Before you begin the following exercises, select either the hard drive or removable disk drive where you will save all your Word files. Select the New Folder button then key [your name]-Wk5. (Example of folder name: John Smith-Wk5)
When you create the data sources (records), you will actually be using the Microsoft Access program. Once all the data sources (records) are completed and you select OK, you are then prompted to save the data source. YOU MUST BE CERTAIN TO SELECT THE WEEK 5 FOLDER to save the data sources (records). If you do not save the data sources in the folder then when you upload the form letter and merged documents, I will not be able to view the data source and form letter. The data sources (records) must be included in order for me to grade the merged documents. FYI: you may use the Excel program for the data sources if you do not have the Access program in the Microsoft suite.
You will save the exercises in the Lesson folder. When all exercises are completed, you will need to ZIP the folder in order to submit it. Be certain to upload Wk5 folder.
Complete the following Exercises:
• Watch the Youtube video: Create a Document Based Upon a Template,
Assignment: Create a Document in Word using the “Disclosure Letter” found in the Chapter 5 Student Data Files.
• Watch: How to: Create an Envelope,
Assignment: Create envelopes using the names and addresses found under “Cavalli PHRE Current and Potential Clients” also located in the Student Data Files
• Watch: How to: Add an Envelope to a Document,
Assignment: Add the envelopes into the Disclosure Letter that you created.
• Watch: How to: Set Label Options,
• Watch: How to: Create Individual Labels and Create a Full Page of the Same Label,
Assignment: Create the two different types of labels as discussed in the youtube video for the disclosure letter that you created.
• Watch: How to:
Start the Mail Merge, Create a New Recipient List for Mail Merge, Use an Existing List for Mail Merge, Select from Outlook Contacts for Mail Merge, Edit Recipient List for Mail Merge, Insert Merge Fields into the Main Document
When you’ve completed the above-mentioned assigments, save them in a zipped folder and upload them into the Homework Upload tab.