Critical thinking

Explain how the major elements of cinematic design are put together in the film Pan’s Labyrinth(Spain/Mexico, 2006) and try to summarize in a few words, the intentions of its director: Guillermo del Toro. What’s Del Toro trying to communicate with the multiple choices of mise-en-scene in this film? Do you think he achieved a unified and coherent look and feel for Pan’s Labyrinth? How he does it?

500 words

Note (as a kind of rubric): Please try to avoid COMPLETELY to mention the plot of the film. Focus on the Elements of Mis en scene. Push yourself to use film language in every sentence. Avoid words like great, wonderful, masterpiece, amazing, etc. Use your textbook (Looking at Movies) as much as possible.


Please respond to both questions below with at least 500 words.

Then respond to at least 2 of your peers with comments containing a minimum of 150 words.

1. How does Traister dispel the myth that marriage will bring greater finances?

2. How does Hartman attend to the relationship between labor and intimacy?


Watch this video on vimeo:

Write an essay no fewer than 300 words:

  1. Consider all you have learned over the past 8 weeks. What acts of violence, theories, and contextual factors can you view in this film?
  2. Compare and contrast the construct of stratified SRV with regard to gender vs disability.

Nutrition essay


Putting It All Together

This assignment includes two parts. You are to write a report that covers both. You should have a title page and include references.

Part I.

Modify your intake to meet the following dietary recommendations (already attached).

Your new diet analysis must meet these goals. These should look familiar. They are recommendations we have discussed throughout the class.

  1. Calorie intake is within 200 calories of the calorie level recommended by the diet analysis program. Be sure you selected the correct activity for your daily activities.
  2. All nutrients meet or exceed the target or limit. Be sure not to exceed the upper limit for the nutrient.
  3. The source of calories from carbohydrates is >55% and the source of calories from fat is <25%.

Screenshot the results of your analysis (already attached as JPEG)

Once you have modified your diet, fill in the table below (Table is also attached) Be sure to copy and paste the table into your report. You can add more lines by placing your cursor in the last cell and hit the “tab” button. This will add another line to the table. You may not have the same number of foods in each column.

1)     Foods I deleted from my diet

2)     Foods I changed the amount in my diet

3)     New Foods I added to my diet

Answer the following questions in a short written essay. This summary should be at least one page, double-spaced, 12 point font, and 1″ margins.

  1. Was making the changes an easy task?
  2. Are the changes realistic?
  3. Is there a particular type of food you found yourself adding and/or deleting?

Part II.

In the next two pages, your summary should be at least two pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, and 1″ margins. Use references where needed.

  1. Relate the changes you made in your diet to five things related to healthy nutrition facts. There is no right or wrong. Be sure to explain your response in detail. Do make the five items obvious such as a new paragraph for each item.

2.   Implement the following and describe your experience. Your discussion should include obstacles and successes you faced implementing the change

  • Obtain all protein through food for a week.


Focusing on one of the main themes of the film—privilege and/or its lack, motherhood and/or its absence, race and its legacy—discuss how the filmmakers use visual and/or unspoken cues to convey that theme.

THE BODY REMEMBERS WHEN THE WORLD BROKE OPEN | Directed by Elle-Máijá Tailfeathers and Kathleen Hepburn

1 page, MLA format

linguistic research paper

In this 5-7 page paper, we want you to take a deep dive into 1 topic from the course: Collaboration, Embodied Leadership, Community Engagement, Leadership Instincts, Communication (Speech Acts, Linguistic Viruses, Equity, Inclusion, Network Approaches, Systems Thinking etc….or another of your choosing.

What does a successful paper look like? Your paper should:
Share with us why this topic is of interest to you at this time in your academic, professional and leadership journey.
Use the Learning Cycle Pathway to achieve the deepest learning and application of this topic. Following this cycle is a helpful way to outline your paper. The five stages are:
Definition: I understand what is being talked about.
Validation: I understand why this topic is important.
Assimilation: I know how this topic can work and what it might feel like to practice.
Integration: I see how to incorporate this into my leadership and community engagement practices.
Transition: I understand the relationship of this topic to others discussed in class.
Share a case study where your topic affected change in a positive way towards personal, community or organizational outcomes and change. The case study can be related to work, your Power, Equity, Inclusion Paper or something you have heard about in the world….
Describe where you have read about, seen and/or experienced this leadership principle in action whether it was effectively implemented or not.
Find alternative viewpoints on the chosen topic. What challenging perspectives or counter-arguments can you find that disputes the validity of this concept? What do you think about these viewpoints?
Is this a traditional concept or more modern to the 21st century? In what ways is this topic cutting edge or traditional?
Integrate at least 5 outside sources NOT from the already assigned homework readings, videos about this topic that demonstrates depth and breadth of understanding of this topic. You can use references in the black buttons of the homepage as a starting place.

psychology question

Explain why it is better that we not remember every single thing that we experience.

300 words essay


In the discussion of the case of Ronald Cotton,

the text states that Jennifer Thompson “remembered” Cotton as being the man who attacked her in 1984.

Explain why the word “remembered” was in quotes, both in the context of the case and in a broader context of overall memory.

Esssay help

Provide an example of when you experienced the Proustian effect. What was your response to the experience?