Information Systems homework help

Data Project 3

Due date: by 11:59 PM ET at the end of Week 6.

For this project, you will use the class data posted in the “Shared Data” Discussion containing the Week 5 Water Footprint Data Tables.

This data project will address Course Outcomes 1 and 3:

  • interpret quantitative information to determine effects of human activity on the environment and to evaluate environmentally sustainable decisions
  • effectively communicate and use scientific evidence regarding human impact on the environment with emphasize on sustainability and global citizenship


This data project will be composed of two parts.

In Part I of your report, you will compile class data from the Week 5 Eco Moment on your water usage (found in the “Shared Data” Discussion, under Water Calculator Data) and summarize/analyze it with Excel (or similar spreadsheet program).  Discuss what trend(s) you see in the class data that relate to course concepts.  Think about the best way to present your findings–tabular or graphical form?  There is no “right answer” here, as long as you pick a format that highlights your main findings and support your table(s) and/or graph(s) with clear text that interpret the results.  Do any of the findings surprise you?  Why or why not?

In Part II, you will research and discuss possible solutions to the environmental problems reflected in the class data. Here, you will want to support your argument with reliable, scientific resources (e.g., peer-reviewed scientific papers, white papers, and government websites). Be sure to end with a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes the main data trend(s), along with the merits and relevance of your chosen solution(s).


The page limit for your written report for both Part I and Part II is 2 pages, plus 1 page for the data table/graph(s) you use to present your findings in Part I. The page limit does not include an optional title page, the reference list, and the appendix with the raw class data. The report should be double-spaced with one-inch margins all around and use a 12-pt font.

Here is the order in which to present the various project components:

  1. Part I = describe the class data we collected, include the methodology, relevant web tool (if applicable), the mean and sample size for each result, table/graph(s) that depict the main findings and/or trends; interpret the table/graph(s) for the reader
  2. Part II = summarize research on possible solutions; be sure to incorporate reliable in-text citations and focus on relevant, attainable solutions
  3. Reference List
  4. Appendix of Raw Data = screenshot or copy in the Excel table showing all the class data (no analysis or mean)

Management homework help

Using a Web browser, perform some research on a newer malware variant that has been reported by a major malware containment vendor. Using a search engine, go to the vendor’s Web site; this could be Symantec, McAfee, or any of their competitors. Visit one malware prevention software vendor. Search for the newest malware variants and pick one. Note its name and try to understand how it works. Now look for information about that same malware from at least one other vendor. Were you able to see this malware at both vendors? If so, are there any differences in how they are reported between the two vendors? 2. Log management and log analysis are techniques used to collect and

>Social Science homework help

SOCW 6311 wk 1 Discussion 1: Characteristics, Challenges, and Opportunities of Evidence-Based Design

Consider the following quotation: “Often times, potential users of research knowledge are unconnected to those who do the research, and consequently a huge gap ensues between research knowledge and practice behaviors” (Barwick, M., Boudell, K., Stasiulis, E., Ferguson, H., Blase, K., & Fixsen, D., 2005). Social workers must work to close the gap perceived by the authors of this quote.

In your previous research course, you addressed the concept of evidence-based practice. However, it is important not to fall into a habit of using the term “evidence-based practice” without a clear understanding of its meaning. In particular, it is important to understand what standards of evidence must exist to classify an intervention or a program as evidence based. In this assignment, you are to clarify your understanding of the nature of evidence-based practice and analyze the challenges and opportunities for implementing evidence-based practice in your current social work practice.

To prepare for this Discussion, read the Learning Resources that provide information about different aspects of the evidence-based practice concept. As you read, consider how evidence-based practice or evidence- based programs might be used in a social work agency where you work or where you had a practicum experience.

300 to 500 word discussion in cite references and 7th edition APA format and full references

Post a description of the distinguishing characteristics of evidenced-based practice.

Then provide an evaluation of factors that might support or impede your efforts in adopting evidence-based practice or evidence-based programs.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018) Evidence-based practices resources center.

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Children Welfare. (2018). Program registry. Retrieved from

National Association of Social workers.(n.D.). Evidence-based practice. Retrieved from


>Social Science homework help

SOCW 6311 wk 1 Discussion 1: Characteristics, Challenges, and Opportunities of Evidence-Based Design

Consider the following quotation: “Often times, potential users of research knowledge are unconnected to those who do the research, and consequently a huge gap ensues between research knowledge and practice behaviors” (Barwick, M., Boudell, K., Stasiulis, E., Ferguson, H., Blase, K., & Fixsen, D., 2005). Social workers must work to close the gap perceived by the authors of this quote.

In your previous research course, you addressed the concept of evidence-based practice. However, it is important not to fall into a habit of using the term “evidence-based practice” without a clear understanding of its meaning. In particular, it is important to understand what standards of evidence must exist to classify an intervention or a program as evidence based. In this assignment, you are to clarify your understanding of the nature of evidence-based practice and analyze the challenges and opportunities for implementing evidence-based practice in your current social work practice.

To prepare for this Discussion, read the Learning Resources that provide information about different aspects of the evidence-based practice concept. As you read, consider how evidence-based practice or evidence- based programs might be used in a social work agency where you work or where you had a practicum experience.

300 to 500 word discussion in cite references and 7th edition APA format and full references

Post a description of the distinguishing characteristics of evidenced-based practice.

Then provide an evaluation of factors that might support or impede your efforts in adopting evidence-based practice or evidence-based programs.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018) Evidence-based practices resources center.

The California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Children Welfare. (2018). Program registry. Retrieved from

National Association of Social workers.(n.D.). Evidence-based practice. Retrieved from

>Human Resource Management homework help

This Leadership Assignment will be done as a Power Point.

The leader I’ll be writing about for this assignment  is “Fidel Castro.”

You’ll be using the information from the textbook to write about this leader. You can also use google but please include a reference if you do so.

The information you’ll include is:

⦁   Early years of their life

⦁   How they became the type of people they grew into

⦁   Identify their leadership traits and explain how they exemplify these traits

⦁   What things are they most known for

⦁   How are they a charismatic leader

I will need:

⦁  Cover page

⦁   15 slides

⦁   References page APA


The Leadership Experience


Richard L. Daft

Cengage Learning

>English homework help

Week 8 – Eco Moment (Final Assessment – 200 pts)

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Final Assessment

Due date: by 11:59 PM ET at the end of Week 8.

The final assessment will address Course Outcomes 1 and 3:

  • interpret quantitative information to determine effects of human activity on the environment and to evaluate environmentally sustainable decisions
  • communicate effectively and use scientific evidence regarding human impact on the environment with emphasize on sustainability and global citizenship


The final assessment will be composed of three parts and should be 4-6 pages in length (excluding citations page):

INTRO: Using your three data projects, provide a comprehensive overview of your environmental footprint connecting the various calculator results you obtained over the course of the semester. Be sure to include new insights you gleaned while summarizing your results. (1-2 pp).

EXPLORE: Pick one of your behaviors/choices that has the most harmful impact on our environment and explain why you believe this behavior is the most harmful.  Explore possible solutions or counter-measures to correct/improve your focal behavior.  Be sure to review at least 2-3 alternatives in the literature (pick reliable resources!) (2 pp).

CONCLUSIONS:  Pick the best solution you EXPLORE above with an analysis of both the economic and ecological “savings” per year to be gained by the new behavior/choice (1-2 pp).  NOTE: pick measurable units for both savings categories, like dollars, pounds, gallons, etc.

>Operations Management homework help

Reflect on these quotes and think about your learning outcomes in this course. What did I learn this week? How will my behavior change? Are there new ideas I can use at work and in my relationships with significant others? How can I advance globalization? How will I promote social justice? What can I do to make this world a better place to live in for others?


— Luke 12:48

“Be kind—everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.”

“If you don ‘t understand yourself, I don ‘t know how you can lead.”
— Kelly Shimansky
    Human Resources Executive

“Trying to plan for the future without a sense of the past is like trying to plant cut flowers.”
— Daniel Boorstin (1914-2004)

“We ‘re told every day, “You can ‘t change the world.” But the world is changing every day. The only question is….who’s doing it? You or somebody else?”
— J. Michael Straczynski
    Screenwriter & television producer

“A positive thinker does not refuse to recognize the negative, he refuses to dwell on it. Positive thinking is a form of thought which habitually looks for the best results from the worst conditions.”
— Norman Vincent Peale (1898-1883)
    Cleric and Writer

“If you create an act, you create a habit. If you create a character, you create a destiny.”
— Andre Maurois (1885-1968)
    Novelist & Essayist

“I cannot know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know is that the truly happy among you
Will be those who have learned to serve.”
— Albert Schweitzer

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Human Resource Management homework help

  • Many social networking sites make the behavior of employees much more visible. Discuss 1–2 implications social networking sites have for government employees. Provide examples to justify your response.
  • Employees sometimes reveal information about their work on social networking sites. Recommend 2–3 policy steps an agency could adopt to help ensure incorrect, sensitive, or unauthorized information is not put on the sites by agency employees.

>Management homework help

 Case Study: “Cirque d’ Soliel”.  Re-read the Management in Action case “Managing by Clowning Around” (p.391 – 394) and, in a 2-3 page report, respond substantively to the case questions in You Make the Call

Case questions

1. What role do groups play at Cirque du Soleil?

2. How easy or different would it be for a traditional organization to adopt the team-based methods used at Cirque du Soleil?

3. If for some reason Cirque du Soleil decided to move away from team-based decision making what difficulties  mat they encounter?

4. How do organizations like Cirque du Soleil most likely manage conflict?

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