week 3 homework

  • Examine the strategic planning process. Imagine that your organization is planning to build a pediatric clinic in your local community. Review the pediatric clinics in your neighborhood.
    • Determine one external and one internal factor that you should consider in the strategic planning of your clinic.
    • Determine three reasons why strategic plans fail. Recommend a strategy to overcome each of the reasons you identified and include concepts from readings throughout your program or from peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Need Paper Written For Social Deviance Class

For this the movie I would like the film to be the movie ‘Elf’.

Think of a social norm that you have seen violated in a film, television show, literary novel, or other form of media. It should be a situation where everyone knows what the appropriate behavior would be without having to think about it, with the exception of the character who is violating the norm.

You may find Social Norms – Introduction to Sociology to be helpful in thinking about social norm violations. It gives information on the norm breaching experiments of Harold Garfinkel and others who studied this phenomenon.

Observe this norm violation in the media you selected long enough to note at least three reactions from other characters. You should have something to write on such as a cell phone or notebook so that you can take notes about other people’s reactions and your own personal feelings throughout the process. When you are finished, your task is to develop a 6-8 page paper write-up about this experiment (not including title and reference pages).

In your paper, under the subheading of Method: Include a 1 paragraph overview explaining what media you analyzed. Explain which norm was violated—i.e., what is normally done vs. what was done differently.

2) Under the subheading of Findings: Include a 1 page analysis that includes:

  • Your personal feelings: how did you feel while observing the norm violation during it, and afterward?
  • Other people’s reactions during the violation. Did anything unusual or substantial happen because of the norm violation? How did you know what other characters were thinking and feeling about the violation? Were there any notable patterns that arose in people’s reactions?

3) Under the subheading of Discussion: Include a 5-7 page analysis in which you reflect on your findings. Using the course concepts and ideas discussed and read thus far, how can you understand and interpret the interactions of others? How can you understand your own experience/feelings about norm breaching? In this discussion, you must:

  • Clearly apply at least 3 relevant sociological concepts/theories from our course materials/readings to the deviant behavior you analyzed in this experiment.
  • Clearly apply findings from at least 5 meaningful up-to-date resources, 3 of which are from reputable academic journals, to the deviant behavior you analyzed in this experiment.

NOTE: do not include the actual notes you took during the observations. You need to analyze and discuss the notes, but not include/list them in your paper.

NOTE – you may find our Sociological Theories and Concepts Toolkit to be helpful (found in Announcements).

Do not use unverifiable, secondary sites such as Wikipedia, about.com, ask.com, and similar. Use our course materials, peer-reviewed journal articles from the library, and other scholarly sources.

Your presentation should utilize sound critical thought and full APA references at the end.

General requirements:

  • Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.
  • Use APA format for citations and references
  • View the grading rubric so you understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment.
  • Disclaimer- Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.
  • This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realized you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is grades, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

leininger’s theory

Assignment Prompt

Write a one to two-page summary on key assumptions of Leininger’s Culture Care theory and summarize the implications of this theory for your chosen advanced nursing role.


  • Due: Jan 6, 2021
  • Length: 1-2 pages, excluding title page and reference page
  • Format: APA 6th ed. formatting and citation rules are required for all written assignments
  • Research: A minimum of one, recent (past five years) scholarly, peer-reviewed reference citation is required.

Research paper

what cannot be used for this assignment are web pages, magazines, newspapers, text books, and other books. Finally, current research for our purposes is an article that was published within the last 5 to 6 years.

Major developmental theories across the lifespan

Nature of geographic, gender, social, cognitive, emotional, and developmental factors during each period of development

Developmental factors that impact one another.

Historical and current trends in development

Current trends which may differentially impact the future development of populations in the United States

Social, and diversity issues related to developmental psychology

With the major areas above in mind, focus on at least two of the following age groups:




Older Adults

First, give an overview of each article, including:

Write a 2-paragraph summary for each article.

Write a 1-2 paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article found.

Make sure to integrate course material in that analysis

Then, write a summary (1-2 pages) integrating what was leaned from the articles reviewed on the chosen age groups as seen from the life-span perspective. Cover the following in that summary:

What similarities did you find in the types of research and what was being studied? What differences did you find?

Based on your course readings, what developmental theories did you find that were applicable?

Explain how the life-span perspective may provide a way of better understanding the research reviewed.

Forensic tool selection


Your supervisor has asked you to research current forensic acquisition tools and to compile a list of recommended tools for the new forensics lab.


Research current forensic acquisition tools listed in Chapter 3, using the Strayer University Library and/or the Internet.

Populate the Forensic Acquisition Tool Template [XLSX] with information about the forensic acquisition tools you researched.

Be sure to populate all columns in the template.

In a separate two-page written report, recommend two tools for use in a forensics lab.

Be sure to justify your recommendations.

Integrate into the assignment at least three quality professional and/or academic resources, written within the past five years.

Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Assignment due

Unit 6

Locate and review an article related to topics covered in this unit (e.g., business alliances, building alliances, healthcare alliances, strategic alliances in health care, healthcare acquisitions, or healthcare mergers). The article you select must be at least two pages in length, and no more than five years old. Article is attached.

Write a summary of the article. Include the following:

· purpose for the article,

· how research was conducted (if any),

· the results, and other pertinent information,

· how the article relates to what you are learning in this unit,

· the meaning or implications of the article’s contents, as well as any flaws you find in the article, and

. What could have made the article better?

. Was any information left out?

. Could the author expand on the results?

· the relation of the article to your professional or personal life.


Your review must be at least two pages in length, not counting cover page and reference page. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations per APA guidelines. .



Greaney, T. L. (2018). The New Health Care Merger Wave: Does the “Vertical, Good” Maxim Apply? Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics46(4), 918–926.


 As you have learned to evaluate different research studies, what elements seem the most important to you for evaluation of the research’s quality? Why?  PLEASE ADD IN-TEXT CITTAION AND REFERENCE

Marketing in digital world

Marketing in a Digital World




Select an established local rival retail organisation/brand as the focus of this task. This organisation/brand must have existed prior to “the digital age” and must operate at a national +/or international level, with a presence in Singapore. It must also be sufficiently established as to provide appropriate and adequate evidence to illustrate and support the discussion.

Thoroughly research your chosen organisation/brand and the marketing environment within which it operates, to:

Critically evaluate the challenges faced by those responsible for marketing the organisation/brand in the digital era (50% weighting).

Critically evaluate the transformations in their marketing practices and thinking that are occurring in response to changes in the technological and social environments and whether they are adopting an integrative approach (50% weighting).

Your work should be underpinned with theory and illustrated with evidence from a range of recent, credible academic and practitioner sources.

The length of this part of the assignment should NOT exceed 3,000 +/- 10% word count, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 2.5 cm margins all sides.


Format to be followed:


1. Content Page

2. Executive Summary – Briefly summarise the contents of the report. You should cover the report’s purpose, what you found out and main conclusion(s). It should be clear from reading the summary exactly what the report is about.

3. Introduction – Sets the scene/establishes the context of the report and its purpose. Introduces sector and/or organisation.

4. Findings or Discussion

4.1. The challenges faced by those responsible for marketing the organisation/brand in the digital era – This should be a evaluation (not description) based on evidence drawn from a range of credible sources. Please remember that information must be recent and you must demonstrate that your evaluation is based on research. You should not use out-dated sources as they do not provide insight into the current situation. You should also remember that your evaluation must focus on how the challenges that you identify relate to marketing and are, therefore, of significance to marketers. Please remember that all assertions must be supported with evidence.

4.2. The transformations in their marketing practices and thinking that are occurring in response to changes in the technological and social environments: In this part of your work you must evaluate the organisation or brand’s response(s) to the challenges that have been evaluated in the preceding discussion. In this section you should look to provide lots of evidence of their marketing activities and underpin the evaluation with theory/appropriate citations. Don’t forget to reference all theory and, where possible, illustrative examples.

5. Conclusion – These should indicate the significance of your findings and should follow on logically from the preceding analysis and may reiterate the most important points raised.

6. References (Harvard Referencing) – Provide a complete list of all sources referred to in the report. Ensure that references are consistent with the Harvard system. Present in alphabetical order


Population Health

The Commonwealth Fund’s report Cultural Competence in Health Care: Emerging Frameworks and Practical Approaches provides four brief case study examples of culturally competent healthcare service models. Your textbook outlines the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Minority Health’s National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS). The CLAS consists of 15 standards. Choose one of the case studies in the report and discuss which elements of the CLAS the healthcare service meets. For those standards that the service does not meet, how could the service be improved or changed to meet the additional standards? When responding to your classmates, evaluate your classmates’ recommendations and suggest additional ways in which the chosen case study’s service could be improved to meet the CLAS standards.