Information Systems homework help

Write a 3- to 5-page analysis of the evidence using the Audit Evidence Template.

  • Describe the evidence gathering process and the sampling methodologies the auditors may use for the controls being tested.
  • Generate a list of preliminary findings you expect the auditors will discover based on the “Partially Collected Audit Evidence” section of the case study.
  • Explain why you believe each is a finding. Refer to the “Control Objectives and Related Controls” section to support your findings.
  • Identify how you will keep leadership abreast of the findings to expect and what has been addressed during the course of the audit.
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History homework help


  1. Reflect on the notion of “exile” using examples of the immigrant’s experience in the film A Scent of Mint.


  1. How can the term “precarious status” help us explain the impact of Canadian policy on migrant workers? Explain using examples from the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program (SAWP) ?


  1. How do migrant justice movements like No One is Illegal work towards decolonization and empowering migrants ?

NOTE: Answers should be in essay format, 7 pages in length.  Answer using complete sentences. Try to explain your answers, instead of assuming that I know what you mean.

Information Systems homework help

1. How did Filecoin conduct its ICO?2. How is Filecoin’s ICO similar to and different from:    a) an equity IPO?    b) a crowdfunding initiative on, for example, Kickstarter, Indiegogo, GoFundMe?3. What are the pros and cons of Filecoin conducting a fundraising through an ICO?4. Why should investors be attracted to Filecoin?5. Why should be wary of Filecoin?6. Why are regulators encouraging or opposing ICOs?7. What have some regulators done in response to ICOs?
Compose your essay in APA format, including the introduction and conclusion, and in-text citations for all sources used. In addition to your 3 page (minimum) essay, you must include an APA-style title page and reference page. Click the assignment link to compare your work to the rubric before submitting it. Click the same link to submit your assignment.
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English homework help

Paper required:  no less than 3 full page
You can write your report on any live theater/stage presentation that you attend during the 2020 Spring semester. PLEASE BRING A PROGRAM OR TICKET STUB FROM THE SHOW.
What to consider:
Production: What was the name of the production and where did you see it?
Time Frame: When and where did the play take place (within the script)?
Conflict: What was the plot and major conflict in the play?
Tone: What was the dominant tone? Light, serious, moody, comical?
Acting: Choose two or more character and describe their roles in the play. Where the actors cast appropriately and did they do their jobs conveying the characters they were playing?
Set Design: Did the set (or lack of) contribute to the overall production?
Costumes: How about the use of costumes and make-up?
Lighting: Was there special lighting used or special effects?
Sound: What about sound effects and music?
Conclusion: What was your overall impression of the production? Did you go alone or with a friend? What were the general responses from the audience? Were they engaged: laughing, clapping, sighing? Or did they remain passive and unresponsive?
GRADING FOR PLAY REPORTS The play report is worth 100 points. If a student writes an additional theatre critical report it is worth up to 25 extra credit points. For each day it is late, 20 points will be deducted from the final score.
The reports will be graded on the following scale:
0-20 points – Correctly following the instructions for the assignment.
0-20 points – For the structure of the report. Did the report have a good beginning, middle, and end?
0-20 points – The report will focus, with specific examples from the material on these elements: acting; directing; scenery; costume/makeup; lighting; sound.
0-20 points – For the content of the report. Did the report have a good combination of subjective responses? Did the report answer the question, why?
0-20 points – For the grammar and spelling of the report. Was the report clear and free of run-on sentences and grammatical errors? Was the paper checked for spelling?

Economics homework help

Problem 1 (10 marks)
Suppose GDP equals $300 trillion, consumption equals $24 trillion, the government spends $3 trillion and has a budget deficit of $500 billion.

  • Find public saving, taxes, private saving, national saving, and investment.

Problem 2 (10 marks)
You take $500 that you held as currency and put it into the banking system. The reserve ratio is equal to 20%.
1)  Calculate the money multiplier.
2)  By how much will increase the total amount of deposits in the banking system?
3)  By how much will increase the money supply?
Problem 3 (10 marks)
At the begening of 2018, a town has 152,000 employed people and 8000 unemployed people. The remaining 40,000
people in the town are not in the labor force.
Based on these​ numbers:
1)  Calculate the​ town’s unemployment rate
2)  Calculate the​ town’s labor force participation rate
3)  Calculate Suppose that 10,000 people decide to join the labor force. Of these 10,000 people 7,800 find jobs. What is the unemployment rate at the end of 2018?

Information Systems homework help

Research Paper: Building an economy: Government planning vs. entrepreneurial innovation
*All outside sources must be referenced and cited in your paper.  All papers will be reviewed with a plagiarism software. Any references not properly referenced and cited will result in a 0 on your paper. Multiple violations will result in a failure for the course!
Each student will write a short research paper for a peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assigned reading.  This will be a detailed summary of the research paper and what you gained from the research.  Each week, you will find an article/peer-reviewed research paper that pertains to the week’s assignment.  If you have a difficult time, Google Scholar is a wonderful location to find these types of articles:
Once you find the article, you will simply read it and then write a review of it.  Think of it as an article review where you submit a short overview of the article.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately 2-3 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.


Information Systems homework help

SLAs use service quality metrics to express measurable QoS characteristics. Select two metrics from the list and provide a descriptive explanation of the importance of including these metrics in the SLA.
Please indicate the priority that should be placed on the metrics you selected when negotiating an SLA.
Availability – up-time, outages, service duration
Reliability – minimum time between failures, guaranteed rate of successful responses
Performance – capacity, response time, and delivery time guarantees
Scalability – capacity fluctuation and responsiveness guarantees
Resiliency – mean-time to switchover and recovery
Security – security measures such as anti-virus updates and patching
Respond substantively to at least two other students’ posts. In your response posts, discuss what should happen when a provider doesn’t meet agreed upon service levels or has missed the minimum performance standards specified in the agreement.

Human Resource Management homework help

1.1:  Review the implications of the concepts presented in Chapter 1 of Powell’s
book (pp. 1-11).  Provide your own personal opinions of these concepts, and
evaluate your reasons for holding these opinions.
1.2:  Summarize the major developments in the history of sex roles during the
past century (Powell, pp. 14-34).  If you had to select one event that most
dramatically changed the concept of sex roles, what would that event be?
Justify your answer.
1.3:  Discuss the issue of sex segregation of occupations (Powell, pp. 26-33),
including the sex gap in earnings.
1.4:  Despite tremendous gains in the number of women in management
positions during the past century, top management is still male-dominated.
Explain why this discrepancy still exists.  Will women ever achieve equality
in top management positions?  Justify your answer.
1.5:  Outline and evaluate the evidence for sex differences and gender
differences (Powell, pp. 4-5; 38-47).
1.6:  Explain the concept of androgyny (Powell, pp.47-52).  Include in your
answer a discussion of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI), and the
potential advantages and disadvantages of being androgynous.
1.7:  Summarize the various influences on sex role development in children
Powell, pp. 52-61).  Evaluate the relative strength of each influence, and
provide examples to support your conclusions.
1.8:  Discuss the limitations of gender stereotypes and roles (Powell, pp. 60-63).
1.9:  Discuss the concept of influencing gender stereotypes and roles (Powell,
pp. 63-64), citing specific evidence to support each claim.
1.10:  What is the most important thing you have learned by completing this first
Exercise.  Explain your answer.

Nursing homework help

Please complete the 4 scenarios. Post it in the discussion board and briefly respond to 2 classmates.
1. A nurse on a medical‑surgical unit is acquainting a group of nurses with the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative.
a. RELATED CONTENT: List the six QSEN competencies, along with a brief description of each.
2. A nurse is teaching a group of newly licensed nurses about the various nursing roles they can aspire to after they achieve mastery in basic nursing skills.
a. RELATED CONTENT: Describe at least five types of advance practice nursing roles, including a brief description of their primary responsibilities.
3. A nurse is teaching a group of newly licensed nurses about the process of resolving ethical dilemmas.
a. UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES: Define the ethical decision‑making process.
b.  NURSING INTERVENTIONS: List the steps of making an ethical decision
4. A nurse is teaching a group of newly licensed nurses about avoiding liability for negligence. Use the ATI Active Learning Template: Basic Concept to complete this item.
a. UNDERLYING PRINCIPLES: List the five elements necessary to prove negligence.
b. NURSING INTERVENTIONS: List at least four ways nurses can avoid liability for negligence.