>Management homework help

Each student will select one of the key terms listed below and conduct a search of Campbellsville University’s online Library resources to find 1 recent peer reviewed article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format:

Key Terms:

  • Ethical tactics in Negotiation
  • Deceptive Tactics in Negotiation
  • Cultural influences to Negotiation
  • The Golden Rule

DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement.

SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term.

ANALYSIS: Using 300-350 words, write a brief analysis, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. An analysis is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment.

REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format.

Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required.

Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment.

Business & Finance homework help

 This assignment will be graded using the following rubric:

  • Covers all material required in the assignment: 4 points
  • Demonstrates analytical thinking in business decisions: 4 points
  • Research sources are of appropriate quality for the nature of the paper: 4 points
  • Citations of all research material (in-text & WC) are complete: 4 points
  • Paper is free from grammatical, spelling and other usage errors: 4 points

Company Analysis Report that uses the talking report outline below along with the works that were cited in the below document. This is a first draft assignment a final draft assignment will follow.

  • attachment


Psychology homework help

Ethics and Human Subject Research

Research in psychology is paramount to the field; it is through research that evidence is gathered. Section 2: Competence, of the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (2014) states that it is expected that psychologists understand and know the research in their fields, with particular attention paid to evidence-based interventions.

There is a long history of unethical research that this competency attempts to address. It is easy for researchers to engage in behaviors with potentially serious consequences; stringent ethical compliance is maintained through institutional review boards (also known as human subjects review).

For this discussion, complete the following

Review the Dan Markingson case linked in Resources. LINK- A Clinical Drug Study at the University of Minnesota Department of Psychiatry: The Dan Markingson Case [PDF].

Describe the primary ethical guidelines that may apply to this CASE and EXPLAIN WHY.

Use Fisher’s six-step decision-making model from Chapter 3 of Decoding the Ethics Code: A Practical Guide and identify a possible solution using at least two ethical theories to support your process.

At least 300 words.


American Counseling Association (ACA). (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics. Retrieved from http://www.counseling.org/Resources/aca-code-of-ethics.pdf




>Psychology homework help

Discussion: Characteristics, Challenges, and Opportunities of Evidence-Based Design

Consider the following quotation: “Often times, potential users of research knowledge are unconnected to those who do the research, and consequently a huge gap ensues between research knowledge and practice behaviors” (Barwick, M., Boudell, K., Stasiulis, E., Ferguson, H., Blase, K., & Fixsen, D., 2005). Social workers must work to close the gap perceived by the authors of this quote.

In your previous research course, you addressed the concept of evidence-based practice. However, it is important not to fall into a habit of using the term “evidence-based practice” without a clear understanding of its meaning. In particular, it is important to understand what standards of evidence must exist to classify an intervention or a program as evidence based. In this assignment, you are to clarify your understanding of the nature of evidence-based practice and analyze the challenges and opportunities for implementing evidence-based practice in your current social work practice.

To prepare for this Discussion, read the Learning Resources that provide information about different aspects of the evidence-based practice concept. As you read, consider how evidence-based practice or evidence- based programs might be used in a social work agency where you work or where you had a practicum experience.

By Day 3

Post a description of the distinguishing characteristics of evidenced-based practice. Then provide an evaluation of factors that might support or impede your efforts in adopting evidence-based practice or evidence-based programs.

>Financial markets homework help

 The data attached contains information on customers’ ratings of your product (CustRate), on a scale of 1 to 100, along with demographic information. The demographic information includes: income (Inc), age (Age), education (Educ), and marital status (Marr). The last variable equals one if the respondent is married and zero otherwise. Assume the data-generating process can be written as:CustRatei=α+β1Inci+β2Agei+β3Educi+β4Marri+Ui.

  1. Test the hypothesis that income has no impact on customer rating, using a confidence level of 95%. Be sure to provide the reasoning behind your result.
  2. Test the hypothesis that β2=0.05, using a confidence level of 90%. Be sure to provide the reasoning behind your result.
  3. Build a 95% confidence interval for the impact of education on customer rating. Be sure to provide the reasoning for your result.
  4. Build a 95% confidence interval for the impact of being married on customer rating. Be sure to provide the reasoning for your result.
  5. Predict the change in customer rating if a customer’s income increases by $10,000, with no change in age, education, or marital status.
  • attachment


>Nursing homework help

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to stimulate thinking about how specific care might be approached using the King Theory of Goal Attainment as a framework for practice.


1. After reading the assigned scenario in the discussion board, identify 1 more problem or potential problem along with interventions to the plan of care for Mr. B. based on those typical for a patient with his medical problems or symptoms and demographics (in other words, you can assume that he may have other problems such as anxiety or pain or may be at risk for other problems).

2. Develop plan of care and interventions for nursing problem using King’s Theory of Goal Attainment as the basis for practice.

3. Be sure that you include a title page and reference page as appropriate.


Mr. B. is a 78-year-old African American, married male who was referred to the home health nurse after his discharge from the local hospital. He has been prescribed a low-sodium diet due to fluid volume over-load secondary to congestive heart failure.

During the initial visit, the nursing assessment focuses on the perceptions of the nurse and the client, communication of the nurse and the client, and interaction of the nurse and the client. The nurse begins by asking Mr. B. questions about his perception of the situation and his conclusions related to the situation. The nurse also asks the same questions of herself. Communication includes the nurse gathering additional information, validating her perceptions of Mr. B., validating the concerns f Mr. B., and establishing mutual trust. Nursing functions during assessment include viewing, recognizing, observing, and measuring; they reveal that Mr. B. consumes a diet high in sodium.

Planning for the care of Mr. B. will involve decisions about goals and agreement as to how to attain goals. These decisions are made by the nurse asking questions such as the following: (1) Which goals will serve Mr. B’s best interest? (2) What are Mr. B.’s goals? (3) Are Mr. B.’s goals and the nurse’s goals for Mr. B, congruent? (4) If the goals are not congruent, what further communication and interaction are needed to achieve congruence? (5) What are the priority goals? (6) What does Mr. B. perceive to be the best way to attain goals? (7) Is Mr. B. willing to work toward attainment of goals? (8) What does the nurse perceive as the best way to attain the goals?

There is agreement that Mr. B. needs to adhere to the prescribed low-sodium diet. To achieve that goal as well as his ultimate goal of not being hospitalized again for fluid retention, Mr. B. will require some additional information related to his dietary restrictions.

The next step of the process results in the occurrence of transactions. During this phase of the process, the nurse and Mr. B. participate in teaching sessions related to his low-sodium diet. The nurse will need to ask questions to evaluate whether she is doing what she and Mr. B. agreed upon as well as questions related to the feasibility of meeting the goals based on the transaction.

The primary aim of the evaluation phase is to assess if the goals set by the nurse and Mr. B. have been attained and, if goals were not attained, then to determine why they were not attained. Throughout this model of transactions process, the nurse continues to assess and intervene to apply the model simultaneously to problems other than the low-sodium diet as indicated by the condition of Mr. B. and current best clinical practices.

>Ecology homework help

Match the first column with the correct column on the right.

1. Clean Water Act …………………………………………………………a. Impaired Stream

2.Maximum Contaminant Level…………………………………………b. Drinking Water

3.National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Permit……………….c. Natural Streams and Lakes

4.Section 303d under Clean Water Act……………………………….d. Discharge Wastewater


5. Which of the following regulations or permit system is periodically updated?

a. Section 303d List

b. Drinking water primary standards

c. Maximum Contaminant Level

d. All Above

6. What water right doctrine adopted by state of Ohio?

Economics homework help

If your organization makes frequent business transactions, one of the tasks you face as a manager is budget preparation. A budget is a tool used for planning and controlling financial resources. It guides your future plan of action in financial terms within a set period of time. A budget does not have to be complex; however, it should support the organization’s strategic plan. We will need resources to achieve our goals and objectives.

For this assignment, you will focus on the operating budget. An operating budget shows the company’s projected revenue and associated expenses for an upcoming period—usually the next year. An operating budget starts with revenue and then shows each expense type. This includes variable costs—or the costs that vary with sales—such as the cost of raw materials and production labor. The operating budget includes fixed costs, such as the monthly rent on office space or the monthly payment for a photocopier lease. The budget also includes operating expenses, such as interest on business loans, and the noncash expense of depreciation. These items enable the company to compute its projected net income and net profit percentage.


Imagine you are the health care administrator for a nonprofit clinic, home health agency, or outpatient surgery center. Your first task is to locate the strategic plan for that organization or determine its strategic direction through the vision statement, mission or purpose statement, and strategic priorities or goals. You will also need the audited financial statements for the organization.

Using the information from your research, develop a one-year operating budget for the chosen entity, which will include operating revenues and expenses. Include a 1–2 page document to justify the approach you use in constructing the operating budget with the strategic plan or strategic direction.

  • Upload the strategic plan or strategic direction and audited financial statements as an attachment or include the Web link.
  • Complete your operating budget using Excel.
  • Support your work with at least three quality references

>Management homework help

Term Project: Part B
Part B: Store floor Layout & Display of each designer dept.:

There is to be a floor layout/plan display that includes the 3 designer departments, a written and visual description.

A) The display in each dept. is to be clearly described and displayed. The visual section may be a sketch, photo or collage.

 Please refer to visual examples on Store and Department Layout Plans posted in Course Information and also coped below.*

B) It is to be accompanied by a written description on store layout and each designer department. o Length: 2+ pages: 500-600 words. APA Format. Please refer to links below on


1APA STYLE: Written submission must follow the APA-style. Here is a useful link to ensure you follow these guidelines:


Sample of APA Style Paper: (To view sample below, you must first log into our Berkeley Library Online.)

Sample APA Style Paper(1).pdf

Excerpt from: Store Layout from Additional Info on Developing Term Project, P. 2, posted in Course Information with Term Project to help you.

* “Store Layout: You may use images and/or sketches. Sketches may be easily scanned, saved as .jpeg (picture) and pasted into a Word Document. They may be combined with images. It is all about visual merchandise. Research store layouts online for numerous examples.

The Store Layout and Department for each designer is to be described in written format with all details. You will provide image(s) to substantiate, support the written content.”

Remember, all images used must have the source link cited.

I’ve attached points to remember and a screenshot of some additional directions to aid below

please note for part b you are not stocking the store with merchandise yet that is in part c they just reference it so that you keep in mind that however, you design the store that’s how you will display and stock clothes
