 5 before April 9, 2020.
The questions may cover from your solution and any questions based on the lectures after the midterm.

Management homework help

After reviewing/reading Chapters 7 & 8 of the textbook, access UC’s online Library and conduct research within the “Business Source Premier (EBSCO Host)” search engine and locate a Project Management Journal article among the thousands of journal articles made available within the many years of publications the Library holds. The Project Management Journal article should tie directly into at least one highlight from the assigned chapters (Chapters 3 & 4) reading/review material for the week. This weekly research paper should include at least 2 pages, but not more than 3 pages, in the narrative and it should be typed in APA formatting (title page, reference page, no abstract page, double-spacing, Times New Roman 12 font, 1 inch margins, in-text citations, etc…).
Your paper should contain the following headings:
Summary of the article
Relevant points made by the author
Critique of the article
Application of the concepts in the article

Information Systems homework help

Subject: Physical Security – Video Surveillance (need 2 copies of answers)
Question 1: Video Surveillance (350 word essay)
Research three video security vendors and compare and contrast their offerings.
You must use at least one peer-reviewed scholarly article properly cited in APA format.

history homework

In his essay “What is Enlightenment?” (1784), Immanuel Kant explains enlightenment as “man’s release from his self-incurred tutelage.” What did he mean? What views did he and the other philosophes advance on three of the following topics: politics, economics, law and justice, sex and marriage, the press, and education? Where possible, be sure to mention relevant books by individual philosophes on the subjects you choose. Why were the philosophes so critical of organized religion? What was Deism and why did so many philosophes embrace it? Briefly explain three important effects of the Enlightenment.

Psychology homework help

Revisit Drugs.com and research the medication you signed up for. Briefly review its desired effects and side effects (see drop down menu on the right-hand side of the page). Use the pill identifier drop down menu to view the medication taking note of the color, shape, etc.
Then, use the web and current (past five years) popular and professional literature, to investigate up-to-date research and thinking regarding the efficacy and use of the anti-anxiety medication within the special population you chose. For information on the effectiveness of your chosen medication and existing study review, consult the Cochrane Review (certain medications or uses may be not available). Write a brief summary of your findings, addressing the points below.

  1. Briefly describe the nature of the sites you visited, the sources you reviewed and how they contributed to your learning?
  2. What does the information gathered say regarding the effectiveness and use of this class of medication or this specific medication for use with this population and problem/symptom?
  3. What controversial issues surround this medication with this population, and are there special considerations for its use

environmental science

Cities are the places where most of the global population lives, works and plays. Over 80% of the Canadian population and nearly 2/3 of the world’s population live in urban centres. The environment and services found in urban centres are critical to the health and well-being of urbanites. As well, the concentration of people and activities in relatively constrained geographic areas pose a considerable challenge for maintaining a healthy environment.
Cities offer the opportunity to be involved in local decision-making at a level that directly affects you. They are the most immediate and nimble level of government, where the province and especially the federal government are most difficult to access and effect change. As such, it is important to understand the factors at play in city-wide governance and how you, as an individual, can be involved. Please familiarize yourself with jurisdictional responsibilities of the city versus the province and federal government.[1] Examples of initiatives taken a the municipal level include those coordinated through ICLEI[2] (an organization that brings together local levels of government), c40 which has brought together cities to work on climate-related initiatives,[3] and the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Cities initiative.[4]
Goal of this assignment is to identify the top priorities that you want to see changed in Toronto, things that you really love about Toronto, and actions that you can take to bring about positive change in the city.
Your Assignment
What was planned: We would have met in groups to brainstorm, starting with thinking of your own ideas and then sharing those ideas with your group to come to a consensus. This would have been an exercise in creative thinking and in working with others to arrive at a common understanding of the ideas. However, instead of a group discussion, you will either brainstorm with yourself, yourself and your cat or dog, or with a chat group, if possible.

  1. Issue Identification

First, write down ideas of what works well in Toronto. Second, write down what does not work well in Toronto.

  1. Issue Priority Setting

Consider the ideas that you have written down to arrive at,

  1. the top three things you want to change, and
  2. the top three things you (and perhaps your family and friends) love about Toronto.

Then, identify specific actions that you can take to bring about changes to help realize your top priorities for change.
Your write-up must be a maximum of one page. Marks will be deducted for responses longer than one page.
Your write-up will consist of:

  1. Top three things that you want changed in Toronto (one sentence for each)
  2. Top three things that you like about Toronto and that do not require change (one sentence for each), and
  3. Three specific actions that you can take to bring about the change prioritized in (a). You must:

–  provide three specific actions that address issues identified in (a), that must be feasible, and that you believe can lead to change (maximum three sentences per action or nine sentences total),
– for each action you must include to whom the action is directed and why; examples include other members of your community, a citizen’s group, city council, the province and if so, which ministry (one sentence each),
– you must explain why you chose each action to be the most likely to bring about change (maximum two sentences for each action).