>Business & Finance homework help

Refer to the “Freeman-Brown Private School Case Study” document for details pertaining to this assignment.

The board of directors at Freeman-Brown Private School (FBPS) has hired you as part of a consulting team to review the situation and present your findings and recommendations. Write a paper (1,500-1750 words) that discusses the case. Complete this assignment from the perspective of the hired consultants. Respond to the following questions:

  1. Review how organizations interact with their external environment (as open systems and complex adaptive systems). How effective was Freeman-Brown as an open system at the time of the closure? How effective was Freeman-Brown as a complex adaptive system at the time of the closure?
  2. Review your reading this week on the internal environment of organizations. What is your evaluation of the organizational culture and organizational climate at the time the decision to close two campuses was made?
  3. What is your evaluation of the decision made by Dr. Murphy and Caudill? What is your evaluation of the process of going about the closure?
  4. Was FBPS demonstrating social responsibility? Discuss the closure impact on three specific stakeholders.
  5. Provide an explanation, using appropriate management theories, for how the administration could have handled the closure effectively with stakeholders? Include one theory from each of the following: the classical approach, the human relations approach, and the modern management approach.
  6. You have been asked to suggest two goals: one long-term and one short-term goal for the future direction of FBPS. Justify your decision.
  7. Present a concluding statement that integrates the 4 functions of management as a means to revamp management at FBPS and meets the recommended goals.

Use at least two academic resources as references for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

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>Psychology homework help

In the Unit 9 Assignment, you will be given five scenarios to review and analyze. Using the Unit 9 Assignment Template, respond to the following for each:

  1. Of the study methods discussed in class (single case, observational, survey, quasi-experimental, or single factor), which method would be ideal for the researcher to use? Why?
  2. Based on the study method you identified, briefly describe how the researcher could structure their study.
  3. What are strengths and limitations to the use of this study method?
  4. Each scenario has a possible bias/error associated with it. Based on the bias/error listed for this scenario, how could this affect the study results, and how could a researcher work around this?
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>Accounting homework help

Assignment Content

Top of Form

To prepare for the Week 2 Assessment, consider a past or current professional experience where a culture change was needed.

Using the Organizational Change Chartoutline information about the experience and organization following Kotter’s 8-Step to Change Model as a guiding line.

Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

o Step One: Create Urgency.

o Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition.

o Step Three: Create a Vision for Change.

o Step Four: Communicate the Vision.

o Step Five: Remove Obstacles.

o Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins.

o Step Seven: Build on the Change.

o Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.

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>Computer Science homework help

Assignment Description

Management is worried, after consulting with the IT department that the current documentation of the present architecture was not done correctly and with the required details, therefore if IoT is implemented they desire more detailed graphical documentation on its implementation. Provide the following components as part of an architecture model graphic to be delivered to management for the asset tracking system:

  1. Provide an introduction to the paper concerning the purpose of the graphic and the overall solution being recommended by the asset tracking IoT implementation (2-3 paragraphs).
  2. Provide descriptive information regarding the architectural model graphic, and the details describing the devices, applications, Cloud/Server environment and gateway. (2 pages)
  3. Provide the architectural graphic with the components below (Describe each of the objects on the diagram below, the interconnections or interfaces, types of data traveling across the connections, active protocols, cabling or wireless connections, and implemented security):
    1. Devices (Generic device – Sensing and Actuating Devices)
    2. IoT Application (transforms the data for value to the user)
    3. Cloud/Server (data storage, processing and management)
    4. Gateway capability (data is acquired, forwarded to the communications network)
  4. Provide a conclusion to the paper summarizing the content and purpose of the paper.

An example of the required level of detail for your graphic can be found at http://www.latogalabs.com/2017/05/iot-architecture-the-journey/.

>Operations Management homework help

Review Chapter 3 in the textbook, Managing Health Organizations for Quality and Performance (Fallon, Begun, & Riley, 2013) review attached in word document.

From the perspective of a health care administrator, identify, develop, and discuss strategic issues in planning a model by prioritizing issues facing a community when dealing with a natural disaster using the four MAPP assessments that align with the shared community mission.

Lastly, explain how you would promote collaborations among clinical professionals, explain methods that encourage physician leadership in patient care enhancement, and explain quality initiatives that reduce organizational risk and support patient safety.

Your paper must be 2-4 pages.  In addition to the text, utilize a minimum of two scholarly sources that were published within the last five years.

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English homework help

google “Letters to the Editor” 

-You will find links to letters people have written in to various newspapers such as New York Times, Kansas City Star, or other local newspapers.1) Look for two letters that are emotional and not especially well-argued such as a complaint about buses based on the writer’s one bad experience. 2) Rewrite the letters turning them into arguments using the elements (position, support, conclusion). 3) Explain why the subjective letter is a poor argument because it narrowly reflects the writer’s own experience and may not speak to the reader.

Further examples of subjective thinking:

This is information that is unique to one person’s experience( e.g. I
find airplane seating annoying, the traffic in my street is noisy, people are
rude and mannerless in public). Rewrite the letter to make it more
objective (e.g. the seats on United Airlines’ 747s do not permit a person over
6 feet in height to stretch their legs out straight, I counted 400 cars passing
my house in a five minute period which is certain to create traffic noise, on 3
occasions I have had people crowd in front of me in a line where I had been
standing for several minutes which I believe is inconsiderate and
disrespectful). Find extreme or funny examples if you can.

Accounting homework help

The following exercise introduces you to how an organization’s culture influences its ability to make desirable changes aligned to its mission, values, and strategies.

Complete the collaboration warm-up exercise, Assessing the Role of Collaboration in Facilitating Organizational Change. A transcript of this interactive exercise is also available.

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What do you think the role of collaboration is in assessing organizational culture?
  • How do you think collaboration can assist an organization to align its current organizational culture with one that will facilitate positive change?
  • What do you think the role of collaboration  is in initiating change?
  • What are some of the strategies  you could use to contribute to effective collaboration when initiating      change?
  • Describe a behavior you have expressed in the past that prevents effective collaboration. Explain how you could avoid repeating this behavior and identify a more effective one      to replace it with.
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Information Systems homework help

  • Week 8 Assignment – Lab Documentation – Configure IP Addresses
    “Hit by a Bus”
    Appropriate, precise, accurate, and thorough documentation of the steps taken to achieve results so that they are consistent and repeatable by others is the cornerstone of any technical activity—from baking to performing surgery to creating software. As a software engineer, a large portion of your responsibility will involve your ability to create software documentation that another engineer could look at and follow to achieve the same results in your absence—as you have been “hit by a bus.”
    Using a combination of screenshots and text directions (arrows, colors, and so on, where necessary), create documentation for the TestOut lab:

    • Week 8 – Configure IP Addresses.
    • Keep in mind that your goal is to create something that is:
    • Appropriate – Documenting steps that are useful.
    • Precise – Documenting the exact commands that you have performed.
    • Accurate – Documenting the correct way of doing it.
    • Thorough – Documenting all of the steps that you have taken to complete the lab.
    • Grammatically Correct.

>English homework help

 in need for a writer must not be plagiarised and need to be done by 7:00 AM/


The Murderer

by Ray Bradbury

Read the attached story. Make sure you understand the irony of calling the prisoner a “murderer.” What is he murdering? How does the psychiatrist and society feel about it?

In a piece of well-developed narrative writing, of no more than 1000 words, write a conclusion in which the characters reflect on what is experienced, observed, or resolved over the course of the narrative. Match the tone and content to the original story.