>Nursing homework help

At its core, pathology is the study of disease. Diseases occur for many reasons. But some, such as cystic fibrosis and Parkinson’s Disease, occur because of alterations that prevent cells from functioning normally.

Understanding of signals and symptoms of alterations in cellular processes is a critical step in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases. For the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN), this understanding can also help educate patients and guide them through their treatment plans.

For this Discussion, you examine a case study and explain the disease that is suggested. You examine the symptoms reported and explain the cells that are involved and potential alterations and impacts.

To prepare:

  • By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned to a specific scenario for this Discussion. Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your assignment from your Instructor.
By Day 3 of Week 1

Post an explanation of the disease highlighted in the scenario you were provided. Include the following in your explanation:

  • The role genetics plays in the disease.
  • Why the patient is presenting with the specific symptoms described.
  • The physiologic response to the stimulus presented in the scenario and why you think this response occurred.
  • The cells that are involved in this process.
  • How another characteristic (e.g., gender, genetics) would change your response.Discussion: Alterations in Cellular Processes
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Nursing homework help

Overview: This journal assignment will provide you the opportunity to review the case study that corresponds with your final project. You will begin to identify key components of the case study. Journal assignments in this course are private between student and instructor.

Prompt: In this journal assignment, you will have the opportunity to reflect on the key components from the case study document found in the module readings. You will begin to consider the elements of the current system in relation to the facilitation of interoperability and security risks. After reading the case study and the article Privacy and Security Challenges in HIEs, respond to the following questions:

· What are the strengths of the current organization in regard to the implementation of a health information exchange?

· In this case, what are the risks and weaknesses of the implementation of a health information exchange system?

· What security considerations need to be made to ensure patient information is secure? What information should not be exchanged?

· Make recommendations on how patient information can be kept secure in a health information system.

HIM 350 Case Study

Article Privacy and Security Challenges in HIEs: http://bok.ahima.org/doc?oid=65085&amp%3Bamp%3B.WJiNgKMo6Ul#.YDxPQ2ipHIU


Guidelines for Submission: Submit journal assignment as a Word document.


>Marketing homework help

The purpose of this assignment is to conduct research related to how a specific company utilizes information related to place and promotion to create marketing plans that will meet business needs including their specified marketing objectives, to assess and make recommendations about the marketing strategies that have been employed based upon the consumer and market research, and to communicate these findings to organizational stakeholders.


Review the following topic materials.

Topic 6: “Types of Distribution Channels”

Topic 7: “Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Public Relations” and “Planning a Promotional Campaign”

Part 1:

Continuing in the role of a marketing professional who has been tasked with completing a marketing plan for a client, refer back to the research you completed in the Topic 2 Part 1: Research and the Topic 5 Part 2: Product or Service and Price assignments. Conduct additional research related to place and promotion and use it to complete the “Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 3 – Research Template.”

Part 2:

Add to the PowerPoint presentation you created in the Topic 5 assignment by creating five to eight additional slides that summarize your marketing plan analysis based on the research you have conducted about place and promotion. Slides should address each of the key areas listed below and should include speaker notes that explain how the company could have used what it learned about consumer behavior, product or service, and pricing to help it develop a marketing plan in order to meet the company’s marketing objectives and business needs. When creating the presentation, provide links to specific YouTube and social media site examples that illustrate the current company messaging and promotional techniques. The final presentation should provide a comprehensive look at how the brand promotes their products to customers.

Based upon what you learned from your research and strategy assessment, recommend a strategy the company could employ to increase profits and sales to the target market. Include two or three final slides that summarize and justify your strategy recommendation. For the presentation of your PowerPoint, use Loom to create a video. Include an additional slide for the Loom link at the beginning of the presentation, and an additional slide for references at the end of the presentation.


  1. Describe distribution channels (direct, manufacturer to consumer, indirect, wholesalers/retailers, multichannels).
  2. Discuss possible channel conflicts.


  1. What forms of advertising and promotion does the company use?
  2. What forms of media does the company use? Describe the media mix.
  3. Illustrate the messages the company currently uses.

Strategy Recommendation:

  1. Based upon your research findings for the marketing mix, recommend a strategy that you believe will increase profits and sales to the target market.
  2. Cite your specific research findings to justify your strategy assessment and recommendations.

Part 3:

Part of being a successful marketer is being able to develop marketing strategies based on consumer and market research and then communicate those ideas to stakeholders. Imagine that you have been asked to present your research findings and recommendation to your peers. Practice presenting the PowerPoint presentation you have created. Using Loom, record yourself giving the presentation. There is a 10-minute time limit for sharing your presentation. Your Loom presentation will be graded on the following elements.

  1. Professional physical appearance, including business casual attire.
  2. Eye contract with audience (not reading slides or speaker notes) and clear articulation.
  3. Evidence of practice (not reading slides or speaker notes, but using them as a guide to explain presentation content).
  4. Adherence to 10-minute time limit.

General Requirements:

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

Refer to the resource, “Loom,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on recording your presentation.

Submit the “Marketing Plan Analysis and Presentation: Part 3 – Research Template” and the PowerPoint presentation that includes speaker notes and an introductory slide that includes a link to your Loom video.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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>Management homework help

After completing your assessment and proposing your plan, your CEO wants to know how supply chain management can be used within your firm for the various high-profile projects that will be undertaken over the next two years.

Write a 4–6 page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Discuss at least three best practices from supply chain management that project managers should use when managing high-profile projects.
  2. Discuss at least three key challenges that supply chain management poses to project managers who are managing high-profile projects.
  3. Discuss how PMBOK can help project managers to properly acquire the necessary resources to manage high-profile projects.
  4. Go to https://research.strayer.edu to locate at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS (Strayer Writing Standards). Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment is as follows:

  • Assess supply chain management challenges, best practices, and resourcing strategies that affect project implementation.

Nursing homework help

The Impact of Chronic Illness

In a Microsoft Word document of 4-5 pages formatted in APA style, describe the information collected about a person with a chronic illness. Please note that the title and reference pages should not be included in the total page count of your paper.

Identify one person from the illness group you chose in Week 1 to interview. The person should not be a patient at the facility in which you work. You can use friends, family members, or coworkers. Do not use the person’s name in the paper, only initials.

Administer the questionnaire you created in Week 1 to that person and address the following:

  • Compile the data and analyze the responses to better illustrate where this person, his or her family, and friends are in relation to accepting the diagnosis in relation to the standard health or illness definitions.
    • The analysis should also include coping skills, treatment, and support aspects of the illness.
  • Explain how this information will direct care plan development for the chosen illness group.
  • Include a copy of the interview you created with the responses from the person interviewed in an Appendix.

Support your responses with examples and information from library resources, textbook and lectures.

On a separate references page, cite all sources using APA format. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.

• APA Citation Helper
• APA Citations Quick Sheet
• APA-Style Formatting Guidelines for a Written Essay
• Basic Essay Template

>Information Systems homework help

Data Project 2

Due date: by 11:59 PM ET at the end of Week 4.

For this project, you will use the class data posted in the “Shared Data” Discussion containing the Week 3 Carbon Footprint Data Tables. 

This data project will address Course Outcomes 1 and 3:

  • interpret quantitative information to determine effects of human activity on the environment and to evaluate environmentally sustainable decisions
  • effectively communicate and use scientific evidence regarding human impact on the environment with emphasize on sustainability and global citizenship


This data project will be composed of two parts.  In Part I of your report, you will compile class data from the Week 3 Eco Moment on our Carbon Footprints (found in the “Shared Data” Discussion, under Carbon Footprint Data) and summarize/analyze it with Excel (or similar spreadsheet program).  Discuss what trend(s) you see in the class data that relate to course concepts.  Think about the best way to present your findings–tabular or graphical form?  There is no “right answer” here, as long as you pick a format that highlights your main findings and support your table(s) and/or graph(s) with clear text that interpret the results.  Do any of the findings surprise you?  Why or why not?

In Part II, you will research and discuss possible solutions to the environmental problems reflected in the class data. Here, you will want to support your argument with reliable, scientific resources (e.g., peer-reviewed scientific papers, white papers, and government websites). Be sure to end with a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes the main data trend(s), along with the merits and relevance of your chosen solution(s).


The page limit for your written report for both Part I and Part II is 2 pages, plus 1 page for the data table/graph(s) you use to present your findings in Part I.  The page limit does not include an optional title page, the reference list, and the appendix with the raw class data. The report should be double-spaced with one-inch margins all around and use a 12-pt font.

Here is the order in which to present the various project components:

  1. Part I = describe the class data we collected, include the methodology, relevant web tool (if applicable), the mean and sample size for each result, table/graph(s) that depict the main findings and/or trends; interpret the table/graph(s) for the reader
  2. Part II = summarize research on possible solutions; be sure to incorporate reliable in-text citations and focus on relevant, attainable solutions
  3. Reference List
  4. Appendix of Raw Data = screenshot or copy in the Excel table showing all the class data (no analysis or mean)

Applied Sciences homework help

1. Biolological warfare has been used for hundreds of years. The Mongolians utilized the Black Death during the dark ages for war. Some known biological warfare today can be associated with, but not limited to Anthrax, Botulism, Plague, Smallpox, Tularemia, and Viral hemorrhagic fevers. These toxins are usually associated with bacteria, viruses, fungi, as well as other biological toxins and is considered Cat. A agents. Using Biological Warfare, the designed purpose or effect is to disrupt, incapacitate, or cause lethality for a certain mission set falling under for strategic advancement. Other toxins that could be used or utilized for biological warfare is Lime Disease, Ebola Virus, and even COVID-19.

2. Briefly define the following airborne materials, and provide two examples of how each is generated:

gases, and
Please provide your response in sentence/paragraph form rather than as bullets. Your response must be at least 200 words in length.


>Human Resource Management homework help

I’m doing a Health Care Marketing Business Plan Project. The 1st step to this plan was the Health Care Organization Selection which is already completed.

I had to select a Not-for-profit or For-profit Health Care Organization for this Business Plan. The chosen health care organization will either market a new product or service to a specific target market.

United Health Group Incorporated is the healthcare organization I selected to use for my project. It is an American profit-making healthcare organization situated in Minnetonka, Minnesota. I’ve chosen to market Dialysis Centers. (I will attach this assignment, so you’ll have the information needed to revise, and finish the 5 phases for this project).

This plan will include 5 phases which will be broken up. The phases are:

Phase 1: Executive Summary

Phase 2: Company Profile & Industry Overview

Phase 3: Service Overview, Competitive Analysis, Marketing Mix

Phase 4: Service Delivery Plan and Human Resources Plan

Phase 5: Financial Statement and Balance Sheets

However, I had a previous tutor working on this project, but wasn’t doing what was expected. I will only need you to revise the first 4 phases, complete phase 5, and the final Health Care Marketing Plan.

For now, you will only be revising phase 1, which is the Executive Summary. (I’ll also attached this phase that the previous tutor completed that you’ll have to ONLY revise).

Phase I: Executive Summary

• a summary of the planning issue, which includes a new product, new service opportunity, or process improvement issue.

• A future –oriented, two-page document demonstrating knowledge of the issue and provides the prospective value

• What to include in the Executive Summary:

An introduction to your business plan which involves a discussion of the new service opportunity, cost saving measure, or process improvement.
Marketing Highlights:
a. Make a list of the distinctive features by answering these questions:

What is the real value regardless of the type of project?
What will the product/service save the organization in dollars? (estimated guess, doesn’t have to be accurate)
Ex: What savings or profits will it generate by improving efficiency? Or what saving or profits will it generate by developing a new service? Or what will it bring by bringing in paying patients or no-show patients?

3. Targeting Market Summary: Answer the following questions:

Who is your target market?
Who benefits from this plan?
Is the market internal, external, or both?
4. Competitive Analysis (if a new service opportunity):

Who else is doing it?
Provide a competitive analysis.
5. Key Marketing Strategies – Refer to Chapter 2

What key marketing strategies will you use?
How will you get compliance of patients, staff, the board, or referral services?
6. Operational Highlights

Are there any critical legal or regulatory constraints? -Refer to Chapter 3
7. Intermediary Concerns or Issues

Are there any noteworthy issues with referrals or other entities?

Executive Summary (2 pages)

• Marketing Highlights

• Targeting Market Summary

• Competitive Analysis

• Key Marketing Strategies

• Operational Highlights

• Intermediary Concerns


APA Format

Use of References





Psychology homework help

For this assignment, you will submit additional components of your treatment plan based on the case study you selected. You can view the case studies in the Case Study Treatment Plan multimedia piece, available in the Resources. Complete the following components of the Case Study Treatment Plan Template:

  • Treatment plan literature review.
  • Goals and interventions.
  • Communication with other professionals.
  • Medications.
  • Legal, ethical, and other considerations.
  • References.

The sections of your treatment plan for this assignment should be 4–6 pages in length and include a minimum of four references from the current professional literature in counseling. Be sure to cite your references in current APA format.

Please continue to use the Case Study Treatment Plan Template to organize your work. Each section of the template includes a description of the type of information you need to include.

In the template for this assignment, also include the treatment plan components you wrote for the Unit 5 assignment so your instructor can refer to the previous information you provided about this client’s case when reviewing the components you have added for this assignment. When your template is complete, save it as a Word document with your name and submit it to the assignment area.

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