
The scenario:

Johnston Smith, Associate Director of Sales as Pasedena HVAC Manufacturer, has asked you to calculate the cost of running HVAC units in summer and provide a report.

For this assignment, you will need the following files:

New blank Access database


You will save your files as:



  1. Open the HVAC_Cooling Excel file, and save the file as Lastname_Firstname_HVAC_Cooling.
  2. Insert your name in the footer.
  3. In the worksheet, insert an Excel table with a header row.
  4. Add a calculated column that calculates the cost of cooling using $0.00124 per Cooling BTU formatted with the Accounting Number Format.
  5. Filter the data to display only one Heating BTU number of your choice.
  6. Apply Best Fit to all columns.
  7. Center the worksheet horizontally on a landscape page.
  8. In Access, create a new database and save it as Lastname_Firstname_Cooling_Costs
  9. Import your Lastname_Firstname_HVAC_Cooling Excel file.
  10. In the table, filter the data to show only data for the Cooling BTU greater than 60,000 and the Power unit of your choice.
  11. Create a report based on your results.
  12. Delete the four measurement fields following the Heating BTU field, and be sure the title fits on one line.
  • Special Instructions: Use the Supporting Materials below to complete the project.
  • Grading: Please review the rubrics for particulars.

Please let me know if you are able to help. Sorry for the last minute. This assignment is due Sunday night by midnight.
Please let me know either way. I have attached the excel spreadsheet for your viewing (both what was assigned in its original form and what I have completed so far.

Final paper

Identify a global societal issue from the following list that you would consider researching further for your Week 5 Final Paper:

  • Unemployment and lack of economic opportunity

Describe effective methods you used in identifying and narrowing down to just one of the topics to further research for your Final Paper.

  • Explain three ways you can critically analyze sources to determine if they are scholarly.
  • Summarize information from at least two scholarly journal articles from the Ashford University Library that will support your claims for your chosen topic.
  • Explain why scholarly sources should be used to support your writing on the selected topic.
  • Download and attach a PDF copy of one of the peer-reviewed scholarly articles that you found from the Ashford University Library to your answer using the “Attach” function located below your response.

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length, which should include a thorough response to each prompt. You are required to provide in-text citations of applicable required reading materials and/or any other outside sources you use to support your claims. Provide full reference entries of all sources cited at the end of your response. Please use correct APA format when writing in-text citations (see In-Text Citation Helper (Links to an external site.)) and references (see Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.)).

Essay paper due

A Federalist representative democracy requires both personal responsibility and social responsibility of its citizens through personal involvement in the democratic process and the understanding that there are many interests to consider in a democracy. Both personal responsibility and social responsibility may be reflected in the process of voting.

Please write a 2-page essay discussing whether and how a) the act of voting is the personal responsibility of every citizen, and b) citizens have a social responsibility to consider how his or her individual vote will affect the diverse interests of the broader community.

The essay should be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font, one-inch margins, double-spaced, with college level grammar, structure and spelling. Please upload to the appropriate link under the ‘assignments’ tab on eCampus.


Unit V assessment

Question 1 

In 1950, Festinger, Schachter, and Back traced friendship formations among couples in the Westgate Housing Project at MIT. They found that residents were most likely to be friends with people:

    similar to them.
    of the same gender.
    who their partners befriended first.
    who lived close to them.

Question 2 

Sarah is an excellent golfer, but Frankie is still learning the game. When hitting a bucket of balls at the local driving range, a group gathers around and watches Sarah and Frankie hit drives. The presence of other people is likely to cause:

    both Sarah and Frankie to perform better than when they golf without observers.
    both Sarah and Frankie to perform worse than when they golf without observers.
    Sarah to perform better than when she golfs without observers but Frankie to perform worse.
    Frankie to perform better than when he golfs without observers but Sarah to perform worse.


Question 3

John perceives his relationship with Susan as having many rewards and few costs, so he feels fairly satisfied. However, John also perceives that there are many other women in his environment who could provide even more benefits and fewer relationship-related costs. Therefore, John has __________ and may be more likely to end his relationship with Susan.

    a lot of alternative relationships
    few alternative relationships
    high satisfaction
    low satisfaction


Argumentative essay

Determine what the greatest scientific discovery or invention made by humankind is. You are expected to write an expository essay with a limit of 500 words. There is no specific historical period to observe, so you can choose whatever discovery or invention you like, starting from the wheel and or with flexible OLED displays.

In your paper, you must:

  • list several criteria according to the significance of the discovery and state your point of view on the subject
  • sketch out the history of the discovery or invention; specify dates, names, and milestones referring to its history
  • list the benefits that the discovery grants to humanity; make it clear how it affects people’s everyday lives
  • draw a conclusion that restates your thesis; use a quotation of a famous person, referring to the discovery

philosophy paper


2 pages


Is it rational to believe the predictions and the generalization of science



critical thinking

Critical Issue of International Students in Higher Education in US

Literature review

Can someone complete a literature review on the topic The Effects Colors Have on Mood Change? The body of the paper must consist of 10 pages and can consist of multiple articles.


Write a 250 words essay on the experience of the average at the turn of the 19/20th century