>Applied Sciences homework help

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,

Write a three to four-page case study analysis addressing the questions below. If needed, review the Ashford Writing Center’s Writing a Case Study Analysis (Links to an external site.) resource for assistance. In addition to the course textbook, utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources to support your answers.

  • What are the steps of the practice-based evidence (PBE) process related to this case study?
  • As the health professional or informatics specialist working with the clinical team in the long-term care facilities, identify the following:
    • Elements to incorporate into the documentation that address factors identified in the original study.
    • Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tools that could be incorporated into computer systems.
  • How can the cost effectiveness of the new documentation requirements and standards of care be efficiently evaluated?

The Pressure Ulcer Case Study

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

>Education homework help


Discussions play an integral role in monitoring your course participation throughout the term. You should check back to the weekly discussions multiple times throughout the week to engage in the discussion with your professor and peers. Participation is only counted during the week in which this discussion is assigned. Your response must be at least 500 words and researched with at least two sources. Be sure to appropriately cite any sources you use to support your responses with standard APA citations. Answer the prompt question(s) thoroughly and following the guidelines found on your syllabus. . Your initial post is due by Friday at 11:59 pm of the current week.

Think about your learning style as a child and as an adult.  How are they similar?  How are they different?  Do you think you will continue to learn this way?  What does research say about how we learn as children compared to How we learn as adults?


Task:  Read Chapter 2 — The Start of Your Journey:

Finding a Wondering-Complete

Passion 7 (1, 2 & 3) pg 60 and 61

Your response for weekly activities must be researched and have at least one source, other than your textbook, that you will use APA format to site at the bottom of your page. Your discussion response must be at least 1000 words in length.

**Do not include the questions from the book in your response.


During this course, you have a weekly assignment that will be due every Tuesday by 11:59pm EST. Guidelines for each assignment will be included with the assignment on Canvas. If the assignment is a writing task, please remember to use APA format and site your sources.  Your response should be at least 1500 words.

  1. Describe a learning activity you have been recently engaged in.  To what extent did the activity relate to the global context?  Did your learning involve technology?
  2. With regard to changing demographics, informally survey your immediate community for learning opportunities designed for immigrants, ELL or older adult learners. Have these opportunities increased over the last five years?  What about participation?
  3. Take any topic of interest to you. Describe the nature of the setting, the curriculum, and the instruction if this topic were explored in a formal setting, a nonformal setting or an informal setting.
  4. Take the Zinn Philosophy of Adult Education Inventory at https://www.labr.net/apps/paei/
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>Management homework help

This question goes with the first one. I just posted.

After finding and carefully reading your first two research sources, complete the following responses for each source and post them here:

  1. Create citations for each source in MLA format.
  2. Give a brief summary or description of all the major features of your source, including its perspective, argument, or position on the topic.
  3. Describe its strengths and weaknesses, including whether it is authoritative and current.
  4. Briefly explain how each source might be used in your research project paper. What elements of this source (including information provided and argumentative points made) might contribute to your own writing on this topic?

>Psychology homework help

Volunteer Rewards and Recognition Programs

Select one published article from a peer-reviewed journal that addresses a current issue in volunteer rewards and recognition programs.

Write a summary of the article, including an overview of the content, the publication year, the length (number of pages), the purpose or hypothesis, the method, design or procedures, and a discussion of the findings or conclusions.

Then, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article, considering the value of its findings to a volunteer manager and to volunteers, and include any other relevant thoughts or observations that you might have.

Critically analyze the article in light of the readings you have done in your text and additional sources.

Your paper should be 1,050-1,400 words (3-4 pages) in length, not including the title and reference pages, and formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. Provide specific examples to illustrate your conclusions using a minimum of three credible sources, also cited in accordance with APA guidelines.

Point Value: 12 Points

>Physiology homework help

In our Lab Report Assignment, you will consider how different systems may interact and cause changes in an organism’s physiology. While these reports will be based on hypothetical experiments of your own creation, accurate physiological principles and scientific ethics must be adhered to.

Consider the different physiological concepts we cover each week in the course.  Select two basic physiological concepts from two separate weeks that interest you!

1. Design an experiment/set of experiments that you could conduct to further explore how these physiological concepts interact with each other.  Simple, straight forward experiments usually yield straight forward figures and hypothesizes… which is what you want!

2. Communicate what your hypothesized outcomes are (as long as your thinking has solid physiological principles and references behind it, there’s no wrong answer).

Each scientific journal uses a slightly different formatting style, but most share a few common characteristics, which include an: 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Results and Discussion, and 4. References.

At least two scientific references (ie. two scientific articles in journals; textbooks and encyclopedias may be used, but do not count as scientific references for this assignment) should be cited in your lab reports. —Two figures are expected for this assignment (refer to the lab report instructions)

For further instructions please read the Lab Report attached.

To pick the two basic physiological concepts needed to write the lab report please refer to the attached files named Experiment # Pre-Reading. You only need to choose two!

The example for this assignment is located in the Lab Report file titled “A Model Paper”

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Computer Science homework help


First, what is a research paper? A research paper is the collection, analysis, and presentation of previously established information for the generation of new information. This is what you will do as analysts in any field or as academics. To support a claim of fact, the evidence must be provided. Without the evidence, what a research believes to be true can only be assumed by readers to be the opinion of the author. This was one of the first common problem areas that several of you had.

Your thesis was comprised of two parts per the instructions for the assignment. The easiest component was the requirement to identify a single emerging issue from your trends to discuss. For example, if one of the three most significant trends you identified was the growth of the Artificial Intelligence market, then one emerging trend you might discuss could be the weaponization of AI by hackers. The more complex part of the requirement for your thesis is the identification of the three most significant trends within the cybersecurity industry. This has two requirements. First is to establish these as being the most significant while the second is the evidence supporting these as trends.

To support the claim of the three trends as being the most significant trends, remember that you are stating something as fact and for it to be accepted as fact, it must be supported by evidence. This evidence could be a single article. For example, Bitsight’s Brian Thomas wrote an article on 11 Jan 2021 called “2021 Cybersecurity Trends: BitSight Predicts the Top 3” available at https://www.bitsight.com/blog/2021-cybersecurity-trends-bitsight-predicts-the-top-3. You could simply state “Brian Thomas identified that the SolarWinds fallout, adapting to a hybrid work from home/in-office business model, and new cybersecurity regulations are the most significant trends in cybersecurity (Thomas, 2021).” and be done with this part of the thesis. Note the in-text citation after the statement. Your emerging issue might be how businesses are managing the need to accept a BYOD (bring your own device) approach to performing business activities in the work-from-home pandemic environment. With this done, your thesis would be fully compliant and your need to establish these as the most significant was accomplished by Mr. Thomas.

A different approach would be through a quantitative approach based on the idea that if all experts are talking about a trend, then it must be one of the most significant trends. Taking this approach, you might review 5 – 10 articles on cybersecurity trends and keep a tally of how many times each trend was discussed within the articles. If you take this approach, you must do two things. Obviously, you cannot follow the identification of the top three trends in your thesis with an in-text citation. To adjust for this, you must instead make it clear in your thesis that the paper will show or prove that the following trends are the most significant. That provides notice to your readers that you conducted your own research and that at some point, you will present your findings. This requires a written summary of your findings and then generally a table or chart presenting your findings showing the frequency at which trends were discussed. Depending on the data, there is room to tailor the results for readability. For example, you might identify 25 trends with 3 discussed 6 times, 1 discussed 4 times, 2 discussed twice, and the rest discussed a single time each. In such a scenario, you might state that trends discussed one time were excluded from the table or graph to aid in clarity and then only present the trends discussed multiple times. That would be acceptable.

Your findings would need to be presented to your readers at the beginning of the findings section. Remember, everything builds on the information that comes before it. Before you can present your trend data in the findings section, you must first identify the trends. The same concept applies to the structure of the paper. Before you can discuss a single emerging issue in your trends in the discussion section, you must present the findings (the trend data). Before you can have trend data to present, you must locate the data following a research methodology. Before you present that research methodology, you must know what you are researching. Therefore a research paper follows this order: Introduction/Thesis >> Methodology >> Findings >> Discussion >> Conclusion.

Now that your three trends have been supported as being the most significant, you must establish the fact of them being trends. A trend is a series of historical data points over a specified time frame showing a change or development in a general direction from which future projections can be made. Consider the article mentioned earlier from Mr. Thomas. It would be challenging to present trend data for either the SolarWinds fallout or the new cybersecurity regulations. Not that it cannot be done, but it would be difficult. Maybe you can identify the SolarWinds competitors and show weekly sales data with SolarWinds sales showing a continuous fall in sales while their competitors are showing a weekly climb in sales. Just remember that you need multiple historical data points to support something being a trend.

Take for example a report of a trend showing in expenditures in billions for 2015 in the amount of $96.98B and 2020 for $159.28B. Even if you state that there was a 64.24% increase between 2015 and 2020…this is not support for a trend. Two points only establish a line and a line, at best, can only imply that there may be a trend. If we fill in the blanks between these two, you may see one of the following:

Both have the same beginning and ending values, but the one on the left clearly shows the trend while the chart on the right clearly shows that there is no trend. Therefore, when you present your trend data, you must show multiple historical data points.

Aside from the issues with supporting the thesis statements and presenting the trend data, there were few other causes for receiving a grade of Does Not Meet Expectations. These included writing your paper in first person, writing a 20+ page paper, and not writing an original paper. Use of words such as “I”, “me”, “we”, “our”, etc. are not appropriate language for a formal academic paper and are usually not appropriate for professional writing. For this reason, these papers are written in 3rd person. Instead of stating “I will prove the following trends are the most significant trends…”, you would write “This paper will prove the following trends are the most significant…” Concerning length requirements, they force you to learn to write concisely. Anyone can wander aimlessly from one point to another or collect an endless list of facts to support a statement. However, as an analyst, you must be able to identify the key requirements and facts that are needed to address a problem and do so as quickly and efficiently as possible. This 5-to-7-page paper simulates that real-world scenario. The composition of your papers should have been roughly:

  • Introduction: 5 – 10%
  • Methodology: 5 – 10%
  • Findings: 20 – 30%
  • Discussion: 30 – 50%
  • Conclusion: 5 – 10%

The reality for this class was the following (note the emphasis placed on the findings section. This was caused by multiple extended discussions conducted on the trend topics instead of staying focused on a presentation of the trend data):

  • Introduction: 12%
  • Methodology: 7%
  • Findings: 57%
  • Discussion: 17%
  • Conclusion: 7%

The final issue involved just how much material you can use from other sources. Generally, this paper in comprised of 15 – 20% of other people’s work and most of this is for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the findings section. It is quite common for a findings section to be 80% from other sources. That is the purpose of the findings section…what are other researchers saying? The rest of the paper should be almost entirely your own original work. Please bear in mind that I am not talking about plagiarism. While I have had issues with that in the past, there was no evidence of it for this project. I am only talking about the direct quoting and paraphrasing of material from your sources. Outside of the findings section, you should do this minimally and only when needed to support your position.

Hopefully, this information will help as you rework your papers and as you write future papers. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send me an email. Analysis and presentation of your analysis is a critical skill within any field, so anything I can do to improve your skills in this area is time well spent. Also, please keep in mind that it is extremely rare for anyone to get through this class without an assignment receiving a Does Not Meet Expectations. It is equally rare for anyone to receive a failing grade for the course.

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>Social Science homework help

n this course, you will have 11 Blog Assignments in which you will first post your responses to blog prompts on social work field education experiences and then respond to three other colleagues regarding their blog posts each week. The topics covered in each week’s resources will inform the topics of the blog posts.

Refer to the topics covered in this week’s resources and incorporate them into your blog.

By Day 3

Post a blog post that includes:

  • A description of your understanding of field education experiences
  • An explanation of your role as an intern in your field education experience, including your agency learning agreement

Required Readings

Birkenmaier, J., & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and fieldwork (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson.
Chapter 1, “Getting Started on Your Social Work Practice Career” (pp. 5–32)
Chapter 2, “Socialization into the Social Work Profession” (pp. 34-61)

Gelman, C. R., Fernandez, P., Hausman, N., Miller, S., & Weiner, M. (2007). Challenging endings: First year MSW interns’ experience with forced termination and discussion points for supervisory guidance. Clinical Social Work Journal, 35(2), 79–90.

Miller, S. E., Tice, C. J., & Harnek Hall, D. M. (2008). The generalist model: Where do the micro and macro converge? Advances in Social Work, 9(2), 79–90. Retrieved from http://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialwork/article/view/203/198

Wayne, J., Bogo, M., & Raskin, M. (2010). Field education as the signature pedagogy of social work education. Journal of Social Work Education, 46(3), 327–339.

>Economics homework help

Each student will research and assess one country according to the criteria listed below. Students will determine appropriate responses to the questions provided and summarize their findings in a 5-6 page formal essay following APA formatting and style guidelines. At the end of this document, a few sources have been cited that will provide a starting point for research relating to the Canadian economy. Data on the economy of the United Students of America (USA) is available easily from the web page of the Federal Reserve System and other federal statistical agencies. If you choose a country other than Canada and USA, the web pages of United Nations (UN) agencies will be helpful.

Choose the country you would like to research:



Any other country in which you have a particular interest.

In your essay, you will consider and address the following questions and points:

What is the current state of the economy that you have chosen? Collect the latest available data on nominal GDP, real GDP, per capita real GDP, unemployment rate, inflation rate, interest rates, exchange rate(s), and any other important macroeconomic data.

Is the country experiencing an inflationary gap or a recessionary gap?

What kind of macroeconomic policy should this country follow?

Is the real GDP growing and at what rate?

What is the per capita real GDP on Purchasing Power Parity basis? What is the trend in this variable? Is the per capita real GDP increasing? Can you find the relevant data for the last couple of years or more?

Is the current unemployment rate close to NAIRU? Higher or lower?

At what stage of the Business Cycle is this country presently in? Is there an inflationary or recessionary gap?

What kind of fiscal and monetary policies is this country presently following? Expansionary or contractionary?

What kind of exchange rate policy is this country presently following? Fixed exchange rate or flexible exchange rate?

How is this country’s economy going to perform in the coming years? What does the future look like? Will the unemployment rate and inflation rate change? Why or why not?

Required Materials

Review all the required chapters from the course textbook: https://open.lib.umn.edu/macroeconomics/

Business journal databases from Yorkville University Library

For the Canadian economy, some useful resources may include:

Statistics Canada. (2018). Statistics Canada. Retrieved from http://www.statcan.gc.ca/start-debut-eng.html

Bank of Canada. (2018). Bank of Canada. Retrieved from http://www.bankofcanada.ca/

Wikipedia. (2017). List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita. Retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_GDP_%28PPP%29_per_capita


The Individual Research Essay will be marked in its entirety out of 100. The following rubric indicates the criteria students are to adhere to, and their relative weights to the assignment overall.

>Psychology homework help

Your assignment may be completed in the form of a poster, brochure, newsletter, pamphlet, or PowerPoint. Check with your instructor for the preferred modality. Whichever format you choose, it must be easily accessed by your instructor.

After reviewing the resources in the course materials, research the field of Health Psychology. There are multiple facets within this field that lead to a variety of jobs/employment venues. Using credible Internet-based resources (.org, .edu, .gov) and scholarly journal articles, identify jobs/employment opportunities within the field of health psychology. Choose one job/employment opportunity as the focus of your discussion.

Include the following in your assignment:

  1. Explain the health psychology job/employment opportunity.
  2. What type of degree or education is required for someone to hold such a job/position? Is higher education, licensure or certification required (i.e., bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral degree)? Why or why not?
  3. What are the responsibilities of the job/position? Are there minimum requirements? If work experience is required, is there an alternative or work around (i.e., supervised work hours, internship, volunteering)?
  4. Describe how the biopsychosocial model aligns with this job/position. What components of the model might be involved?
  5. Investigate local employment possibilities in your area. What is the earning potential (salary) for this job/position? Is this a job/position you might consider in the future? Why or why not?
  6. Reflect on what you learned in your employment research. What did you find interesting? Was anything surprising to you?
  7. What direction or trends were you able to identify as a result of your research?

Use two to three current scholarly resources to support your discussion (one of which may be the textbook).

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.