>Article writing homework help

Below is a link to a couple of videos which will make for one (1) Concert Attendance requirement. You can click on the link below or copy it and paste it in your browser.

https://www.dw.com/en/teodor-currentzis-the-classical-rebel/a-36248767 (Links to an external site.)

In these two videos, I want to present to you one of my most favorite and passionate conductors: Teodor Currentzis.

You will get an inside look into the mind of this conductor and how music within the orchestra is envisioned by him. Certainly, Teodor is a very eccentric and a truly unique individual, but I want you to understand how he is able to shape the artistic and architectural value of a piece by a having a precise vision on how to perform it. This is not a concert and indeed there is not much music in these two videos but you should see a great amount of preparation both musically and philosophically.

Your task is to comment on how your perception of music changed after you have watched both videos. The second video starts with a summary of the first one and on the 3:52 minute mark begins the second part.

Your report should include not less than 350-400 words and should reflect your new understanding of this vibrant and fresh interpretation of classical music. You are invited to view other videos in which Currentzis conducts full works of music to complement your report. This should be a discovery report and it would be lovely if you could reach a deeper meaning of music through the presentation of this video. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this project. Once you finish Concert Attendance 1, then proceed to the next video-project (Second Concert Attendance ) which I hope you will enjoy as much as this one. I would love for you to indulge in watching these videos.


Information Systems homework help


This data project will address Course Outcomes 1 and 3:

  • interpret quantitative information to determine effects of human activity on the environment and to evaluate environmentally sustainable decisions
  • effectively communicate and use scientific evidence regarding human impact on the environment with emphasize on sustainability and global citizenship


This data project will be composed of two parts.

In Part I of your report, you will compile class data from the Week 1 Eco Moment on our Ecological Footprints (found in the “Shared Data” Discussion under Ecological Footprint Data) and summarize/analyze it with Excel (or similar spreadsheet program).  Discuss what trend(s) you see in the class data that relate to course concepts.  Think about the best way to present your findings–tabular or graphical form?  There is no “right answer” here, as long as you pick a format that highlights your main findings and support your table(s) and/or graph(s) with clear text that interpret the results.  Do any of the findings surprise you?  Why or why not?

In Part II, you will research and discuss possible solutions to the environmental problems reflected in the class data. Here, you will want to support your argument with reliable, scientific resources (e.g., peer-reviewed scientific papers, white papers, and government websites). Be sure to end with a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes the main data trend(s), along with the merits and relevance of your chosen solution(s).


The page limit for your written report for both Part I and Part II is 2 pages, plus 1 page for the data table/graph(s) you use to present your findings in Part I. The page limit does not include an optional title page, the reference list, and the appendix with the raw class data. The report should be double-spaced with one-inch margins all around and use a 12-pt font.

Here is the order in which to present the various project components:

  1. Part I = describe the class data we collected, include the methodology, relevant web tool (if applicable), the mean and sample size for each result, table/graph(s) that depict the main findings and/or trends; interpret the table/graph(s) for the reader
  2. Part II = summarize research on possible solutions; be sure to incorporate reliable in-text citations and focus on relevant, attainable solutions
  3. Reference List
  4. Appendix of Raw Data = screenshot or copy in the Excel table showing all the class data (no analysis or mean)

>Criminal homework help





“Law and Order”Running Time – 81 minsYear – 1969

A feature documentary about the wide range of work the police are asked to perform: enforcing the law, maintaining order, and providing general social services. The incidents shown illustrate how training, community expectations, socioeconomic status of the subject, the threat of violence, and discretion affect police behavior.

Revisit this video, specifically comparing any one of the events in the film content to police culture and police perceptions – Identify the police event and behavior (1 points) – Summarize the depicted event in your words (what happened?) (2 points) – Identify why you think the behavior was a result of police cultural influence – training, perception, fear, peer pressure, etc. (2 points) – Compare and contrast event you selected in the film to any recent contemporary police event of behavioral significance in the United States (Ferguson, MO, Philadelphia, PA, or any other high profile police event). Identify the event and why you think it relates to a similar cultural basis (3 points).

Make sure you have no grammar, spelling, or typo errors in the document (1 point) and cite the source where you obtained your information on your compared event event (1 point).

Submit the document as an upload in either a Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat file. You can also, “paste” the document as a text entry.

This assignment is due (submitted online) prior to Sunday, February 28th at 1030 PM. Failing to submit an assignment will result in the loss of the assignments points plus an additional two letter grades (20 points in addition to the value of the assignment). Late submissions will result in an automatic 50% reduction in the score.

>Nursing homework help

Assignment Content

  1. Select a health care setting you want to focus on for your sustainability initiative (e.g., local hospital, veterans hospital, ambulance service, urgent care, nursing home, etc.).

    Analyze the setting you have selected and break it down to the main departments, employee roles, operating activities, etc. While doing so, brainstorm opportunities to reduce costs or eliminate waste while improving patient care or outcomes.

    Review the list of sustainable initiatives from the list below, and select one that you want to promote for your course project:

    • Energy efficiency
    • Lighting
    • IR scanning
    • Cogeneration
    • Kanban Inventory
    • Device exchange
    • CR pack reformation
    • Device reprocessing
    • Red bag waste reduction
    • Blue wrap recycling
    • Note: Ensure that the opportunity you select correlates with the setting you select. Additionally, if you want to complete a sustainable initiative that is not on the list, obtain approval from your instructor before completing the assignment.

      Identify data sources you might need to collect and analyze for your initiative. Consider contacting people in the industry and at your organization who may be able to help.

      Write a 525- to 700-word proposal of the sustainability initiative you want to promote at the health care setting you selected. Your proposal should:

    • Create a clear vision or mission statement that defines the scope of the initiative and would generate buy-in.
    • Define what outcomes you expect to achieve over time.
    • Be specific with what you can realistically deliver.
    • Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

      Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

>Nursing homework help

When Dan (now 80) and Jane (now 65) began dating more than 15 years ago, both were emotionally charged to begin their lives anew. Well-educated and financially secure, they had a lot in common. Dan was a protestant minister, and Jane’s deceased husband had been a protestant minister. Both had lost their spouses. Jane’s first husband had suffered a catastrophic cerebral aneurysm 2 years earlier. Dan had conducted the funeral service for Jane’s husband. Dan’s wife had died of terminal cancer a little over a year earlier. Dan’s first wife had been a school counselor; Jane was a school teacher. Both had children in college. They shared a love for travel. Dan was retired but continued part-time employment, and Jane planned to continue teaching to qualify for retirement. Both were in great health and had more than adequate health benefits. Within the year they were married. Summer vacations were spent snorkeling in Hawaii, mountain climbing in national parks, and boating with family. After 7 years, Dan experienced major health problems: a quadruple cardiac bypass surgery, followed by surgery for pancreatic cancer. Jane’s plans to continue working were dropped so she could assist Dan to recover and then continue to travel with him and enjoy their remaining time together. Dan did recover—only to begin to exhibit the early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. One of the early signs appeared the previous Christmas as they were hanging outdoor lights. To Jane’s dismay, she noted that Dan could not follow the sequential directions she gave him. As time passed, other signs appeared, such as some memory loss and confusion, frequent repeating of favorite phrases, sudden outbursts of anger, and decreased social involvement. Assessments resulted in the diagnosis of early Alzheimer’s disease. Dan was prescribed Aricept, and Jane began to prepare herself to face this new stage of their married life. She read literature about Alzheimer’s disease avidly and organized their home for physical and psychological safety. A kitchen blackboard displayed phone numbers and the daily schedule. Car keys were appropriately stowed. It was noted that she began to savor her time with Dan. Just sitting together with him on the sofa brought gentle expressions to her face. They continued to attend church services and functions but stopped their regular swims at their exercise facility when Dan left the dressing room naked one day. Within the year, Jane’s retired sister and brother-in-law relocated to a home a short walk from Jane’s. Their intent was to be on call to assist Jane in caring for Dan. Dan and Jane’s children did not live nearby so could only assist occasionally. As Dan’s symptoms intensified, a neighbor friend, Helen, began to relieve Jane for a few hours each week. At this time, Jane is still the primary dependent-care agent. She prides herself in mastering a dual shower; she showers Dan in his shower chair first, and then, while she showers, he sits on the nearby toilet seat drying himself. Her girlfriends suggested that this was material for an entertaining home video! Although Jane is cautious in her care for Dan, she often drives a short distance to her neighborhood tennis court for brief games with friends or spends time tending the lovely gardens she and Dan planted. During these times, she locks the house doors and leaves Dan seated in front of the television with a glass of juice. She watches the time and returns home midway through the hour to check on Dan. On one occasion when she forgot to lock the door while she was gardening, Dan made his way to the street, lost his balance, reclined face-first in the flower bed, and was discovered by a neighbor. Jane has given up evenings out and increased her favorite pastime of reading. Her days are filled with assisting Dan in all of his activities of daily living. And, often, her sleep is interrupted by Dan’s wandering throughout their home. At times, when the phone rings, Dan answers and tells callers Jane is not there. Jane, only in the next room, informs him “Dan, I am Jane.” Friends are saddened by Dan’s decline and concerned with the burdens and limitations Jane has assumed as a result of Dan’s dependency.

Critical thinking activities
1. Examine this case study through the dependency cycle model (Fig. 14.3). The outer arrows show a progression through varying stages of dependency. The inner circle represents who can be involved in the dependency cycle. Where are Jane and Dan in this cycle?

2. Using the basic dependent-care system model (Fig. 14.4), assess Dan and Jane. Identify the basic conditioning factors (BCFs) for each. What is the effect of Dan’s BCFs on his self-care agency? Is he able to meet his therapeutic self-care demands? Continue on to diagnose Dan’s self-care deficit and resulting dependent-care deficit. Now assess Jane’s self-care system.

3. Design a nursing system that addresses Jane’s self-care system as she increases her role as dependent-care agent for Dan.



>English homework help

Course: ENG201 – The Power of Persuasion
Assignment 1: Laying the Foundations for Making a Case
Due: Week 3
Points: 100

Skill(s) Being Assessed: Problem Solving (Information Literacy)

Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:

  • Define a topic for a persuasive proposal and explain the importance of the topic to you within the context of the scenario and your own life/career.
  • Describe the potential audience for a persuasive proposal and the importance of the topic to the audience within the context of the scenario.
  • Identify five credible sources, including one opposing source, relevant to your chosen topic.
  • Summarize each source utilizing the who, what, where, when, and why approach.
  • Analyze each source to determine evidence that may help you support potential persuasive arguments for your chosen topic.
  • Explain how the chosen sources and your planned use of them reflects an ethical approach to information literacy.
  • Produce writing that is clear, well-organized, and applies appropriate SWS style. Writing contains accurate grammar, mechanics, and spelling.

What to Submit / Deliverables: A completed Assignment 1 Template (downloaded from the Webtext), and completed as a Word doc.

What is the value of doing this assignment? In your personal, academic, and professional life, you will encounter countless situations where you will need to convince family members, friends, coworkers, committees, and other audiences to adopt new policies, consider different processes and perspectives, or make changes that will impact others. Being able to convince others will allow you to have a voice in your own life and impact the lives of others. In order to do this, you will need to develop strategies for persuasion. You will be more convincing if you are able to provide credible evidence to support your point. Having valid and credible evidence to support our arguments plays a large role in how persuasive you are, how others receive your information, and the credibility you can build for yourself.

In this assignment, you will also have the opportunity to practice your problem solving skill by locating and analyzing sources for validity and credibility. You will analyze how information is used to persuade audiences to adopt or change perspectives and also examine ethical considerations. You will then build upon the information you have gathered and analyzed to plan and write a persuasive proposal in Assignments 2 and 3. Additionally, the information literacy strategies you are practicing can be applied to any source you encounter in the course of your daily life. By understanding how to identify what a source is really saying, you can search for the subtle ways in which it is trying to persuade you. Also, when you understand how to tease out the true meaning of a source, you can better equip yourself to determine if it will be of use to you as you communicate with and attempt to persuade others.

Further, you will continue to develop your innovation skill by brainstorming and considering different solutions for your proposal. You will have the opportunity to select a topic that has some meaning for you and clearly articulate your goal in putting together a persuasive proposal. Having clarity around the topic and goal of your persuasive communications can help you better identify evidence to support your argument. When you are transparent and ethical about your proposal and provide valid evidence, you will have a better chance of making a real impact in the world.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Build your problem solving skill by locating credible and valid sources of evidence and analyzing how those sources can be used to support a persuasive argument in an ethical manner. This assignment will help you define the topic and initial sources of evidence that you will use in Assignments 2 and 3.

Steps to complete: In Week 3, submit your assignment in BlackBoard by following these steps:

STEP 1: Review the scenarios below, which you were introduced to in Week 1. If you have not already, choose the scenario you will use as the basis of your assignment. Then, review Assignment 1 in the Webtext.

If you are wondering which scenario would be best to choose, think about concerns, issues, or projects that you are passionate about in your own life and career. For example, if you keep coming back to how the empty lot on your block would make a great community garden space, you may want to consider choosing Scenario 1. If your workplace is experiencing a delay in receiving supplies, and you want to explore a solution to this problem, you may want to consider choosing Scenario 2.

Scenario 1: You are trying to convince a community group or municipal committee to provide funding for a particular event or initiative to benefit the area (you may also take the stance of asking for a particular policy to be changed). How will you persuade the committee to change their minds?

The problem is a rise in adolescence gun violence/deaths in my city


Why is this problem important to you?
This problem is very imperative to me personally for the reason that I see how adolescences are being buried or in incarcerated more than the older generation in my community, and I want to help avert it from rising /Spreading further thought-out our youth. Police department or the justice system aren’t doing anything to help cease the violence they just set back and do nothing. Most of these youth feel alone due to parent abandonment, lack of direction, drugs so they are turning to the streets for comfort and there is no one to guide them. The neighborhood is concerned so bad they don’t even want to allow their children outside to be social.

Example Topics for Community Proposals

  • Converting existing space into a new park, garden, playground, or community center.
  • Funding for a celebratory cultural diversity event.
  • New recycling/conservation program.
  • Fundraising event for a particular program/cause you support.
  • Preserving a cultural monument or artifact.
  • Instituting/removing a community curfew.
  • Transportation options (e.g., bike lanes, bike sharing, other options to reduce traffic).

Nursing homework help

Read the “Darling – Health Care’s Benchmark Case,” located in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Write a 500-750 word essay that addresses the following:

  1. Describe two legal issues presented in this case.
  2. Describe how the hospital failed in its ethical duty to the patient.
  3. Describe the role and importance of the credentialing and privileging process.
  4. Discuss the application of the credentialing and privileging process to this scenario.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance

Accounting homework help

Week 8 Assignment – Ethical Decisions in Accounting


Paige Carter is the controller for a public organization in Nashville, TN. She has just completed a meeting with the organization’s CFO, Tommy Rich. Tommy Rich tried to convince Paige to classify some inventory items as fixed assets in an attempt to depreciate more assets for the upcoming accounting reporting period. Tommy Rich’s proposal would depreciate more assets by misclassifying inventory as fixed assets in an attempt to reduce net income. Paige knows it is her responsibility to ensure that all items on the organization financial statements are recorded properly as required by the FASB and the AICPA Professional Code of Conduct. She has a great deal of pressure to reduce net income to reduce corporate income taxes and qualify for a company bonus. She does not want to disappoint the CFO, and her job may be at stake.

  • What would you do in this case? Why?
  • What is Paige’s obligation to the organization, AICPA professional rules of conduct and reporting requirements?
  • Discuss the differences between inventory and fixed assets. Are the characteristics the same? Why or why not?
  • What would motivate you to speak up? What would cause you to stay silent? Would it make a difference if this was only a one-time request from the CFO?


Prepare an 8–9 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

Slide 1: Include the title “Paige Carter and the CFO,” the date, course name and number, date of submission, and your professor’s name.

Slide 2: Summarize the scenario for the CFO.

Slide 3: Outline the advantages of accurate reporting and why inventory should or should not be classified as a fixed asset.

Slide 4: Outline the disadvantages of accurate reporting and why inventory should or should not be classified as a fixed asset.

Slide 5: List the major differences between inventory and fixed assets.

Slide 6: Show the primary ways in which both classifications would affect the future of the business (why should we classify inventory and fixed assets in the same account or separate accounts?).

Slide 7: Recommend which option they should pursue. Justify your reporting decision.

Slide 8: Sources – Use two sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

>Government homework help

Data Project 1

Due date: by 11:59 PM ET at the end of Week 2.

For this project, you will use the class data posted in the “Shared Data” Discussion containing the Week 1 Ecological Footprint Data Tables.

This data project will address Course Outcomes 1 and 3:

  • interpret quantitative information to determine effects of human activity on the environment and to evaluate environmentally sustainable decisions
  • effectively communicate and use scientific evidence regarding human impact on the environment with emphasize on sustainability and global citizenship


This data project will be composed of two parts.

In Part I of your report, you will compile class data from the Week 1 Eco Moment on our Ecological Footprints (found in the “Shared Data” Discussion under Ecological Footprint Data) and summarize/analyze it with Excel (or similar spreadsheet program).  Discuss what trend(s) you see in the class data that relate to course concepts.  Think about the best way to present your findings–tabular or graphical form?  There is no “right answer” here, as long as you pick a format that highlights your main findings and support your table(s) and/or graph(s) with clear text that interpret the results.  Do any of the findings surprise you?  Why or why not?

In Part II, you will research and discuss possible solutions to the environmental problems reflected in the class data. Here, you will want to support your argument with reliable, scientific resources (e.g., peer-reviewed scientific papers, white papers, and government websites). Be sure to end with a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes the main data trend(s), along with the merits and relevance of your chosen solution(s).


The page limit for your written report for both Part I and Part II is 2 pages, plus 1 page for the data table/graph(s) you use to present your findings in Part I. The page limit does not include an optional title page, the reference list, and the appendix with the raw class data. The report should be double-spaced with one-inch margins all around and use a 12-pt font.

Here is the order in which to present the various project components:

  1. Part I = describe the class data we collected, include the methodology, relevant web tool (if applicable), the mean and sample size for each result, table/graph(s) that depict the main findings and/or trends; interpret the table/graph(s) for the reader
  2. Part II = summarize research on possible solutions; be sure to incorporate reliable in-text citations and focus on relevant, attainable solutions
  3. Reference List
  4. Appendix of Raw Data = screenshot or copy in the Excel table showing all the class data (no analysis or mean)