Group assignment

Unit Title Competitive Strategy
Assessment Type Group Assignment – maximum 4 persons per group Note: Groups must be formed by week 6. Once a group is formed, no changes are allowed. If you fail to form a group, your lecturer may allow you to submit individually.
Assessment Title Report –    Case Analysis and Application of Strategy Models
Purpose of the assessment Students are required to explain in report format, with reference to a case of your choice, how any one of the following would be applied: Business Strategy, Competitive Dynamics, Corporate Strategy, Acquisitions and Structure, International Strategy. This is strictly required to be your own original work. Be sure to base your answer on the models studied in class and quote your academic sources.
Weight 40%, comprising: Report (week 10)
Total Marks 40 [note: the total assignment is graded out of 40]
Word limit Report not more than 2500 words
Due Date Week 10 for the final report. [Late submission penalties accrue at the rate of -5% per day]
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. • Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style. • At the end of your report please include an appendix states ‘who wrote which section’, i.e. provide the student name and number for each section of the report.
Assignment 2 Specifications
This assignment aims at ensuring that students have familiarised themselves with at least one significant case study (from any of those in the tutorials) and are able to apply the -strategic management process- and relevant foundational strategy development models that are applicable to the case.
Select any case study and choose from the following aspects of competitive strategy to apply the theories of strategy development and implementation as relevant to the case study you choose:
• Business Strategy
• Competitive Dynamics
• Corporate Strategy
• Acquisitions and Structure
• International Strategy
In this report, the use of sub-headings is essential.
Be sure to use paragraphing.
Be sure to reference your sources in-text and provide a list of references at the end, all in Harvard style.
Your final submission is due Friday of week 10 at midnight. Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day.
Assignment Structure Required
Cover page [this is essential and must be completed accurately]
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Body of the report to contain Section Headings – e.g. introduction, brief summary of the case; identification of strategic issues; relevant theoretical concepts, application of strategy model, conclusion.
Sub-sections are to be numbered.
Paragraphing must be used.
Page Numbers must be used.
Reference List at the end must be in Harvard format and mainly academic Journal Articles.
Appendix: Statement of ‘who wrote which section’ (see below).
To ensure that all students participate equitably in the group assignment and that students are responsible for the academic integrity of all components of the assignment. You need to complete the

corona virus impact

How has the global corona virus pandemic changed how the hospitality industry operates going forth?

What developments will mark the industry as a result of the pandemic?

Respond To The Following In A Minimum Of 175 Words

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Discuss the disadvantages of adjacency list representation of a weighted graph representation.


Why do you think so many people have problems with using, interpreting, or applying statistics in making business decisions? PLEASE BE SURE TO ADD IN-TEXT CITATION AND REFERENCE


Assignment Instructions

This assignment will give you an opportunity to analyze the strength of your sources and to practice citing two of your sources in the documentation style you have chosen for your paper. Remember, your final paper must include a minimum of 7 sources with at least 4 sources coming from peer-reviewed journals taken from the APUS library database. Source Evaluations: After completing this week’s required readings, select 2 of the sources you will use in your paper and compose a minimum one page evaluation of each source. Ensure that 1 of those sources is from a peer-reviewed journal at the APUS Library.  Be sure to include your documentation style in your heading. After formatting the source information according to your documentation style, use the headings below to create your evaluation.


Looking for someone is very specific with information and gives great detail within their writing. Need good quality work. No plagiarism, honesty, and A++ work. Someone who will take their time to understand and follow given instructions carefully. Deliver work ahead of time and not have me asking and looking for expected assignment. If you have any questions about the assignment or unsure about something please ask. Instructions attached.

I have provided the two sources that need to be used in the attached PDF files. Please use those two sources. If you have any questions, please ask. I’ve also included a sample of how the work is to be done.


First Source (including proper citation and URL)

From Peer-reviewed Journal at APUS Library?   

Credible Author: Explain how/why the author should be considered an expert on your chosen topic. Reliable Publisher: Who is the publisher? What is the publisher’s reputation? Has this source been published by a scholarly or peer-reviewed press? Is this source available in trusted archives, such as subscription databases? If this is from a website, how stable is that website? Accuracy: Does the information seem to be accurate? Does the information correspond with or contradict information found in sources known to be reliable? Has the information been peer-reviewed? Is there a reference list available so you can verify the information? Are there any factual errors, statistical flaws, or faulty conclusions? Current Information: Is the material up to date? If it is from a website, when was it last updated? Objectivity (Bias): Are all sides of the issue/topic treated fairly? Do you detect any bias? (For instance, is the author connected to any institution or foundation that might be paying him, which could suggest bias?)


Second Source (including proper citation and URL)

From Peer-reviewed Journal at APUS Library?   

Credible Author: Explain how/why the author should be considered an expert on your chosen topic. Reliable Publisher: Who is the publisher? What is the publisher’s reputation? Has this source been published by a scholarly or peer-reviewed press? Is this source available in trusted archives, such as subscription databases? If this is from a website, how stable is that website? Accuracy: Does the information seem to be accurate? Does the information correspond with or contradict information found in sources known to be reliable? Has the information been peer-reviewed? Is there a reference list available so you can verify the information? Are there any factual errors, statistical flaws, or faulty conclusions? Current Information: Is the material up to date? If it is from a website, when was it last updated? Objectivity (Bias): Are all sides of the issue/topic treated fairly? Do you detect any bias? (For instance, is the author connected to any institution or foundation that might be paying him, which could suggest bias


Discuss in details the issue of failure in quality and the safety of patient care

week 9 assignment

write a 300 words essay on  the rabbit island experiment


In this Discussion, you will review all the Learning Resources for this week—particularly the media, in which you will witness juveniles who have been sentenced as adults. You will also identify other criminal events that could influence the decision of a juvenile being sentenced as an adult verses as a minor.

To prepare

  • Review all the information provided in the Learning Resources.

Post a response to the following:

  • Describe at least two examples of crimes committed by a juvenile that may prompt a petition to try that juvenile as an adult.
  • What developmental criteria would legally be needed in order for a juvenile to be tried as an adult? What might be the role of a forensic psychology professional in this decision?

WEEK 7 assignment

Due 1/8

In this week’s Assignment, you will explore forensic risk assessments that will first address whether the suspect in the School Shooter case has the mental capacity to stand trial. You will then use the Learning Resources to support your position as to whether the suspect could be legally determined to be insane.

To prepare

  • Review the “School Shooter” podcast.
  • Review the Learning Resources, paying particular attention to the Competence Assessment for standing trial for defendants with mental retardation (CAST-MR) by Simpson.

In a 2- to 3-page paper:

  • Describe two forensic risk assessment instruments that may be used by the forensic professional when assessing the school shooter for competency to stand trial. Justify your selection of these instruments utilizing the CAST-MR and other resources.
  • Explain your position on whether you believe the defendant in the case study was legally insane at the time of the offense. Justify your position using the CAST- MR as well as any other resources.