English homework help

For this assignment, please view the videos linked below answer the questions related to Video #1 included below, and share your overall thoughts/take aways from the collection of videos here (at least 2 full paragraphs). There will not be a reading quiz from book for this assignment.
Then go to the Discussion forum (find it under tools here in BB). Read instructions to participate in discussion, note the deadline requirements of answering discussion questions.
Upload answers and take aways to BB under assignments.
Video #1: History of Homosexuality on Film  — https://youtu.be/SeDhMKd83r4
Video #1 Q’s
1. What impact did the Great Depression have on film making?
2. What was the purpose of the Legion of Decency?
3. Describe the Production Code.
4. How did the Stonewall incident change the perspective of movie producers in relation to making films including homosexuals?
5. Why does fiction matter?
Video #2: The Gay Culture, According to Television — https://youtu.be/EbdxRZJfRp4
Video #3: Top 10 Groundbreaking Moments for LGBTQ Characters on TV — https://youtu.be/yXJAzPJFjQ8
Video #4: I’m Gay, But I’m not … — https://criticalmediaproject.org/im-gay-but-im-not/
Video #5: Acting Gay – One Word Cut — https://youtu.be/a4jfiqiIy0A

Home Education homework help

Focus on Assessments:
Differentiate between Formative and Summative Assessments for English Language Learners in reference to assessing the Five Domains of Language – Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Presenting
How can these formative assessments build into a summative assessment? Would this look the same for all ELs?
How would you accommodate for ELs so that they are confident to present in a heterogenous classroom of ELs and non-ELs?
Chapter 9&10
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Information Systems homework help

 After careful reading of the case material, consider and fully answer the following questions:
1.  What were the primary reasons for changing the current system at Butler?
2.  What role did Butler’s IS department play?
3.  List the objectives of the pilot.  Were there any problems?
4.  Do you think Butler made the right decision to utilize this new technology?  What implications does this decision hold for Butler’s IT department in the long run?
NOTE: Butler refers to it’s IT department as IR.  You may consider these two acronyms as synonymous (i.e. IT = IS = IR for purposes of this assignment)
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Psychology homework help

Differences in Ethics (300 words)

Your assigned reading this week explains the importance of distinguishing between the types of ethics (e.g., mandatory, aspirational, principle, virtue). Understanding these differences is the foundation to ethical practice. The more professionals are anchored in an understanding of ethics and relevant applications, the more likely they will effectively apply their understanding to ethical dilemmas.
Discuss the differences between mandatory ethics and aspirational ethics.

  • What are the differences between principle ethics and virtue ethics?
  • Which type or types of ethics are represented in your profession?

You are encouraged to explore any applicable professional codes of conduct, i.e., American Psychological Association (APA) or American Correctional Association (ACA). Explain why you believe this is the case.

Nursing homework help

Where can you find evidence to inform your thoughts and scholarly writing? .
To Prepare:
· Review the information presented in the Learning Resources for using the Walden Library, searching the databases, and evaluating online resources.
· Begin searching for a peer-reviewed article that pertains to your practice area and interests you.
By Day 3 of Week 6
Post the following:
Using proper APA formatting, cite the peer-reviewed article you selected that pertains to your practice area and is of particular interest to you and identify the database that you used to search for the article. Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.
Required Readings
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Criminal homework help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapter 1 in your textbook, the Spencer (2013) and MacKenzie (2000) articles, and view the Ferguson Police Testing New, Less Lethal Gun Technology (Links to an external site.) and Budget Cuts Put State Prison Staffs at Critically Low Levels (Links to an external site.) videos.
The numerous issues that arise in large organizations regarding decision making can be difficult to properly grasp. There are those leaders who base their conclusions solely on empirical data, preferring to engage in a more quantitative decision-making process. Conversely, there are supervisors who approach decision making from a more holistic perspective, engaging in more qualitative thought processes. It is a reality, especially in budgeting and issues affecting criminal justice agencies, that quantitative decision making takes precedent. However, better conclusions are often drawn when qualitative aspects of a problem or issue are also considered.
Based on information from the required sources, compare and contrast the differences between quantitative and qualitative decision making in public finance. Based on the required videos, provide at least two quantitative and qualitative observations.
In addition to noting the differences between quantitative and qualitative observations, respond to the following elements:

  • Explain which basic method of decision making you feel provides the most accurate information for budget management; quantitative or qualitative.
  • Analyze both qualitative and quantitative-based budgetary decision making and describe your preference between the two provided you were in a position of power. Provide a rationale for your preference.
  • Explain the potential benefits of quantitative observations.
  • Explain the potential benefits of qualitative observations.

Your initial post should be at least 400 words in length.

Applied Sciences homework help

the final must have 550 words and the following format:
– What is a  Winogradsky column and how its  made
– Results.
Talk about:
a) Cyanobacteria growth. At least mention one Genus. Description and equation of the photosynthesis.
b) Green sulfur bacteria. At least mention one Genus.Description and equation of the photosynthesis.
c) Purple sulfur bacteria. At least mention one Genus.Description and equation of the photosynthesis.
d) Sulfate reducing bacteria. At least mention one Genus.Description and equation of the photosynthesis.

Social Science homework help

• Search for and select a quantitative article specific to your discipline (education) and related to t tests.
By Day 3
Write a 3- to 5-paragraph critique of the article. In your critique, include responses to the following:
• Which is the research design used by the authors?
• Why did the authors use this t test?
• Do you think it’s the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?
• Did the authors display the data?
• Do the results stand alone? Why or why not?
• Did the authors report effect size? If yes, is this meaningful?

Management homework help

Please read chapter 3 “Data Preparation” from the book “Predictive Analytics with Microsoft Azure Machine Learning”  and provide in 200-300 words:
Section 1 – Overview / summary of the reading – this may include: o What are the key points?
o What was learned?
o What are the most important issues? o Why is it important (or not)?  Section 2 – Your reaction and wider implications – this may include: o What critiques do you have?
o What additional things do you want to learn? o What questions does this reading raise?
o What related examples have you found or observed in the real-world? o Links to other relevant materials (websites, videos, etc.)
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