Computer Science homework help

If you are using colours in your presentation, how do you choose effective colours that provide good differentiation between the visualizations within a presentation?
Discussion Length (word count): At least 250 words
References: At least two peer-reviewed, scholarly journal references.

Operations Management homework help

Research and write a paper on the nature of capacity in an organization and the role capacity
plays in producing deliverables. You will need to learn that producing goods or services can
only be accomplished by utilizing the capacity an organization possesses.
Incorporate these components into your paper:
 Research the peer-reviewed sources regarding the role that capacity plays in a given
organization or a group of organizations.
 Isolate the key components (personnel and technology) of capacity in an organization.
 Discuss the functions these components play in the delivery of the organization’s goods
and/or services to customers.
Length: 4-6 pages, not including title and reference pages
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.
The completed assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and
concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this
topic. The content should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards

Operations Management homework help

Part 2: Organizational Assessment and Action Plan

This is the second part of a three-part assignment where you will be applying many of the course concepts that have been discussed in this unit and in previous units by conducting a well-researched analysis.
For this part of the assignment, refer to the comments left by the instructor in your Unit VI Scholarly Activity surrounding your selected organization and department.
For this assignment, you will be expanding upon the unit, department, or team you selected for the Unit VI Scholarly Activity by addressing the components listed below.

  • Formulate an action plan to promote effective organizational change with an emphasis on conflict management policy planning.
  • Discuss your personal strategies for managing conflict and how you could incorporate different strategies into these processes.
  • Consider priorities that public managers and employees must possess throughout change processes.
  • Integrate proven theories to help with rationale, input, and expected outcomes from policy changes.
  • Discuss possible efforts and tactics for implementing change to ensure a smooth and productive transition.

During this phase, you must develop at least a three-page action plan and utilize at least four of the sources listed in your Unit VI Scholarly Activity or selected replacements.
Be sure to properly format your title page and reference page in APA style, and keep in mind that the aforementioned do not count toward meeting the three-page minimum requirement.

Applied Sciences homework help

List and describe the four basic financial statements.
What are some ways in which accounting for health care organizations (HCOs), especially not-for-profit (NFP) ones, tend to differ from accounting in other industries?
What are the primary responsibilities of a financial manager?
What are primary uses of financial information?

business homework

Journal 4
Pick one of the following terms for your research: economies of scale, economies of scope, global companies, global teams, globalization strategy, international division, joint venture, multidomestic strategy, multinational stage, or standardization.
Journal 5
Pick one of the following terms for your research: analyzability, core technology, interdependence, joint optimization, lean manufacturing, noncore technology, service technology, small-batch production, smart factories, or technical complexity.

Human Resource Management homework help


The goal of this discussion is to look at goals and milestones as well as the process of breaking big projects into achievable steps. Consider a recent project that you worked on either as a job task or as a volunteer in an organization. Post the goal and a brief description of the project. Outline the steps used to complete this project. Note any failures or successes that were part of the overall process.
Optional: In place of a written text posting, develop and upload a PowerPoint, Youtube, or other media presentation. This presentation should demonstrate how a big project was broken down into achievable steps. A PowerPoint presentation would include 6-10 slides including a title slide and a reference slide. Pictures may also be added. An audio-visual media presentation would be 3-5 minutes in length.
Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

Management homework help

1. Why do you think the world’s largest theme park operator, the Walt Disney Co., was motivated to establish parks in Tokyo, Paris, and Hong Kong? What particular market characteristics of each of those sites were especially attractive in your opinion? Should Disney establish additional foreign parks, and if so, when, where, why, and how?
Your response should be at least 300 words in length.
For this assignment, you will use Hofstede’s characteristics to differentiate international and domestic business operations. This exercise will help identify the key characteristics that drive business decisions on an international and domestic level.
Part 1: Pick three individual countries, one in the Middle East, one in Asia, and one in Europe. Apply Hofstede’s characteristics to each one, and state if the characteristic is low, medium, or high in each country. Also, explain why each country deserves that description.
Part 2: Given your descriptions, explain which country is most like the United States and which country is most unlike the U.S.
Your response must be a minimum of three pages in length.

Nursing homework

Crisis Situation

  1. In acute care, a charge nurse is assigned to oversee a unit, and a nursing supervisor oversees the nursing role across a facility. All work together to control the flow of patients in and out of the unit and facility, make staffing assignments, and assist with problems and crises.

Consider this situation: A nurse is dealing with a crisis for one patient and misses a second patient crisis–a young woman who died from a postoperative hemorrhage. In this tragic situation, competing crisis events on the unit prevented a nurse from adequately monitoring other assigned patients on the unit.
The charge nurse and nursing supervisor stated in the Board of Nursing’s investigation of the event that they depended on the individual nurse to alert them if help was needed.
Question: Discuss systems-based solutions that could have prevented this event.

  1. See the attached HCAPHS survey.  Review the survey questions and answer the following:
  • List three questions that are solely influenced by the quality of nursing care.
  • List three questions that are collaboratively influenced by the quality of nursing care?
  • Based on your observations in clinicals, what are some systems-based issues that have an impact on the quality of nursing care measured by the HCAPHS survey?


Computer Science homework help

Chapter 11 – According to the authors, privacy and security go hand in hand; and hence, privacy cannot be protected without implementing proper security controls and technologies. Today, organizations must make not only reasonable efforts to offer protection of privacy of data, but also must go much further as privacy breaches are damaging to its customers, reputation, and potentially could put the company out of business.  As we continue learning from our various professional areas of practice, its no doubt that breaches have become an increasing concern to many businesses and their future operations.  Taking Cyberattacks proliferation of 2011 into context, security experts at Intel/McAfee discovered huge series of cyberattacks on the networks of 72 organizations globally, including the United Nations, governments and corporations.
Q2: From this research revelation in our chapter 11, briefly state and name the countries and organizations identified as the targeted victims
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