Nursing homework help

This week there is only one GHA exercise to complete.  This is because this one exercise may take you a substantial amount of time.  It is important that you start early in the week so that you can email me with any questions. While this exercise can take some time, if you complete it one step at a time you will get to the end!

Start by reading the chapter carefully and then working your way through the course materials that I have provided to you in this week’s Module. If you need help with how to allocate costs using excel, please click herePreview the document.

This exercise represents a somewhat simplistic example of what health care finance people really do!  It is very similar to many projects that I did when I consulted to hospital Finance departments.


This week’s GHA is not in the eText.

You can access the template for GHA 4 by clicking herePreview the document.

You can also access an example and explanation of how to complete GHA 4 herePreview the document.

Please be sure that you upload the correct file when you submit your work!

Warning:  Pay close attention to where the assignment requires INDIRECT vs. DIRECT costs. Using the wrong costs is the most frequent error that students make in completing this assignment.

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>Management homework help

Overview: As you complete each section of your final project, remember that you are assuming the role of hospital administrator, so you will identify the important elements of healthcare insurance plans and the overall impact of financial management principles. Financial principles to focus on include the elements of the revenue cycle, types of reporting, and the financial data that is needed for hospital administrators to evaluate the cost and quality of processes.

Prompt: Submit a draft of the Financial Principles and Reimbursement portion of your research and analysis.

. Financial Principles and Reimbursement:

a) Reimbursement Strategies: What is the impact of case rates and management utilization data on pay-for-performance incentives? Be sure to provide support for your response.

b) Reimbursement Methods: Analyze reimbursement methods, describing the advantages and disadvantages of each method in terms of strategic planning for operational performance. For example, why might one method be more advantageous than another at a hospital or at a physician’s office?

c) Financial Management Principles: Compare and contrast financial management principles such as financial data that describe financial performance of revenue reimbursement, benchmarking of industry standards, payer-mix breakdown of payers, and case rate and utilization rate data used to evaluate operational performance.

d) Accounts Receivable: What are the challenges associated with collecting payments for the accounts receivable or collections department, and what is the significance of monitoring cash flow and days in accounts receivable in terms of reimbursement?

e) Teamwork Principles: Compare and contrast collaborative teamwork principles to most effectively develop strategic planning that involves crossdisciplinary teams. In other words, what principles work best for teams where individuals are from both clinical and non-clinical departments? What are some of the challenges this might present for cohesive collaboration? Be sure to provide support for your response.

f) Maximizing Reimbursement: Generally speaking, to what extent do you feel healthcare organizations utilize case rates and management utilization to maximize reimbursement from both government and third-party payer payment systems? Be sure to provide support for your response.

Guidelines for Submission: Your draft of the Financial Principles and Reimbursement portion of the research and analysis should be 2–3 pages in length and should be double-spaced in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. All citations and references should be formatted according to current APA guidelines. Include at least two references.

Rubric for assignment attached as well as rubric for final project.

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Economics homework help

Use the following demand schedule to answer the question parts below.



Quantity Demanded

Quantity Supplied









































  1. Calculate the arc elasticity of demand between each point and its neighbor (that is, from A to B, B to C, etc.) and determine whether each value is price elastic, price inelastic, or unit elastic
  2. Calculate the arc elasticity of supply between each point and its neighbor (that is, from A to B, B to C, etc.) and determine whether each value is price elastic, price inelastic, or unit elastic
  3. Calculate the arc elasticity of demand between A and F, A and D, and A and B and determine whether each value is price elastic, price inelastic, or unit elastic
  4. Calculate the arc elasticity of supply between A and F, A and D, and A and B and determine whether each value is price elastic, price inelastic, or unit elastic

Human Resource Management homework help


1. There are several recommendations for documentation of performance and developmental activities. Describe three (3) recommendations and why you believe they are important.

2. In this video, Charles Rogel of DecisionWise discusses 5 myths concerning the process.

After watching the video, please share your thoughts on any new learning you had from the video or ideas you may have for overcoming some of the possible concerns based on what the myths reveal.

FOR QUESTION 3 AND 4 Do not use outside resources for your answers. Make sure to include in-text citations with supporting reference.

3. Avett Manufacturing Company allows employees to purchase materials, such as metal and lumber, for personal use at a price equal to the company’s cost. To purchase materials, an employee must complete a materials requisition form, which must then be approved by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Brian Dadian, an assistant cost accountant, then charges the employee an amount based on Avett’s net purchase cost.

Brian is in the process of replacing a deck on his home and has requisitioned lumber for personal use, which has been approved in accordance with company policy. In computing the cost of the lumber, Brian reviewed all the purchase invoices for the past year. He then used the lowest price to compute the amount due the company for the lumber.

The Institute of Management Accountants (IMA) is the professional organization for managerial accountants. The IMA has established four principles of ethical conduct for its members: honesty, fairness, objectivity, and responsibility. These principles are available at the IMA Web site:

Using the IMA’s four principles of ethical conduct, evaluate Brian’s behavior. Has he acted in an ethical manner? Why?

4. TAC Industries Inc. sells heavy equipment to large corporations and federal, state, and local governments. Corporate sales are the result of a competitive bidding process, where TAC competes against other companies based on selling price. Sales to the government, however, are determined on a cost plus basis, where the selling price is determined by adding a fixed markup percentage to the total job cost.

Tandy Lane is the cost accountant for the Equipment Division of TAC Industries Inc. The division is under pressure from senior management to improve income from operations. As Tandy reviewed the division’s job cost sheets, she realized that she could increase the division’s income from operations by moving a portion of the direct labor hours that had been assigned to the job order cost sheets of corporate customers onto the job order costs sheets of government customers. She believed that this would create a “win–win” for the division by (1) reducing the cost of corporate jobs, and (2) increasing the cost of government jobs whose profit is based on a percentage of job cost. Tandy submitted this idea to her division manager, who was impressed by her creative solution for improving the division’s profitability.

Is Tandy’s plan ethical?

Philosophy homework help

Is Viktor Frankl’s account of meaning in life likely to be helpful to us today?  Are there Stoic elements in Frankl’s ideas or does Frankl himself exhibit some Stoic characteristics?  (50 pts total)

To answer this well, you will need to do several things:

  1. Give an argument that we should (or should not – take your pick) adopt Frankl’s view, giving reasons in support of your answer.  Why would it be helpful (or not be helpful if that’s your conclusion)?  In the process of presenting your argument, you should explain the core ideas of his account of meaning in life and why he sees this as an important question (four important ideas is probably good, but note that writing about the three ways of gaining meaning is only one idea for counting purposes).  Be sure to give citations for those ideas.  (20 pts)
  2. Add to your discussion a brief explanation of how his view would apply in a couple different current cases (e.g., a college student and someone in a very difficult situation [pick a specific case, don’t just speak generally])  (10 pts.)
  3. Are there some Stoic elements in Frankl’s ideas or his own behavior?  Explain. (10 pts.)
  4. As always, consider why someone might reasonably disagree with your conclusion regarding the usefulness of Frankl’s view (that is the central issue here, not the presence or absence of Stoic elements) and respond to that objection.  (10 pts)

Be careful to reflect on the range of cases Frankl offers – at times he talks about hope but that is not the focus in other cases, e.g., people dealing with terminal illnesses.  In other words, don’t make the mistake of latching onto one thing he says and presenting it as if it were the core of his view and applied to every case.

Write this as an essay, not as separate answers to each of the elements listed above. I have laid the question out in steps to assist you in thinking about what should be included.  It would be good to consider the above as a kind of outline for your essay.  Organizing it in this way, it will be clear to you and to me that your essay has all the necessary parts.

Psychology homework help

Carefully read Chapter 3 in National School Board booklet on How School Works to plan a meeting with either a teacher or principal in a school.  Interview the teacher or principal to learn about the school.  Please use the information in Chapter 3 to formulate your questions. Design a a series of questions for your interview based on what you learned in Chapter 3.  Hold your interview.  Present your learnings in either a power point or paper.  Be sure to include your interview questions.  Give a background of why you selected the school and background on the teacher or principal you interview.  What did you learn about working in a school as an ABA from your interviews? Also include why you selected the school. Site your readings for the week. You must use APA format. Include a title page (or slide), parenthetical citations, and a Reference page (or slide). Due to COVID, you can conduct your interview via phone or zoom/facetime.

You must use the attached APA template and follow the instructions on the template.

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Psychology homework help

Organizational vs. Individual Outcomes in Selection

Traditional individual outcomes expected of a personnel selection process might include increasing desired levels of work performance, job satisfaction, and employee morale. On an organizational level, expectations may relate more to acceptable levels of productivity, low turnover, and promotion of organizational citizenship behavior. Often, there is greater focus by human resource activities on expected individual outcomes and not those needed by the organization. It is important to assess and foster solid outcomes for both the individual employee as well as the organizational employer (Wilk & Cappelli, 2003).

Post  explanations of three outcomes an organization might expect from its personnel selection processes. Explain whether these outcomes are consistent with those desired by job candidates, and provide rationale for any inconsistencies. Provide concrete examples and citations from the Learning Resources and current literature to support your post.

Education homework help

Prior to participating in this discussion, revisit Harro’s “Cycle of Socialization” and take note of where media falls within this cycle. Though it is undeniable that forms of media and media companies play a significant role in shaping and influencing young children – it is essential to remember that those working in the field of media are themselves being socialized by a much larger system. Media, and the large companies that create it, often keep stereotypes firmly fixed in place. However, in general, it is not the media that are creating stereotypes. In other words, due to collective confusion with regard to the overreaching power and influence of bias, companies are often vilified for creating stereotypes rather than “passing on” bias that is deeply interwoven into society. For true long-lasting change to occur the views that we all have and perpetuate need to change at the individual level as well as within the institutions that continually shape our views and that our views continue to shape.

In preparation for this Discussion, explore the Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC) website as indicated in the Learning Resources and familiarize yourself with the mission. Also review 2–3 of the organization’s current social action campaigns. (Note: You can locate the current campaigns on the home page listed under “The Latest” or from the home page selecting “Get Involved” followed by “Take Action.”) Also view a classic or contemporary animated film marketed to children and/or families such as one produced by Disney, Pixar, or DreamWorks. In particular, one of your (or your families) favorites. As you critically view this film do so from the perspective of a child and pay close attention to messages embedded in the film that relate to social identifiers such as class, education level, gender, ability, body size, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, accents, hair color, skin color, and age.

By Day 3

  • The title of the animated movie you viewed
  • The characteristics of the hero\ heroine
  • The characteristics of the hero’s\heroine’s sidekick
  • The characteristics of any villains
  • Which social groups were represented and which were missing from the movie altogether? (For example: did you see varying abilities, different racial groups or ethnicities? How were various social-economic classes represented/presented? What about ages? Body size? Gays and/ or lesbians? Same-sex couples? Transgender individuals? People of different religions?)
  • How you might feel if you resembled the hero, sidekick, or villain. How this might shape your worldview of those types of people?
  • Ways can adults help young children critically analyze these stereotypes

>Psychology homework help

Week 1

Discussion Question (1 Page)

Psychology professionals require research and writing skills for their day-to-day work. It is important for those working in psychology to use both academic and professional writing within the appropriate settings since they differ according to the types of items created. It is also of primary importance that all claims be supported with appropriate research within the discipline. This discussion has two components:

Part 1: Visit the Ashford Online Library and find three articles of interest to you from a general area in psychology (Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology, Congnitive Psychology, etc). Develop an annotated bibliography using the attached templatePreview the document putting all citations/sources in APA format, and conclude with a summation of the topic overall based on the information from all three articles. Save this as a word document.

Part 2: In your initial post, reflect on the process of finding the articles:

· What specific issues did you encounter?

· What were the challenges in both the research and writing processes?

· How did you work to overcome the challenges in this assignment, and how might you use this experience to inform future research and writing practices?

· How were the resources in the Ashford University Library and the Ashford Writing Center useful to you during the process?

· Are there specific additional resources you would like to have for future assignments?

· Attach the annotate bibliography and summation.

Week 2

Discussion Question (Page 1)

Past to Present

Prior to beginning work on this discussion, read the required chapters from the Harré (2006) Key Thinkers in Psychology e-book. Examine one of the schools of thought (psychoanalysis, behaviorism, etc.) presented in the reading that is significant in the evolution of modern psychology. Select one theorist associated with this school of thought and explain the specific theoretical perspective(s) and/or contribution(s) this individual made to the field of psychology. Evaluating the impact of the theory and/or contribution(s) to the field as a whole, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your theorist’s contribution(s).

Choose one contemporary issue or problem that is prevalent in today’s news and research a minimum of one peer-reviewed article on this issue in the Ashford University Library. Evaluate the issue from your chosen school of thought and your theorist’s perspective. Explain how the theory provides a deeper understanding of and insight into the conditions and behaviors related to the contemporary issue. Evaluate contemporary applications of psychological theory to the issue. Support your evaluation of the news piece with your peer-reviewed research on the topic.

Week 2 Assignment 

Choosing an Article for the Article Review Final Paper

This week, you will select an article to review for your final assignment in the course, the Aritcle Review, which is due in Week Six. Each article represents a topic and area of psychology. See the attached PSY600 Article Review ListPreview the document to read the articles and make your choice.

In your paper, clearly identify your article selection. Analyze psychology as a science as it is presented in your chosen article and explain why you have decided to focus on this particular topic. Assess the professional roles presented in the chosen article and describe the interactions between psychology professionals and professionals in other fields, if any. Explain any psychological theoretical perspectives presented in the article and why they are of particular interest to you.

The paper:

· Must be one to two double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

· Must include a title page with the following:

o Title of paper

o Student’s name

o Course name and number

o Instructor’s name

o Date submitted

· Must address the topic with critical thought.

· Must use at least one peer-reviewed source chosen from the PSY600 Article Review ListPreview the document

· Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

· Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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