me Nursing homework help

Crisis Situation

  1. In acute care, a charge nurse is assigned to oversee a unit, and a nursing supervisor oversees the nursing role across a facility. All work together to control the flow of patients in and out of the unit and facility, make staffing assignments, and assist with problems and crises.

Consider this situation: A nurse is dealing with a crisis for one patient and misses a second patient crisis–a young woman who died from a postoperative hemorrhage. In this tragic situation, competing crisis events on the unit prevented a nurse from adequately monitoring other assigned patients on the unit.
The charge nurse and nursing supervisor stated in the Board of Nursing’s investigation of the event that they depended on the individual nurse to alert them if help was needed.
Question: Discuss systems-based solutions that could have prevented this event.

  1. See the attached HCAPHS survey.  Review the survey questions and answer the following:
  • List three questions that are solely influenced by the quality of nursing care.
  • List three questions that are collaboratively influenced by the quality of nursing care?
  • Based on your observations in clinicals, what are some systems-based issues that have an impact on the quality of nursing care measured by the HCAPHS survey?


Psychology homework help

Unit I Discussion: Scientific Method & Critical Thinking
As it relates to Chapter 1 readings and lecture notes compare:
The Scientific Attitude
Critical Thinking/The Scientific Method
Intuition and Common Sense/ Hindsight Bias
Reflect back on a least two (2) experiences:
(1) one where you made a good decision based on Intuition and Common Sense,
(2) the other where you made a good decision based using The Scientific Attitude, Critical Thinking and/ or The Scientific Method. Which was better and why!
Details are optional, but please share how your reading has helped you understand if some ‘purported psychological finding’ drove your decisions, and/ or do you (now) take a more scientific attitude/ method / critical thinking (approach) towards making decisions.

Human Resource Management homework help

Write a 1000-1200 word paper:

  • Describe the results of your assessment of the work processes and key employees to be addressed in your final paper.
  • Discuss how the organization will change while meeting its strategic challenges in the future.
  • Include the kinds of workers will be needed; what knowledge, skills, and abilities will be appropriate; what is the compensation system and is it reflective of the market’s conditions?

In addition to the requirements above, your paper:

  • Must be double-spaced and 12 point font
  • Must be formatted according to APA style
  • Must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement
  • Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph
  • Must reference two scholarly resources in addition to the textbook
  • attachment

  • attachment


Psychology homework help

National databases such as VINELink (Victim Information and Notification Everyday) provide updates regarding the incarceration status of offenders. By registering, victims receive updates when an offender is transferred, released, or leaves custody for any other reason. Victims can receive text messages, emails, or even phone calls regarding these updates.
Identify at least two ways this information may affect a victim.
In your replies to your classmates, illustrate additional resources that may be beneficial to victims, based on the initial post.

Applied Sciences homework help

Case Assignment

Given the many security threats to information and infrastructure discussed in Module 2 you will analyze the prevalence of these threats in the United States. Analysis of each of these threats in terms of organizations and government entities is a key topic in this country, not only to secure trade secrets and operations in organizations, but to secure the democratic government at the national and state levels.
Module 2 Video

Assignment Expectations

Using the types of security threats discussed in Module 2, review the trade journals, newspapers, and other sources on the Internet to discuss the prevalence of these attacks on organizations and government entities in the United States.
This will be graded in terms of the number of attacks uncovered and the firms/government agencies targeted. You need to provide references for each attack and discuss the impact of that attack.

Nursing homework help

Select one (1) book about children related to palliative care or end of life care

  • A children’s book talking with kids about their illness or dying

Once you have read the chosen book discuss the following;
1) Place the title of the material at the beginning
2) Give a brief summary of the content of the material
3) Discuss the significance of the material to your understanding of palliative care and end of life care in
4) Describe how you can utilize this information into your nursing practice

Psychology homework help

Assignment on THIN Documentary. Due end of this week (Friday 3). 
WATCH the documentary (1:40 hr)
1. State symptoms and medical & psychological consequences in two of the four featured women that suffered with Eating Disorder (consult slides).
2. Choose one of the women and reflect on: her personality traits, her general behavior, relational dynamics with others (e.g., other patients, family, professionals), relation to her illness, relation to her treatment.
3. What kind of treatment approaches were shown in the film?
4. What are your thoughts on The Renfrew Center approach in general? Did you like it? Why or why not?
5. Based on what you saw, what is your prediction: which of the 4 women will have best prognosis/treatment outcome and why?

Computer Science homework help

Discuss, in your own words using 500 words or more, how business process as a service (BPaaS) can help commercial enterprises.
Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.
Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0.
Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Include References.
Important Note: Quotes need to be done properly.

Psychology homework help

Assignment 3:
Review of 2 peer-reviewed articles, published in academic journal, which deal with or study psychological treatment interventions for PHYSICAL ILLNESS (e.g., cancer, obesity, chronic illness, diabetes…). The treatments could be individual-based (e.g., teaching stress management w/ certain kinds of patients; time-management; self-regulation; therapeutic writing, etc.) or group/socially based (e.g., the effectiveness of on-line, or actual support group with particular illness; social empowering programs; community program, etc.)
GOAL: You will practice reading and summarizing published articles in a coherent manner. You will also learn more specific info regarding particular treatment methods.
STRUCTURE: General introduction for your paper. For each publication:   introduction of the problem and relevant concepts; description of your findings (each paper’s research question/subjects/method/findings), discussion with the integration of what you have learned. After you have presented the 2 articles, write one paragraph of summary and reflection (your own thoughts on the issues).
LENGTH: 4-5 pgs. 1.5 space. Due April 15.
IMPORTANT: USE APA style for referencing