Research paper

Research a Popular Writer: Bernard Werber

Paper instructions from customer:

Write a 3 page paper researching the lifeworks of Bernard Werber.

The task is to research the writer and write an annotated bibliography that mentions:

  • Titles of his works – the most common and well-known ones. These are primary sources. At least three, and at most four.
  • Two encyclopedic articles about his work and life.
  • Five articles from academic and scientific journals commenting on particular works of the writer.

Research paper

Organizational Behavior Practices that Foster Positive Change in the Workforce

Paper instructions from customer:

Write an expository essay about organizational behavior practices that foster positive changes in the workforce. The word limit is 700 words.

When writing the paper, make sure to cover these points:

  • provide a definition of organizational practices, and list the most popular ones (in-depth planning, requesting feedback, thinking as a group, using special tools to measure changes); state what is the purpose of their implementation in the workplace
  • briefly describe the essence of each practice in separate paragraphs; specify their effectiveness in fostering positive changes and show how they affect employees
  • in conclusion, once again briefly list the described organizational behavior practices and state their role for an enterprise

critical thinking

Does Democracy Favor Oral Culture or Written Culture?

Paper instructions from customer:

In the West, democracy is considered to be the norm when the running of the state is concerned. A large amount of modern research is dedicated to various aspects of democratic ruling. The assignment is to write a critical thinking paper about the correlations between democracy and two types of culture (oral and written) adopted by the society, with a word limit up to 600 words.

Make sure to pay attention to the following points:

  • give definitions to the terms of democracy and culture; state your thesis about how democratic ruling and the type of culture are connected
  • introduce the point of view expressed by a scientist who specializes in the respective field; briefly describe the essence of their research
  • demonstrate how democracy benefits from oral and written culture, and state which one it favors
  • speculate on the possible consequences of democracy favoring another type of culture; list several examples to illustrate your assumptions
  • restate your thesis statement in a conclusion, and briefly summarize your arguments

Nursing paper

1. A. Compare vulnerable populations. B. Describe an example of one of these groups in the United States or from another country. C.Explain why the population is designated as “vulnerable.” Include the number of individuals belonging to this group and the specific challenges or issues involved. D. Discuss why these populations are unable to advocate for themselves, the ethical issues that must be considered when working with these groups, and how nursing advocacy would be beneficial.

2. A. How does the community health nurse recognize bias, stereotypes, and implicit bias within the community? B. How should the nurse address these concepts to ensure health promotion activities are culturally competent? C. Propose strategies that you can employ to reduce cultural dissonance and bias to deliver culturally competent care. D. Include an evidence-based article that addresses the cultural issue. E. Cite and reference the article in APA format.

500 Word Essay DUE JANURAY 3

You are a preschool director, social worker, or friend. A parent tells you that their child loves using a smartphone, iPad, or computer games. The parent is not sure if it is appropriate. How would you respond if the child is a toddler or a preschooler? Using this scenario provide an informed response for each age group that is based on the role you selected (identify which one) and include reasoning for your response including why or why not this is recommended or developmentally appropriate for each age citing your resources.

NOTE- You need to address BOTH age groups in this assignment to demonstrate understanding the developmental differences. You may use the same advising “role” for both.

Paper length 500 words minimum, 2 academic (scholarly sources) references must be used, MS word or RTF attachment only.


Do you think a provider’s incentives differ when the provider moves from a fee-for-service to a capitated environment? Why, or why not?


                                             CLASSMATE’S POST

Fee-for-service and capitation offer care in vastly different ways.  In a fee-for-service plan, a fee is generated every time a service is provided.  For each service provided, an additional fee is charged. For a provider, the more services that are provided and the more fees charged, the more money they are going to make as profit is built into each price.  In a capitated environment, patients are charged one flat fee per month and can receive care whenever they need.  Providers no longer focus on how many services they can provide, but on reducing the number of visits that a patient has to their office and the quality of care that their patients receive.  If they can keep their patients healthy and out of their office, the patients will make less visits. The less a patient utilizes the resources of the provider, the more money the provider will make. If a provider moves from a fee-for-service to a capitated environment, their incentives will absolutely change.  They will strive to keep patients healthier, order less unnecessary tests and procedures, and create a stronger patient/provider relationship.

Callie Thorne

Create a presentation based on your assignment from last week, utilizing PowerPoint, Prezi, or some other multimedia software. Record voiceover within your presentation presenting your proposal to Suburban Homes.

Article writing

Find an article in the University Library or on the Internet that discusses a negotiation situation that has occurred in a global context (e.g., international organization or corporation, international acquisition, government-to-government negotiation, etc.).

Analyze the implications of globalization and technology on the negotiation in a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper.

Provide a copy of the article you used.

Book used in class:  Lewicki, R. (2014). Negotiation (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

Negotiation Strategies

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that describes the negotiation strategies used in your selected articles.

Describe elements & steps involved in the negotiation process

Compare different negotiation strategies

Describe a negotiation plan

Who remembers Microsoft and Netscape in the war of browsing back in 1996? At the time Netscape was the biggest in the browser market. Netscape had the advantage because of its strong technical superiority, presence, and dominance in the market. At the time Microsoft was considered inferior to Netscape.

Lewicki, R. (2014). Negotiation (7th ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.