Discussion question

For this Assignment, you will review and evaluate general guidelines for health screenings.

You also will propose changes to such guidelines to improve the equity of care.

To prepare:

  • Review and use the “General Guidelines for Health Screenings Matrix” template found in this week’s Learning Resources and use this matrix to help you as you complete your Assignment for this module. Note: You will need to submit your matrix as well as your analysis paper for this Assignment.
  • Consider the differences among the various guidelines (American Cancer Society, USPTFS, Healthy People, ACOG, and American Academy of Family Practice).

Assignment (2-3 pages):

  • Complete your General Guidelines for Health Screenings Matrix template.
  • Once you complete your matrix, in an analysis paper complete the following:
    • Explain what you find different among each of the guidelines.
    • Explain what might be contradictory among them.
    • Explain which guideline makes more sense to you and why.
    • Explain what changes you might make to the guidelines for a person who refers to themselves with an LGBTQ+ gender identification.

To include title page, introduction, summary and references


***THIS ASSIGNMENT HAS TWO PARTS*** Please read carefully

Part 1 For this assignment, research a familiar company.  The company is Tesla

As part of this assignment, you will provide the following information for the organization:

  1. Background information – Type of company, size, industry, etc.
  2. Current structure (horizontal, vertical)
  3. Current leadership situation – Has the leader been there a long time? Is it a new leader? How much experience does this leader have as an organizational leader? What is the leader’s level of education, etc.?
  4. Current information regarding an organization in terms of the following:
    1. Productivity
    2. Communication
    3. Decision-Making
    4. Risk-Taking
    5. Team Work
    6. Morale
    7. Turnover
  5.  5. Describe the ideal state of an organization’s culture. What would be an ideal culture for a company to achieve its goals and strategies
  6. 6. Recommend changes based on what you have found within an organization in terms of leadership and structure to start to improve the organization.

Length: 3-5 pages

References: Include a minimum of five scholarly resources.

Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA 7 format.

Part 2


For this assignment, you will use software to design the current organizational chart for the organization that you wrote about in Assignment 1 (Tesla), and then you will create another organizational chart with a proposed design for that organization based on the changes that you would make to the structure of the organization. You can use any type of software that you would like to use for the charts, but be specific with the structure; make sure you have all the major positions for the organization, and be clear with the reporting structure. For consistency purposes, you may want to save your completed charts as a PDF file.

After you have created your charts, you will then clearly and thoroughly describe how the changes in the proposed structure will help to improve the culture.

Length: Charts – 1 page each; Description – 1 to 2 pages

References: Include a minimum of two scholarly resources.

Williams BBA 2301 DB 3 4

DB 3

Assume that you are the owner of a successful small-to-medium-sized business. You want to grow your business and separate it from your personal finances. What should you do? How will you do it? In regard to dividends and earnings, when and how should you and other owners be rewarded? What are examples of each type of dividend? Why do some large corporations forgo dividends?


DB 4

Assume that you are a financial manager and significant owner of a successful medium-sized business. You want to grow your business and use your financial assets effectively. What should you do? How will you do it? In regard to investments, many of the investing options available to you as an individual are also available to the corporation. What short-term and long-term investement  interests you?why?



For this Discussion, you will select a specific women’s health issue. You will research this issue, and share common symptoms, recommended diagnostic tests, and common treatments.

To prepare:

  • Review the Learning Resources for this week and consider the different types of women’s health issues.
  • Search the Library and/or the Internet regarding the health issue symptoms, diagnostic tests, and common treatments for Osteoporosis

Part 1:

Based on the issue you chose, post a description of the issue you chose and your explanation of common symptoms, recommended diagnostic tests, and common treatments. Be specific and provide examples. Use the evidence from your search of the literature to support your explanation of the woman’s health issue you chose.

Part 2:

Next, post your responses to the following questions related to the issue you wrote about in Part 1.

  • Osteoporosis – What are your options for primary prevention? How would you educate someone on the treatment?


Required Readings

Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Chapter 3, “Origins of Criminal Behavior: Biological Factors” (pp. 59-81)
Note: These pages are part of a chapter assigned in Weeks 1 and 4.

Mead, H. K., Beauchaine, T. P., & Shannon, K. E. (2010). Neurobiological adaptations to violence across development. Development and Psychopathology22(1), 1–22.

Thiel, K. S., Baladerian, N. J., Boyce, K. R., Cantos, O., Davis, L. A., Kelly, K., & Stream, J. (2011). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and victimization: Implications for families, educators, social services, law enforcement, and the judicial system. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 39(1), 121–157.

Williams, W. H., Chitsabesan, P., Fazel, S., McMillan, T., Hughes, N., Parsonage, M., & Tonks, J. (2018). Traumatic brain injury: a potential cause of violent crime?. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(10), 836-844. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6171742/

Wilson, S., & Adshead, G. (2008). When violence becomes a psychiatric symptom. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology, 15(1), 57–67, 77–79.


Assignment: Biological Theories and Criminal Behavior

There is much research to evaluate in formulating your own opinion about the validity of the biological approach to criminal behavior. As you ponder the legitimacy of this research and of the biological approach, consider two important questions: First, do biological theories illuminate your understanding of the nature of criminal behavior? Second, to what degree is biology a factor in criminal behavior—or in other words, how significant is the role of biology in criminal behavior?

Assignment (2–3 pages):

  • Select and describe two biological theories.
  • Evaluate the degree to which you think each theory adequately explains criminal behavior. Justify your position with specific examples and references.
  • Based on your evaluation, explain at least one conclusion you drew or insight you had about the validity of the biological approach as a body of research to explain criminal behavior.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are asked to provide a reference list only for those resources not included in the resources for this course.

By day 7


Discuss gun ownership rights and it’s impacts.

Outline For Research Paper

This week (week 6) you will be completing your outline for your research paper which is due by the end of Week 7.  This weeks assignment is a one-page outline for your week 7 paper.  You will use proper outline formatting and address key points for your paper.  Remember – this week is just an outline!  You will gather your thoughts and begin to lay the foundation for your paper.

Use outline formatting, such as:

I.  Introduction

A.  Main Point

B.  Secondary Point

II.  Body – Paragraph 1

A.  Main Point

B.  Secondary Point  …

There are three parts to this requirement.

1. You will complete an outline for your paper that will serve as your basis for writing your research paper. Be as detailed as possible, using an outline format.

2. You will post your outline in the Week 6 discussion area. Classmates will have the opportunity to review and recommend changes or additions to your outline.

3.  By Sunday, you will consider those suggestions and revise your outline, then submit it to the assignment link.

The requirements for your Paper due Week 7 are:

In this course, we look at a variety of different human resource theories and styles. We also look at the different kinds of perspectives on ethical issues and how they fit into HRM. You are required to write a paper on a HRM topic. You will choose the topic you are most interested in. Choose a topic, and expand on it.

Some examples are given below, but it is recommended that you choose to write on a topic you have already encountered or you have thought about previously. Of necessity, the instructions for this assignment are somewhat vague. Each student will have to explore different resources and will need to develop an individual approach to the subject.

Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic and what some weaknesses are. Drawing on various sources, explain the details of your topic. Assume I know nothing about this topic and share your research on it with me. Why is it important? What have you learned? What are the Pro’s and Con’s? When would this be used? What is the history on this topic?

Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (Arial or Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines) essay focusing on one specific Human Resource topic that we have studied over the past 7 weeks. You must also include a title page and reference page. The 5-7 pages do not include the title page/reference page.

Topic Suggestions:

  • Designing Jobs
  • Training and Development
  • Teamwork
  • Safety
  • Goal-Setting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Recruitment
  • Job-Performance
  • Testing
  • Task-Analysis
  • Reduction of Errors
  • Relationships
  • Action Planning
  • Separation
  • Roles
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Pay-Schedule
  • Benefits

Be sure to incorporate at least two (2) sources to support your essay. Use APA Style in your writing and review the rubric for guidance.


Job Design And HRM

In this course, we look at a variety of different human resource theories and styles. We also look at the different kinds of perspectives on ethical issues and how they fit into HRM. You are required to write a paper on a HRM topic. You will choose the topic you are most interested in. Choose a topic, and expand on it.

Some examples are given below, but it is recommended that you choose to write on a topic you have already encountered or you have thought about previously. Of necessity, the instructions for this assignment are somewhat vague. Each student will have to explore different resources and will need to develop an individual approach to the subject.

Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic and what some weaknesses are. Drawing on various sources, explain the details of your topic. Assume I know nothing about this topic and share your research on it with me. Why is it important? What have you learned? What are the Pro’s and Con’s? When would this be used? What is the history on this topic?

Requirement: Using the terms, concepts, and theories learned in this course, write a 5 to 7 page (Arial or Times New Roman 12 pitch font with double-spaced lines) essay focusing on one specific Human Resource topic that we have studied over the past 7 weeks. You must also include a title page and reference page. The 5-7 pages do not include the title page/reference page.

Topic Suggestions:

  • Designing Jobs
  • Training and Development
  • Teamwork
  • Safety
  • Goal-Setting
  • Strategic Planning
  • Recruitment
  • Job-Performance
  • Testing
  • Task-Analysis
  • Reduction of Errors
  • Relationships
  • Action Planning
  • Separation
  • Roles
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Pay-Schedule
  • Benefits

Be sure to incorporate at least two (2) sources to support your essay. Use APA Style in your writing and review the rubric for guidance.

General psychology

Broadening Traditional Views on Intelligence and Intelligence Testing

Discussion 1





Step 1: Please watch the following Ted Talk by Robert “Bob” Sternberg, the theorist who conceptualized the Triarchic Theory of Intelligence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otlmKZeNi-U (Video runs 11:32, opens in new tab)

Step 2: Watch the following vignette on Kim Peek, who is a person diagnosed as a savant that demonstrates calendar counting and other rare abilities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0lVdxXTANA (Video runs 7:56, opens in new tab)

Step 3: Integrating what you learned from the textbook readings and watching the videos, please thoroughly respond to the following questions, integrating relevant content from the readings.

· Traditional Intelligence Tests tend to measure logical and analytical reasoning. The field of psychology tends to disagree regarding how intelligence should be defined. With this in mind, compose and present your own thorough and thoughtful definition of intelligence.

· According to research studies, IQ and other standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT, tend to measure logical and analytical reasoning skills. In your opinion, do you feel that we place too much emphasis on these tests to predict success? Explain your opinion based on your readings and how the results of these types of tests are used.

· Next, please click on the following link and take one of the tests based on Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences: Inventory of Multiple Intelligences (webpage, opens in new tab). Describe your findings regarding your top three intelligences, and explain the extent to which you agree or disagree with the results.




Module 8 Self-Reflection


The purpose of this assignment is to explore anger expression and also to explore locus of control.

Learning Objectives: 3d, 4a, and 4b

For this assignment, you will take two brief, online measurements. Because they are online measurements, please do not read deeply into the results. Instead, online measurements are quick “estimates” with limited statistical validity and limited statistical reliability.

Anger and Anger Management

Step 1: Click on and complete the Anger Test by answering and scoring the questions.

Step 2: Thoughtfully answer the following questions related to the Anger test you completed:

· Explain your results.

· Describe the ways in which you tend to express anger. Integrate at least *two* concepts from the assigned readings. (Textbook 8.3 addresses culture and emotion.)

· Discuss at least *three* effective coping strategies you either implement or plan to implement when you experience a high level of anger (anger reactive response) or avoid experiencing anger, even when anger is warranted (anger avoidant response).

Internal or External Locus of Control

In 1984, Julian Rotter set forth his Expectancy Theory, which suggests that learning creates thoughts or “expectancies” that guide our behavior. Furthermore, our “expectancies” are also influenced by how rewards and punishments are controlled.

If you believe that expectancies are controlled by your own efforts, then you have an internal locus of control. In other words, your own effort controls the outcome of a situation. “I did well because I studied hard” reflects an internal locus of control.

If you tend to believe that rewards or punishments are controlled by factors external of you, such as luck, then you are demonstrating an external locus of control. In other words, you attribute outcomes to situations from which you have no control. “I did well because I got lucky” reflects an external locus of control.

You can have a combination of both, especially in different situations. However, our thinking tends to be dominated by one or the other.

Step 3: Click on and complete the Locus of Control Test.

You will see a prompt to allow “Scripted Windows,” which you can temporarily allow. Scores range from 0 – 13. A high score indicates an external locus of control, and a low score indicates an internal locus of control.

Alternate Scoring Method: If your test did not score your responses, it will display “NaN” in the area that should display your score. If this occurs, you can either launch a different web browser and copy/paste the url for the test and take the test. If that does not work, please click the following to score your Locus of Control Test: Alternative Scoring Method.

Step 4: Thoughtfully answer the following questions related to the Locus of Control test you completed:

· Explain your results, including if you have an internal or an external locus of control.

· How might your locus of control be affecting your life, personally and academically?

· What are the strengths and weaknesses of an internal locus of control?

· What are the strengths and weaknesses of an external locus of control?

· Explain at least one situation in which you tend to display an internal locus of control.

· Explain at least one situation in which you tend to display an external locus of control.





Parenting Styles





Step 1: Review the following chart, which provides a quick review of the three main parenting styles:


Permissive Parents Low control; Ambivalent responsiveness Makes few demands; submits to the wishes of children
Authoritarian Parents High control; Low responsiveness Dictates rules; expects obedience
Authoritative Parents High control; High responsiveness Sets and enforces fair and reasonable rules; discusses reasoning for rules with children


Step 2: Next, please watch the following Ted Talk: Changing Roles of Parents.

Step 3: The purpose of this discussion is first to reflect on the parenting style(s) of your caregiver(s), thinking through the effects the style(s) had on your own development. Though you do not submit this information to the discussion forum, thinking through the style(s) of your own caregiver(s) is often a relevant first step. After the self-reflection, please compose and post your answers to the following questions:

· Describe the style of parenting you most value and explain why. In your description and explanation, integrate relevant content based on the assigned readings.

· Go to SPC’s online libraryMonitor on Psychology, or another credible source to search for and select at least one article that describes the parenting style you most value, including strategies on how to implement that parenting style. Summarize the article, using APA style for in-text citations, and include at least *three* relevant strategies on how to implement the parenting style you most value.

· Based on the research presented in the assigned readings, explain the effects on children from the parenting style you most value. If you include additional research, use APA style for your in-text citations. Here is the link for assistance: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/in_text_citations_the_basics.html.

· Create a reference page titled References. Use APA style for your citations. Here is the link for assistance: