Reading homework help

I want to finish out our discussion on families from a macrosystem view. Please reflect on the following questions regarding your personal views. Please attach your 1 page refelction in a word document or type directly into the given space. If you have any questions please email me.
1. What do you think is the governments role in shaping our definition of family in society? Make sure you elaborate why you feel this way.
2. What current family policies that are in place (enactment of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), universal preschool (head start), etc) do you think has benefited families the most. You can cite any family policy. make sure you elaborate why you feel this way
3. If you were making decisions, what reforms should be established? what criteria should be used determine best policy? Make sure you elaborate why
4. How do you believe family policies have have had a positive and a negative impact on families (2 part question). make sure you elaborate why
While these are your opinions make sure you back up your arguments with statistics, facts, reliable resources etc.

Marketing homework help

Debate with your classmates whether the dynastic cycle is unique to China or can it be connected to other civilizations throughout history. Do you believe that Sassanid Persia or Gupta India represent a form of the Dynastic Cycle as evidenced in Chinese history? Make sure to include specific examples to support your position. When responding to classmates, provide new, additional research to support or disprove their position. Make sure to use proper APA format for all citations provided and include a reference list for the citations you use.

Psychology homework help

Please answer the following questions in complete paragraphs (at least 3 and APA)
Chapters 9 and 10
1. Describe how educators can incorporate principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to modify or adapt instruction to meet the academic needs of students.
2. Summarize key research findings on effective instruction and intervention for students with ASD in reading, writing, and mathematics, and explain how these strategies can be implemented.
3.Why are adapted play materials beneficial for individuals with ASD?
4.Describe functional play ans symbolic play. Provide an example for each one.
5.Describe the characteristics of object manipulation in children with autism.

Education homework help

Chapter 9 – Policy Outcomes
Essay Question
Instruction:  Answer the following question below. –
Please type two paragraphs  (6 to 8 sentences) per paragraph.  Do not combine your paragraphs together.
1. How might critiques of policy outcomes based on insufficiency be part of a larger strategy for claimsmakers?
  • attachment

  • attachment


Calculus homework help

MATH 182 TEST #2
3 x 5 Notecard O.K.  Time Limit: 3 hrs
1. A. An inflection point of a function is a point where its ______________
B. You’re trying to find an interval where the graph of a function f
would be both increasing AND concave down. Which pair of
conditions would be used to determine the interval?
f f     ( ) 0 ( ) 0 x AND x
f f     ( ) 0 ( ) 0 x AND x
f f     ( ) 0 ( ) 0 x AND x
f f     ( ) 0 ( ) 0 x AND x
C. True/False _____ Knowing where a function is increasing and
decreasing gives information about any inflection point the function
might have.
2. Sketch a graph of a function whose domain is ℝ, and which is
differentiable (has a derivative) at all but four points on its domain.
3. Sketch a graph that satisfies ALL of the following properties:
a. Its domain is ℝ.
b. It’s increasing on ( 0).
c. It’s decreasing on (0, ).
d. It has no concavity on ( 0).
e. It’s concave up on (0, ).
f. It has a derivative everywhere except the origin.
4. Consider the graph of the function
3 2
y x x x     2 10 28 4 , and
consider the point on the graph where x = 1. Use Calculus to answer
the following:
A. Is the graph increasing or decreasing at the point? ______________
B. Is the graph concave up or concave down at the point? ____________
5. Determine the intervals of concavity:
1 3 2 5
y x x x       7
Concave UP: _________________
Concave DOWN: _________________
6. Given the functions
S(v) = v
v(t) = t
7. Sketch a graph which satisfies ALL of the following properties:
a. x-intercept at (2, 3)
b. Increasing on (2, )
c. Decreasing on (, 2)
d. Concave down on ℝ
8. The quantity produced by a worker t hours after the beginning of their
shift is given by
1 3 2
Q t t t t ( ) 5 3 9    
. For what value of t does the
production reach the point of diminishing returns? _______________
9. In an epidemic, after t weeks, N new cases will be reported, where
( )
N t t

At what time will the epidemic be at its worst? ________________
10. Consider the function:
6 3
2 5
 

a. Domain: _______________ b. x-intercept: _____________
c. y-intercept: _____________ d. Vertical asymptote: ___________
e. Horizontal asymptote: ___________
11. Sketch a graph which satisfies ALL of the following properties:
a. Domain = ℝ
b. The derivative is 0 at the origin.
c. Increasing on (, 2) (0, 2)
d. Decreasing on (2, 0) (2, )
12. The Demand function as a function of the price, p, is given by:
10 D p( )

The Price function as a function of time, t, (in days), is given by
3 p t t ( ) 5 
At what rate will the demand be changing with respect to time 10 days
from now?
13. Consider the following Cost function:
2 C x x x ( ) 3 7 4   
a. Find the exact cost of producing the 5th item. _____________
b. Use the Marginal Cost function to approximate the cost of
producing the 5th item.
14. Given the Demand function
p(x) = 3x
+ 2x + 7
find the Marginal Revenue function. ____________________________
15. Find A and B so that the graph of the function
Ax y

will have a vertical asymptote of x = 1 and an x-intercept of (3, 0).
16. Each side of a cube is increasing at a rate of 19 m/s. How fast is the
volume of the cube increasing at the moment when the side is 2 m?
17. The surface area of a sphere is increasing at the rate of 7 m
/s. How fast
is the radius of the sphere increasing at the moment when r = 6? Leave
your answer in exact form.
[Surface Area = 4r
Be sure to include the proper units in your answer. __________________
18. Find the equation of the tangent line to the curve x
+ xy
+ y = 69 at
the point (1, 4).
19. Consider the following demand function:
q = 4p
2 + 161
a. Find E(p), the price elasticity of demand. ______________________
b. Calculate E(p) when p = $6. _______________
c. Interpret the answer to b.
d. Which level of elasticity does this problem imply? ________________
e. What does the level of elasticity mean in terms of the sensitivity to a
price increase?
20. Find two positive numbers x and y whose sum is 105, and such that the
quantity xy
is as large as possible.
21. A farmer is building a rectangular horse corral using 1000 ft of fence.
One of the sides of the corral is bordered by a river, so no fence needs to
be built there. Find the dimensions of the corral that will produce the
maximum area.
22 – 23. Consider the function:
2 4
12 y
x 
 
a. What is the domain of the function? ______________
b. What is the x-intercept of the function? ______________
c. What is the y-intercept of the function? ______________
d. Find the vertical asymptote(s) of the graph. ____________
e. Find the horizontal asymptote(s) of the graph. ____________
f. On what interval(s) is the graph increasing? ________________
[Don’t forget to show work.]
g. On what interval(s) is the graph decreasing? ________________
h. Find any extreme points, and state whether it’s a maximum or
a minimum.
i. What is the range of the function? ________________
j. SKETCH the graph of the function.
24. In fencing a rectangular region, the unit cost on the length is $7/m, and
the unit cost on the width is $10/m. If the AREA must be 630 m
, find
the dimensions of the rectangle that will minimize the total cost.
25. Let Q(p) = 4p
− 6p + 8 represent the units of an air pollutant when the
population is p. If the population is currently 4300 people, and if it’s
increasing at a rate of 90 people per year, at what rate is the level of
pollution increasing?

Information Systems homework help

1–Topic: Each student will locate and review an article relevant to the topic of the class. The review is between 400-to-550 words and should summarize the article. Please include how it applies to our topic, and why you found it interesting.
Chapter– Data: Your Most Irreplaceable Asset
2– Based on this week’s reading, write 150-300 words using your own words and discuss the following:
What is Sarbanes-Oxley Act?
Describe ISO/IEC standards
What is National Institute of Standards and Technology?
Chapter: Corporate Information security and Privacy Regulation.

Philosophy homework help

  1. Briefly define the following four vices: apathy. buffoonery, rashness, grouchiness

Say whether they represent an excess or defect; then write down the golden mean of each.

  1. As per Kant’s second formulation, explain the difference between “treating people as means” versus “treating people merely as a means
  2. Suppose both a cultural relativist and a realist agree that “slavery is wrong.” The relativist is Ok they agree; not the realist. Why?

Management homework help

                             College of Administrative and Financial Sciences
Assignment 3
                                Academic Year: 1440/1441 H

Course Name: Public Management Student’s Name:
Course Code: MGT 324 Student’s ID Number:
Semester: II CRN:

For Instructor’s Use only

Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade:  Marks Obtained/Out of Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low


  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced)
  • Submissions without cover page will NOT be accepted.

Assignment 3        
Submission Date by students:  Before the end of Week12
Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre via blackboard.
CLO: Develop information technology skills for fast and effective means of communication to address business issues. (LO4.3)
CLO: Apply different management and leadership styles for different situations (Lo 3.1)
We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:  the assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weight
Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment and submit to your teacher.
1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the units on which they are based. (Please read chapters 10 and 12). Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.
2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to question’s introduction and conclusion.
Make sure that:

  1. a) The answer is logical and coherent
  2. b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
  3. c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.

3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underlining the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit.
Wishing you all the best.
Assignment Question
Select any one of the public organisations you are familiar with and discuss how leadership plays a role in bringing smooth change in the organization and analyse the effectiveness of new technological applications adopted by it in dissemination of information to citizens and also the effectiveness of public service delivery.

Accounting homework help

Project Objective
Describe the history, current status, and adoption implications of a Financial Accounting Standards Board ongoing project.
The FASB has several ongoing projects that involve the review of standards and which may result in updates and/or revisions of financial accounting standards. You should select an ongoing FASB project after visiting the Technical Plan and Project Updates sections of the FASB Web site.
Link to the project that you should be working on
In a five- to seven-page paper, you should describe the project, its history (briefly), and the project’s status. The final section of your paper should describe the implications of the project’s adoption. For example, a paper might discuss a project that would result in accelerating the recognition of certain expenses and require additional disclosures.
Familiarize yourself with the project, including information on the history and background of the project and its status.
Using resources at (including free access to U.S. GAAP codification if you register at the Web site as explained), identify the relevant GAAP and current standards involved. Discuss the proposed change (i.e., what will be different?) and the reasons for the change.
Using at least three different databases in the UMUC library, find at least five sources of information on this FASB project. As you conduct research, identify an actual case that may have provided the impetus for this proposed change, or that would have been influenced by the proposed change. At least two sources should be from scholarly or professional journals. Maintain a research log to document your research process. You will find a research log template (sample research tracker) posted in Course Content.
Prepare an annotated bibliography. See Course Content for more information and a sample annotated bibliography.
Identify stakeholders and the impact of the proposed change on each of the stakeholders (comment letters may provide good insight).
Write a five- to seven-page paper (APA format, single spaced, standard paper size, one-inch margins, and 12-pointfont) presenting the results of your work. Submit your paper, research log, and annotated bibliography.
Topic 326 Financial Instruments- Credit Losses.