Computer Science homework help

Using the essential resources, you have read in this module, review the predictive SDLC. What makes it different from and adaptive SDLC and why do you think is commonly known as the ‘waterfall’ method of both project management and software development.

Describe this in no more than 200 words each.

Post your answer to the Module 1.2 Predictive SDLC discussion forum.

Please read other students’ posts and comment on why you agree, disagree or can provide help with another students’ post.

Please reply to at least two other students’ posts.

Nursing homework help

Term Paper

Topic: Evidence Based Practices to Guide Clinical Practices

·       Explain the interrelationship between the theory, research, and EBP.

·       Identify and discuss the research questions, sampling and sampling size, research designs, hypothesis, data collection methods, and research findings from each study.

·       Identify the goals, health outcomes, and implementation strategies in the healthcare setting (EBP) based on the articles.

·       Discuss the credibility of the sources and the research/researchers findings.

·       Minimum 5/maximum 7 page paper (the body of the paper), without the references, in APA format.

·       Minimum of 1 reference per page of the body of the paper (the course textbook must be one of the references), articles must be peer reviewed and must have been published within last 3-5 years.

>Marketing homework help

Thread: How is the retail environment changing/evolving? Define Internet retailing and describe the current state of Internet retailing. How have companies had to adjust their retail strategies as a result? In your discussion, explain the impact of digitization on traditional retailers, brick-and-mortar stores, and the shopping experience, as well as the use of data to meet customers’ needs.

650+ word minimum


Must include and integrate 1 bible verse| 3 scholarly resources less than 5 years old

plagiarism report required

due in 18 hrs.

>Computer Science homework help

  • Risk management plays an important role within the software project management life cycle. Determine at least three techniques that can be used to identify and analyze project risk factors. Rationalize how these techniques can minimize project cost overruns, schedule delays, and defects.
  • Justify an approach that you would use to identify, prioritize, and mitigate risk within a large software development project management life cycle. Include example(s) to justify your answer.

Answer the previous questions in your own words, then respond to the following answer, what are your thoughts in response:

Risk management is a very important part of the software project management lifecycle. It allows us to analyze, review, and plan for possible risks. Some of the techniques for running a successful risk management analysis for the project are:

  • Brianstorming
  • SWOT analysis
  • Risk reponse

    Brainstorming allows the team to work together to identify risks. Working together as a team allows the team to identify risks that they may not identified on their own. SWOT analysis takes a look at the project and systematically categorizes them and can tel lthe team if they are credible threats. Risk response is the company’s ability to respond to the risks and is the game plan to what risks they are willing to accept, negate, or mitigate.

    Not all risks are negative. Occasionally, there are risks that are positive and could be win falls for the company. If your company adds extra insurance for their mobile devices the risk opportunity is they may get a price break on the leases of those devices. This would be a positive for the company or it may turn out as a break even point but in any case it is not a negative.

    If I were a part of a large software development firm working on a project I would do the SWOT analysis first to identify weak points in our strategy and identify risks. I would also work with stakeholders to understand the risk appetite of the company and adjust our strategy accordingly. (2021, February 01). 5 phases of software development life cycle and risk assessment. Retrieved March 01, 2021, from

Everitt, J. (2020, June 17). How to conduct a swot analysis in project management. Retrieved March 01, 2021, from,and%20threats%20they%20may%20face.

Computer Science homework help

Please respond to the following:

  • Teamwork is essential for ensuring that individuals work in a cooperative manner to achieve project goals. Synthesize at least three factors that contribute to efficient and effective software engineering team development.
  • Describe how the dimensions of social styles presented within the text allow project managers to communicate effectively with project team members. Explain the view that communication may be tailored to accommodate the communication styles of individuals based on the dimension of the social styles model.

Include one source

>Applied Sciences homework help

Infants need touch to develop normally. As we grow older, we learn when, how, and where touch is appropriate. This video argues that the physiological components of touch (e.g., the location and intensity of the touch) are processed in one part of the brain, while the emotional aspect of touch is processed in another.

A. Think about when you have received appropriate and inappropriate touches. Are there implicit rules relating to touch? What are they? List and explain at least three rules about when touch is appropriate or inappropriate. Imagine that you are giving these rules to a youngster or teenager.

Accounting homework help


72. Music Measures A choreographed dance is broken into counts. A 1 1 count has one step in a count, a 1 2 count has two steps in a count and a 1 3 count has three steps in a count. How many steps would be in a 1 5 count? What type of count has four steps in it?

73. Music Measures Fractions are used often in music. In 4 4 time, there are four quarter notes in one measure. ⓐ How many measures would eight quarter notes make? ⓑ The song “Happy Birthday to You” has 25 quarter notes. How many measures are there in “Happy Birthday to You?”

74. Baking Nina is making five pans of fudge to serve after a music recital. For each pan, she needs 1 2 cup of walnuts. ⓐ How many cups of walnuts does she need for five pans of fudge? ⓑ Do you think it is easier to measure this amount when you use an improper fraction or a mixed number? Why? Chapter 4 Fractions 295 Writing Exercises

75. Give an example from your life experience (outside of school) where it was important to understand fractions.

76. Explain how you locate the improper fraction 21 4 on a number line on which only the whole numbers from 0 through 10 are marked.

168. Baking A recipe for chocolate chip cookies calls for 3 4 cup brown sugar. Imelda wants to double the recipe. ⓐ How much brown sugar will Imelda need? Show your calculation. Write your result as an improper fraction and as a mixed number. ⓑ Measuring cups usually come in sets of 1 8 , 1 4 , 1 3 , 1 2 , and 1 cup. Draw a diagram to show two different ways that Imelda could measure the brown sugar needed to double the recipe.

169. Baking Nina is making 4 pans of fudge to serve after a music recital. For each pan, she needs 2 3 cup of condensed milk. ⓐ How much condensed milk will Nina need? Show your calculation. Write your result as an improper fraction and as a mixed number. ⓑ Measuring cups usually come in sets of 1 8 , 1 4 , 1 3 , 1 2 , and 1 cup. Draw a diagram to show two different ways that Nina could measure the condensed milk she needs.

170. Portions Don purchased a bulk package of candy that weighs 5 pounds. He wants to sell the candy in little bags that hold 1 4 pound. How many little bags of candy can he fill from the bulk package?

171. Portions Kristen has 3 4 yards of ribbon. She wants to cut it into equal parts to make hair ribbons for her daughter’s 6 dolls. How long will each doll’s hair ribbon be?

172. Explain how you find the reciprocal of a fraction.

173. Explain how you find the reciprocal of a negative fraction.

174. Rafael wanted to order half a medium pizza at a restaurant. The waiter told him that a medium pizza could be cut into 6 or 8 slices. Would he prefer 3 out of 6 slices or 4 out of 8 slices? Rafael replied that since he wasn’t very hungry, he would prefer 3 out of 6 slices. Explain what is wrong with Rafael’s reasoning.

175. Give an example from everyday life that demonstrates how 1 2 · 2 3 is 1 3

Computer Science homework help

Please respond to the following:

  • Organizing and leading software engineering teams requires leadership and extensive practice. Select at least three guidelines that can be used to develop and formulate an effective software engineering team and explain each guideline.
  • Analyze how the complexity of a software project and the size of a team influence the guidelines you selected in Part 1 of this discussion. Include example(s) to support your response.

>Engineering homework help

 Read the case study “The Estimating Problem” on page 734 and then answer the questions on page 735.


1. How many different estimating techniques were discussed in the case?

2. If each estimate is different, how does a project manager decide that one estimate is

better than another?

3. If you were the project manager, which estimate would you use?