computer science

Case 2: Gain Medical Supplies

Gain Medical Supplies, a manufacturer and distributor of equipment used in medical facilities, launched Gain Service Shop as an e-commerce site for hospitals and others to order spare and replacement parts.
Carrie Fraser is the owner of Gain Medical Supplies and she currently has a small group of employees for receiving online orders, answering customer questions and delivering parts. Carrie needs to oversee the manufacturing, equipment sales, and she needs to travel throughout the province to meet with customers..
Carrie’s e-commerce website needs to be upgraded. Her online payment system is working fine but her web pages need to be more attractive. She needs help to design a database to keep track of sales. And she also needs an excel spreadsheet to help her quickly calculate customer sales.

Part A: Database

Carrie has purchased MS Access for the database but needs help designing the tables and queries. She would like you to design the tables and queries for her. Note: I am assuming you don’t have MS Access at home so you don’t need to create the actual database.
The database should contain information on the following:

  • Employee
  • Customer
  • Equipment
  • Parts

(A1) Design the relational database
Use MS Word to create a design that shows the tables, fields, and relationships. You can use Microsoft Word’s Insert menu then choose Shapes to insert a Text Box and a Line.  If you don’t have MS Word or any other word processing software at home then you can use Google Docs. Click here to go to the Google Docs website. To use Google Docs you will need to create a Gmail account. To create a document using Google Docs you just need to click New and then Google Docs. In Google Docs click the Insert menu, choose Drawing, and then click New. Google Docs is a little more troublesome because you have to put a border around your table.  Once you have completed and saved your document in Google Docs you can close and then right-click the file in the directory and Download it as a Microsoft Word file (.docx) or a pdf file. Or you can just neatly draw your diagram on paper and submit a picture of it.
An example is shown here. Note that your diagram should clearly identify primary and foreign keys as well as the relationships between tables.
(A2) Create Queries
Carrie would like to have queries set up to find out the following information:

  • All parts order by a all hospitals this next week
  • The names of all customers served by an employee named James

You don’t need to create the actual queries with MS Access but instead use a simple diagram to show which tables, records, and criteria you would use in your query.

Part B: Web Development

Gain Medical Supplies website has not been updated since it was originally set up 5 years ago. In the meantime they have updated their fonts/colors used in marketing material, and would like to have the same style on their website. They would also like to have a new page for the home page of their website.
Use Notepad++ (or other text editor) to create a html page with the following content:
Webpage Requirements:

  • Heading and introduction to the Company
  • Services offered
  • At least 1 image
  • Useful links to websites about BC’s health care system

Part C: Spreadsheet

Carrie would like you to create a spreadsheet to help him calculate the cost of each adventure tour. The costs will include the following:

  • Equipment/Parts Costs
  • Installation Costs
  • Delivery Costs
  • Employee Labour Costs

Be sure to format the spreadsheet with headings, borders, colors, and currency formats ($).

Part D: Python

Gain Medical Supplies  would like you to create a program that can be added to their website. The purpose of the program is to allow the hospital to choose the part they would like to order and the quantity. Your program will then calculate how much the hospital needs to pay. You can refer to your excel spreadsheet formula to determine the calculation.
You should include a heading and introductory paragraph to be displayed on your program. At the end of the program there should be a message to thank the user for visiting the webpage.
Within the programming code itself, you should use good programming style.
You must only use code covered on this course.

Part E: Report

Using MS Word, write a report (300-400 words) which covers the following points:

  1. How well do you believe you’ve met the requirements of this assignment?
  2. What you have learnt from working on this assignment?
  3. What would you do differently in the future?


You will submit the files below in the following order:
Relational Database Model Table Design
Query Designs
Web Page
Python Program
Before you submit your assignment, you will be required to verify that the work you are submitting is your own – an automatic message will appear when you click submit.

Computer Science homework help

1)  Cryptography is used to protect confidential data in many areas. Chose one type of cryptography attack and briefly explain how it works (examples include: ciphertext-only attack, known-plain-test attack, chosen-plaintext, chosen-ciphertext attack, timing attack, rubber hose attack, adaptive attack).
2)  Select one type of cryptography or encryption and explain it in detail. Include the benefits as well as the limitations of this type of encryption. Your summary should be 2-3 paragraphs in length
3)  Describe each of the elements of a Business Continuity Plan (BCP).

Computer science

Write an essay of at least 500 words discussing the Safe Harbor provisions under HIPAA.
Do not copy without providing proper attribution. This paper will be evaluated through SafeAssign.
Write in essay format not in outline, bulleted, numbered or other list formats.
Use the five-paragraph format. Each paragraph must have at least five sentences. Include 3 quotes with quotation marks and cited in-line and in a list of references. Include an interesting meaningful title.
Include at least one quote from each of 3 different articles, place the words you copied (do not alter or paraphrase the words) in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled). The quotes should be full sentences (no more, less) and should be incorporated in your discussion (they do not replace your discussion) to illustrate or emphasize your ideas.
Cite your sources in a clickable reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations).

Human Resource Management homework help

Self-esteem in the work environment is crucial to the overall success of everyday business operations and functions for the employee and employer; therefore, it is important to identify healthy self-esteem development and how to overcome communication barriers.
Create a PowerPoint presentation (minimum of 10 slides) on how to overcome communication barriers—verbal and nonverbal (identify and explain with supported data and illustrations). You must use at least two sources. Be sure to cite any sources used in a reference slide with proper APA formatting. The cover and reference slides do not count toward the total slide requirement. Also, use the speaker notes function to explain the content in detail for each of the slides.
Note: Keep in mind the 6×6 PowerPoint rule: slides should only include six to seven lines of content with no more than six to seven words per line. Also, illustrations should relate to the content being discussed—be creative.

Information Systems homework help

Post a one or two paragraph summary of the emerging trend in BI and analytics that you chose to write about for your Course Project paper, describing the most important or interesting things you have learned about it so far. Why did you choose this topic to write about? What is the most surprising thing you found during your research? How does your topic relate to other topics chosen by your classmates?
Project Paper Topic: Cloud Computing
Note: Need 250 words with APA format.

Human Resource Management homework help

For this assignment, read the article indicated below that discusses the differences between the generations within the workplace and how to develop interpersonal skills for better employee involvement and interaction with fellow employees. Also, this article identifies how the values are placed upon each generation (Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers) and leads into how to better manage and involve the multiple generations within the workforce.
In order to access the resource below, you must first log into the myCSU Student Portal and access the ABI/INFORM COLLECTION database within the CSU Online Library.
Kelly, C., Elizabeth, F., Bharat, M., & Jitendra, M. (2016). Generation gaps: Changes in the workplace due to differing generational values. Advances in Management, 9(5), 1-8.
Note: The birth year range for Baby Boomers in the article differs from the range found in the textbook (p. 41) and the generally accepted range of 1946-1964.
Complete the article review by showing your understanding of the article’s contents by addressing the questions and directives below. Your paper should be a minimum of two pages, not including the title and reference pages. The following are questions and directives to be used in completing the review:

  1. What is the author’s main point?
  2. Who is the author’s intended audience?
  3. Identify and address the differences in the interpersonal skills from the generational differences and how they might be overcome.

Be sure to apply the proper APA format for the content and reference provided.

Computer Science homework help

Final Research Paper: The course research paper is a formatted APA paper. It is 12 pages, double-spaced. Paper length requirement is 12 pages of content from Title Page through References. The Research Paper is worth 20% of the final grade.
Subject Name : Information Governance
University :University of the cumberlands

Psychology homework help

Chapter 11 discussed the roles of men and women as they move into Parenthood.  According to the textbook, what statistical forces predict how involved a father is likely to be?  Briefly describe how you were raised (single family, 2 parents, supporting family members, etc.) and think about how these experiences impacted (positively and/or negatively) how you interact with your own children/family.
Each initial discussion response must be 250 words, not including restatements of questions, and each must contain two (2) formalized APA references with citations.

English homework help

Is it right for companies to test for drugs before hiring employees?
Thank you slide should be the last
*It should be in power points slide with images to explain it