Diversity and culture

Essay: Answer each prompt using at least 500 words.
Now that you have read about the primary dimensions of diversity, what have you learned about yourself? Of the six dimensions covered in this text (race, ethnicity, age, gender, sexual orientation, and physical and mental challenges), which so far have affected your life the most? What examples can you provide to substantiate your answer? Do you think these may change in importance during your lifetime? Why or why not?
What are the generational issues Julia faces with each employee? What cultural, historic, or societal issues may influence these generational issues? How would these issues affect Julia’s management of the department? (Read “Managing Diverse Generations in a Retail Setting” (pg 115)).
In Norway, since 2008, a public law requires at least 40% of each sex on corporate boards. Make a case for and a case against passing U.S. legislation requiring a quota for women on corporate boards.

Principle Of Diseases And Health

Assignment Guidelines:
This assignment must be in APA format.
The assignment should be in paragraph form using complete sentences and avoiding bullet points and numbered list.
Use a Level 1 heading to separate your sections (Page 47 of the APA Publication Manual).
Title and reference pages do not count toward the total word or page count.
At least one textbook source and two and outside sources must be referenced and cited in the paper.
Essays: (at least 300 words per prompt)
Blood transfusions are sometimes required in healthcare. Based on what you know about blood anatomy discuss why a patient would need a transfusion of PRBC (packed red blood cells), plasma, or platelets. A patient with anemia has a pulse oximetry reading in the high 80’s, would this be an expected finding, explain?

Challenges For The Future

In Chapter 22 of the text, the authors offer a discussion of what they think are the three challenges for the future of corrections.
Choose one of these challenges, and find at least one article written within the last 12 months that discusses the issue.
Report to the class what the issue is, what the article suggests, and what your thoughts on it are.
Book : Amrican Corrections

English communication

In this module, you will have the opportunity to master the following competency:

· Analyze communication theories and skills for developing professional documents and oral presentations for audiences in diverse communities and disciplines.

Case study methodologies. By: Range, Lillian M., Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health, 2018



· Analyze Communication Theories and Skills for Developing Professional Documents and Oral Presentations for Audiences in Diverse Communities and Disciplines


Creating a PowerPoint for a professional presentation is a great skill to learn, as most companies use PowerPoint for all different purposes.

For this assignment you will create a PowerPoint You will find a case study or a research project in the area you studying, use the library website to find your case study. It is recommended that you find a case study in the field you are studying, but any case study is fine for this presentation.

Your presentation will need to include slides on the following areas:

· Introduction to the case

· Methods used to conduct the research

· What was found (findings)

· How it was implemented

Creativity should be evident throughout the Power Point presentation. Treat this presentation as though you were presenting to an employer, all aspects of the Power Point will be assessed.

Feel free to use the notes section in PowerPoint if you would like to make any special presentation notations of how you would present your information.


Case study methodologies

Full Text


Type of psychology: Psychological methodologies

Case study methodologies examine a bounded system over time in detail, employing multiple sources of data found in that setting. The case may be a program, an event, an activity, or an individual. The researcher chooses the case and its boundary. A case can be selected because of its uniqueness or because of its typicality.


In research using case study methodology, the researcher seeks to obtain a thorough knowledge and present a clear picture of an individual, a program, or a situation. Sometimes the researcher obtains this information over a long period of time. With the goal of investigating a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, case studies may include observations, interviews, anecdotes, vignettes, direct quotes, audiovisual materials, psychological testing, documents and reports, analysis, and naturalistic summaries. The richness of detail from these multiple sources makes case studies fascinating. In addition, the researcher typically provides key issues to illustrate the complexity of the situation. Often, the researcher ends with lessons learned or implications that might be applicable to similar cases.

Freud and Little Hans. See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia CommonsSkull diagram of Phineas Gage Author: John M. Harlow, MD ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Case study research has advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include being well-suited for the study of certain phenomena, particularly psychological disorders. Also, case studies can provide compelling illustrations to support a theory and can inspire new therapeutic techniques or unique applications of existing techniques. Disadvantages include depending on what observers choose to include, as their choices may be biased. Also, subjectivity makes it easy to see what one expects to see, and the person or phenomenon chosen for the case study may not be representative.

Qualitative versus Quantitative Research

Case study research is considered a qualitative experimental method. The term qualitative refers to the fact that researchers collect data in face-to-face situations by interacting with selected persons in a natural setting such as a school, a home, or a community.

A related type of qualitative research method is narrative research, but significant distinctions exist. Narrative research is chronological in focus and tells the story of an individual. Case studies, in contrast, focus on an issue, with the case selected to provide insight into that issue. Therefore, the focus in case study research is not predominantly on the whole person, as in narrative research, but on the issue illustrated by the case. Also, in case study research, the analytic approach involves a detailed description of the case, the setting within its environmental and cultural context, and a presentation that may or may not be chronological.

A contrasting type of research method is quantitative. Quantitative experimental designs typically study groups of individuals and rely on objective information. Correlation designs tell the association between two variables. Randomized, controlled experimental trials have control groups and can rule out the impact of extraneous factors that might account for findings. Case studies, in contrast, typically focus on the individual, rely on anecdotal information, and have no control groups. Case studies do not provide the arrangements that permit conclusions that are as clear as those available from experimentation. However, case studies can show the impact of treatment on one or a few individuals and can lead to scientific hypotheses. In case studies, researchers do not confine themselves to asking a limited number of questions as they would in a survey or randomized, controlled experimental study. Rather, researchers try to be open to learning from the individual or situation. Both qualitative research and quantitative research have value; which one a researcher uses depends on the specific research question.

For example, a researcher interested in studying do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders may use different kinds of research designs, including correlation research, randomized experimental design research, narrative research, or case study research. An example of a correlation design would be a survey asking people how much they knew about DNR orders and how long they stayed in the hospital, to see if there is an association between length of hospitalization and knowledge of DNR orders. An example of a randomized experimental design could be a project in which the researcher randomly assigns people to one of two groups. One group would receive standard instructions about their upcoming elective surgery; the other group would receive the same standard instructions, plus additional information about DNR orders. After discharge, people in both groups might answer questions about their satisfaction with the hospital treatment. An example of narrative research could be for the experimenter to focus on one person who had experience with a DNR order, with the goal of telling this person’s story, chronologically. The DNR order might be a part of this person’s story. An example of case study research would be for the researcher to focus on one or several people who had experiences with DNR orders. The researcher would interview these people, asking specific and open-ended questions on the DNR aspects of their experience. The researcher might also, with permission, read the hospital charts and speak to hospital staff. The researcher might discern themes gleaned from reading transcripts of the interviews and other information, and develop theories or generalizations from these themes.


Modern social science case studies originated in the fields of anthropology and sociology. In the United States, case study methodology was most closely associated with the University of Chicago. In 1935, there was a public dispute between Columbia University scientists, who were championing quantitative experiments, and scientists at the University of Chicago. The outcome seemed to be in favor of Columbia University, and consequently, the use of case study methodology as a scientific research method declined. However, in the 1960s, researchers became increasingly concerned with the limitations of quantitative methods. Hence there was a renewed interest in case studies.

Answer questions

Using the 12th edition of Language Awareness, complete the following assignment:

After reading Roxane Gay’s “The Careless Language of Sexual Violence,” in Language Awareness, answer the following questions:

1. Gay opens with the line, “There are crimes and then there are crimes and then there are atrocities.”  What does she mean by this?  Where do you think she would draw the line between a crime and an atrocity?

1. Gay says, “We live in a culture that is very permissive where rape is concerned.”  What causes her to make that claim?  Do you agree with her statement?  Why or why not?

1. In paragraph 4, Gay writes, we “have also, perhaps, become immune to the horror of rape because we see it so often and discuss it so often. . . .  We have appropriated the language of rape for all manner of violations, great and small.”  Why do you think Gay focuses on the seemingly joking uses of words like “rape”?  How is such usage different from using a word like “kill” or “murder” as hyperbole?

1. Gay mentions a number of television shows in which rape is depicted (Beverly Hills 90210, Private Practice, General Hospital).  In your opinion, what responsibilities, if any, does television have in the representation of rape?  Consider that the audience for television can be much bigger than for many other types of media.  Who is affected by television portrayals of rape, and how?  What ideas do viewers take away from such portrayals?

1. Gay brings up the term “rape culture,” which she defines as “a culture where we are inundated, in different ways, by the idea that male aggression and violence toward women is acceptable and often inevitable.”  Where do you see examples of rape culture?  How do small instances of aggression (sometimes called micro-aggressions) connect to physical and sexual violence?

1. Starting in 2017 with the accusations against Hollywood film mogul, Harvey Weinstein, the accusations of sexual misconduct against famous people have exploded.  Resulting from these accusations have been two movements: the #MeToo Movement and the #TimesUp Movement.  Please read the article at this website: https://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2018/01/beyond-metoo-can-times-up-effect-real-change/549482/

1. After reading the Language Awareness article and the linked article from The Atlantic, discuss your personal opinion concerning whether the two new movements (#MeToo and #TimesUp) will have any real impact on the “rape culture in the united states

what is a true belief

What is a True Belief?

Explain the four truth tests and illustrate each with an example of a belief that would be true by its standards. Remember to explain specific theories with supporting citations from the textbook and online lectures

Discussion questions

Personal Development Self-Assessment Results

Read the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to learn how the instructor will evaluate your participation in discussion activities throughout this course.

In this first discussion, let us evaluate, compare, and discuss our current communication-related skills and what we each would like to take away from this course. Complete Figure A.1, “Self-Assessment of Personal Development Needs,” starting on page 411 of the Shockley-Zalabak text. Analyze the results of your assessment and share your answers to the following questions with your fellow learners:

  • Where do your strengths currently lie in regard to communication competencies?
  • What do you feel are your top three needs for development in communication competency?
  • Explain why you feel it is important for you to gain mastery in these areas.

Post your discussion.

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two other learners. When responding to each learner, consider the following questions:

  • What struck you about the learner’s post?
  • How are your top three needs for development similar to or different from those of the learner you are responding to?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the explanation the learner gave for with gaining mastery in his or her areas is important? Explain.


Quiz 2

Please use the document entitled “What Right do We Have to the Land” in the QUIZZES tab to complete this quiz.

How does John Winthrop justify taking the land of the Native Americans?  Refer to your readings to answer this question.  Please be as specific as possible.


Read part 3 of the long article and then answer the questions. Include a short essay.

Answer the questions in the document linked here

and upload your answers in .doc or .docx format. Title the top of the page with: Marcus Samuelsson’s “Yes, Chef: A Memoir”, Part 3: Man