>Economics homework help

This assignment is to look at an innovative organization, or part of an organization, that you, personally, find interesting and perhaps inspiring.

Select an organization or a part of an organization- a business, public-sector organization, or a non-profit organization – that you feel demonstrates sustained innovation.   Preferably it should be one that you personally know and are well-familiar with but you can also select an organization for which you can find adequate information to research. Students should not select an organization, such as Google or Apple, for which such studies have been done ad nauseam, but should seek to be as original as possible.

Find information about the organization – you may wish to interview employees, or do some primary-source research about the organization (e.g. through company reports).  It is okay to focus on only one innovative aspect of an organization which, in other respects, is not innovative.

Describe what identifies that organization or part of that organization as innovative in your estimation.

Write a formal paper describing what in your estimation contributed to that organization being innovative. Identify underlying concepts, techniques, and processes that sets this innovative organization apart from other similar organizations.

Hypothesize generalizations as to the reasons why this organization is innovative, based on both the innovative blocks they avoid, and the organizational attributes they demonstrate.

Your paper should be 1,100 words excluding the title page and reference page, and should follow APA referencing style when references are used.

A minimum of four references should be included.


Please review the instructions for uploading assignment files through Turnitin.

The system will not allow you to resubmit after the due date.

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>Marketing homework help

Assignment Content

  1. Read “Case 6: Fixer Upper: Expanding the Magnolia Brand” in your Connect textbook.

    Evaluate Magnolia Brands’ sustainable competitive advantage by analyzing the case study and answering the following questions in 350 words:

    • How will the components of the external environment impact Magnolia Brands’ ability to realize their vision?
    • Who are Magnolia Brands’ major competitors?
    • What other factors are affecting the growth of Magnolia Brands?
    • What internal factors must be considered for Magnolia Brands to achieve its vision and mission?
    • What are some of Magnolia Brands’ strengths and weaknesses?
    • How does the new show represent an opportunity in the home remodeling industry?
    • What challenges or threats might Magnolia Brand face?
    • What measurements can be used to determine if the new show is successful?
    • What is the feasibility of the ability of Magnolia Brands to continue to be successful? Why?
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>Marketing homework help

Meeting with the President Analysis

You were recently hired at a new company.  The President of the company believes that new employees have a fresh perspective on the company and likes to have ‘new hires’ give their perspective on how the company can improve.

You will select the company.   It should be the company you have already been offered a job with after graduation.   If you do not yet have a job offer, then you should use either the company that you had a summer internship with, a company you are (or have) interviewed with for a job after graduation, a company that you have worked for in the past (for example: during the summer or even while in high school).  my major is business analytics and information system.

You will write a two page report  (1.5 spaced, 11 point font) and on the 3rd page include a chart/graph of the strategic tool you are using with the data for you company listed within the chart/graph.

  1. Use 1 Tool, either STEEP or 5 Forces and analyze the current situation of the company and explain what you discovered, how that impacts the company and what opportunity it offers to the company.
  2. Provide a Well-Resoned Recommendation of a strategic action the company should take based on your analysis and explain why that is a good action for the company.
  3. Create a Chart/Graph of the tool used with the information you researched and attach it to the end of the report.

NOTE:  Written report is two pages in length.   The chart/graph of the tool does not count toward the two page requirement.   The chart/graph of the tool is attached at the end of the report as a 3rd page.

Marketing homework help

Meeting with the President Analysis

You were recently hired at a new company.  The President of the company believes that new employees have a fresh perspective on the company and likes to have ‘new hires’ give their perspective on how the company can improve.

You will select the company.   It should be the company you have already been offered a job with after graduation.   If you do not yet have a job offer, then you should use either the company that you had a summer internship with, a company you are (or have) interviewed with for a job after graduation, a company that you have worked for in the past (for example: during the summer or even while in high school).  my major is business analytics and information system.

You will write a two page report  (1.5 spaced, 11 point font) and on the 3rd page include a chart/graph of the strategic tool you are using with the data for you company listed within the chart/graph.

  1. Use 1 Tool, either STEEP or 5 Forces and analyze the current situation of the company and explain what you discovered, how that impacts the company and what opportunity it offers to the company.
  2. Provide a Well-Resoned Recommendation of a strategic action the company should take based on your analysis and explain why that is a good action for the company.
  3. Create a Chart/Graph of the tool used with the information you researched and attach it to the end of the report.

NOTE:  Written report is two pages in length.   The chart/graph of the tool does not count toward the two page requirement.   The chart/graph of the tool is attached at the end of the report as a 3rd page.

>Nursing homework help

Develop a 3- to 4-page paper, written to your organization’s leadership team, addressing your selected national healthcare issue/stressor and how it is impacting your work setting. Be sure to address the following:

  • Describe the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and its impact on your organization. Use organizational data to quantify the impact (if necessary, seek assistance from leadership or appropriate stakeholders in your organization).
  • Provide a brief summary of the two articles you reviewed from outside resources on the national healthcare issue/stressor. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor is being addressed in other organizations.
  • Summarize the strategies used to address the organizational impact of national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the scholarly resources you selected. Explain how they may impact your organization both positively and negatively. Be specific and provide examples.

>Human Resource Management homework help

You will determine the salary and reward methods as well as how the employee’s benefits will be determined. There are advantages and disadvantages to having a benefits package that is fixed versus having one in which the employee can select the desired benefits within an approved dollar amount. (An umbrella program such as this is referred to as a “flexible bundle.” For example, a young employee may want more vacation days but not wish to have life insurance. A flexible bundle allows for this.)

For this assignment, you will propose a compensation structure. Your compensation structure must

  • Explain the rewards and type of benefits package to be supplied for the India employees.
    • Construct a total rewards model for hedging diversity as a resource for organizational competitiveness.
    • Assess whether a fixed benefits package or a flexible bundle (in which the employee selects the benefits desired) would best fit these employees.
    • Provide a rationale for your decision.
  • Explain whether the compensation will consist of hourly, salary, or contingent base selection.
  • Explain how the elements of your compensation structure compare to the competition in India (consider such tools as benchmarking and positioning of the competition).

The Rewards and Benefits Management paper

  • Must be minimum of three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least two web based scholarly, peer reviewed, and/or credible sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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>Psychology homework help

5-point optional extra credit (see at the end of the assignment): Sat March 6th

Examine toys marketed for infants, toddlers or older children (under 10 years old). If you have access to toys, you can take photos of them, or research them online. Identify one good toy and one poor toy. Respond to the following 3 parts (you can label parts 1, 2 and 3 in your essay for each toy for clarity):

Briefly label/describe the toys and attach a photo/picture/link of the toys. A photo makes it much easier for others to get a sense of the toys. I Also report the recommended age range of the toys if available.
Report your ratings for each toy on durability, safety, attractiveness, and stimulation (1= poor, 2= fair, 3= average, 4= good, 5= excellent) and briefly explain why you gave those scores (one sentence for each score is enough, for each toy).
Using developmental psychology concepts and theories, describe how each toy is designed to stimulate child development, and how/why each toy succeeds or fails in promoting development. Make it clear why you think the good toy is better than the poor toy. Address different aspects of development; not all of these need to be in your essay, but address at least a couple of these aspects of development: sensory, motor, cognitive, language, gender roles, social, emotional.
In this assignment, you must refer to some developmental psychology concepts or theories from the class material or from other reliable academic sources. Some example concepts that might apply to your toys: object permanence, sensorimotor stage, depth perception, fine motor development, assimilation, accommodation, short-term memory, conservation, attachment, empathy, gender identity, theory of mind, classification, etc.

Preferably highlight or use bold font for the academic terminology to clearly show that you are referring to academic concepts/theories represented in your assignment.

Address the questions above as a single discussion post in the REPLY box below. To increase clarity (as mentioned above), feel free to label each section in your essay for each toy. For this assignment, it’s sufficient to use the class material as your source. If you generally talk about the concepts you learned in the class, you don’t need to have formal citations for this assignment.

However, if you take something directly from the textbook or any other sources, cite it with APA format in-text citations and include an APA format reference list.

In addition, read other students’ toy reports, and reply to TWO of them. You must address something in the student’s post to show that you read it and have something to contribute. You can ask questions, relate their information to what you learned from your own research, express your opinions about their toys, etc.
Optional extra credit (5 points) due Sat March 6th: Share your favorite toy, book, photograph, game, drawing, poem, comic book, or any other memento from your childhood (any childhood age is fine, but before adolescence). Describe it, or if possible, attach a photo of it or a website link to a similar item. Explain why it was important to you, and relate it to some aspect of child development occurring in children of the same age you were when that item/memory was important to you. You can add this to your main post (mark it as extra credit), or make it a separate post. No specific length requirement, but write in full sentences in your own words.

I will look for the following things when I grade your assignment:

6 points for a picture of each toy (and/or a description), a recommended age rage and a rating on durability, safety, attractiveness, and stimulation (1= poor, 2= fair, 3= average, 4= good, 5= excellent) with a brief explanation for each score (one sentence for each score is enough)

10 points for explaining how each toy is designed to stimulate child development and why they succeed or fail. Must address at least a couple of different aspects of development (examples: sensory, motor, cognitive, language, gender roles, social, emotional). Must refer to some developmental psychology concepts/theories from the class material or other academic sources in an educated fashion.


>English homework help

 Write a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750 words according to MLA guidelines for literary studies papers. Include a Work Cited page, but do not include a cover page. No secondary sources are required or expected. Only one entry (your primary source) shall be listed on your Work Cited page.


Topics Choose one of the following topics for your thesis:

In the short story “The Last Hunt of Dorax” by Olive Huck, Dorax seems quite different than the other sheep dogs on the ranch. What makes him different and how does this difference define his character? Does this symbolize anything?

In the short story “The Last Hunt of Dorax,” Olive Huck uses many tropes such as symbols, similes, metaphors, and irony. Choose one of these tropes and evaluate her use of this trope. Does this trope work well or does her trope need improvement? For example, Dorax is blamed for killing sheep, but he is protecting sheep and the ranchers. What does this situational irony mean?

In the short story “The Last Hunt of Dorax,” how does Olive Huck capture the local color of Texas in the early twentieth century? What does this mean for the story?

In the short story “The Last Hunt of Dorax,” Olive Huck captures the ranching life of Texas. How can this story help urban readers understand nature, Texas ranching, or ranching life?

In the short story “The Last Hunt of Dorax” by Olive Huck, Dorax meets a tragic end. How does his death represent the conflict between industry, symbolized by the rancher’s firearm, and nature, symbolized by Dorax himself?

In the short story “The Last Hunt of Dorax” by Olive Huck presents a domesticated dog who “consorts” with a wolf pack and seemingly leads them to the sheep but turns to defend the sheep once the pack begins the hunt. What does this mean?

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>Government homework help

 Write an Executive Summary on the “Defense Support of Civil Authorities Case Study” through the NCO C3 lens of Operations.

The  G-3 asks you the Operations NCO to write an EXSUM based on this  question: “Within the NCO C3 of Operations, how well did the unit  perform in three of the warfighting functions?” Support findings through the lens of current doctrine. Use the provided case study.

An EXSUM should synthesize the essential elements of information necessary to answer the recipient’s question/issue




4. SUMMARIZE THE  CASE STUDY ATTACHED AND ANSWER QUESTION ( how well did the unit  perform in three of the warfighting functions?) .



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