Article writing homework help

Only cite from the given article
you have to complete the following reading:
Simon Nicholson, The Promises and Perils of Geoengineering. In State of the World 2013: Open in case of emergency, pp. 317-331, 2013.
short answers to the following questions (more than 100 words per question):
1.Briefly describe one of the geoengineering techniques presented in the paper.
2.What are the author’s main objections to geoengineering?
3.What is your position with respect to geoengineering, especially in the light of recent events?

Psychology homework help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read Chapters 13 and 14 in the text. Review the ABS 300 Week Five Discussion Clinical Neuropsychological Report for Ms. ThompsonPreview the document. For this discussion, you will take on the role of graduate student working in a mental health clinic as a part of a practicum assignment. You have been assigned to work with Ms. Thompson. You are provided a copy of Ms. Thompson’s clinical neuropsychological report and your responsibility is to assist Ms. Thompson in following through with the psychologist’s recommendations. You will focus on recommendations #3-5 in the clinical neuropsychological report in order to address impairments in attention and concentration that are adversely impacting her learning and social functioning. When you meet with Ms. Thompson, you will be required to confirm the reason for referral and develop a personalized intervention plan. To determine your comprehension of the information in the assessment report, your practicum supervisor asks you to summarize the psychological assessment findings. To begin your initial post, write a one-paragraph summary of the most significant psychological test results from the clinical neuropsychological report that will inform how you approach goal-setting with Ms. Thompson. Your summary must be 200- 250 words.

Computer Science homework help

Using Facebook data located in these websites:
Analyze the financial documents you’ve located, and write a 2-page  analysis that includes an analysis of the financial health of the  company, recommendations for IT systems needed to handle the company’s  financial-related data, and any additional systems that will likely need  to be integrated with that financial data.

Education homework help

Allocate at least 5 hours to complete this field experience.
Meet with your mentor teacher to discuss your benchmark assignment. Provide the BAR document for reference. Decide what your unit plan will cover based upon the sequence of the curriculum being taught in the classroom.
For your field experience assignments in weeks 3 and 4, have your mentor teacher select 5-6 students for small diversified group lessons. The lessons taught in weeks 3 and 4 will be 2 days of lesson plans in your 5-day unit plan.
Using the “COE Lesson Plan Template,” outline pre- and post-assessments that will support the lessons in week 3 and week 4. Prepare the lesson plans and submit to your mentor teacher for approval.
Be prepared to teach the approved lessons in week 3 and week 4.
Write a 250 word reflection of your discussion and observation to include your plans for teaching small group lessons over the next two weeks.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
Document the hours and locations that you spend in the field on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form.
Submit the Clinical Field Experience Verification Form with the last assignment by the assignment due date. Directions for submitting can be found on the College of Education site in the Student Success Center.

Article writing homework help

Aristippus points out that the future is uncertain.  Thus, he advises individuals to live in the moment.  You ought to try to pack as much intense, immediate, physical pleasure into your life as quickly as possible.  He also recommends enjoying thrills and excitement. Live life to the fullest so that you will have made the most of whatever time you have.  In contrast, Epicurus claims that the best life is a long life of peace of mind and contentment.  Depending on external things for your happiness puts you in a precarious position, because if you can’t get what you want, you will suffer.  Instead, Epicurus advises individuals to train themselves to be happy without external things. Thus, the morally right way to live, according to Epicurus, is to practice self-denial or asceticism.  Although both Aristippus and Epicurus are hedonists and ethical egoists, they advocate completely different lifestyles as being morally right.  If you had to choose how to live your life, and your ONLY options were to live the self-indulgent lifestyle promoted by Aristippus or the ascetic lifestyle promoted by Epicurus, which one would you choose and why?  For this assignment, you may not choose a middle position!  Although you may not agree with either the hedonism or the ethical egoism of these two philosophers, for this assignment you must choose between those two extreme lifestyles.  Be sure to give reasons for your choice

p Management homework help

Write Reaction Paper
Chapter Reaction Paper Prompt
A 400-500 word reaction paper will demonstrate that you have critically read, analyzed, processed, and critiqued the chapter for class discussion.  Your writing will show your full engagement with the content of the chapter.  You should focus your writing on one section, theory, or concept in the chapter to demonstrate both your knowledge of the content and your ability to apply it to organizational communication.
Chapter Reaction Papers should follow APA stylistic guidelines
  • attachment

  • attachment


Article writing homework help

nitial Post Instructions
This week’s lesson presented a model of an annotated bibliography. Review the model, focusing on the components of the entry:
Reference citation
Research a new source for your Pro-Con Position Paper (ideally, seek one that is in opposition to your stance/side). Then, draft 1 reference entry and 2 paragraphs for this new source.

Management homework help

Assignment #5: Review the following Clause from a Management Contract;

  • Highlight details in Yellow and return to me.
  • Include a short Outline of the important points, tell me what you see hereinbelow, and
  • If the Artist had clout, what would you expect to see different in these clauses?
  • DUE March 10, 2020

(Power of Attorney)  Artist hereby irrevocably appoints Manager, within the Territory and for the term of this agreement, including any extensions or modifications hereof as Artist’s true and lawful attorney-in-fact, to do the following:
(a) to sign, make, execute and deliver all agreements or contracts in Artist’s name as if Artist were personally present; and
(b) to make, execute, accept, endorse, collect and deliver all bills of exchange, checks and notes in Artist’s name; and
(c) to demand, sue for, collect, recover, and receive all goods, claims, money, interest or other items that may be due to Artist or belong to Artist and to make, execute and deliver receipts, releases or other discharges therefore, under sale or otherwise, and to defend, settle, adjust, submit to arbitration and compromise all actions, accounts, claims and demands which are or shall hereafter be pending, in such manner as manager shall deem advisable in Artist’s best interests, including retaining attorneys and accountants to represent Artist’s interests thereof.
(d) In addition, and without limiting any of the foregoing, Manager may generally do, execute and perform any other act, deed or thing whatsoever that reasonably ought to be done, executed and performed, as fully and effectively as Artist could do if Artist were personally present.
(e) Artist expressly agrees that Artist will not exert any of the powers herein granted to Manager by the foregoing power of attorney without the express prior written consent of Manager, and all sums and considerations payable to Artist by reason of Artist’s artistic endeavors shall be paid to Manager on behalf of Artist.  Artist further understands and acknowledges that the power of attorney granted to Manager is coupled with an economic interest on Manager’s part in Artist’s Career, in the artistic talents of Artist, and in the products of that Career and those talents and the earnings of Artist, arising by reason of such Career.  Such power is therefore acknowledged by Artist to be irrevocable during the term of this agreement and all extensions, modifications and renewals hereof.
2.3  (Limitation on Appointment)  It is expressly agreed that Manager’s jurisdiction and authority as personal manager, the power of attorney and compensation due Manager under this Agreement are limited to matters directly related to Artist’s Career in the entertainment industry and Artist’s professional business interests relating thereto; such jurisdiction and authority does not include Artist’s business interests which are separate and distinct therefrom.

Nursing homework help

End of Life
1. When is a patient appropriate for Hospice Care?
2. What is the role of the DNR form?
3. What collaborative problems exist between nurse (healthcare team) and family when they are present during the client’s dying process?
4. Describe patient advocacy for a patient at the end of their life. What issues might you address on behalf of your client who may be dying?
5. What therapeutic communications might be appropriate for the nurse to demonstrate in delivering care to a patient and his/her family at the end of life?
1.  Apply the nursing process to provide care to a dying patient.
2. Assess the dying patient, including information obtained through verbal and non-verbal communication with the patient and family
3. Determine (plan) the nursing care for the patient based on assessment findings
4. Identify/demonstrate proper therapeutic communication and support for the patient and family and provide support during the final phase of death.
5. Identify the ethical dilemmas that may be present during the dying process. Issues with advance directives; issues with family members, issues with patient care, i.e. pain management
6. Identify all members of the healthcare team that ideally would participate in end of life care.