Computer Science homework help

Describe three network security risks and how an administrator may be able to defend against them.
An initial post must be between 250-300 words and please be sure safe assign score (plagiarism) is less than 25%.

Computer Science homework help

Social engineering is the art of manipulating people so they give up confidential information. The types of information these criminals are seeking can vary, but when individuals are targeted the criminals are usually trying to trick you into giving them your passwords or bank information, or access your computer to secretly install malicious software – that will give them access to your passwords and bank information as well as giving them control over your computer.
Explain a scenario where you or someone you know may have unknowingly given too much personal information to a stranger. How could this situation  been avoided?
Reference Article Link:
An initial post must be between 250-300 words with appropriate references and please be sure safe assign score (plagiarism) is less than 25%.

Marketing homework help

Write a report discussing the following points:
Two of the most creative/successful social media marketing campaigns in Saudi Arabia (In 2019/20).
▪ Give the reasons behind their success?
▪What is the added value of this marketing campaign for the
Two social media marketing campaign in Saudi Arabia that failed (Last two years). ▪ Why did the social media marketing campaign fail?
▪ And what can we learn from them?
▪ For each case, provide the following information: Company Name, Campaign Name and Social media platforms used.
▪ Examples can be a profit or non-profit organization.

Criminal homework help

You have studied moral and ethical dilemmas. Use what you are learning to complete this assignment.
Troy Anthony Davis was executed on September 23, 2011 after several unsuccessful appeals. On August
28, 1991 Davis was convicted for murdering an off-duty police officer working security at a nearby
Burger King. Davis was sentenced to death on August 30, 1991.
Step 1
You are to read the Troy Davis case – Wikipedia;
Step 2
Step 3
At the conclusion of your paper, please provide your personal commentary about the Davis execution
and your views on the death penalty. You can also research other websites for additional information
regarding this case in order to complete the assignment. However, you must properly cite all referenced
materials using APA style.
1) Identify the facts.
2) Identify relevant values and concepts.
3) Identify all possible moral and/or ethical dilemmas for Davis.
4) Identify all possible moral and/or ethical dilemmas for the police officers that exist.
5) Identify all possible moral and/or ethical dilemmas for witnesses that exist.
6) Identify all possible moral and/or ethical dilemmas for prosecutors that exist.
7) Identify all possible moral and/or ethical dilemmas for defense attorneys that exist.
8) Identify all possible moral and/or ethical dilemmas for the judges that exist.
Decide what is the most immediate moral or ethical issue facing these individuals and resolve the
ethical or moral dilemma by using an ethical system or some other means of decision making.
Your response should be type written (Font Size 12), double spaced, with one (1) inch margins
and at least six (6) pages in length.

 Spelling and grammar will impact your grade.
Plagiarism (any attempt to pass off work written by others as your own) will result in an “F” in
this course.

Your papers must be submitted via by 11:59 pm on April 17, 2020. Enrollment Key:
CJ405S20 and Class ID: 24001299.

Article writing homework help

In your rhetorical analysis, you could write about a number of different aspects of how the two articles have been constructed, including issues such as:

  • What is the purpose of each article? (By that I mean, what is the author trying to accomplish?)
  • Who is the intended audience for each article (and how can you tell)?
  • What is the primary argument presented by each article (the thesis)?
  • What methods do the authors use to support their opinions? (For instance, do they use logos, or logical appeals?  Do they use pathos, or emotional appeals?)  Cite specifics examples.
  • How does each author establish their ethos (their credibility as an expert)?
  • How does the kairos (time and place) of each article affect its message? (What was happening in the U.S. at that time that might have made people interested in hearing their message?)

You might not be able to cover all of those issues in detail in 2-3 pages, or you might have other interesting features you’d like to address, so focus your attention on the aspects you feel deserve the most discussion.
but my primary concern is in seeing you engage with these two articles and having you think deeply about how these authors created their argument.

English homework help

1.  What do you think is the governments role in shaping our definition of family in society? Make sure you elaborate why you feel this way.
2. What current family policies that are in place (enactment of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), universal preschool (head start), etc) do you think has benefited families the most.  You can cite any family policy.  make sure you elaborate why you feel this way
3.  If you were making decisions, what reforms should be established? what criteria should be used determine best policy? Make sure you elaborate why
4.  How do you believe family policies have have had a positive and a negative impact on families (2 part question). make sure you elaborate why
While these are your opinions make sure you back up your arguments with statistics, facts, reliable resources et

Marketing homework help

Identify and discuss topics for long-term corporate objectives including the forces that drive the organization’s products and markets.
What are three types of opportunities for sharing a sound basis for diversification (think in terms of ways companies diversify) or vertical integration? Give an example of each from companies you have read and or researched.

Social Science homework help

TOPIC: Information Technology in Health Care
Deliverable Length: 5-7 pages; minimum 5 academic/professional references published in last 5
Identify an effective health care organization that utilizes information technology.

  • Analyze the components and requirements of its information systems technology program.
  • Explain the requirements for health care information technology systems to comply with federal, state, and local laws governing patient information security.
  • Assess the risks and affected stakeholders in the event of a system breach or failure, and recommend      approaches that can be used to safeguard confidential information.

Psychology homework help

Anti-oppressive social work means critically reflecting on your own cultural identities and how the social environment impacts these identities. Acknowledging power and privilege can be uncomfortable; however, with values of multiculturalism and social justice, social workers are committed to engaging in their own personal work and addressing social barriers clients may experience. Social workers view clients from a strengths-based perspective utilizing client strengths to support their goals, rather than pathologizing clients from the lens of the dominant culture.
For the past six weeks, you have learned about the social construction of social identities, structural inequality based on dominant and non-dominant groups, and oppressions based on sex, class, and race. While readings have continuously pointed out white privilege as the dominant group privilege, you also know that privilege is not equally distributed in groups. Intersecting identities creates unique experiences for clients. For this assignment, you draw from what you have been learning during the first part of this course and discuss strategies for anti-oppressive social work practice
2- pages and 2 references
Explain the potential impact of white privilege on clients from both dominant and minority groups (consider impact of both positive and negative stereotypes).
• Explain how intersecting identities might impact an individual’s experience (for example, race/ethnicity and gender, race/ethnicity and class, race/ethnicity and ability, race/ethnicity and sexual orientation, race/ethnicity and class).
• Providing specific examples, explain how a social worker might utilize cultural strengths when working with clients.
• Describe 2-3 social work skills and how a social worker might use them to engage in anti-oppressive work.
• Support ideas in paper with at least 2-3 course resources (please reference specific chapters, not the entire textbook) and at least one additional peer-reviewed article from the Walden library (not assigned in this course) to support your ideas