History homework help

In at least one full page, single-spaced answer the following question with cited sources and examples:
What preconditions would have to exist for there to be a genocide of a particular group in 21st century America, say of Muslims?
Source link below:

English homework help

1. Read the pdf of Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado.”
2. Write a response paper on one of the topics below. Consult Writing About Literature, p. 1089 in your textbook (Response Paper, p. 1134) if you have not done so. Read the sample papers provided.
3. Choose one of the following topics to base your essay on:
· The two main characters in the story and the conflicts between them
· The setting of the story
· The theme(s)
· Symbolism in the story
Mario M. Barros M.A.
1. MLA Format issues: up to 5 points deduction
2. Grammar and punctuation errors: up to 10 points deduction
3. Essay structure issues: up to 15 points deduction
4. Direction, unity, coherence, support issues: up to 15 points deduction

Computer Science homework help

 This is the first of three papers that will lead you to, and be part of, your final paper. You will need to choose a company that has or could have a marketing problem that needs to be solved. It can be a for-profit or nonprofit organization. Your final paper will combine the Milestones, reflecting feedback received, and add to them. See the full description of the final paper in the course syllabus (3 pages).
The Milestone 1 paper will identify and describe your chosen company, what business it is in, and set out the problem that needs to be solved. This is a situational analysis. Paper length: 3. not including title page and references.
All papers in this course are to be in APA format, with a title page, running head, and references. APA is in 12- point Times New Roman, double-spaced throughout. See this reference for more details on APA style.
3 quotes are required, and they must be enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by referring to your reference list.
No plagiarism / Need references and should be clickable.

Home Nursing homework help

Please explain how you have met various Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Essentials for each course listed below (six in total) based on the completion of various course assignments and/ or clinical practice experiences. I have attached the BSN essentials as well as a course description for each course. The paper needs to be 4 pages discussing a bit about each class. The description of each class is below along with an explanation of each BSN essential. Utilize as many essential key point as possible for each course listed. USING APA FORMAT AND PROVIDE PLAGIARISM CHECK.
4 pages minimum 
12 Point Font (Times New Roman)
  • attachment


Sociology homework help

Identify an ethical consideration for the placement disruptions of African American who are placed in foster care, and ask a question about this ethical consideration.
Suggest an additional mechanism or strategy to increase the cultural importance of a prevention program with the African American foster youth when implementing a foster parent training annually to increase cultural importance
Provide your colleague with feedback about how to prevent placement disruptions with African Americans placed in foster care on Diversity and Ethical Considerations and how could help bring about positive social change.
Learning Resources
Required Readings
Hage, S., & Romano, J. L. (2013). Best practices in prevention. In R. K. Conyne & A. M. Horne (Eds.). Prevention practice kit: Action guides for mental health professionals (pp. 32-46). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Vera, E. M., & Kenny, M. E. (2013). Social justice and culturally relevant prevention. In R. K. Conyne & A. M. Horne (Eds.). Prevention practice kit: Action guides for mental health professionals (pp. 1-59). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
American Counseling Association (2014). 2014 ACA Code of Ethics. Retrieved from https://www.counseling.org/Resources/aca-code-of-ethics.pdf
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps (2018). How healthy is your community? Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Retrieved from http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/.
Required Media
Walden Scholars of Change (2016). Giving incarcerated women a second chance. https://www.waldenu.edu/connect/video-and-multimedia/social-change/scholars-of-change/2016-winners/giving-incarcerated-women-a-second-chance
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Environmental science homework help

Choose a pair of related aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems to research. Your choices must meet the following criteria:

  • The aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems must be closely associated. For example, a fen (aquatic) in an alpine meadow or forest (terrestrial), an islet (terrestrial) in a marine bay (aquatic), or a river system (aquatic) in a desert (terrestrial) would be appropriate.
  • At least one endangered species, as identified in the IUCN Red List or by a government wildlife or natural resource agency, must be present in one or both of the ecosystems.
  • The pair of ecosystems must be in your local region or in an area of personal significance.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper about the ecosystems you have chosen and the species that make up these ecosystems. Include the following items:

  • Identify and describe the pair of ecosystems.
  • Describe three species in each of your ecosystems, including at least one plant and one animal from each. Evaluate each of these species based on its intrinsic value, its instrumental value, and its uniqueness value. Include at least one endangered species in this description and analysis.
  • Summarize how the components of your ecosystems interact with one another, and explain the value of each ecosystem in terms of its components.
  • Describe how ecosystem diversity and species diversity are related and how each ecosystem relates to the landscape.

Cite at least three references.
Submit your assignment.

World history homework help

HIS 112 Post -Colonial Presentation CHOOSE an African or Asian nation that was colonized by a European power. (You may not choose a nation chosen by another student!) and create an 8-12 slide PowerPoint presentation addressing the following:
a. What is the pre-colonial history of this nation?
b. What was this nation’s experience with colonization? Which nation(s) colonized this nation?
c. How did this nation gain independence? Discuss its decolonization experience in relation to Chapter 31.
d. What is the current political and economic condition of this nation?
e. Given current trends, predict the future of this country. Please include images to make the presentation more interesting for other students.
You will submit your presentation here and will also post your presentation in the Discussion forum.

Information Systems homework help

Imagine either the company your work for or a company you are familiar with is assessing a move to the cloud. Write a memo to the CIO telling why you would recommend moving to the cloud, what workloads you would move, and why.
The initial response should have a minimum of 300-400 words, be in APA format and have a minimum of one citation.
Be certain to respond to at least two other peers with a minimum of 100-200 words.

English homework help

What role should English play in the process of adjusting to the United States? Should English language proficiency be a prerequisite for full inclusion in the society, as stated in the 1907 quotation from President Roosevelt “We have room for but one flag, the American flag…We have room for but one language and that is the English language…and we have room for but one loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people” Should English be made the official language of the nation? This would mean that government business at all levels would be conducted only in English.
Some argue that “Official English” would avoid the expense and confusion of translating government documents and proceedings and would speed up assimilation, empowering newcomers to compete for jobs and position. Others argue that such policies are unnecessary, thinly veiled attempts to marginalize immigrants and continue their exclusion from the mainstream. What are the arguments in this debate?  How well reasoned and supported are the positions?