government homework

Instructions: In a minimum 2-page essay, reflect on what you have learned from this online course and write an essay incorporating your thoughts, opinions, and perspectives related to roles and responsibilities of (1) the Texas government; (2) the role of and responsibilities for/of citizen engagement and participation, and (3) how you will apply your new found knowledge.
The final paragraph, should tie all the pieces together from your opening statement and conclude with any final thoughts you may have about the course in general.  I welcome your feedback, so please let me know if there is anything you would change or add to the course.
Format: Paragraphs (no lists or bullet points) 12-point font, New Times Roman, one-inch margins (top, bottom & sides), double-spaced.

Education homework

Your assignment # 5 relates to an “Group Dynamics” from chapter 9 “Group Development and Team Building” by Mosley, Pietri and Mosley, designed to reinforce the learning objectives of the course, and in conjunction with the final exam will provide a measure of your material’s knowledge and critical thinking skills.
Your question analysis and preparation will require for you to complete the reading for Chapter 9
* Answer the following questions:  > What are some of the primary reasons people resist change?  What are some of the ways a team leader can ensure that change is accepted or at least not resisted?.  > Compare and contrast formal groups and informal groups.  Explain the importance of leadership in both types of groups.
* Your answers must be written in a short essay format APA Style of Writing, no less than half (150 words) to a full page (300 words) per answer in written content.
with multiple academic resources and citations to support the content of the case study
Due Sunday April 5.2020 end of day…

Business & Finance homework help

1. You are trying to decide whether to finance the purchase of a
used Mustang convertible. What questions should you ask
yourself first?
2. List the advantages and disadvantages of using credit.
3. You want to purchase a home in the next five years. You know
how important a good credit score is for getting a lower
interest rate. What are some ways you can continue to
improve your credit score over the next five years?
4. Why is it important to avoid the minimum monthly payment
5. What factors (including psychological) would you consider in
assessing the choices in declaring personal bankruptcy? Why
should it be the choice of last resort?
6. Jamie Lee Jackson, age 27, full-time student and part-time
bakery employee, has just moved in to a bungalow-style,
unfurnished, home of her own. The house is only a onebedroom, but the rent is manageable and has plenty of room
for Jamie Lee. She decided to give notice to her roommate
that she would be leaving the apartment and the shared
expenses after the incident with the stolen checkbook and
credit cards a few weeks back. Jamie had to dip in to her
emergency savings account to help cover the deposit and
moving expenses, as she had not planned to move out of the
apartment and be on her own this soon.
Jamie is in need of a few appliances, as there is a small laundry
room, but no washer or dryer, nor is there a refrigerator in the
kitchen. She will also need a living room set and a television, as
Jamie only had a bedroom suite to move in with. Jamie is so
excited to finally have the say in how she will furnish the bungalow,
and began shopping for her home as soon as the lease was
The home appliance store was the first stop as Jamie chose a
stacking washer and dryer set, which would fit comfortably in the
laundry space provided. A stainless steel refrigerator with a built-in
television screen was her next choice, and the salesperson quickly
began to write up the order. Jamie was informed that if she
opened up a credit card through the appliance store that she would
receive a discount of 10% off her total purchase. As she waited for
her credit to be approved, she decided to continue shopping for
her other needed items.
Living room furniture was next on the list as Jamie went to the local
retailer who had endless choices of complete sofa sets that
included the coffee and end tables as well as the matching lamps.
Jamie chose a contemporary-style set and again, was offered the
tempting deal of opening a credit card through the store in
exchange for a percentage off her purchase and free delivery. On
to the big box retailer where Jamie then chose a 52” 1080p LED
HDTV. For the third time, a percentage off her first purchase at the
big box retailer was all that was needed to get Jamie to sign on the
dotted line of the credit card application. She was daydreaming of
how wonderful her new home would look when a call from the
appliance store came through and asked her to return to the store.
Jamie Lee had the unfortunate news that her credit application at
the appliance store had been denied. She left the store only to
arrive at the next two stores where she had chosen the living room
set and television with the same bad news- credit application
denied! She was informed that her credit score was too low for
approval. “How could this be?” Jamie wondered.
Current Financial Situation:
Checking account: $1,800
Savings Account: $7,200
Emergency Fund savings account: $2,700
IRA balance: $410
Car: $2,800
Student loan balance: $10,800 (Jamie is still a full-time student, so
no payments are required on the loan until after graduation)
Credit Card Balance: $4,250 (total of three store credit cards)
Gross monthly salary from the bakery: $2,750 (Net income: $2,175)
Monthly Expenses:
Rent: $350
Utilities: $70
Food: $125
Gas/Maintenance: $130
Credit Card Payment: $0
6A. What steps should Jamie Lee take so she may discover the
reason for the denial of her credit application?
6B. Jamie discovers that she has become the victim of identity
theft, as her credit report indicates that two credit cards have been
opened in her name without her authorization! The police had
already been notified the evening of the theft incident in the
apartment, but what other measures should Jamie Lee take now
that she has become aware of the identity theft?
6C. Fortunately for Jamie, she was able to show proof of the theft
to the credit bureau and her credit applications for her apartment
furnishings were approved. The purchase total for the appliances,
living room furniture and television amounted to $4,250. The
minimum payments between the three accounts total $325 a
What is Jamie Lee’s debt payments-to-income ratio? Is she above
or below the recommended limit?
6D. Oh, no! The television was finally delivered today, but was left
on the porch by the delivery company. When Jamie Lee was finally
able to attach all the wires and cables according to the owner’s
manual, it played for a half an hour and then shut off. Jamie Lee
was unable to get the television to turn back on, although she read
the troubleshooting guide in the manual and contacted tech
support from the manufacturer. Jamie Lee lugged the television
back to the store, but they would not accept a return on
What should Jamie Lee do now?
6E. Jamie Lee now has to juggle the three monthly credit card bills
for each of the retailers where she purchased her home
furnishings. She is interested in getting one loan to consolidate the
three store consumer credit cards so she may make a single
payment on the goods per month.
How should Jamie Lee go about deciding if she should consolidate
or not and what factors would come into play in deciding who to
consolidate with. What type of institution would you choose?
Chap 6 – Consumer Purchases
7. Jamie Lee is attracted to the low monthly payment advertised
for a vehicle lease. She may well be able to afford a more
expensive car than she originally thought. Jamie Lee really needs
to think this through. Compare the advantages and disadvantages
to leasing and buying a vehicle?
8. Jamie Lee sat down with a salesperson to discuss a new vehicle
and its $24,000 purchase price. Jamie Lee has heard that “no one
really pays the vehicle sticker price”. What guidelines may be
suggested for negotiating the purchase price of a vehicle?
9. Jamie Lee has decided to purchase a certified pre-owned
vehicle. What might she expect as far as reliability and a warranty
on the used car?
10. What actions might a car buyer take if a lemon is purchased?
Chap 7 – Home Buying
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of renting?
12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of owning a
13. What guidelines can be used to determine the amount you
should spend on a home?
14. What factors affect a person’s ability to qualify for a mortgage?
15. How do changing interest rates affect the amount of mortgage
a person can afford?

Criminal homework help

Each question must have at least 1 reference and be 75 words
1. Identify the main differences between learning and control theory explanations of behavior. Make sure that your explanation includes the social implications (or the degree to which society plays a role in behavior according to these two divergent families of theoretical explanations).
2. Identify the two main subcomponents of structural theories, and compare and contrast the underlying assumptions each has about values and opportunity in society.
3. Explain how community-oriented policing contributes to early detection and intervention for at-risk juveniles.
4. Identify the main differences between structural and process theory explanations of delinquent behavior. Make sure that your explanation includes the social implications (or the degree to which society plays a role in behavior according to these two divergent families of theoretical explanations).

Social Science homework help

This week your task is to prepare an annotated outline for your Signature Assignment. Use the following criteria to organize your outline, which will become the basis of your Signature Assignment.

  • The Signature Assignment for this course is to identify a current social problem with which a social worker may be involved. As part of your presentation of the problem, be sure to describe how elements of human rights and social justice intersect with this social problem.
  • Select a population that would require social work services related to this problem.
  • Select a developmental phase of life (i.e., infancy and early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or late adulthood), and then explain the implications of this problem on an individual’s life course trajectory.
  • Examine how you as a social worker would advocate for the affected population regarding this problem.

Support your assessment of human behavior in social environments by drawing upon at least five scholarly works in the discipline of social work.
Length: 2-3 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Social Science homework help

This week, you will submit your Signature Assignment. Your professor has provided feedback on the Annotated Outline you prepared for Week 6 and this should assist you in completing your final paper. (Will provide the feedback once given)
Begin by providing an overview of the social problem with which a social worker may be involved. As part of this overview, explain how elements of human rights and social justice intersect with this social problem.
Next, discuss the population you have previously selected that would require social work services related to this problem. Describe and analyze characteristics of this population such as ethnicity, health concerns, and socioeconomic class.
Explain the implications of this problem on the developmental phase of life (i.e., infancy and early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, adulthood, or late adulthood) that you have previously selected. Your explanation should examine how an intervention, or lack thereof, might affect the individual’s life course trajectory.
Once you have presented the social problem and the selected population, explain how your studies and experience as a social worker will assist you in advocating for your clients who face this problem.
Support your assessment of human behavior in social environments by drawing upon at least five scholarly works in the discipline of social work.
Length: 10-12 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

formation system

Topic 1: Using Biometrics in Relationship to U.S. Government Contracts
Consider an organization of approximately 5,000 employees evenly distributed across seven locations. This organization fulfills various U.S. government contracts, although none of the contract work is military related. The organization wants to use a biometric system as a form of identity management for access control to its facilities. The website provides information concerning the use of biometrics by individuals and organizations. Using information given in the website, what general type of system would you recommend that this organization use and why would you make that recommendation? Be sure to consider the uniqueness, universality, permanence, measurability, and acceptability factors in your response. Do a Web search for and the NSTC subcommittee to find information to support your recommendation.

information system

Topic 2: Designing Cyberwarfare Defense Strategies
As noted in Theohary and Rollins (2015), trying to define what cyberwarfare actually is can be quite difficult. A large part of the problem in defining what constitutes cyberwarfare is the range of threat actors that engage in various cyberwarfare activities. Given a similar outcome of disruption either to a national government or a country’s infrastructure, discuss what differences there may be in defensive strategies that would depend on different threat actors. Consider the different motivations of different threat actors and how motivation might inform a particular defensive strategy.
Theohary, C., & Rollins, J. (2015, March 15). Cyberwarfare and cyberterrorism: In brief. Retrieved from

Nursing homework help

Week 5 (Students: Please post comments in reply box below, not your assignment. Create a parent screen above for individual assignments and replies)
Three activities for this week posting on the discussion board.
1. What do you understand the term protocol to mean (i.e. According to local protocol) and can you describe a circumstance when it would be appropriate to work outside a protocol?
2. As you assess the plethora of GNP positions what do you need to think about?
Three activities for this week posting on the discussion board.
3. Post one question you would ask an employer at an interview.