>Psychology homework help

Countertransference can occur in any counseling session, so it is important to be aware of the instances in which this could be a possibility to prevent it from affecting the quality care we are providing. This assignment will assist you in identifying these areas related to personal values.

Write a 350- to 700-word analysis on how to handle differing values and countertransference in sexuality counseling.

Include the following:

  • Identify the specific legal and ethical standards that require professionals to treat clients with differing values and beliefs.
  • Explore analytic theory and the role of the unconscious in transference and countertransference in sexuality counseling.
  • Describe strategies for working with clients who have differing values than your own.
  • Explain how you will implement these strategies when working with clients.

Include a minimum 3 peer-reviewed sources.

Format your analysis according to APA guidelines.

>Accounting homework help

Case Analysis #2: Debt Financing vs. Equity Financing

Setup a new MS WORD document to write your analysis, and name your file by “First Name, Last Name, Case 2”, i.e. “Jessie Yang Case 2”, then upload your case analysis file below.

Vancouver Coffee Shop Co. is planning to expand its business in the next year to New Westminster near Yorkville University and needs financing of $200,000 to fulfill its goals. Assume the Company has no excess cash to finance its expansion; the market interest rate is 5%; the Company has 100,000 shares outstanding with a value of $10 per share, and it estimates that it will earn a net income of $100,000 the next year before considering the cost of financings.

What are the two options for the Company to fulfill its financing goals? What are the annual “cost of financing” for each option? Which option is less expensive? Which option is less risky? What are the pros and cons of each option? Which financing option would you recommend Vancouver Coffee Shop to choose? Give your assumptions/conditions and reasons.




Identify two financing options clearly


Calculate the annual cost of financing for each option


Identify and explain the less expensive option


Identify and explain the less risky option


Summarize the pros and cons of each option


Explain in what conditions each option is better


Explain the recommendations and reasons




>Psychology homework help

Rape is a complex topic in counseling, due to the various factors that may produce different reactions in clients. This assignment will help you become aware of these complexities so that you can better serve your clients.

Imagine you are a counselor and are treating two different clients who are seeking counseling due to rape. One client is female and was raped by her husband. The other client is male and was raped by a stranger in the bathroom of a night club.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper to describe how your treatment approach may differ for each client.

Include the following:

Explain the main differences between these 2 clients whose needs must be taken into consideration during counseling.
Describe the unique issues each client may face in dealing with their trauma.
Outline general treatment goals for each client.
Describe treatment approaches for victims of rape.
Analyze which treatment approaches may be best when working with each client.
Include a minimum 4 peer-reviewed sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


>Psychology homework help

In counseling, your client treatment plan must stem from the results of the formal assessment. This assignment will prepare you for assessing and treating issues that may be present in sexuality counseling.

Read The Case of James.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word biopsychosocial assessment of this client.

Include the following, in addition to the standard criteria of a biopsychosocial assessment:

Identify assessment tools and/or inventories to use with this client.
Conceptualize the case according to a specific theory.
Describe how this conceptualization would differ between a systems perspective and CBT perspective.
Describe how this case conceptualization incorporates a positive sexuality perspective.
Describe 2 to 3 treatment goals derived from a positive sexuality perspective.
Include a minimum of 3 sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


>Management homework help

150- to 225-word (2- to 3-paragraph) analysis of the relationship between strategic plans and achievement of competitive advantage. In your analysis, do the following:

  • Examine how an organization can utilize strategic planning to achieve and maintain a competitive advantage within its market.
  • From your research, provide at least one specific example of an organization that achieved a competitive advantage from proper execution of strategic planning.
    • In your estimation, was the organization’s success more a result of having an excellent strategy or a result of superior execution? Why?

>English homework help

Create a persuasive memo that will be read by both Jeannie McDuff (Advisor to Primary Decision Maker) and Teddy Trotter (Primary Decision Maker). You have one full page to compose your memorandum. You should use ABC format for your document. Your Headings for the ABC sections and the subsections of the Body must be labeled accordingly, like short titles or words or phrases that give insight into what those sections and subsections will be about. The goal of headings and subheadings is to make entire documents pre-readable and able to be skimmed. You may divide the Body section into as many subsections as you need to provide all the details you’d like for the event you are hosting for your department.

Remember that your document should appeal to both Jeannie McDuff and Teddy Trotter since Advisers usually have a lot of input to give Primary Decision Makers when it comes to determining if something should or should not be done.

Your Abstract should tell your reader what your event will be and why The Springfield Entertainment Hall is a good place to host your event.

Your Body is the section of your memo where all of the details about your event will be divided into subsections and written. Remember, the body should contain content related to the business subsection of your event – like what is going to be taking place at the event that will make the investors want to give money, the social subsection of your event –  maybe there is a live band performing, maybe there will be fire-dancers, maybe an open bar, etc, and anything else you might like to add. There should also be a cost subsection, for example, considering Jeannie and Teddy are both accountants . Either way, a successful event should be a combination of both business and social activities that take place.

You should handle the tone of your email in a tactful way since you don’t want to be heavy-handed and bring up the embarrassing events of the past in regards to the Christmas party that took place at the Yacht Club. While you can, if you need to, make it known that the YC is not necessarily the best place to host your event, remember that the focus of the persuasive memo is to capitalize on selling the Springfield Entertainment Hall as being the best place to host your event. You can accomplish “selling” the Springfield Entertainment hall in any way you determine would be an opportunity that M-Global would not want to pass up.

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Sociology homework help


Population at Risk

  • What is the name of the agency and the location? Operation Safehouse -Riverside and Desert area
  • Make sure to provide a link in the references. https://operationsafehouse.org/
  • Describe the population served by the agency. What are the demographics in terms of age, race, sexual orientation, criminal history, socioeconomic status, religion -if relevant, health issues, etc.?
  • What are the specific needs, issues and vulnerabilities of this population?
  • Using information from at least FOUR sources (agency website, research articles, newspapers), write 2-3 paragraphs providing statistics and more detailed information about the population in general (not just who the agency serves) and the challenges.

Agency Overview

  • In your own words, briefly state what is the history and mission of the agency?
  • What are the main services provided?

Worker Interview

  • What is the full name and title of the worker you interviewed? How long has he/she been with the agency?
  • Describe your interview and the information you learned. DO NOT WRITE IN A Q&A FORMAT. Write this up in paragraphs-essay style. See tips below for how to prepare for the interview.
  • What other observations did you have about the worker?


  • What are three important takeaways you learned from visiting the agency and meeting with a worker?
  • What was the most surprising aspect of the work or population you wrote about?
  • Connect the agency to information you learned in the text. Does it line up with what you read or is it different? Explain how so.
  • How has this assignment impacted you?
  • Provide one way you can use this information in your personal or professional life.

Agency operation Safehouse https://operationsafehouse.org/

Staff Interviewed Latina Connors -see attached word document

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>Law homework help

 The research paper shall be a minimum of 8 pages and must follow current APA guidelines. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, or reference section. It must include 10–15 sources with at least 1 source being the Holy Bible and no more than two (2) books.  The student should have a specific section in the paper dedicated to a synthesis of Christian Worldview and their topic.

You will develop a well-reasoned discussion of the issues associated with that topic and your suggestions and recommendations for appropriate interventions, policy changes, etc. as well as biblical support for your suggestions and recommendations. Include an introduction that describes the purpose of the paper, the context of the discussion, and the central issues; also, address the central issues and use headings to clearly delineate your points. Your paper needs to include the integration of sources to support your points and demonstrate your thinking through the complexities of the issues in discussion of the central issues and your recommendations. Your paper should have a substantive conclusion that summarizes your key points.

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>Education homework help


In this assignment, complete the Parent Education Part 1 Template-ATTACHED with the following information written in paragraph form:

Describe yourself as a professional in the professional field for which this parent education project is designed.
Describe the purpose of the project.
Parenting Changes
Discuss how parenting is changing referring to your work in the Week 1 How Parenting Has Changed discussion forum.
Describe the benefits of parent education using your annotated summary from your Week 1 Writing an Annotation assignment.
At least one in-text citation is required in this section.
Parenting Styles
Define each of the four styles of parenting.
Highlight two to three characteristics for each parenting style.
At least one in in-text citation required in this section.
Impact of Parenting on Child Outcomes
Summarize how parenting styles can impact child and adolescent outcomes using research from your Week 2 Annotated Bibliography assignment.
At least one in in-text citation required in this section.
Describe temperament
Describe why temperament is important to the parent-child relationship.
At least one in in-text citation required in this section.
Goodness of Fit
Describe goodness of fit.
Provide an example of what goodness of fit looks like in action.
The Parent Education Project Part 1,

Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages and formatted according to APA Style (Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word