Research proposal

Write an expository essay about organizational behavior practices that foster positive changes in the workforce. The word limit is 700 words.

When writing the paper, make sure to cover these points:

  • provide a definition of organizational practices, and list the most popular ones (in-depth planning, requesting feedback, thinking as a group, using special tools to measure changes); state what is the purpose of their implementation in the workplace
  • briefly describe the essence of each practice in separate paragraphs; specify their effectiveness in fostering positive changes and show how they affect employees
  • in conclusion, once again briefly list the described organizational behavior practices and state their role for an enterprise

Term paper

Paper instructions from customer:

Write a term paper answering the question – Diagnosing a Patient: Does it Hurt or Help?

case study

Paper instructions from customer:

Write a case study on the topic: “Adopted Child Adapting to New Parents”

  • Write an introduction describing the particular issue
  • Introduce the main problems arising in families with adopted children
  • Conclude your paper with thought-provoking ideas


  • Proper use of spelling, grammar, and syntax
  • A works cited page which includes all the relevant information about your sources, including author name(s) if known. If your sources were found online, the date of retrieval and a full URL should follow. (See APA Style and example documents in Doc Sharing for reference)
  • This assignment should be 3 pages in length (750 words minimum)

Research proposal

Paper instructions from customer:

  • Write a 3-page research proposal about a workplace issue
  • Choose one of main problems in the workplace and provide a solution for it – it may be a real-life example, or your own concept
  • Briefly describe the particular problem, specify its essentials and negative consequences
  • Offer the solution to the problem
  • Support your ideas with descriptive examples
  • Include at least 7 sources in the list of references
  • Make sure you stick to MLA formatting

speech presentation

TV Advertising Spots Are Dishonest

Paper instructions from customer:

  • Prepare the presentation, supporting the idea: “TV advertising spots are dishonest.” It should be at least 2 pages long.
  • Point out the secret messages and hidden persuaders in well-known commercials. Write a full preparation outline as though you were giving a 5-6 minute informative speech.
  • You will need examples, statistics, and other means of supporting your ideas.
  • Attach an MLA formatted bibliography with at least 5 sources of information.

Course work

Paper instructions from customer:

Write a 4-page paper about Russian culture and traditions.

Present a brief introduction, presenting general information. Make sure the introduction keeps your paper together and attracts the attention of the reader.

Please, cover these topics by putting it in bold in the main body:

  • Topic 1. The perception of home in Russian culture
  • Topic 2. Effects of Western culture on Russians
  • Topic 3. Russians and religion
  • Topic 4. The influence of Dostoevsky on Russian culture
  • Topic 5. Stereotypes about Russians in media

Sum up your paper with a 2-3 sentence conclusion.

Article review

Paper instructions from customer:

Find a popular science source and look for an article about physical sciences or technology (physics, chemistry, geosciences, meteorology, astronomy – not biology or health). It should be a reliable article. You need to read the article and available related source materials to understand what is being said and what the point of the article is. From what you comprehend from your reading, write a 3-page literature review.

Your summary should include references for the article and any supplementary articles you may have used to help you understand the content of the article (at least 5 sources in total).

This small project aims to help students to be familiar with numerous popular sources of science, be comfortable with reading and comprehending these sources, and practice communicating the information gained to your peers.


Thesis dissertation paper

Paper instructions from customer:

  • Make an extensive overview of the literature
  • It must be written in a scholarly way
  • Cite reports that are disparate with your hypothesis/research question as well as those that support it
  • Reviews must be analytical (and critical, where appropriate)
  • Make sure you find appropriate sources that note large-scale and small-scale enterprises

The objectives for conducting this research will be to:

  • Establish techniques and ways of motivating employees in an organization (large-scale and small-scale organizations)
  • Establishing and understanding employees’ level of needs
  • Establishing a relationship between motivation and job performance

If possible, the review may include some charts and pictures about the theories or tools that will be given in the chapter (they will not be included in the main body, but in appendix). You can also mention specific software for solving this particular problem.

Please avoid using data that is sourced within the USA. Data should be from international sources.

Admission essay

College Admission Essay

Paper instructions from customer:

Imagine you are going to enter Bates College. Write a 2-page college admission essay.