phone company project

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due tomorrow afternoon. (mountain time)



Globus- Quiz 1 – Part 1 / Globus Quiz 1 Part 1

Globus – Quiz 1 Answers (2019)

Baruch College, CUNY – BPL 5100Globus – Quiz 1 Answers (2019)

1. A camera-maker’s price competitiveness in a particular geographic region is determined by

2. Which of the following does NOT accurately describe your company’s camera/drone business

and operations?

3. The benefits of current and cumulative expenditures for camera/drone product R&D do NOT

include which of the following?

4. Which one of the following is NOT a factor in determining a company’s action camera sales and

market share in a particular geographic region?

5. Which of the following are components of the compensation package for members of

camera/drone PATs?

Annual base wage, assembly quality incentives ($ per unit assembled divided equally

among PAT members), year-end bonus for perfect attendance, and the dollar-cost of a

PAT member’s fringe benefit package

6. Which of the following currencies are NOT involved in affecting the revenues your company

receives on shipments of action-cameras and UAV drones to buyers in the four geographic

regions where it competes?

7. The Global Community Bank. under terms of its long-term banking agreement with the

company, has agreed to lend the company additional monies should you elect to use debt to

help finance growth and other financial needs; the interest rate the GCB will charge on such

loans is determined is tied to the payback period (1-year, 5-years, 10-years) and to

8. The factors that affect the productivity of both camera PATs and drone PATs include

9. Worldwide unit sales of wearable, miniature action-capture cameras are reliably projected to


10. Which of the following are the four geographic regions in which the company is currently selling

its action cameras and UAV drones?

11. Which of the following is NOT included among the five measures on which a company’s

performance is judged/scored?

12. The factors that affect the P/Q rating of a company’s action cameras include

the percentage of the action cameras that it sells which are outsourced from contract

assemblers in Taiwan or mainland China.

13. The company has its camera and drone assembly facilities in

14. Which of the following statements about your company’s assembly operations for cameras and

drones is false?

15. Which of the following statements about crafting a strategy to be competitively successful in the

markets for action cameras and drones is true?

16. Which of the following is NOT accurate as concerns the retailers and buyers of action-capture


16. Which of the following is NOT accurate as concerns the retailers and buyers of action-capture


17. The factors that affect a company’s P/Q rating for UAV drones do NOT include

18. Which of the following is NOT accurate as concerns the online retailers of unmanned aerial view

drones and/or the buyers of unmanned aerial view drones?

19. Which of the following is one of the factors that determine a company’s credit rating?

20. Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe how your company’s

performance is scored on the Investor Expectations Standard?

Module 3

(Please answer this question by referring to the resource post below )

(I truly enjoyed reading your discussion post. It was well-written and very informative.  It is estimated that roughly 12 million Americans lost their health insurance in 2020, due to the pandemic .  Because many people were laid off due to Covid-19, do you think the government will consider another health system transformation? Also, what type of changes/ transformations should be made? How do you think the loss in insurance will impact the health of the population? )

{Resource post }

The health insurance system ceased to work for Joanna and her son because she is now unemployed and works a freelance job. Because she lost her job, she is now unable to receive healthcare benefits from an employer-sponsored healthcare plan. Post WWII, there was rapid growth in employer-sponsored healthcare plans, making government-sponsored plans a subordinate insurance option (Wilensky, S & Teitelbaum, J, 2020). Although subordinate, Joanna and her son would be able to apply for government assistance through Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act (ACA) since she still would have some income from her government job. Under the ACA, Joanna and her son would have access to “free preventive care”, access to insurance plans despite their pre-existing condition, and support with applying for Medicaid if necessary (U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services).

Health system transformation in the U.S. would help Joanna and her son if it switched to a universal healthcare coverage model for all. This government-sponsored healthcare system would ensure that Joanna and her son, among millions of others who lose their jobs and employer-sponsored insurance plans, would have adequate insurance coverage. One of the drawbacks to having employer-sponsored health insurance protection is that, in the case someone were to lose their job like in Joanna’s case, they would be completely uncovered. The silver lining for Joanna and her son, in this case, is that because of the HIPAA (1996), Joanna and her son could not be discriminated against providing private coverage, should she seek it, because of her and her son’s preexisting condition, diabetes. The HIPAA act states that “The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) includes an important protection for consumers by prohibiting group health plans from excluding or limiting otherwise qualified individuals due to preexisting conditions” (Wilensky, S & Teitelbaum, J, 2020). While this protection does exist for Joanna and her son, more is needed to ensure that she can afford the necessary

In supporting health system transformation, public health’s role is to ensure that all Americans are able to live a healthy lifestyle. In this regard, public health operates as part of the larger health system as it works to “[protect] and [improve] the health of people and their communities” (Buchdahl, Monroe, Waddell, & Strunz, N.D.). According to Wilensky and Titelbaum, “policymakers must also know how providers, suppliers, employers, states, and others respond to changes in the health insurance market” (2020), which I’d argue is the role of anyone who works within public health and their obligation to the American public.


Buchdahl, H., Monroe, J., Waddell, L., & Strunz, E. (n.d.). What is Public Health? Retrieved December 31, 2020, from

Teitelbaum, J. B., & Wilensky, S. E. (2020). Essentials of health policy and law (3rd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.  Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Glossary. (n.d.). Retrieved December 31, 2020, from



You will complete what is known as an Applied Media Analysis. As you complete this paper, make sure that you answer the questions in-depth. CITE information from your notes about ethnocentrism and the communication model as you write this paper  The film, Freedom Writers is available for streaming on free on Vudu, 2.99/Redbox and YouTube.   Please plan to make sure that you get access to the film in time to complete this assignment.


1. Please choose the most powerful scene in the movie in your opinion. Choose a scene that you feel makes an impact on communication.

A. IDENTIFY THE SCENE (Include the timestamp:  pause the movie and look at the time on the graph below the video feed, i.e., 1:24.06)

B. Briefly describe the scene to which you are referring and who the principal characters are.

C. For each of the following elements write 2-4 sentences that SPECIFICALLY describe how you see the communication process at work.  (You have done this before in your group project)

1) Situation (Context)

2) Speaker(s) (Sender-Receiver)

3) Message

4) Channel

5) Listener (Receiver Sender)

6) Feedback

7) Noise

2.    Ethnocentrism:  Please find two quotes from the movie that illustrate the concept of ethnocentrism as it is defined.  For each quote, complete the following:

A. IDENTIFY the Timestamp where the quote appears in the film


C. EXPLAIN the effect of this interaction

D. ANALYZE how this exemplifies ethnocentric communication

3. As you watch the film, look for communication and public speaking (in court, in the classroom, etc. )Select a public speaking scene that changes the destiny of at least one of these students. Please describe this in no less than five sentences. Include a timestamp.

Admission essay


Social policy

This week we are looking at a variety of social policy issues, but will specifically address poverty in our discussion.

(1) What factors contribute to poverty in the United States?

(2) Are existing welfare policies effective in combating poverty?  Why or why not?

(3) What policy reforms would you recommend?

As you present your argument, please address issues of prevention, education and access to social services as it relates to welfare policies.  You should also incorporate information about welfare reform under the Clinton, Bush, and Obama administrations.

Must be at least 250 words and supported by at least 2 references


Discussion: Food Safety Issues

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has strict guidelines for food safety. Bacteria, fungi, pesticides, hormones, and artificial compounds plague food supplies. What makes these contaminants frightening is that they are not generally visible to the naked eye and evidence of their presence in foods can be very difficult to detect without scientific testing. In this Discussion, you will look at how food safety affects health and explore solutions.

To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review Chapter 12 of the course text, Nutrition for Life.
  • Think about the food contaminants affecting everyday foods.
  • Consider policies and regulations designed to protect the food supply. Are they effective?
  • Choose a food issue that is important to you. It may be an issue presented in your book or another one of your choice. Some suggested topics may include: food-borne illness, food additives and preservatives, pesticides, malnutrition, artificial sweeteners, water quality, et cetera.

With these thoughts in mind:

By Day 3

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph summary outlining the risks associated with a particular food safety issue. Be sure to include the following:

  • Justify why it is a food safety issue.
  • Correlate your food issue to a disease or health concern.
  • Evaluate and suggest 2–3 steps that could reduce the impact or eliminate the food issue.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced. Use at least two APA-formatted references for full credit.


Expand and simplify (x+5)(x-3)(x+3)

Week 5: Position Paper


You agree that the military affects one’s mental health so you will persuade your audience on this issue and support your stance with credible evidence.

For this assignment, you have traditional and creative options. Choose what will challenge your writing and what would be appropriate for your topic and field:

  • Traditional 5 paragraph essay with 1 paragraph introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and 1 paragraph conclusion.
  • Op-ed newspaper article.
  • Blog post.


In order to persuade the audience to accept the position you are advocating in this paper, you will use different kinds of appeals:

  • ethos (which involves the credibility of the speaker, writer, or authority being cited);
  • logos (which involves facts, statistics, and logic); and
  • pathos (which involves emotions).

A good persuasive argument uses credible sources, objective evidence, and emotional “hooks” to make use of logos, ethos, and pathos respectively.

Be sure your thesis statement is very clear.  It should be a single complete sentence, including both a subject and a predicate, that combine to make claim. Example: “The USA should be more competitive in establishing a presence on Mars.”

Your introduction paragraph should include a “hook” to grab the reader’s attention.  The thesis statement is typically seen in the first paragraph. Your body paragraphs will support the thesis. You should use credible sources and cite them according to the style of your discipline. Your conclusion should reiterate the strongest points from your paper and give the audience something to consider, moving forward.


  • PURPOSE:   To persuade
  • AUDIENCE:   The applicable audience for the type of document you’ve chosen to write.
  • LENGTH:   500 – 750 words (Times New Roman font)
  • SOURCES:   A minimum of 3 from a professional journal or organization

Use only third person (he/she/they) for a more professional tone. Avoid first person (I, my, us, we) and second person (you and your) in your essay.