1-2 Module One Short Responses

HIS 200 Module One Short Response Guidelines and Rubric Overview: The short response activities in the webtext throughout this course are designed to show your understanding of key concepts as you engage with course content. Prompt: During the first week of the course, you will respond to several questions in the webtext as you complete each learning block. At the end of Module One, you will review your answers to these questions and ensure that you have responded to each question. It is important that you answer each question; otherwise, the words “[no response]” will appear in brackets when you submit the assignment. The questions and their original locations in the webtext are listed in this table in case you want to refer back to the reading as you edit, but you can edit your responses to all the questions directly in Module One: Approaches to History, learning block 1-4 (page 4) in the webtext, before exporting to Word for submission to your instructor in the learning environment. Module One: Approaches to History, Learning Block 1-2 (page 3):

 Question 1: In the following scenario, which historical lens is being applied? Why do you think so? The influx of unskilled Irish immigrants into New York City in the 1840s and early 1850s drives down wages for other workers at the low end of the salary ladder.

 Question 2: In the following scenario, which historical lens is being applied? Why do you think so? In 1908, Aram Pothier, an immigrant from Quebec, is elected governor of Rhode Island with strong support from the Québécois community.

 Question 3: In the following scenario, which historical lens is being applied? Why do you think so? Irish immigrants and first-generation Irish-Americans come to dominate the hierarchy of the American Catholic Church in the late nineteenth century.

 Question 4: In the following scenario, which historical lens is being applied? Why do you think so? Immigration to the United States comes to be seen as a “rite of passage” for young Québécois women in the early twentieth century.

Module One: Approaches to History, Learning Block 1-3 (page 4):

 Question 5: If you had to write a paper on the Lincoln assassination, what would you like to know more about? Create three research questions that would be appropriate for a historical analysis essay, keeping in mind the characteristics of a critical research question. The three questions can be related, or they can address different aspects of the topic.

 Question 6: If you had to write a paper on Title IX, what would you like to know more about? Create three research questions that would be appropriate for a historical analysis essay, keeping in mind the characteristics of a critical research question. The three questions can be related, or they can address different aspects of the topic.

income inequality

Milanovic explores three dimensions of income inequality. These dimensions are inequality between individuals within a country (chapter 1), between countries (chapter 2), and between individuals regardless of country (chapter 3).  Discuss how inequalities in these 3 dimensions have changed in the last decades and what are the channels through which inequality is likely to hinder economic growth. Are these channels still the same? To write the essay, use at least one vignette from each chapter

paper due tomorrow

The time is coming when choosing the genetic traits of your child is going to be possible. What kinds of ethical and practical problems might arise from this  development?

Scholarly Activity

Chapter 10 discusses diffusion of responsibility—a belief that others will help someone in need, leading to a lessened sense of individual responsibility and a lower probability of helping. In this assignment, you will explore how diffusion of responsibility is exhibited in a real-world setting. To conduct this demonstration, when you are at work, on campus, or in some other public situation, act as if you need help with some minor problem. For example, you can look around confusedly while looking at your phone or drop something that will scatter a bit. Choose something innocuous and harmless to yourself. Do this a couple of times: once when there are several people present and once when there are only one or two people around.

After you complete these actions, write down your notes right away. Using your notes, compose an essay addressing the following points.

  1. Describe what you did and how it indicated a need for help to others.
  2. Explain the behavioral response to the situation when many people were present and when only a few people were present, including any differences between the two conditions.
  3. Discuss whether the response you received fit with the textbook’s discussion of the bystander effect. If your demonstration did not work out, explain why you think it might not have.
  4. Describe a behavior that may elicit an aggressive, rather than a helping, response. Discuss whether you think the likelihood of an aggressive response would differ when many versus few people were present. Compare this pattern of aggressive responses to helping responses.
  5. Draw on research from the textbook or another resource to support your answers.

Your response should be at least two pages in length. You must use at least one source as a reference in your paper. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Please format your paper and all citations in accordance with APA guidelines.


Most would agree that parenting is a lifelong job. The parent’s obligations begin once the baby is conceived and seemingly never end, even after his or her child becomes an adult.

Suppose that you are the parent in each of the following scenarios. Based on what you have learned from this unit’s materials, answer the following questions for each scenario by explaining how you would effectively handle each situation.

Note: While it is understood different people and even entire cultures have different parenting styles, your answers should be based on the research and theories presented in this unit.

· Describe the stage of cognitive development of the child in each scenario.

· Explain how you would address the child and the situation. Will you use punishment in any of the situations? What tactics would be the most useful considering your child’s level of cognitive development?

Scenario 1: Jimmy screams when the batteries die on his Avengers motorcycle. Previously, his mother had been able to put the motorcycle away and have Jimmy immediately engage in playing with something else. However, she has noticed that he is not doing that this time. He continues to scream even though the motorcycle has been put in a drawer. As his parent, how would you respond?

Scenario 2: An 8-year-old boy and his 10-year-old brother are told to share three cans of soda pop. The 8-year-old becomes angry when his 10-year-old brother takes two of the cans and gives the 8-year-old only one can. The 10-year-old grabs two glasses and pours one soda into the two glasses and gives it to the 8-year-old. Everything is fine now as they both have two soda pop drinks. How do you address each child?

Scenario 3: Your 21-year-old daughter comes home from college and excitedly shares that she is quitting school to invest more time in her social media career. In fact, she reveals that she will be quitting school, despite only having 1 year left to complete her bachelor’s degree. (She does not see the need for her degree any longer, as her Instagram followers have increased exponentially since she has begun doing some of the popular Tik Tok challenges.) She has decided to throw away her former career plans and become a full-time social media influencer. Now, her life is all set! (What is your reaction?)

Your combined answers for each scenario must be at least 150 words, for a minimum of 450 words for the entire assignment (not including the title and reference pages).

Your answers should include an insightful and thorough analysis and present a strong argument with evidence. You must use at least one source to support your analysis. This may be your textbook or another scholarly source. All sources used will be properly cited. Your case study including  all  references will be formated in APA STYLE

Nursing Nutrition In Health And Disease

Teaching Project Guidelines

· Purpose: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching learning principles.

· Objectives: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to:

· State the various indications for a specified diet

· Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet

· Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs?

· Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences.

· Apply current research related to the nutrition topic.

· Requirements:

· Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria.

· The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references).

· The paper must be typed and conform to APA format.

· A minimum of two references are required.

· Written paper is due during the 7th week on the assigned clinical day.

Nutritional Guidelines

The student will be assigned one therapeutic diet from the following list.

1. Diabetic diet

2. Fat restricted and cholesterol restricted

3. Enteral nutrition

4. Sodium restricted

5. Total parental nutrition

6. Modified fiber and bland diets

7. Full and clear liquid diets

8. Nutrition in wasting diseases

9. Modified calcium and potassium diets

10. Dysphagic diet

11. Protein restricted diet

12. Anticoagulant diet


Teaching Project Guidelines

· Purpose: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching learning principles.

· Objectives: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to:

· State the various indications for a specified diet

· Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet

· Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs?

· Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences.

· Apply current research related to the nutrition topic.

· Requirements:

· Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria.

· The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references).

· The paper must be typed and conform to APA format.

· A minimum of two references are required.

· Written paper is due during the 7th week on the assigned clinical day.

Nutritional Guidelines

The student will be assigned one therapeutic diet from the following list.

1. Diabetic diet

2. Fat restricted and cholesterol restricted

3. Enteral nutrition

4. Sodium restricted

5. Total parental nutrition

6. Modified fiber and bland diets

7. Full and clear liquid diets

8. Nutrition in wasting diseases

9. Modified calcium and potassium diets

10. Dysphagic diet

11. Protein restricted diet

12. Anticoagulant diet


Teaching Project Guidelines

· Purpose: The purpose of the patient/family teaching project is to develop and implement a teaching plan for a geriatric patient utilizing teaching learning principles.

· Objectives: By the conclusion of the presentation, the students will be able to:

· State the various indications for a specified diet

· Explain the scientific rationale for a prescribed diet

· Describe food/fluid restrictions appropriate for diet or food/fluids encouraged to meet nutritional needs?

· Describe how to present a short nutritional teaching plan to a patient& family with cultural differences.

· Apply current research related to the nutrition topic.

· Requirements:

· Utilize teaching experience rubric for essential criteria.

· The paper should be between 3-5 pages (not including title page and references).

· The paper must be typed and conform to APA format.

· A minimum of two references are required.

· Written paper is due during the 7th week on the assigned clinical day.

Nutritional Guidelines

The student will be assigned one therapeutic diet from the following list.

1. Diabetic diet

2. Fat restricted and cholesterol restricted

3. Enteral nutrition

4. Sodium restricted

5. Total parental nutrition

6. Modified fiber and bland diets

7. Full and clear liquid diets

8. Nutrition in wasting diseases

9. Modified calcium and potassium diets

10. Dysphagic diet

11. Protein restricted diet

12. Anticoagulant diet

Follow the the teaching/nutrition project evaluation tool criteria.

Strategic Planning And Development


Strategic Planning and Development


Within the last 10 years, the health care industry has seen big change, not only in philosophy, but with the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. There have been changes in political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental factors that influence strategic planning. Americans desire increased quality patient care, wellness, and prevention programs. Health care organizations are seeing changes in volume and demographics related to their patients, and labor and technologies related to the health care organization.

For this assignment, select a health care organization within your state or region. Imagine you have been selected by the facility’s executive committee to develop a strategic plan that aligns to the organization’s mission and vision. Use critical thinking skills and research current events of your chosen organization to prepare your assignment.

Assignment Instructions

Write an 8–10 page strategic plan. Your plan must include the elements listed below. Note that the instructions correspond to the grading criteria for this assignment. You may also want to review the performance-level descriptions for each criterion in the scoring guide to see how your work will be assessed:

  1. Differentiate between strategic management, strategic thinking, strategic planning, and managing strategic momentum.
  2. Propose one specific analytical tool suitable for use as an adaptive strategy that will be the most effective in helping an organization achieve its strategic plan.
  3. Propose the manner and provide an example of how the selected analytical tool will be used to support the strategic proposal.
  4. Research three internal and three external factors that could become barriers to the success of the proposed strategic plan.
  5. Recommend at least one solution to each of the possible barriers to implementing your proposed strategic plan.
  6. Determine the specific segment of the market that your organization’s strategic plan will target.
  7. Recommend the most effective approach to marketing your strategic plan, and provide examples.
  8. Use at least three quality academic resources.


From readings in the textbook or peer-reviewed journal articles, analyze Michael Porter’s technique for a competitive analysis.

  • Determine one factor for each of Porter’s five forces of an environmental analysis that would apply to a health care organization.
  • Compare and contrast the answers to a competitor of the pediatric health care organization that you chose in the Week 2 research assignment.

2wk Internal And External Research Activity.

  • What are some internal and external barriers to the health care organization’s mission, vision, and values?
  • Why is it important to understand and be able to articulate these characteristics about an organization you want to work for?

Assignment Instructions

Write a one-page paper (not to exceed 250 words). You will be graded on the following:

  • Quality of your response.
  • Coherence and organization.
  • Mechanics