Anthropology questions

Length:  paper should be about 3 pages double-spaced, using Times 12-point or equivalent font with 1” margins.

The goal in this assignment is not to summarise the readings—rather, reflect on them and critically analyse. The essay should substantially address and cite ideas/material from the given readings. You will need to organize your thoughts into a coherent essay with an introductory paragraph that lays out your  THESIS and main ideas that support it. You need to have a focused deep analysis on one topic and NOT a summary.


how has the Indian government continued to instill fear in the Kashmiris by militarisation? How has Modi contributed to it?

–what larger theoretical point do you see emerging from these readings, beyond their specifics?

–what questions do the readings/discussion leave you with?


Answer the following problems found in your textbook in the back of the corresponding chapter. Upload your answers through Blackboard:

  • Chapter 8: Questions 1-8 on p. 140


Alfred Wegner questions asked on how continents were connected
come up with the evidence to support his theories you have to describe three evidence in detail no plagiarism of why the continents were connected

plagarism free work

For this assignment,

you will research the population and geographic composition in the (Kansas Community) you have been focusing on in previous assignments and write a case study detailing your findings. Your case study should offer an analysis of the following areas.

1) What are the aspects of various cultures and diversities that exist in the community?

2) How has culture and diversity played a role in the history of the community and its development and progression over time?

3) What suggestions would you have for a community health worker (CHW) to develop cultural competence specific to this community, as well as develop trust and confidence with the diverse population?

4) Identify ways in which a CHW can work toward ensuring health equity for all populations in the community.

Your case study will be a minimum of three pages, not counting the title and reference pages.

Homework due

Answer the following problems found in your textbook in the back of the corresponding chapter. Upload your answers through Blackboard:

  • Chapter 5: Questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 and 9 on p. 89


I would like you to write  most of this at a public place of some kind–just to break the habit of writing at the same place all the time.


I would suggest writing it at a Starbucks, a mall, maybe at a break room at work, on the metro….really anywhere.  A public library perhaps–one that you don’t normally visit.


Please observe the following:


1. Use a cover sheet using a title and image reflecting the thesis of the paper


2.  It should be 2-3 paragraphs–no more.


3. Begin this by saying something like, “As I sit in my neighborhood Starbucks in College Park, MD…


4.  Second, tell  us about yourself.  Where you grew up, what you are studying, what you want to study in the future.


5.  Then in either one or two paragraphs, tell us what you want to do with your life in the deep sense of the word.  What values do you wish to express, share, embody.


6.  Quote at least twice from our philosophy texts.


7. At the end of the text, add a few images from your life–things you see, people you know, pets that you care about, images from the media/TV/ film, perhaps YouTube clips of music you like.  Introduce this part of the paper by something like’  “Let me conclude by sharing a few songs that I have listened to for many years…”  or,  “here is a photo of my dog Rocky, with whom I have shared many good moments,”  or “here is where we went of vacation this year. It was a place that brought home how much xxxx means to me,”  or ‘here is a photo of where I wrot mostt of the paper

Case study 2

Cookie Creations (Chapter 13)

This assignment is a continuation of the Cookie Creations case study. From the information gathered in the previous chapters, read the continuation of the Cookie Creations case study in Chapter 13 on page 13-32 of the textbook. The case study allows you to apply what you have learned about corporations and stocks from the unit lesson and required unit resources.

Natalie’s friend Curtis Lesperance decides to meet with Natalie after hearing that her discussions about a possible business partnership with her friend Katy Peterson have failed. Natalie had decided that forming a partnership with Katy, a high school friend, would hurt their friendship. Natalie had also concluded that she and Katy were not compatible to operate a business venture together.

Because Natalie has been so successful with Cookie Creations and Curtis has been just as successful with his coffee shop, they both conclude that they could benefit from each other’s business expertise. Curtis and Natalie next evaluate the different types of business organization. Because of the advantage of limited personal liability, they decide to form a corporation.

Curtis has operated his coffee shop for 2 years. He buys coffee, muffins, and cookies from a local supplier. Natalie’s business consists of giving cookie-making classes and selling fine European mixers. The plan is for Natalie to use the premises that Curtis currently rents to give her cooking-making classes and demonstrations of the mixers that she sells. Natalie will also hire, train, and supervise staff to bake the cookies and muffins sold in the coffee shop. By offering her classes on the premises, Natalie will save on travel time going from one place to another. Another advantage is that the coffee shop will have one central location for selling the mixers.

The current market values of the assets of both businesses are listed below.

  Curtis’s Coffee Cookie Creations
Cash $7,130 $12,000
Accounts receivable 100 800
Inventory 450 1,200
Equipment 2,500 1,000*

*Cookie Creations decided not to buy the delivery van considered in Unit II.

Combining forces will also allow Natalie and Curtis to pool their resources and buy a few more assets to run their new business venture.

Curtis and Natalie then meet with a lawyer and form a corporation on November 1, 2020, called Cookie& Coffee Creations Inc. The articles of incorporation state that there will be two classes of shares that the corporation is authorized to issue: common shares and preferred shares. They authorize 100,000 no-par shares of common stock and 10,000 no-par shares of preferred stock with a $0.50 noncumulative dividend.

The assets held by each of their sole proprietorships will be transferred into the corporation at current market value. Curtis will receive 10,180 common shares, and Natalie will receive 15,000 common shares in the corporation. Therefore, the shares have a fair value of $1 per share.

Natalie and Curtis are very excited about this new business venture, so they have come to you with the questions below.

1. Curtis’s dad and Natalie’s grandmother are interested in investing $5,000 each in the business venture. We are thinking of issuing them preferred shares. What would be the advantage of issuing them preferred shares instead of common shares?

2. Our lawyer has sent us a bill for $750. When we discussed the bill with her, she indicated that she would be willing to receive common shares in our new corporation instead of cash for her services. We would be happy to issue her shares, but we are a bit worried about accounting for this transaction. Can we do this? If so, how do we determine how many shares to give her?


a. In a Word document, answer the questions posed by Natalie and Curtis above.

b. In an Excel spreadsheet, prepare the journal entries required on November 1, 2020, the date when Natalie and Curtis transfer the assets of their respective businesses into Cookie & Coffee Creations

Assignment due

Financial Analysis

For this assignment, you will apply what you have learned thus far from the unit lessons and required unit resources.

You will conduct a financial analysis of the Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo. Write a five-page paper that evaluates each firm, and provide your findings and recommendation for investment or employment.

Your paper should consist of the components listed below.

· Provide a company overview for both companies, which should be one page in length.

· Include a comparison of three accounting methods (i.e., receivables, depreciation, and inventory valuation), which should be one page in length (formatted either as a table or an outline).

· Provide four ratio calculations (i.e., one ratio each for liquidity, solvency, profitability, and market) as well as an analysis, which should be two pages in length.

· Include your recommendations and conclusions, which should be one page in length.

You are encouraged to utilize the resources below to support your findings.

PepsiCo. (2019).  2018 PepsiCo annual report .

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. (2019).  Form 10-K: The Coca-ColaCompany (Commission File No. 001-02217) .

You may submit an appendix with any research you conducted—beyond the companies’ most recent 10-Ks—to support your analyses and recommendations. Your paper should include appropriate reference citations.

Write your responses in a Word document, and include at least two resources to support your findings.Adhere to APA style when creating citations  and references for this assignment


For this assignment, you will prepare an informative PowerPoint presentation based on the The Social Determinant in Kansas.

1) First, you will identify the determinant of health and the issues related to it that you are working to address.

2) Next, offer and explain a specific health policy or law that could be enacted to alleviate the issues of the determinant of health. For example, the state of New Hampshire does not have a law requiring persons over the age of 18 to wear a seatbelt. If such a law were in place requiring seatbelt use for persons over the age of 18, motor vehicle fatalities would likely decrease. The policy or law you choose to apply to the social determinant may be an existing one in another area, or you may propose your own policy or legislation. Be sure to include what your proposed policy or law would entail, how it would be enforced, and the effect you hope to achieve once it is in place. Include relevant and specific data as you present the determinant of health and the proposed policy or law.

3) Finally, identify specific officials, businesses, nonprofits, or other stakeholders and players you would need to collaborate with in order to get the change enacted in the community. Explain a plan of how a community health worker could reach out to these players to get support.

Your PowerPoint presentation should show originality and inventiveness, demonstrate a thorough analysis, and be presented in a well-organized and attractive manner. It will be 10 slides, not counting the title and reference slides. Speaker notes must be provided to further explain the information on each slide. You must use at least two scholarly sources. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations must be formatted in APA style.