>Computer Science homework help

What is robotics?

As you might guess just based on the name, robotics is connected to robots. It is a branch of technology that is connected to robot manufacturing and everything that comes before that.

Here are some facts that most robots have in common:

Robots have the capability to interact with the world around them by using sensors and actuators
They are programmable, which implies that they are controllable
Most of the robots are autonomous and semi-autonomous
Robotics is one of the most popular and important branches of technology.

Robotics and artificial intelligence serve very different purposes. However, people often get them mixed up. A lot of people wonder if robotics is a subset of artificial intelligence or if they are the same thing. Do you agree if not support your answer and provide an example?

>Management homework help

Before beginning work on this discussion post, review Chapter 16, “The Financials,” in your textbook. You have already read this chapter during the previous week. With your review this week, specifically examine:

  • “Assumption Sheet,” pages 323–324 and “Sample Plan: Assumptions,” page 332.
  • “Sources and Use of Funds,” page 317 and “Sample Plan: Sources and Use of Funds,” page 331.
  • “Break-Even Analysis,” pages 320–321.

The financial plan must be based on decisions and facts. Investors want to know whether your business plan is realistic.

For This Week’s Discussion, Please Respond to the Following

Provide a written overview of the plan assumptions and key financials based on the information contained in your business plan and your Business Plan Financials Excel Template.

Use headings (bold) to address each required topic.

Be sure to include:

Key Financial

Specific Worksheet in the Business Plan Financials Excel Template where the information can be found

Projected Sales

Sales Projections  worksheet

Personnel Overview

Setup and Staff Budgeting worksheets

Financing to Date and Funds you plan to raise from investors

Capital Investments worksheet

Use of Funds

Capital Expenditures worksheet

Break-Even Analysis

Break-Even worksheet

Projected Profits

Income Statement worksheet

Important: do not copy tables from the Excel document in your discussion response.  This is an overview of the key financials.

Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


  • You will use the information from this discussion post in the Week 10 assignment, Business Plan—Final.
    • A bullet point under Part 1 asks you to incorporate financial information that will help to convince the investors.

Note: Start your response with a brief description of your business (no more than 3 sentences). Specify your company name, what business you are in, and the specific product or service you plan to sell.

Reply Quote 2 months agoANDREA BANTO INSTRUCTOR MANAGERTo help you get started with Week 8 Discussion-review this!COLLAPSEOverall Rating:

This week’s discussion is a written summary of the key financials investors would like to know before deciding to look at your business plan in more detail.

Do not copy tables from the Excel document in the discussion response.

Start your response with a brief description of your business (company name, what you do, and what you sell). This description should not be longer than 3 sentences. 

Discuss the following and use bold headings to organize your response. You can find the numbers you need in your Excel document your completed last week (Business Plan Financials). Check the table provided in the discussion for the exact worksheet of where the information can be located.  Be sure to include a brief description of your business.

1.Projected Sales

  • Specify your how many product lines or service options you offer for sales, then specify what these are.
  • Specify the total projected sales per year for years one and two (from the sales projections worksheet). You can mention your goal to reach sales of over 1 million by the end of the second year.
  • The projected sales will help the investors understand your sources of revenue (product lines or service options) and your projected sales.

2.Personnel Overview

  • Clarify how many employees you currently have and how many you plan to have in the future.
  • Specify how many people you have in your management team and their roles. Mention the key skills and experience for each person on your management team (one sentence per person focusing on the most important information). This will help your investors understand you have a competent and experienced team to grow the business.

3.Funds to Date and Funds you plan to raise

  • Provide a list of the funds you already have (loans, money in the bank, etc.)
  • Provide a list of the funds you are planning to raise from the investors and the equity you plan to give in exchange for these funds. Remember, we are writing the business plan for this purpose.

4.Use of Funds

  • Provide a list of expenses you plan to make (major expenses) with the funds you plan to raise from the investors. Include the cost for each major expense. They would want to know what you plan to do with the money.

5.Break-Even Analysis

  • The break-even number will clarify how much you need to sell just to cover your expenses.
  • Provide just the average monthly break-even number for years 1 and 2.

Projected Profits

  • Specify the projected yearly profits for the first and second year from the income statement.
  • The projected profits will indicate when the company will become profitable and how much these profits are expected to be.

Check the video below for an overview of this week’s discussion.

Goal: Submit by Wednesday.

>Psychology homework help

Sexual addiction was not included in the DSM-5 as an addictive disorder; however, many individuals still seek treatment for this as an addiction. This assignment will prepare you in counseling clients who may report symptoms related to sexual addiction.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper to conceptualize the different aspects of sexual addiction.

Include the following:

  • Describe possible behavioral symptoms of sexual addiction.
  • Explain the psychological, physiological, and medical issues that may be associated with sexual addiction.
  • Describe the potential consequences of sexual addiction.
  • Conceptualize sexual addiction according to your personal theoretical orientation.

Include a minimum 3 peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

>Human Resource Management homework help

  300-500 words and APA format

This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Suppose a researcher wanted to use the secondary data found in the gss.sav data file to determine if males or females use the Internet more. Go to the Resources area of the class to download the files that you will need to complete your assignments each week. Open the gss.sav data set in SPSS to review the variables sex, useweb, and webhrs.

Use Variable View to consider whether the data are nominal, ordinal, or interval, and suggest which type of SPSS analysis might be most appropriate for these questions and why that would be the best choice.

>Education homework help


In the Annotated Bibliography, cite your articles in APA Style (Links to an external site.), and write an annotation for each article. For each annotation,

  • Explain the purpose of the article (1 sentence).
  • Summarize its general content (1-2 sentences).
  • Summarize the researchers’ main findings (1-2 sentences).
  • Point out the specific element or information that is most relevant to how parenting impacts the developing child or adolescent (1 sentence).
  • Describe how and why this information will help you support educating parents to promote healthy child outcomes (1 sentence).

Annotated Bibliography,


  • attachment


>Psychology homework help

Assignment: Accessing Information About Evidence-Based Practices

The first steps toward narrowing the gap between research and practice are recognizing that one exists and educating oneself and others. Social workers must realize the benefits and eliminate the misconceptions surrounding evidence-based practice. In the Bradley episode featured in the resources, the social worker combines her assessment of Tiffani Bradley’s individual situation with her knowledge of research to evaluate her supervisor’s recommended intervention. Now that the social worker has recognized a gap, she/he/they need to access potentially relevant information for a specific case and critically analyze for its applicability to that case. This week’s Assignment allows you to practice these critical next steps in the Bradley family case.

To prepare for this Assignment, review Episode 4 of the Bradley family case study. Develop a list with 2–3 researchable questions that you could use to find evidence about the efficacy of 12-step programs or other treatments for substance abuse in adolescents. Then, using the resources provided, search for two evidence-based interventions that would be appropriate for Tiffani Bradley. Be sure to consider quality of research, readiness for dissemination, replications, and costs.

By Day 7

Submit a 2- to 3-page paper that includes the following:

  • Summaries of the two interventions and their respective research regarding effectiveness
  • Recommendations for Tiffani’s social worker that address the following:
    • Factors to consider when choosing between the two interventions
    • The social work skills that the staff would require to implement the intervention
    • The training required to implement each intervention
  • An evaluation of evidenced-based practice based on your reaction to the experience, in which you address the following questions:
    • Would you, as a beginning researcher, have enough knowledge to benefit from researching evidence-based practices? Why or why not?
    • How might the research that you conducted increase your confidence in the intervention with Tiffani?
    • Is the information provided enough to make a decision regarding interventions? Why or why not?
  • Appropriate APA citations in your writing

>Political Science homework help

A. collect information, data, facts, etc.  (this becomes the basis of your evidence and logical reasoning).  If you simply present this, what you’ll be doing is essentially a report about what you found.  This is part of what you do for this assignment and not all of it.  If you do this and do not take it to the next step you will not be meeting the expectation of this assignment.

B.Think about the information you discovered in step A.  Can you think of a question that is worth answering?  If so, the answer to the question becomes your working hypothesis.  A question that is worth answering is one that others would be interested to know.  A question that is worth answering is one whose answer does not elicit a “so what?” response.  In the end, you’d be providing an explanation for yourself and for others (who might do something useful with your answer).

C. Consider a question of your own but you can also consider a question raised by others in
anticipation that you might have a better answer for it.  Make sure the question you ask does
not have an obvious answer (for which not real research would be needed, i.e., where does the

D. Consider how others answer the question.  Acknowledge the strengths of their answer but also show where they fail or would be lacking relative to your answer.  This exercise here is part of you doing a literature review and weighing the evidence.  Do not assume you’re the first or only person to think about the question or its answers.  So reading scholarly writing about the topic and its question is essential.  You cannot provide an answer without considering what others have said about it.  The logical sequence can be this: your working hypothesis or main claim followed by sections each of which tackles one reason for the claim and provides supporting evidence.  The sections can be as many as you have reasons to justify the working hypothesis or claim.

E. Read directly relevant sources (books, scholarly journal articles, etc.).  Take notes as you’re reading, sort, and organize them in a logical manner based on a “storyline” you create.  How many articles and books should one read for this?  A minimum of 10 scholarly articles and 3 books (for undergraduates 7-10 articles plus 2 books).  Make sure that the articles and books are directly relevant, current, and have substantial information in them about your topic.  Graduate students who are asked to review two books can propose to review two books relevant to this assignment.  Can one use newspaper articles?  Yes, but they do not count as scholarly journal articles.  Newspaper articles and others are additional.

F.The answer you start with is simply your working hypothesis—it could be modified or even jettisoned after further research and after consideration of the literature.  Obviously, your answer must be supported by the evidence you find and by the argument you employ.

G. Draft & re-draft.  Length, style manual, and other matters are indicated in the syllabus

J. Fix what needs to be fixed to avoid plagiarism.  Indicate after the title of the paper and in brackets the Word Count.  The Word Count should be for the body of the paper and does not include the bibliography.  The paper should not have pictures or images but can have a small map if the map is illustrative of the discussion in the paper.

The list below should help you think about a topic for your paper (although you can propose a topic
outside these):
Struggle over Kashmir (take an aspect)
Role of the UN in Arab-Israel conflict
Israeli-Palestinian peace process
Role of colonialism in conflict (e.g., in Rwanda, Palestine, Kashmir, etc.)
Cultural violence (take a case to analyze this)
Role of economic sanctions in conflict or conflict resolution
Role of historical memory in conflict
Role of individuals in conflict resolution (Mandela, Gorbachev)
Government setup (structure, constitution) in conflict/conflict resolution (Libya might be a good
case to analyze; also, Lebanon)
State-building (or nation-building) in conflict resolution (Timor Leste, Haiti, Somalia, Iraq)
Role of great power in conflict resolution (during/post Cold War)
Role of regional organizations in conflict resolution (AU, OAS, EU)
Role of nationalism in conflict (Myanmar, Sri Lanka)
Role of weapons in conflict (do weapons fuel conflict?)
Democracy and conflict resolution
Conflict resolution (take a case to evaluate experience with CR)
Conflict resolution in civil wars (e.g., Syria, Yemen, Libya)
Conflict resolution and “truth and reconciliation” (take a case and analyze it)
Self-determination and conflict resolution (experience of South Sudan, Kurds, Basque, Western
Two-state solution in Palestine
Religion & conflict resolution/conflict
Role of non-violence in CR

Make sure to narrow your topic (the question will help you do that) so that it becomes manageable.
The use of cases can be a good idea so that you are not staying at an abstract level.
Start with Mavscholar at the library webpage to do a search for sources.  Lots of e-books are now available.  But you can identify the books you need and have them delivered to you via the library’s
Inter-library loan service.  Do this asap to get the books quickly.  Consult JSTOR for scholarly journal articles. Data & statistics can be found on websites of UN agencies, World Bank, IMF, etc.  For magazine
articles, use ProQuest, Academic Search Premier; for newspaper articles, use ProQuest, Nexis Uni,

>Human Resource Management homework help

Skills Inventory and Gap Analysis

[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 3, 4, 5, 6]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 18, and Chapter 19 from your textbook; the Week 2 Weekly Lecture; Making PowerPoint Slides: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides PowerPoint presentation; the article The Challenge of Exceptional Communication; and the web page Self Assessment: Learn About Your Personality and Strengths (Links to an external site.).

In preparation for the Final Paper as well as having real-world applicability, this week’s assignment is a PowerPoint presentation that will provide you an opportunity to create a career skills inventory and associated gap analysis. Using the article The Challenge of Exceptional Communication as a guide, the goal for this assignment is to professionally present your current skills and identifiable gaps in existing skills to promote yourself as an ideal candidate for the career of your choice. The information derived from this assignment should accurately reflect your existing skills.

In your presentation,

  • Describe the skills you possess that make you an ideal candidate for your chosen career.
  • Identify any gaps in your existing skill set that an employer may require.
  • Explain how you plan on honing these gaps in your existing skill set.
  • Explain how you would effectively and persuasively communicate this gap in a manner that would still qualify you for your career choice.

The Making PowerPoint Slides: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Bad Slides PowerPoint is a good resource to use for tips and guidelines for creating an effective PowerPoint presentation.

The Skills Inventory and Gap Analysis presentation

  • Must be five to six slides in length (not including title and references slides), formatted according to APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s How to Make a PowerPoint Presentation (Links to an external site.) resource, and include substantial speaker notes (no less than 100 words per slide in the speaker notes).
  • Must include a separate title slide with the following:
    • Title of presentation
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice (Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
  • Must use at least two scholarly or credible sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the University of Arizona Global Campus Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper

>Human Resource Management homework help

Read “Application Case: Siemens Builds a Strategy-Oriented HR System” in Ch. 3 of Human Resource Management.

Write 350- to 700-word response to the following after reading the case:

  • Identify examples of at least four strategically required organizational outcomes, and four required workforce competencies and behaviors for Siemens, based on the information in this case.
  • Identify at least four strategically relevant HR policies and activities that Siemens has instituted to help human resource management contribute to achieving Siemens’ strategic goals.
  • Discuss the following regarding Siemens’ strategic goals:
  1. What overall goals does Siemens want to achieve?
  2. What must Siemens do operationally to achieve its goals?
  3. What employee attitudes and behaviors will produce these operational outcomes?

Submit your assignment.

Link Below:
