Nursing homework help

Topic: Interviewing a Professional Nurse or Interview a nurse professional with years of experience.
Write her/his opinion about:

  1. Teamwork and its Importance
  2. Patient-care and Adaptability
  3. Time Management in Nursing
  4. Communication Style 

Motivation and core values in nursing

  • 5 pages (excluding title-page and reference page) 
  • APA style paper 
  • 5 references within 5 years.
  • Include a heading for each of the topics in the numbers written above

Information Systems homework help

Topic 2: Designing Cyberwarfare Defense Strategies
As noted in Theohary and Rollins (2015), trying to define what cyberwarfare actually is can be quite difficult. A large part of the problem in defining what constitutes cyberwarfare is the range of threat actors that engage in various cyberwarfare activities. Given a similar outcome of disruption either to a national government or a country’s infrastructure, discuss what differences there may be in defensive strategies that would depend on different threat actors. Consider the different motivations of different threat actors and how motivation might inform a particular defensive strategy.
Theohary, C., & Rollins, J. (2015, March 15). Cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism: In brief. Retrieved from

Education homework help

Your assignment # 5 relates to an “Group Dynamics” from chapter 9 “Group Development and Team Building” by Mosley, Pietri and Mosley, designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.
Your question analysis and preparation will require for you to complete the reading for Chapter 9
* Answer the following questions:  > What are some of the primary reasons people resist change?  What are some of the ways a team leader can ensure that change is accepted or at least not resisted?.  > Compare and contrast formal groups and informal groups.  Explain the importance of leadership in both types of groups.
* Your answers must be written in a short essay format APA Style of Writing, no less than half (150 words) to a full page (300 words) per answer in written content.
with multiple academic resources and citations to support the content of the case study
Due Sunday April 5.2020 end of day…

Article writing homework help

title: How’s the LEGO effect children?
The paper should be formatted as follows:

  • Include name, class, and assignment in upper left-hand corner
  • Include a title centered at the top of the page
  • Times New Roman font
  • 12 point font
  • Double spaced
  • 1 inch margins
  • 5-3 pages

Government homework help

Instructions: In a minimum 2-page essay, reflect on what you have learned from this online course and write an essay incorporating your thoughts, opinions, and perspectives related to roles and responsibilities of (1) the Texas government; (2) the role of and responsibilities for/of citizen engagement and participation, and (3) how you will apply your new found knowledge.
The final paragraph, should tie all the pieces together from your opening statement and conclude with any final thoughts you may have about the course in general.  I welcome your feedback, so please let me know if there is anything you would change or add to the course.
Format: Paragraphs (no lists or bullet points) 12-point font, New Times Roman, one-inch margins (top, bottom & sides), double-spaced.
  • attachment

  • attachment


Marketing homework help

Provide a comprehensive review of the Chipotle case, identifying the strategic issues facing this company.
1- Perform appropriate external analysis (use at least 3 relevant tools: PESTEL – industry specific and current, 5 Force which identifies most significant forces, Driving Force which identifies if industry conditions becoming more or less attractive, KSF which define industry specific success factors, Strategic Mapping and Competitor Analysis as appropriate.
Grading is based on demonstrating understanding of how to conduct the analysis, thoroughness, and case understanding.
2- conduct internal analysis.
3- Identify Chipotle’s strategies and evaluate them with regard to the external and industry environments.
4- Evaluate Chipotle’s resources and capabilities and discuss resulting competitive advantage(s)
5- Evaluate Chipotle’s financial and strategic performance
6- Recommend an action plan to address Chipotle’s strategic issues and support each of your recommendations with appropriate analysis.

Management homework help

or your case study grade, you will be reading two case studies; both will come from the PDF attached – “Dealing with Difficult People”.
Case Study 2 of 2 “10 More Strategies” – Page 11; is due Sunday, April 12.
Read “10 More Strategies” (Page 11 of the attached PDF) The scenario is about Jessica, a hotel manager in Miami. Through Jessica’s scenario; you will learn 10 strategies to bring back a negotiation from the brink of failure when dealing with a difficult person.
The only APA requirement I am grading you on is the cover page and reference page; see APA Sample I attached to the assignment list. 5 pages (including cover page and reference page) minimum. Please double-space, use Times New Roman 12 point font, with one-inch margins.
The purpose of each case is to augment the course content with applications that enable you to apply text materials to a scenario and relate to that problem using what you have learned. In your own words describe in detail what you learned from the case and strategies outline
Due April 12

Human Resource Management homework help

Discuss the types of operational conflicts that occur in an international context because of different attitudes toward time, change, material factors, and individualism. Provide two or three examples.
DB# 3
Discuss the role of social media in global business communication. Discuss the noise that might arise if a manager texts employees in the company he has started up in China. How have you witnessed the impact of social media in your place of work? Has it been a positive or negative impact?
Explain some of the differences in information systems in other countries and the effect those differences have on business relationships.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Discuss the importance of understanding cultural differences when negotiating with people in another country.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Discuss three nonverbal differences you might encounter if you are transferred to manage a company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.
Explain how people from different countries who speak the same language may still miscommunicate.
Your response must be at least 200 words in length.

Civil homework help

I want you to do the child support calculations for the following three scenarios:

  1. Father earns $6,286.00 per month gross salary which after deductions is $5,000.00 per month net salary.  Mother earns $2,740.00 per month gross salary which is $3,000.00 per month net salary after deductions and credit for declaring the two children on her income tax returns.  The parties have two children. There is no daycare cost or medical insurance.  They have shared parental responsibility of the minor children.  The father exercises 50 overnight visits with the minor children each years.  What is the monthly child support that the Father must pay the mother for the two children?                           For one child?
  2. Father earns minimum wage of $1,483.73 per month gross income which comes out to $1,325.19 per month net income.  The mother earns $1,483.73 per month gross income which comes out to $1,785.56 per month net income.  They have one child. There is no daycare cost or medical insurance costs.  They shared parental responsibility of the minor child.  The father exercises 35 overnight visits with the minor child each year.  What is the monthly child support that the Father must pay the mother for the child?
  3. The mother is currently  unemployed.  The court imputes minimum wage of $1,483.73 per month gross income which comes out to $2.391.90 in net income per month after deductions and credits for the four children.  The father earns $2,166.66 per month gross income which comes out to $1,881.37 per month net income. The parties have four children.  The mother has sole parental responsibility of the minor children.  The father exercises 30 overnight visits with the minor children each year.   The mother pays $15.00 per month in medical insurance cost for the children.  The mother spends $800.00 a month for the daycare of the children.   What is the father supposed to pay for child support for the four children?                       The mother wants to stay home with the children and not work.  She requests that the court not impute minimum wage to her so she can stay home and care for the four children?       Can the court do this?        If so, what would the new child support be?