Information Systems homework help

Find an example of a code of ethics or acceptable use policy related to information technology and discuss three points that you think are important.
APA format – 500 words
The course textbooks are:
Bourgeous, D., Smith, J., Wang. S., Mortati, J. (2019). Information Systems for Business and Beyond. Retrieved from
Langer, A. M. (2018). Information Technology and Organizational Learning. 3rd edition. Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. ISBN: 978-1-138-23858-9

Mathematics homework help

1. Post a Discussion for 5A & 5B then respond to 3 students per post so 3 for Discussion 5A and 3 for Discussion 5B. When responding to students ALL replies MUST follow C3G: compliment, connect, and question. So, provide a compliment to your peer on their post, comment on why you issued the compliment; connect to the topic without restating what your peer posted, and pose a question.
Ensure acceptable college-level written posts and responses that directly relate to each forum topic! Appropriate capitalization and punctuation is also expected. (Look at Discussion Posts for more info)
 2. Week 5 Quiz- DUE

English homework help

Only Questions (E).
The Johnsons Decide to Buy a Car
After three years of riding a bus to work, Belinda finds that she can no longer do so because her employer moved to a location that is not convenient for public transportation. Thus the Johnsons are in the market for another car. Harry and Belinda estimate that they could afford to spend about $10,000 on a good used car by making a down payment of $2000 and financing the remainder over 24 months at $355 per month.
(a) Make suggestions about how the $355 might be integrated into the Johnsons’ budget (Table 3-6 on page 87) by making reductions in certain expense categories.
(b) If they cannot make room in their budget for a $355 monthly car payment, would you recommend they finance a vehicle for 36 or 48 months? Why or why not?
(c) Which sources of used cars should they consider? Why?
(d) Assume that the Johnsons have narrowed their choices to two cars. The first car is a five-year-old Chevrolet Malibu with 77,000 miles; it is being sold for $10,000 by a private individual. The seller has kept records of all maintenance and repairs. The second car is a five-year-old Ford Fusion with 70,000 miles, being sold by a used-car dealership. Harry contacted the previous owner and found that the car was given in trade on another car about three months ago. The previous owner cited no major mechanical problems but simply wanted a bigger car. The dealer is offering a written 30-day warranty on parts only. The asking price is $10,400. Which used car would you advise the Johnsons to buy? Why?
(e) Would you recommend that they purchase or lease a low-priced new vehicle instead of buying a used vehicle? Why or why not?
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Education homework help

 A theory has been advanced for what is called “Disaster Diplomacy.”  Its premise is that international disaster response can be a form of diplomacy.  Its primary feature is that disaster aid can serve to overcome political differences and create an atmosphere of cooperation between countries that previously were adamantly opposed on most issues.  Do you feel this is a realistic concept?  Or is it idealistic wishful thinking that, at best, produces only temporary, transitory benefits? 400 words with references
one a separate page question 2
A derivative of the “Disaster Diplomacy” concept holds that debt forgiveness is an increasingly important element in US foreign assistance policy that can influence foreign government behavior.  The theory is that countries facing an “unsustainable debt burden which cannot be managed with traditional means” should either have their debt forgiven or be given low-interest loans to reduce their debt payment levels.  Critics assert that this rewards poor and/or corrupt management and provides an incentive for countries to default.  What do you think?  400 words and references

Environmental science homework help

Week 1 Assignment – Externalities
Suppose the U.S. government (Federal Agency) determines that cigarette smoking creates social costs not reflected in the current price of cigarettes in the market. To this end, a study recommends that the government can correct for the social cost (externality) by paying farmers not to plant tobacco used to manufacture cigarettes.
Assuming that the government is correct that cigarette smoking creates external costs; prepare a three-page paper (not including the title and reference pages) that evaluates the study’s recommendations mentioned above.
Start your paper with an explanation of externalities (positive and negative) and why society’s costs and benefits are not always reflected in the market. Describe how markets fail to allocate the appropriate amount of resources. Your responses need to consider the different perspectives of the stakeholders.
Format your paper according to APA style guidelines and use at least two scholarly sources.

Management homework help

After reading chapter one of Brewer and Westerman (2018), provide and defend your working definition of organizational communication.  This definition should be your definition based on experience, knowledge, and the chapter content, not a replication of someone else’s definition.  After providing and defending your definition, answer, in formal paragraphs, #3 and #4 Review and Discussion Questions on page 11 of Brewer and Westerman.
Must be in 350-400 words
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Education homework help

Select a current (less than 12 months old) journal article on an international homeland security issue to review in a 4-5 page paper (not including title and reference pages) prepared using the American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style guide. Identify the issue, review the author’s position, develop pros and cons to the author’s position, and summarize with recommendations.  A journal is a scholarly publication addressed to a particular professional audience such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, or accountants and published by a professional organization. They may contain research articles, reports, and practical articles applicable to the profession.  Newspapers are not journals.  News magazines and websites are not journals.

Education homework help

Have you ever thought about how you learned to make sense of other people’s thoughts and emotions? How you learned to share your thoughts and emotions with others? Can you remember a time when, as a child, you wanted to play with someone and first had to come to an agreement about rules and roles.
In your first assigned reading for this week, Chapter 3 of the Smidt text, you learned about the principle of intersubjectivity, and how the capacity for intersubjectivity facilitates children’s inherent desire to make sense of the intentions and emotions of others. In Chapter 4, you studied the significant role of play in children’s growth, development, and learning. Through this Discussion, you will have an opportunity to explore the link between intersubjectivity and play.
In preparation for this Discussion:

  • Review the assigned readings for this week.
  • Focus on the meaning of “primary intersubjectivity” and “secondary intersubjectivity.”
  • Review the various types of play behavior and look for examples of intersubjectivity.

By Day 3

Post your response to the following:

  • Describe three examples of play behavior that illustrate the presence of intersubjectivity in children’s play.
  • Summarize the ways intersubjectivity manifests itself in each of the three examples.
  • Briefly state any new insights you gained, or ideas you developed, as a result of your readings about children’s construction of meaning and about intersubjectivity.

Computer Science homework help

Why is evaluating training an important part of strategic training?
1. DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. 
2. REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. (continued) Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required. Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment.