Education homework help

Review your strengths finder results from HLTH 6005: Perspectives on Health and the Developing Professional or HLTH 8003 Building Multidisciplinary Approach in Health. After reviewing your results, complete the assignment below:
********** Strengths Finder Results Attached **********
Submit a 2 to 3 page paper (not including title page and references), to include the following:

  • Title page
  • Section headers for each of the following required sections:
  • What are your top five themes of strengths?
  • How will you leverage your top five themes of strength to develop as a health educator?
  • Reflect on a situation within the last three months in which you believe one of your top five strength themes allowed you to successfully solve the situation/issue/challenge or problem. Describe this situation and how your strength enabled you to be successful.
  • Select one of your five themes of strengths and describe your plan to implement/develop this theme as a current or future health educator.
  • Cite the sources within your text where you refer to them, using APA format.
  • Include a reference list using APA format.
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Psychology homework help

In Topic 5, you submitted a treatment plan for your client Eliza. Since the initial treatment plan, several changes have taken place within Eliza’s case. Since the mandatory assessment two weeks ago, you have discovered that Eliza is again on your client listing for the day due to a mandatory evaluation, with the incident report indicating that campus public safety, due to a tip from a concerned resident, found the client passed out and alone in her dorm, smelling of alcohol.
Part 1: Review the initial Treatment Plan submitted in Topic 5.

  1. Reassess your treatment plan diagnoses, goals, and objectives based on the new information provided.
  2. Fill out and submit a new treatment plan evidencing the changes made in treatment utilizing the treatment plan template provided.

Part 2: In a 1,000-1,250-word essay, answer the questions presented in a separate Word document, addressing the following:

  1. Examine the case and propose why the changes occurred.
  2. Reassess the effectiveness and validity of the treatment plan.
  3. Discuss how the treatment plan needs to be adjusted to address the changes in the situation.
  4. Justify the changes both ethically and legally.
  5. Determine what the changes (obstacles) mean to the treatment plan.
  6. Discuss how you would evaluate the resources available for you to make a referral.
  7. Discuss how you would communicate to the client the need for referrals to other providers.
  8. Determine which referrals you would make and which you might suggest to the client.
  9. Include any instruments you would use to assess the client.

Submit the revised treatment plan and essay to your instructor.

Article writing homework help

Aristippus points out that the future is uncertain. Thus, he advises individuals to live in the moment. You ought to try to pack as much intense, immediate, physical pleasure into your life as quickly as possible. He also recommends enjoying thrills and excitement. Live life to the fullest so that you will have made the most of whatever time you have. In contrast, Epicurus claims that the best life is a long life of peace of mind and contentment. Depending on external things for your happiness puts you in a precarious position, because if you can’t get what you want, you will suffer. Instead, Epicurus advises individuals to train themselves to be happy without external things. Thus, the morally right way to live, according to Epicurus, is to practice self-denial or asceticism. Although both Aristippus and Epicurus are hedonists and ethical egoists, they advocate completely different lifestyles as being morally right. If you had to choose how to live your life, and your ONLY options were to live the self-indulgent lifestyle promoted by Aristippus or the ascetic lifestyle promoted by Epicurus, which one would you choose and why? For this assignment, you may not choose a middle position! Although you may not agree with either the hedonism or the ethical egoism of these two philosophers, for this assignment you must choose between those two extreme lifestyles. Be sure to give reasons for your choice.

Accounting homework help

Company Sony SNE
For reference you can use SEC 10-k Sony Report at
Respond to one or more question(s) from each of the categories below.
3. Discuss Treasury Stock transactions over the past three years and explain its affect on total stockholder’s equity and retained earnings.
Category: Retained Earnings
1. Use the following equation and show how the Retained Earnings account has changed over the past two years.
Retained earnings, beginning balance
+ Prior period adjustments
= Retained earnings, adjusted balance
+ Net Income
– Retirement of Treasury stock
– Dividends
= Retained earnings, ending balance
Category: Analysis
1. Calculate The following ratios for the most recent two years and comment on the results of your ratio analysis. How do the results for your company compare to industry averages?
a. Return on stockholder’s equity: = (net income – preferred dividends)/average stockholder’s equity
b. Earnings per share (EPS)
c. Price-earnings (PE) ratio
d. Payout ratio

English homework help

You are to write a three page essay (750+ WORDS minimum) on the PROS AND CONS OF eLEARNING vs CLASSROOM LEARNING. Present both sides to the argument and then state your opinion and support your opinion as to WHY you think one may be better than the other. Include some of your personal experiences for this or other classes you have taken online.
Some thoughts for consideration:
Social aspects
Learning styles

Business & Finance homework help

Suburban Homes Construction Project Quality Management Plan (QMP)
Prepare a quality management plan using the elements described in the PMBOK 6e (Section for the Suburban Homes Construction Project.
Content (90 points) Over the course the semester you’ve become familiar with the project and as part of the overall project management plan, a quality management plan is needed to communicate how quality will be met to the satisfaction of each stakeholder involved in a typical residential construction project.
You should perform research on quality standards associated with residential construction to determine applicable standards.  At least four (4) quality objectives associated with the project should be defined.
As part of the section on quality tools, include a separate appendix with at least three (3) quality tools that will be used as a part of the project.  These can be drawn from: 1) flow charts, 2) check sheets, 3) Pareto diagrams, 4) histograms, 5) control charts, 6) scatter diagrams, 7) affinity diagrams, 8) process decision programs charts, 9) interrelationship digraphs, 10) tree diagrams, 11) prioritization matrices, 12) activity network diagrams, 13) matrix diagrams, 14) inspections, and 15) statistical sampling.
Last, about 1/3 of the plan should be devoted to major procedures relevant for the project for dealing with non-conformance, corrective actions procedures, and continuous improvement procedures.
If information needed to complete a QMP is not explicitly stated in the scenario description or other project artifacts you’ve created or collected for this scenario in the past units, then develop (make-up) the information you need to complete the plan.  Use tables and illustrations as needed to convey information.
The plan (excluding the separate appendix) should be approximately 4 to 5 pages.
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Business & Finance homework help

Suburban Homes Construction Project Quality Management Plan (QMP)
Prepare a quality management plan using the elements described in the PMBOK 6e (Section for the Suburban Homes Construction Project.
Content (90 points) Over the course the semester you’ve become familiar with the project and as part of the overall project management plan, a quality management plan is needed to communicate how quality will be met to the satisfaction of each stakeholder involved in a typical residential construction project.
You should perform research on quality standards associated with residential construction to determine applicable standards.  At least four (4) quality objectives associated with the project should be defined.
As part of the section on quality tools, include a separate appendix with at least three (3) quality tools that will be used as a part of the project.  These can be drawn from: 1) flow charts, 2) check sheets, 3) Pareto diagrams, 4) histograms, 5) control charts, 6) scatter diagrams, 7) affinity diagrams, 8) process decision programs charts, 9) interrelationship digraphs, 10) tree diagrams, 11) prioritization matrices, 12) activity network diagrams, 13) matrix diagrams, 14) inspections, and 15) statistical sampling.
Last, about 1/3 of the plan should be devoted to major procedures relevant for the project for dealing with non-conformance, corrective actions procedures, and continuous improvement procedures.
If information needed to complete a QMP is not explicitly stated in the scenario description or other project artifacts you’ve created or collected for this scenario in the past units, then develop (make-up) the information you need to complete the plan.  Use tables and illustrations as needed to convey information.
The plan (excluding the separate appendix) should be approximately 4 to 5 pages.
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Nursing homework

S.H., age 47, reports difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. These problems have been ongoing for many years, but she has never mentioned them to her health care provider. She has generally “lived with it” and selftreated the problem with OTC Tylenol PM. Currently, she is also experiencing perimenopausal symptoms of night sweats and mood swings. Current medical problems include hypertension controlled with medications. Past medical history includes childhood illnesses of measles, chickenpox, and mumps. Family history is positive for diabetes on the maternal side and hypertension on the paternal side. Her only medication is an angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitor and diuretic combination for hypertension control. She generally does not like taking medication and does not take any other OTC products.
Diagnosis: InsomnIa
1. List specific goals of therapy for S.H.
2. What drug therapy would you prescribe? Why?
3. What are the parameters for monitoring the success of the therapy?
4. Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy
5. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy.
6. What would be the choice for second-line therapy?
7. What OTC and/or alternative medicines might be appropriate for this patient?
8. What dietary and lifestyle changes might you recommend?
9. Describe one or two drug–drug or drug–food interactions for the selected agent.
Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your work with at least 3 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication. Remember that you need a cover page and a reference page. All paragraphs need to be cited properly. Please use headers.  All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. Lastly, you must have at least 2 pages of content, no greater than 4 pages, excluding cover page and reference page.

business finance

Create a Request For Proposal Scenario You may use this Procurement Management Plan Scenario.
In this scenario the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania through the Governor’s Office of Transformation, Innovation, Management & Efficiency (GO-TIME) seeks to create a pilot Continuous Process Improvement program to be used throughout the enterprise. The goal of the program is to create a method for commonwealth employees to use that focuses on collaboration, partnerships and continuous improvement to help make a government that works better for Pennsylvanians.
The commonwealth recognizes there are many government services online, such as filing taxes and registering a vehicle.  However, inefficient processes still exist which are cumbersome to employees, result in valuable data being locked away in filing cabinets, and provide less than optimal services to citizens. While the Commonwealth is constantly striving to meet the demand for services and improve the quality of interactions with the public, it does so in an environment of limited resources. By adopting more modern processes, it is expected that a system can be created to improve services to citizens, increase employee efficiency, and create a culture of Continuous Process Improvement (CPI).
Many states have incorporated CPI methodologies into their daily operations to identify, reduce and eliminate the non-value added tasks that lead to inefficient processes. By implementing a commonwealth-wide CPI program, to build capacity within the agencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction to successfully implement CPI initiatives, there will be a change in the culture of state government to deliver increased efficiency and higher quality services.
The commonwealth has identified the following objectives for this proposed program:

  1. General.  The Office of Administration’s (OA) GO-TIME office is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to provide training and implementation support with documentation for an enterprise CPI program.
  2. Specific.  The selected Contractor shall:

1.Develop a program framework to create a Center of Excellence.
2. Develop and conduct employee training and certification programs
3.Assist with the implementation of process improvements in partnership with GO-TIME and select agency Champions
1)                  utilize Lean Six Sigma (LSS) tools (Kaizen events)
2)                   provide best practices to ensure value is delivered by the Office.
“Need the sections 6 and 7 from the template to be done”

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  • Posted: a few seconds ago
  • Due: 
  • Budget: $10

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